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Posts posted by camiar

  1. Hahaha. Kahit if i take your poor excuse as an explanation hindi pa din sapat na sagot yan. Japan has almost as many islands/ shoreline than the philippines. Poor o may drug problem ba sila?

    Tawang tawa ka sa ka-ignorantehan mo.


    The issue is our inability to guard our shoreline, which is what Duterte's message is all about -- a point which you deliberately missed to mislead readers.


    He's not talking about poverty.


    Stick to the issue. It will help you credibility.


    ^^^So petty. So desperate that this paid troll resorts to cropping statements just to mis-inform.

    Let's look at the entire report:

    In a speech before barangay leaders in Pasay City, Duterte said the recovery of cocaine bricks in the country's waters point to the entry of the Medellin group of Colombia in the Philippines.

    "We are facing a serious problem. Pumasok na ang cartel Medellin [ng] Colombia kaya nga maraming nakikitang cocaine," Duterte said.

    Duterte said illegal drugs were being produced in old trawlers, then attached to GPS devices before being thrown into the sea.

    The illegal packages would then be traced and retrieved by drug traffickers.

    He said it would be very challenging to guard the country's entire shoreline to prevent the entry of illegal drugs.

    "We are in danger dahil on the right side, ang Mexico, ang Medellin, Colombia, pumapasok. Dito kung makikita mo lumulutang shabu, cocaine. At mahirap ang Pilipinas dahil pinakamahabang shoreline," Duterte said.

    "Kulang tayo. So I cannot afford na may isang patrol dito, island per island, ganun kahirap," he added.

    Those who heard his speech in full definitely understood his message in the proper context.

    People know very well that Tagalog is not Duterte's native dialect.

    Paid trolls will not understand.

    They're too busy looking for the negative spin.



    Ferris Wheel, isa ka pa.


    Back Read!


    Magbasa ka, para di magmukhang tanga.


    Having backread 13 pages of the Senate Election thread, have to agree with you on this. I was looking for informed posts and a healthy exchange of opinions dealing with platforms and track records on laws passed. The agri issue you brought up is important. So are the WPS and the Mindanao issues. Instead there was way too much noise on the same rehashed issues. Each page of the thread runs almost identically to the one before it. Gets real tiring real fast. Can we consider someone a troll and ignore them if they can't even post their choices for senate?

    Aahhh! Your post is like cool gentle rain on a parched land.


    Mr. W.B. continuously bangs his head against the wall on irrelevant issues so long as the discussions are diverted away from real issues like good governance and performance track records.


    No surprise though. That's how the likes of him earn their living.

  4. I told the troll that I will not quote its anti-Imee posts that it started pero pinapatos talaga yung mga post ko kay Imee kahit hindi para sa kanya. Its posts have no depth and are just cheap gossip. :lol:

    His intention is to make the issue as visible as long as possible, to get maximum exposure mileage, just the way yellow mainstream media is doing now in TV and tabloid gossip to sway public opinion against Imee.


    Just this morning, ANC is airing an interview with Etta Rosales on the same issue.


    It's a well organized vilification campaign against candidates whom oligarchs and vested interest groups cannot control.


    Is it just a coincidence that Cynthia Villar, Imee Marcos, Juan Ponce Enrile, Sara Duterte, Nancy Binay belong to families that are not subservient to the oligarchs and US vested interests?

  5. Haha! Another laughable ad hominem from a hopeless and useless yellow troll who cant prove that Imee did not graduate from. Sisiw kang supalpalin troll. You still cant back up your dumb allegation with indisputable proof. Continue making a fool of yourself. You are putatively limited to posting ad hominems against Imee. Kawawa ka nanan, troll. Haha! :lol:

    OK lang sa kanya na masupalpal.


    The more you engage him, the more posts he can make on the same topic.


    More posts, more pay.


    Their intent is to keep other readers of this thread constantly reminded of their chosen topic. For now, it's Imee's alleged lying about her education.


    Repeat the propaganda over and over and people will eventually perceive it as truth.


