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Posts posted by camiar

  1. If Bautista had political will, he can relocate these squatters but that would also mean relocating votes.


    Like I said, I am a witness to "sitios" sprouting in Fairview.


    Regarding Bautista being anti-business, I don't think so. What mayor would shut down a business which would mean income for a city? Unless the mayor had personal interest in a business.

    So, the accusation that Bistek is anti-business seems to be unfounded.


    The accusation that Bistek is pro-squatter still have to be substantiated. The sprouting of squatter sitios in Fairview doesn't mean he is behind it. Professional squatters are a powerful group with links to leftist political parties, trapo ward leaders, and corrupt city officials. They are the city governments' big headache.

  2. The part of Manila Bay they show in the pictures that they cleaned up is only a small portion. It remains to be seen if the rest of the bay area is as clear of garbage as they show.


    As I said the question I posed cannot be answered at this time, we will only know the true answer once the May polls has passed, if this is something that they will sustain or it was just one of many publicity stunts to get more votes.

    Yes, a small portion of the entire Manila Bay shoreline.


    But look at the positive reaction of the people.


    It reinforces their belief that Du30 can lead them to a better and cleaner Manila Baywalk just as effectively as Boracay achievement.


    Boracay clean-up was done in holistic, total-system approach where the source of pollutants are addressed.


    The people believe in the political will, competence, and leadership of the current administration to solve the problem.


    That will translate into votes this coming May.


    No need to point it out Camiar, sa nangyari pa lang sa account na gamit ko. TOTALLY OUTCLASSED ka na.


    As expected sa taong hindi makasagot ng matino. Bumaba sa level ng pag-ngawa. GENIUS!!

    Dyson aka Poso-Negro, kagagawa mo pa lang ng new account banat ka na naman ng sablay? So butt hurt that you forget how to organize your thoughts?


    What's your issue dito sa post mo? Walang substance ang post mo.


    Your new alternick Poso-Negro is very apt to the sewage level you have sunk yourself into.


    Do you even know the meaning of the word "outclassed"? It's painted all over your choice of alternick!

  4. Let’s see if the Manila Bay cleanup is a poltical move timed with the incoming mid-term election or if it’s a permanent move. From what I can see, if the rivers that lead up to it isn’t rehabilitated as well, then all those garbage and $£!+s they remove would just come back when the storm season starts.

    The current administration is a far cry from the inept past administration that you idolized.


    It doesn't take to be a rocket scientist to figure out where all those garbage in Manila Bay are coming from -- the esteros and rivers flowing down Manila Bay.


    The recent-clean up drive is only to show the people what it would be like if our waterways and shorelines are clean of pollutants and solid wastes.


    The positive reaction are very encouraging.


    We can now expect that once the leadership has shown the benefits of the right direction, the people will take their own initiative to help and support the government's follow-through programs.

  5. Ok. Noted. He signed it in 2014 but I will tell you this. I am an eyewitness to "sitios" sprouting in the Fairview area in the past three years that law notwithstanding.

    Syndicates of professional squatters are very powerful in Metro Manila. Many of them have links to traditional political parties to secure the number of their voter population base in the area.


    I don't think a city mayor has enough power to stop these syndicates.


    Rumors of Bistek being pro-squatter and anti-business is contrary to records that he established Business Technology Center and Negosyo Center to promote ease of doing business. These are business one-stop-shop centers, where they reduced the 15-step business permit renewal process into three steps.

  6. If my memory serves me right, the road repairs started in late 2015 or early 2016.


    The two old geezers are a "no-no" for me. I never left my vote blank for mayor but this may be the first election I will do it.

    Diokno was responsible for expediting the release of funds for road repairs starting 2016. But I still say the reduction of cargo trucks and provincial buses played a big role in reducing the volume, at least from what I see of the traffic situation along Taft Avenue and Roxas Boulevard..


    If you don't choose anyone, one of the two old goats might come back to City Hall.


    Worst case scenario for Manila residents is for Fred Lim to win.


    Or you can vote for Isko and break the stranglehold of the two old goats and their trapo parties (LP and PMP).

  7. I don't like Isko. And I heard that he owns the wreckers that was tapped to do towing within the city kapag may clearing ops.


