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Posts posted by camiar





    "The special anti-graft Sandiganbayan court sentenced Marcos, 89, to serve 6 to 11 years in prison for each of the seven counts of violating an anti-corruption law when she illegally funneled about $200 million to Swiss foundations in the 1970s as Metropolitan Manila governor."



    Tungkol naman dun kay Ressa, I never said she was jailed. She was, however, kept in detention for a night because of what i call "subtle harassment" by the administration. They served the warrant in a way that she would not be able to post bail until the courts opened the next morning.

    As for Imelda's graft conviction, did she steal the $200 Million? Obviously not, because if she did, she would have been in jail now for plunder.

    As for Ressa, she was not jailed as you would have wanted Imelda to be. She was detained. Boo hoo! So sad.

    As Panelo said, blame the lawyers. They have been informed in advance to prepare bail.

    Ressa deliberately ignored it so that she will be detained. She wants to portray to the public that she, the accused, is the victim while the complainant is portrayed as the persecutor..

  2. Although this is a good point, this is also gender discrimination. The Philippines is ranked number 10 in the Global Gender Gap report so although your point is good for business, this may likely be not the case when choosing between a male and a female in prime reproductive age.



    Our ranking was when maternity leave was only 45 days. When it was increased to 60 days, employers started to take notice.


    Now that it almost doubled to 105 days, we will see how it will affect the hiring decisions.

  3. The spelling is secondary, but you probably didn't know you spelled it wrong until it was pointed out.


    But it's really the concept that you didn't understand.


    Dunning-Kruger effect applies to everybody.


    It is more apparent on people with less competence and knowledge of the matter being discussed.


    Based on how often you get trumped every time you butt in, means it applies more to you than to the person you're alluding to.

  4. Universal Health Care Bill and Extended Maternity now certified laws


    Another milestone in this presidency.


    Extended Maternity Law 10 years in the making.


    I have a few issues on the extended maternity leave (increased to 105 days):

    1. 105 days is almost half of employee's total working days in a year. If an employer would have to choose between a male and a female job applicant, both of them in their prime reproductive age, and they have equal qualification and merits, it would make more sense to hire the male applicant on the basis of on-the-job availability alone. This law actually puts women in a less competitive position vs. men in the job market.
    2. While on maternity leave, they are paid in SSS-designated pay rate. There are many cases where they are paid much less than their regular salaries.

    But having said that, I guess family and children comes first. But at what price?

  5. You're a text-book example of someone suffering from Drunning-Kruger effect... such a pity... yet amusing at the same time.


    It's Dunning-Kruger effect.


    It applies to everybody, including you.


    Your ignorance of the term somehow blunted the effect of your attempt at ad hominem.


    Matuto ka kaya muna mag basa. Sinabi ko bang at the same time yun redevelopment at reclamation sa post ko?


    People should seriously stop devolving to Duterte's IQ level...


    First of all, you have already clearly proven to all of us reading your post that you don't know the difference between reclamation and redevelopment, until I pointed it out to you.


    Now you resort to ad hominem because your ignorance got yourself cornered.


    Try coming back after you graduate Grade 12. You're totally outclassed here.

  7. Dear Leni


    Malapit na mid-term elections nakaupo ka pa rin pala sa pwesto.


    Buti pa ang fake vp nakaupo sa pwesto un sinasabing real vp eh outside the kulambo.




    Enjoy your stay ... may it last for another 3 years

    Tawang tawa ako sa signature mo.


    Your description of yourself as the pigeon is just perfect.

  8. Paniwalang paniwala ka sa mga palusot ni Panelo what you fail to see are the minor "inconveniences" given to Ressa. Now before you parrot Panelo and say that Ressa wants "special treatment", let me remind you that 1)libel is just a minor case and 2)the charge is ludicrous to begin with (NBI already found it to be baseless last year). Having said that, one has to ask, why is the DOJ treating Ressa (still innocent until proven guilty and minor case) like she is public enemy #1 while the likes of Imelda Marcos (GUILTY of graft and corruption) doesn't even spend a single minute in jail? This is Ressa's 6th charge and she already spent more money for bail than Marcos who stole billions. Where are the priorities of the Duterte administration?


    Imelda was convicted of graft for setting up a non-profit foundation in Switzerland, which she's not allowed to do as a government official. Yun lang yun.

    Where in the graft conviction did it ever say that she stole billions?

    If she were convicted of stealing billions, she'd be in jail now. The case would not have been graft, but plunder, a non-bailable offense.


    Did Ressa spend any time in jail? When?


    Stick to facts.


    Masyado kang emotional.