    Don't you notice, they don't even bother to respond to legitimate issues about what laws and policies the Senators should focus on?

  6. REAL ISSUE ? Paid issue?


    How long have you been re-posting that issue all over this forum?


    That's how issues are weaponized to destroy a person's reputation.


    Tell a lie often enough and people will eventually perceive it as truth.


    That's what your handlers hope to achieve.


    That's exactly what you're being paid to do.

  7. ^^^So petty. So desperate that this paid troll resorts to cropping statements just to mis-inform.

    Let's look at the entire report:

    In a speech before barangay leaders in Pasay City, Duterte said the recovery of cocaine bricks in the country's waters point to the entry of the Medellin group of Colombia in the Philippines.

    "We are facing a serious problem. Pumasok na ang cartel Medellin [ng] Colombia kaya nga maraming nakikitang cocaine," Duterte said.

    Duterte said illegal drugs were being produced in old trawlers, then attached to GPS devices before being thrown into the sea.

    The illegal packages would then be traced and retrieved by drug traffickers.

    He said it would be very challenging to guard the country's entire shoreline to prevent the entry of illegal drugs.

    "We are in danger dahil on the right side, ang Mexico, ang Medellin, Colombia, pumapasok. Dito kung makikita mo lumulutang shabu, cocaine. At mahirap ang Pilipinas dahil pinakamahabang shoreline," Duterte said.

    "Kulang tayo. So I cannot afford na may isang patrol dito, island per island, ganun kahirap," he added.

    Those who heard his speech in full definitely understood his message in the proper context.

    People know very well that Tagalog is not Duterte's native dialect.

    Paid trolls will not understand.

    They're too busy looking for the negative spin.

  8. The graduation issue is a desperate tactic to discredit Gov. Marcos... because the Otso Derecho candidates are wallowing in ignominy at the bottom of the senatorial list.


    One of my colleagues used to believe the yarn, but changed his mind when I pointed out to him the irrelevance of the college degree.


    I reminded him of the governor's track record in governance, and why many are set to vote for her, and why she is already in the magic 12.


    Performance and good governance is the new criteria now.


    Something Mar Roxas and the LP stooges of the past administration cannot hope take credit for.

  9. Simple lang akong mag-isip.


    Nung nag graduate ako sa UP, alam kong di ako makaka-attend ng graduation ceremonies kung hindi ako qualified mag-graduate. Kasi, di ako makakasama sa listahan.


    Kung nakita kong nag-martsa yung schoolmate ko, di ko na sya hihingan ng prueba kung may diploma ba sya.


    Kung sakali namang tatakbo sya sa pulitika, hindi ko rin sya hahanapan ng diploma, kasi, di naman requirement ang diploma para tumakbo sa eleksyon.


    whenever a law is passed giving more benefits, there would always be a question "where would we get funds for this?" or "who will carry the burden?"


    the law may have specifically stated that the leave benefit would be shouldered by the SSS, but this is with the caveat that the employee should be in an occupation that is subject and reported for SSS coverage


    but if i were to be asked, i believe this is a good law, not a perfect one but one that puts social legislation into focus and I totally support it


    but that doesnt mean that this law wont pose problems in the long run, like what has been said, it may result into discrimination into acceptance of women employees


    i think the government now should focus on strengthening the local businesses/economy in order to balance this social legislation

    The funds for expanded maternity leave will automatically come from SSS.


    Who will carry the burden? The SSS members.


    One solution to lighten the burden is to expand the base.


    Right now, only 15% of the workforce are in the formal sector while 85% of the workforce are in the informal sector (unregistered and without business permit).


    The government and the industries must work together to encourage (or pressure?) the informal sector to register their businesses and enroll their employees into the SSS.


    The more workers in the SSS membership, the less burden for each member.

  11. Another Rigoberto Tiglao's article on Maria Ressa:


    Ressa’s sickening culture of impunity, and her patent lies against us




    Highlights of the article:


    "...WE should be outraged at the lies Maria Ressa, the president of the news website Rappler, has been spreading all over the world in order to cover up her and her media outfit’s violations of the law.