    I don't know if that's true. But the number of wreckers to tow illegally parked vehicles in Manila was never enough.


    If it's true, shouldn't you be happy that somebody like him would invest on equipment to help the bankrupt city government solve its traffic problems?

  8. Believe me, the volume of trucks traversing Manila's roads did not lessen that much as to improve the traffic even if the domestic cargo shipping was transferred to Batangas. The improvement was due to better roads when some major roads in Manila like UN were fixed. I am for banning parking on city roads, minor or major. The San Andres area and Malate areas are notorious for having cars parked there at any time of the day.


    I think Cassie Sison would make a good mayor. However, I am not sure if he wants to step up to the plate.

    If the improvement came after 2016, then you have to thank Diokno for expediting the release of national funds the for roadworks.


    City of manila couldn't have done it because it was almost bankrupt while Isko was traffic czar.


    I don't know who Cassie Sison is, but right now you only have the two old goats and Isko to choose from. All the other candidates are jokers.

  9. He just signed it this year but prior to that he was pro-squatter. It remains to be seen if this city law will be strictly enforced. Moreover, he has been mayor since 2010. He had all the time in the world to enact this law. Why only now?

    Check the dateline of the news article.


    He signed it in 2014.

  10. Regarding no single person can solve the traffic problem in Manila, I got your point but he did not improve traffic in the city. I wouldn't mind if he did improve the traffic. The MTPB is not as feared and respected as the MAPSA. In Makati, motorists are wary. In Manila, sidecars can counterflow on the highways. Domagoso is no longer the traffic czar in Manila and the traffic, in my opinion, improved.


    Isko's appointment as Manila's traffic czar was an impossible job. The major cause of traffic in Manila are the trucks going to Manila Harbor. The City of Manila has no authority over Manila Harbor, which is a National Government Facility. therefore the city's traffic problem is a national issue and should be solved by the National Government.


    When he resigned as the traffic czar to run for Senate, you said the traffic later improved. It should. That was when all domestic cargo shipping was transferred to Batangas. It reduced by a large number the volume of cargo trucks plying Manila roads. That was a National Government policy alleviating traffic problems of the city.


    Once the government acquires the balls to ban illegal parking along city side streets and impose a no-garage-no-car policy, only then will the traffic problem in Manila and any other city would see any improvement. As for me, I avoid driving to Manila like a plague.

  11. ...He could be the next Bistek Bautista and I hate how he turned out as QC mayor. I once thought of Bautista as an idealistic politician who had a vision for QC. Unfortunately, he is pro-squatter and not pro-QC. I know of a couple of QC residents who told me so.

    The squatter problem in QC started in a major way during the time of Jun Simon, the tailor (Simon's Tailoring and Haberdashery). He was appointed in 1988 Mayor by Interior Secretary Nene Pimentel during Cory's revolutionary government. Why Pimentel appointed a tailor to be Mayor of the country's biggest city is beyond me. Maybe Nene was Simon's very satisfied customer.


    Simon was reportedly responsible for bringing in squatters to occupy the open lots, particularly in government lands around the Quezon circle area. Talks was that he did this to increase his voter's base to secure his re-election bid. He lost, anyway. But the squatters got a major foothold in QC.


    I don't know if Bistek is pro-squatter. He was the one who signed the anti-squatting law in QC.







    Salamat daw sabi ni PANELO dahil may "RESCUE CENTER" sa South CHINA SEA..


    AHAHAHAHAHA. ano nirerescue nila? LANGIS? hahahahaha

    You just choose the sound bites that would support your negative spin.

    If you read the entire article, the real message of Malacanang as stated by Panelo was:

    "We'll give them the benefit of the doubt... Tignan muna natin (Let's wait first). Let's not jump into conclusion yet," Panelo said.

    "If we see anything that will be inconsistent with what they're saying, then we will make [appropriate actions]," he said.

    Pano ba yan, TK? Barado ka na naman. Galingan mo pa!

  13. Erap just raised land and business taxes for a year or two and lowered it after paying the obligations.


    Based on the article, Moreno has an ambitious vision for Manila but it would require raising land and business taxes. I have nothing against Domagoso. It's just that he was once appointed as the traffic czar of Manila and he failed miserably at it, in my opinion. If he can't do a good job at that, what more with making Manila progressive? I'd really like to believe his grand plans for Manila but I witnessed a plan which he spearheaded and it didn't go well so I have my doubts about him taking Manila from the doldrums to its old splendor and glory.