    Then you have trouble following the logic: let me give it to you more clearly.


    Nilinis ang Manila Bay, papagandahin ito (dito papasok ang rehab, renewal, redevelopment mo). Ibebenta sa investors. Tapos gagawa ng reclamation dahil may buyer na nga dahil malinis na ang Bay. Then ibebenta yun reclaimed lands parang yun ginawa kung saan nakatayo ngayon ang mga Casino na pag aari ng Chinese.


    Of course, isa lang ito sa possible scenerio.


    anong pinagsasabi mong ibebenta sa investors? Ang investors ang gagawa ng renewal at redevelopment projects. The government will set the rules and guidelines on how to preserve the heritage sites and the compliance to zoning rules.


    Ang reclamation projects, on the other hand ay "development", hindi "redevelopment".


    Magkakaroon ng reclamation sa Sangley Point para sa new International Gateway Airport. Meron ding new city development planned on an area to be reclaimed near the Harbor area (hindi sa bay shore). Tatagal pa yan.


    Mag-research ka kasi muna bago ka bumanat. Halatang di mo alam ang sinasalihan mong discussion. Palagay ko, base sa mga banat mo, di ka pa college level. Hindi puede ang Grade School student sa discussion dito.

  10. The government's beef against Ressa is that she heads a foreign-funded propaganda arm masquerading as a news organization. In addition, Rappler violates the country's rules of incorporation. That is one case.


    This new one is a totally different case.


    Maria Ressa was sued for cyber libel by a private individual.


    The case went through due process in court (note: Judicial branch, not the Executive branch). She was informed by the court about the case filed against her and was given enough time to prepare to post bail. She deliberately ignored the advise and she allowed herself to be arrested to gain media mileage.


    It is a private libel case being handled in a the court of justice.


    Whatever the so called "international community" say, they cannot do anything about a private case.


    Let the case move on.



    BTW, to those who are ignorant about international relations, "International Community" refers to governments of countries. The official opinions of governments are given as official pronouncements by their respective Foreign Affairs Department. Opinions of individuals, whoever they are, are considered private opinions if it is not declared through Foreign Affairs , and therefore not part of "International Community" response.

  11. Being scared of leftists and professional squatter syndicates means that Bautista is a lame-duck mayor when it comes to making the difficult decisions.


    Yes, maybe the media will have a grand time getting news mileage but do you think anyone will care about these squatters aside from the opportunistic leftists and "yellowtards"? If the media magnifies it and sees that it does not improve ratings, these media outfits would k*ll the issue as soon as possible.


    Speaking of emotions, that is what the "yellows" are hoping for. Unfortunately for them, the Filipino has matured and don't just fall prey to these "yellowtards" who use emotion instead of reason to get the result they want.

    I'm not saying they are scared of the leftists and professional squatters. But these groups are more powerful than the individual mayors.


    These squatter coddlers have cultivated and developed tacit support from politicians at higher levels (national level politicians).


    Did you ever see any congressman or senator openly siding with city governments in the demolition and clearing operations of squatters? No, because the leftists and professional squatter syndicates are selling the squatters' votes to these trapos. These people want to keep the poor in their miserable conditions to keep them dependent on the patronage system.

  12. During her term, GMA started going after the Hacienda Luisita to give it back to its rightful owners. She politically suffered greatly from it when the oligarchs ganged up on her. They vilified her so thoroughly over the decade that many Filipinos believed the lie they peddled about her.


    Oligarchs fear that Hacienda Luisita can become a precedent to wrest away from them the ill gotten properties that they snatched away from the people in the past generations.


    Now GMA is back in the current administration who is not beholden to the oligarchs. The fight against the stranglehold of oligarchs and their US backers continues.

  13. The mayor controls the police. He can direct the police to take out these squatters, especially, the ones squatting on government land. However, he should have a relocation plan for the squatters.


    I blame the incompetent and dumb Cory Aquino for squatter proliferation.


    Bautista is forbidden to run since this is his third trrm. Joy Belmonte is one of the mayoralty candidates in QC.


    Using the police is the city mayor's last resort. Demolition of squatter dwellings is a very politically sensitive issue.


    The leftists and the professional squatter syndicates will use it as an excuse to escalate the issue and call it heartless repression of the poor.


    They will incite a riot, provoke the police to shoot, hoping that somebody gets injured, or better yet, die. The media will have a grand time getting news mileage out of it.


    The city government will lose the battle of emotions.