    "...In her speech ... in New York on November 21,...Ressa portrayed the country as one where press freedom has been suppressed by the Duterte administration, and that only she and Rappler are “carrying the torch of freedom.”

    "....It is not Duterte she is really bashing, but us Filipinos, including journalists, who she in effect is saying are cowards who have stopped fighting for democracy...."

    "... journalism professor Sheila Coronel who worked for Ressa’s award... [said]: “The Philippine press has been cowed by threats. Not Rappler, not Maria... Does Coronel really believe that the Manila Bulletin, Philippine Star, the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Bulgar, and of course, The Manila Times, are so afraid of Duterte that they have been cowed? Does she think the likes of Carmen Pedrosa, Ramon Tulfo, Dick Pascual, Alex Magno, Jarius Bondoc, Jay Sonza — veteran journalists with track records in fearless journalism a hundred times hers and Ressa’s — are so afraid of Duterte?..."

    "...To bolster her claim that the Duterte administration is “perverting the rule of law” by filing baseless charges against her, she claimed that the “tax evasion” cases against her falsely reclassified “Rappler as a dealer of securities.” (Note: the cases were not for tax evasion but outright tax fraud.)..."

    "... The Bureau of Internal Revenue and the justice department discovered that in their tax-fraud scheme, Ressa and other stockholders created in 2015 a holding company Rappler Holdings (that they themselves owned). This shell company bought up all the shares of the news site for P19 million. A big chunk of these shares was then sold in the form of Philippine Depositary Receipts (PDRs) to two American companies, Northbase Media and Omidyar Network, for P182 million. Rappler Holdings therefore received a windfall revenue of at least P150 million, for which it didn’t pay income taxes nor value-added taxes..."

    "...Ressa undertook this stupid and illegal corporate maneuver in order to stop the Securities and Exchange Commission’s investigation that year that could only have led to its conclusion that by getting foreign funds, Rappler violated the Constitution that bans foreigners from owning media in any form and, therefore, must be closed down..."

    "... Solita Monsod and Fulgencio Factoran, are the most prominent members of [Rappler's] board now.... Monsod and Factoran’s coming onto the board has raised rumors that a Yellow oligarch or two, or the Liberal Party itself, are now bankrolling Rappler, especially as the Inquirer appears to have toned down a notch its former anti-Duterte stance. I would believe that rumor: Not once has Rappler criticized former President Aquino 3rd nor his sidekick Mar Roxas nor the Yellow Cult..."

    "...It wasn’t the Duterte government that asked me to “plant” these claims on social media. I have had a passion in exposing foreign control and involvement in industries restricted by the Constitution, as in telecoms and power, a big chunk of which the Indonesian magnate Anthoni Salim controls.

    "...Ressa is deep into a culture of impunity from the Constitution and our laws. She recklessly took in foreign money into her media firm, prohibited by the Constitution. She ignored our tax laws..."

    "...But when she is called to answer for such violations, she in effect says that the Constitution and our laws do not apply to her. She claims government is simply harassing her because Rappler has been critical of Duterte..."

    "...At least the more professional journalists at the Inquirer, whose owners lost the lucrative Mile Long commercial area they had held through several administrations, are not making that insanely lame excuse..."

  12. Yeah ok you guys just keep defending Tiglao. It will only reflect on your credibility. How can one be credible if the only news sources they read are biased?


    Just so the readers here know a bit of who you Camiar and Will Robie is, here's a little info:


    Will Robie - Against mainstream media. Gets his information from We Are Collective, and Rigoberto Tiglao and sometimes Contreras.


    Camiar - Also against mainstream media. Gets his news from "friends in the know" daw yata. Tama ba yun Camiar? I can't remember excactly what you said before, but it was something like you couldn't share it because it is highly confidential. Tama ba ko Camiar?