    Lito Atienza would have been a good choice as I saw him do things little by little to make Manila progressive but it was cut short by Fred Lim.

    You should not fault Isko for not being able to solve the traffic problem in Manila. No single person can solve it.


    It's a country-wide infrastructure and transport system development policy problem. It has to be tackled by the National government.The problem is whatever progress GMA & Bayani Fernando did during their term was undone and reversed by BS Aquino's/Mar Roxas' inept government


    If you can't give Isko the benefit of the doubt, neither would it be fair to consider Alfredo Lim and Erap Estrada. As the article said, re-electing either Lim or Erap is like eating again you own vomit.

  14. Well, natawa ako sa meme nya.


    Ang joke eh hindi mo mage-gets kapag IISANG DIREKSYON lang ang tinitignan mo.


    Wala namang nakakatawa pero natawa ka???


    Anyways, kung natatawa ka sa ganung post, hindi naman kami magtataka.


    Marami rin namang tulad mo na tumatawa nang walang dahilan. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    TK, joke yan, ha.....

  15. I'm not sure but is Atienza supporting Isko for the upcoming election?


    Nice read below article



    Isko Moreno: The Man with the Plan Numbers Don’t Lie

    By Andrew J. Masigan

    The city of Manila has lost its competitiveness and is drowning in its own poverty. This is why the next mayoral elections is critical to its very survival.

    Running for Mayor are 90-year-old Alfredo Lim who served as Mayor from 1992 to 1995 and again from 2007 to 2010; 87-year-old Joseph Estrada who has been the incumbent since 2013; and 47-year-old Isko Moreno who served as city councilor for three terms and Vice Mayor also for three terms until 2016.

    We all have a stake in this mayoral race as Manila is the capital of the nation and its face to the world.

    The article you linked describes the true situation of Manila.


    Lim practically destroyed the city with his gross ineptness in city management.


    Estrada was moving in the right direction but he's too frail to follow through with his plans.


    Isko has the plans for urban renewal. He is younger. If he wins, he will inherit a city that just raised their taxes 300%. That would be a good kickstart to get the ball rolling.


    LOL Dinaan mo sa "technicality" ang definition ng LOOSE firearms para lang mailusot ang argumento mo? Nice. Define mo na Loose firearms kasi hindi na na-renew. HAHAHAHA so nagbulag-bulagan ka sa mga armas na hindi rehistrado dahil hindi sila LOOSE firearms sa DEFINITION mo? AHAHAHAHA AYOS NA PALIWANAG.







    BTW, Kahit paano nailihis mo sa istilo mo ang usapan. MAGALING!!! Pero may isang argumento ka na hindi mo maamin kaya dinadaan mo sa mga ganyang istilo. Huling huli Camiar. Tama nga ang turing sa iyo ng isang poster dito na kating-kati kayo na ipa-ban. hahahaha

    Sa style ng posts ninyo -- from the inanity of the content to the typo styles, Dyson and TK are one and the same.


    Pati si Rooster, pareho din ng typo style. It could be that Rooster, Dyson, and TK (R.I.P.) are all one and the same.

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. you know so pero failed to prove so. Camiar, are you telling me to BELIEVE to what you are saying? Eh hindi mo nga maitanggi ang incompetence ng armed forces natin kaya umasa sila sa ML ng presidente tapos sasabihin mo sa akin na MANIWALA ako sa ginagawa ng armed forces para ma-control ang LOOSE FIREARMS? So kamusta naman ang situation sa Jolo Sulu?


    Nakakatawa kapag hindi na kaya sagutin ng maayos ang punto na binabato eh nag-aakusa na lang ng alternick. TALINO eh

    Kasi parehas kayo ni TK ng argument style -- ignorant on how things work in real life.


    Loose firearms are are definitely addressed by the PNP and the Military. News reports came up lately about the private security agencies being shut down because they allowed their firearms license to expire. Firearms with expired licenses are automatically considered loose firearms. If you're updated on current events, you don't need proof.

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