  14. Yes, he may not be behind it but he could have stopped it. If he had the political will, the proliferation of these "sitios", which are effectively squatter colonies, can be stopped. This is Bautista's last term and I hope the next mayor will do a better job than the younger brother of Janice De Belen in Flordeluna. :lol:

    He could not have stopped it.


    Going after the professional squatting syndicate is beyond political will. Jun Simon started the squatter problem but none of the succeeding mayors had the "political will" to reverse the situation. Including Bistek.


    Again, it is a matter of choice on who can do a better job. Who is running against Bistek?

  15. Then youre the one who is out of context. You quoted my post and I was specifically referring to reclamation and it was that very phrase that you highlighted. If other people are talking about redevelopnent or renewal, take it up with them.


    Butting in my topic and changing the context just to make it seem youre right is pathetic. Tsk tsk.


    Back to the original train of thought: it remains to be seen if this is indeed based on a benevolent masterplan or if its just a product of a drinking session or if it just a way to generate good publicity for the upcoming elections.

    Back read on your own posts and see for yourself. We were talking cleanup, not reclamation.


    Bayshore clean up has nothing to do with reclamation. And reclamation has nothing to do with Manila's urban renewal and redevelopment. But the cleanup has sparked interest in urban renewal and redevelopment.


    Aminin mo na. Hindi mo alam ang ibig sabihin ng "reclamatiion", "urban renewal", at "redevelopment".


    The sooner you do that, the less you suffer.

  16. Correct me if i am wrong but when Bautista increased the land tax a couple of years back, a percentage if that tax was dedicated to squatters. I forgot the exact purpose but it had something to do with squatters.

    Quezon City Council (not necessarily the mayor) effectively raised the taxes by 500% when they updated the Fair Market Values of real estates which has remained unchanged since 22 years ago (1996).


    The move was challenged in court but the Supreme Court sided with the City Government.


    Even with an SC ruling in their favor, the council suspended the implementation of the tax hike. The hike would have generated additional revenue close to a billion pesos per year to the city treasury.


    I don't know what exactly the squatters have to do with the issue, but definitely, the additional revenue can support mass housing projects, for one.

  17. Sustainable development ba kamo thru reclamation? When all environment advocates agree it would be disastrous? Without proper research, theyve already approved numerous reclamation projects that havent even been reviewed by DENR yet. And theyve relegated the DENR to mere advisors to said projects.


    Property developers to develop binondo, intramuros ba kamo? By building commercial areas and residential condos in cultural heritage sites? Obviously you lack the capacity to understand things beyond what your god tells you to.

    Do you know the difference between the words I used: "urban renewal" and "redevelopment" vs. your words "reclamation"?


    Do you know how to use Google to learn the meaning of those words? Better start learning how.


    You're totally clueless about what's being discussed in this thread. You're a laughing stock of readers here. Maawa ka naman sa sarili mo.



    The plan is to renew and redevelop Manila to make it again the center of trade, finance, commerce, and cultural heritage, fitting to it's being the country's Capital City." - you believe this? Lol.


    When you have Local Chief is the like of Erap, it will never happen!

    The plan will be implemented by the national government, not by the city mayor.


    The Manila Bay Sustainable Development Master Plan is the National Government's plan. The approval authority in the implementation is the Office of the President.


    Which part of the "...redevelopment plan on the national level..." did you fail to understand?

  19. Yes...votes... that could just be what they’re after. What remains to be seen is the follow-through after the election. Will Manila Bay remain clean afterwards or will it come back to the way it was, as has been the cycle everytime the Bay gets “cleaned up”?


    Another theory going around is that they may have cleaned it up in order to sell it to investors. That could be why PD transferred the power of approval of reclamation projects to his office.


    Clean up the bay shore to sell it? The only person I know who would be gullible enough to buy any part of Manila Bay waters is you.


    But a clean bay shore area would get the interest of property developers to join the urban renewal and redevelopment plan around Binondo, Ermita, Intramuros, Malate, Paco, Pandacan, Sta Mesa, Tondo, Port Area, the Bay Area all the way to Pasay and Cavite.


    We're talking about a redevelopment plan on the national level. That is why the power of approval has to be elevated to the Office of the President.


    The plan is to renew and redevelop Manila to make it again the center of trade, finance, commerce, and cultural heritage, fitting to it's being the country's Capital City.


    The Bay Area in particular, is getting attention due to a memorandum of understanding (MoU) recently signed by the Philippine and Dutch governments seeking the sustainable development and management of the entire area. The clean-up drive is just one of the sustaining programs that is part of the Manila Bay Sustainable Development Master Plan.


    TK, your ignorance is appalling. Mag-research ka naman para di ka palaging sablay sa mga banat mo.

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