    Alam mo Juan Tamad aka Mr. All-cock-and-no-balls Rooster, aka Mr. W.B.,


    I have no interest whatsoever in knowing whether you believe me or not.


    The readers here can discern for themselves the credibility of my posts.


    So far, in my more than 4,000 posts in various threads, so far no one has ever debunked any of my posts as a fabrication or lie. I know so. I vet my sources of information carefully. And yes, they're not all from mainstream media or in your case, tabloids.


    But in your 400 or so posts, how many times were you proven wrong?


    In terms of credibility, you're way, way short of our league.


    True, but when is SSS maternity benefit even enough? Its always lower than the salaries you get and you have higher expenses now coz of the baby.

    One of our employee even reported to work after 2 weeks and she had cesarean. She's the one insisted so our HR just require a certificate from her doctor.


    That's the problem with the Expanded Maternity Leave Act.


    There's not enough benefits to make the 105 days worthwhile.


    The informal sector (small and medium scale businesses without official registration or business permits) employs 85% of the labor force of around 43 million.


    Women in the informal sector will never hope to enjoy the expanded maternity leave. The majority of them don't have SSS coverage.


    Those fortunate enough to be employed in the formal sector (15%) have SSS coverage. But these employees are paid higher than the rates given by SSS for maternity pay. So, most of them opt out of the extended leave benefits and would rather work for higher pay.

  14. This is one of Tiglao's articles explaining how Maria Ressa has been selling her services to the US interest groups and to the yellow oligarchs that lead to her troubles now:


    It's an eye-opener on who Maria Ressa really is:


    The truth about Ressa and her vilification of Duterte


    IF not for Maria Ressa and Rappler’s vilification campaign against President Duterte and the Philippines, and her success in getting foreign media entities to portray her as a heroine of press freedom, her journalism career would have crashed years ago.

    Ressa is therefore unlikely to give up her portrayal of herself as a victim of the suppression of the press in a country which she says has a media that have been cowed.

    In the description of her in Rappler and in other foreign award-giving sites, she is portrayed as a distinguished journalist who was given more than seven awards by international media outfits, including one as Time magazine’s “Person of the Year.”

    This were all given only in 2018 after Ressa, with the help of Yellow forces, managed to portray internationally as instances of Duterte’s alleged authoritarianism the actions of two state agencies in upholding our rule of law.

    First, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s ruled that it had violated the constitutional ban on foreign money in media. And second, the National Bureau of Investigation decided to pursue a private citizens’ libel charge against Ressa.

    That is, in just a year of her efforts in portraying the Philippines as under authoritarian rule, Ressa got at least seven awards and international acclaim (or sympathy). In contrast, she couldn’t get a single such award in her 16 years with CNN.

    (The Wikipedia entry on Ressa reports that she received an Overseas Press Club Award for Best Documentary and the National Headliner Award for Investigative Journalism, presumably before 2018. The two awards’ websites though do not report her receiving such honors.)

    Three elephants
    I had admired Ressa for her audacity in going into broadcast media which, especially in the US, has three elephants in their news studios, which would have quickly trampled her.

    First is its bias against non-whites. Second is the bias for staff whose physical features conform to Anglo-Saxon notions of beauty. And third is the bias against women. A cursory research makes this point obvious. CNN has about 200 anchors and correspondents. How many are black females? Two. How many of Asian descent? Three. How many aren’t Anglo-Saxon lookers? None.

    This is not my opinion but the result of numerous scholarly studies on US media and its biases. US media outfits’ rush to defend Ressa, I suspect, is an instance of their hypocrisy and their collective guilt for their bigotry.

    Ressa managed to stay long at CNN because a major concern of US and its media minions had emerged: The outbreak of Islamic terrorism in the Philippines and in Indonesia. CNN exploited her: Ressa’s looks and her family links in the two countries (one parent is Indonesian, I was told, but cannot confirm) made it easy for her to access sources among terrorists and government.

    Despite her coverage though, the three elephants in CNN’s news studios eventually got to kick her out. I was told that she was given that “resign or be fired” kind of message by CNN early in 2003, when she was Jakarta bureau chief. And she thought she could be CNN’s next Cristiane Amanpour, her career idol. Did you notice that CNN as an institution didn’t issue a statement in support of its former staff?

    Resign or be fired
    ABS-CBN recruited her in 2004 to head its news division, the idea of its president then, a purportedly marketing genius, Freddie Garcia, who argued that Ressa would give the oligarch-owned station the “CNN sheen” of excellence. Chairman Gabby Lopez was said to have been delighted that he would be seen as the Philippines’ Ted Turner.

    Ressa though proved to be a big headache for Lopez, insiders in the network reported. (See for instance https://www.thedailysentry.net/2018/10/a-scandalous-mess-that-maria-ressa-of.html?m=1)

    Did you notice that neither ABS-CBN, nor its media bigwigs like its president Charo Santos, Luchie Cruz-Valdez, Karen Davila and Charie Villa have spoken a word in defense of their former colleague, a “kabaro” at that? Yellow leader Mar Roxas – if not for his wife Korina Sanchez – would have raised a howl over Ressa’s “persecution,” but didn’t.

    All these women despised Ressa, for various reasons, and bugged Lopez to fire her. Many in the network, even Lopez’s conservative relatives, were allegedly also scandalized over Ressa’s open lesbian relationship with Lilibeth Frondoso — married but separated — who became some kind of power in the network because of her closeness to the controversial news head. Gabby’s mestizo executives and friends incessantly asked him: “Are you really comfortable with Ressa being the face of ABS-CBN?”

    Gabby Lopez, I was told by insiders, got the excuse to give Ressa the “resign-or-be-fired” message when he got undeniable proof that she was moonlighting, that is, giving interviews, for a fee, on Philippine developments with CNN and other US media outfits (whom she would later tap to raise a howl against the libel charge against her). Her services to ABS-CBN was exclusive, according to her contract.

    End of career
    That would have been the end of Ressa’s career in broadcast media. The Philippine broadcast industry is a small, gossipy world, and no other media enterprise — even Manuel Pangilinan’s new Channel 5 to whom she sent feelers to join — would take her in. Al-Jazeera, which had been pirating CNN broadcasters, was run by British executives and had the same three elephants of bigotry in their studies.

    While her work in covering terrorists in the Philippines and Indonesia got her to be a consultant in academic and intelligence institutions in the US, her expertise in Islamic jihad became gradually doubted because of her exaggeration of the extent of the network of the Islamist jihadists in Southeast Asia, and her conclusion that these were all directed by al-Qaeda.

    For instance, in her 2012 book Seeds of Terror: An Eyewitness Account of Al-Qaeda’s Newest Center,” Ressa claimed that the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) was really a part of al-Qaeda, and that its Camp Abubakr was a sprawling training camp for the Bin Laden terrorist group.

    She even stridently criticized former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for undertaking peace talks with the insurgent groups, and even reported claims that her military sold arms to the MILF. In a self-serving way since she had covered two countries in the region that had Muslim terrorists, Ressa’s thesis was that Southeast Asia — because Indonesia had the biggest Muslim population while the Philippines was weak in fighting terrorists — would be the center of Islamic jihad in the world.

    Obviously, subsequent events — the peace agreement with the MILF and the decline of al-Qaeda as well as Bin Laden’s killing — made Ressa’s expertise passé, if not inaccurate. The US and the West’s main concern became the rise of the Islamic State, which was far, far beyond Ressa’s world of Southeast Asian jihadists. Her narrow field of expertise in journalism, Islamic jihad in Southeast Asia, became useless.

    That would have been the end of Ressa’s journalistic career which would have been devastating for her immense ego which, going by accounts of those who have worked with her, compensated for her diminutive size and looks.

    She found a new career when the Benigno Aquino 3rd camp, after he assumed power in 2010, had the brilliant idea of setting up a news website, in order to control the emerging world of social media, and to form a tag team with the Philippine Daily Inquirer the Yellows had their thumbs on.

    The plan became urgent when Aquino decided to undertake the unprecedented project of removing the Chief Justice, Renato Corona. It was his clan’s last-resort move to control the Supreme Court so it would rule that the agrarian-reform compensation for his clan’s Hacienda Luisita would be P10 billion, not the P200 million the Agrarian Reform department calculated it should be.

    Rappler officially went online Jan. 1, 2012 a few days before Corona’s impeachment trial started, with even its first major story — symbolically? — a false one that claimed that the Chief Justice cheated to get his PhD, which is still posted by the website.

    As my colleague Yen Makabenta wrote yesterday: “Rappler served as cheerleader for every sordid turn in the impeachment trial up to the very end; it said nothing when the prosecution was caught manufacturing evidence, and when Aquino was exposed in his bribery of the senator-jurors.”

    Vicious, false articles
    Rappler competed in posting having vicious, false articles that demonized Corona with the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

    It was in fact Rappler’s enthusiasm in vilifying Corona to justify its existence to its Yellow overlords that got it into trouble

    It reported in May 2012 that Corona was using an SUV owned by a Filipino businessmen involved in “human trafficking and drug smuggling.” Of course, that angered the businessmen so much he has pursued a libel case against Rappler.

    Ressa has cried to the world that it was just Duterte wanting to suppress Rappler.

    Because of its huge technology expenses to build a big audience in cyberspace and its above-industry salaries for Ressa and his gang, Rappler got to the brink of bankruptcy, especially when the Yellows lost power in 2016. The Yellows had difficulties bankrolling it either covertly or overtly such as through contracts with the tourism department. (Because of its success in portraying Duterte as an authoritarian though, Rappler appears to have been recently infused with new Yellow money: Its two new board directors were with Cory Aquino’s high officials, Solita Monsod and Fulgencio Factoran.)

    An American, Ressa tapped his contacts with the help of Yellow supporters in New York, and got two US outfits, Omidyar Network and North Base Media to invest P100 million in the website to save it from going under.

    SEC ruling
    An American, Ressa probably had never read the Philippine Constitution with its ban on foreigners in media, or she had such a culture of impunity that she thought she could ignore the laws of this puny nation. The Securities and Exchange Commission ruled that indeed Rappler was in violation of the Constitution and must be dissolved.

    Ressa panicked and claimed first, that the foreign money was donated to its managers. When that proved impossible (the managers told her they can’t pay for the taxes for such gifts), she claimed that the investments were in the form of securities, the kind PLDT and ABS-CBN use to go around the constitutional ban on foreign money in media.

    Oops! The Bureau of Internal Revenue read about her explanation, studied it for months, and ruled that Rappler’s issuance of securities generated capital gains, which therefore must be taxed. Rappler evaded such payment of P133 million in taxes, the BIR concluded. The Justice department had to agree with the BIR and filed a tax evasion case against Ressa and her executives.

    Ressa cried to the world that she is being persecuted. Ressa has vilified her country of birth for her egoistic ambitions.

    American media are automatically biased against a Third World leader who doesn’t pay obeisance to the US, and after all this puny country is not that important to fact-check the lies a fellow American tells them.



    I dont give a s@%t about Tiglao's credentials. He is obviously biased and that makes him NOT credible.

    That post is not for you.


    It is for the other readers to know how imbecilic it is to trust Madeleine Albright just because her name is famous, and reject somebody who has first hand knowledge of our country's political and economic issues just because he has anti American views.


    It is for other readers who would read the links I posted to provide them with informed opinion.



    Para kang tanga. Sinabi ko na nga hindi ko point i-discuss yung kaso ni Imelda eh. Pilit pang ibinabalik. Ang point ko lang ulit, para sa mga hindi marunong magbasa kagaya mo, is to compare the gravity of her offense to Ressas and how they babied Imelda vs harrassed Ressa.

    Bakit mo kasi ipinipilit isali si Imelda?


    Pareho ba silang journalist?


    Naging First Lady o Government Official ba si Maria Ressa?


    Wala silang kinalaman sa isa't isa.


    Sino ngayon ang tanga sa pag-sali kay Imelda sa usapan kahit walang sense? Ikaw, di ba?


    Sino ang tanga na nag-akalang ninakaw yung $200 million na inilagay sa Swiss foundation? Ikaw, di ba?


    What makes you think that the distinguished people i quoted have no clue what is happening? These guys are smart and credible and they didn't get their status by making uninformed comments.


    And besides, if there is someone who is a position to say that they are clueless and uninformed, it should be someone who is equally credible - NOT someone who gets his news from WE ARE COLLECTIVE and RIGOBERTO TIGLAO :lol:


    Are you implying that you know Madeleine Albright so well that you find her more credible than Rigoberto Tiglao?


    Rigoberto Tiglao:

    • Graduated from UP and Ateneo
    • Political prisoner during Martial Law
    • Co-founder of Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism
    • Past President of Foreign Correspondents' Association of the Philippines (FOCAP)
    • Former Ambassador to Greece and Cyprus
    • Best News Reporter by the Catholic Mass Media Awards
    • Best Economic Journalist for Asia in 1991
    • Ten Outstanding Young Men for Print Journalism, 1992
    • Reporter/Correspondent/Columnist/Editor: Business Day, Manila Chronicle, Daily Inquirer, Far East Economic Review, The Manila Times
    • Author of several books in Economics and Politics based on his Investigative Journalism Works.

    Between Madeleine and Rigoberto, I'll choose him as more credible on Philippine affairs.


    Here is Rigoberto Tiglao's post on how Ressa's employers put up PhP 30 MIllion for her legal defense:




    Partly, Tiglao wrote:


    " DON’T fall for the Yellows and US media’s portrayal of Rappler CEO Maria Ressa as a poor, helpless journalist being persecuted by the powerful state apparatus of the Philippine government.

    As an American citizen, she is protected by the most powerful nation on earth. Its embassy indeed issued a statement right after her arrest that said that it hopes “her case will be resolved quickly in accordance with relevant Philippine law and international standards of due process.”

    But Ressa is being protected not just by her government. Pierre Omidyar, one of the US’ richest men, and founder of eBay (with its subsidiary Paypal) and now also a Hawaii and California property tycoon, will be paying for Ressa’s lawyers.

    The shadowy tycoon’s Omidyar Network and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) which he funds “have set up a $500,000 legal defense fund for Ressa,” according to a two-part investigative article in mintpressnews.com, a website that has gained a reputation as an independent news outfit with formidable research skills (Read the article here: https://www.mintpressnews.com/ebay-founder-pierre-omidyar-is-funding-a-global-media-information-war/255199/).

    It was also Omidyar Network which, together with North Base Media, that saved Rappler from going under in 2015 when the two entities invested P100 million into the firm, which had been nearly abandoned by its initial funders...."

    "...(One of North Base Media’s founders, Sasa Vucinic, is believed to have been involved in the destabilization of Yugoslavia that led to its disintegration in 1992. Three years after, Vucinic set up the Media Development Investment Fund with seed money from billionaire George Soros, who has been well-documented to have an appetite for regime change in countries that break away from US vassalage.)"



    Nanjan na nga nakasulat sa article "she illegally funnelled $200 million to Swiss foundations..." todo deny pa. As to why she is not in jail well, if you havent noticed by now, in the Philippines, people who are rich and powerful DO NOT go to jail, and if they do, it is only temporary.



    Masyado kang emotional.


    Pati si Imelda, isasali mo pa sa kaso ni Ressa. Para kang si TK. Walang logic ang mga banat.


    The act of funneling the $200 Million to the Swiss foundation was illegal because as a government official, she is not allowed to do that.


    But the $200 Million was not stolen. If they had proven that she stole it, she'd be in jail for plunder. She's not in jail, right?


    Gamit lang ng konting logic pag may time, ok?

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