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Posts posted by camiar



    hmmm. so let me get this straight.

    so dati pa pala tayo nag po-protest.

    but the media and the people and pretty much the rest of the world dont know about it because "quiet".

    but you and will robie knew about it ever since?

    Those people who are aware, know about it. Some of them can even predict that a diplomatic protest would be filed as a result of a certain event.

    To the media, most of these are boring stuff so they print only the sensational ones or those that are released by DFA or by Malacanang for public knowledge.

    Of course, like most pinoys, much of the rest of the world don't know about it.

    If most pinoys like you don't care to know about diplomatic protests, why would you expect the rest of the world to be interested in knowing about it?


    wait what? diplomatic protest?! isnt that "noise"?


    and why only now, after 3 years? yun ba ang tawag na "actions speak louder than words"?

    Diplomatic protest is not noise.


    It is done quietly, in diplomatic letters, or a diplomatic meeting with the foreign ambassador summoned by President to Malacanang. In foreign relations, such meetings speak louder than the noisiest of rallies outside the embassy.


    The DFA files diplomatic protests often. We just don't hear much about it.


    Kasi nga, quiet.

  3. Actions speak louder than words. That's the gist.


    Singapore, the smallest nation in South East Asia, does exactly that.


    When a Filipina maid killed a Singaporean child, they QUIETLY sentenced her to death and executed her--- despite the diplomatic pressure from other countries vs. death penalty and noisy rallies of human rights groups in the Philippines.


    Singapore considers Malaysia as a military threat. There was a time when Malaysia started building up their Air force, Singapore was feeling wary of a Malaysian capability of a military first strike, but instead of making noise about it, they QUIETLY redeployed some of their army and air force assets to Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand etc... through "training agreements", giving Malaysia the subtle message that they cannot catch Singapore off-guard.


    If you want to gain respect of others, do what you have to do quietly.

  4. Nope. I'm gonna argue that DDS "common" sense is different from rest-of-humanity common sense.


    After all, DDS "common" sense dictates that it's completely ok for people to be killed without facing trial first.


    Or that Duterte made the right choice when he declared Lotto as illegal one day, then cheered again when he declared it was again legal the next.


    Then their (your) common sense of saying that police are always to be believed when they said "nanlaban" when the idiot himself said "kung walang baril yun suspect, bigyan mo ng baril." (or was it ordered? it's up to the police's interpretation you said)


    Yap away. I don't care. I'm gonna go back to my life and leave idiots discussing amongst themselves again. Have fun pleasuring each other~


    Yeah, you do that. Go back to your pathetic hole and wait for the next instruction from your handler/financier.


    Ang babaw ng defense mo, tol. The point is anything that your lord says CAN be interpreted as an order. And that you can't use the excuse that they need everything in writing.


    "Common sense" ba nila ay equal sa DDS' common sense? LOL.


    I'm not defending the soldiers or Du30. I'm attacking your inane insinuation.


    Common sense is common sense.


    There's no such thing as DDS common sense or tk421 common sense.


    Either you have more, or lack, of it.


    And you seem intent of proving to us your lack of it.

  6. A few months ago, we were discussing about Duterte giving orders to to soldiers and police to perform inhumane acts (like shooting them at their vaginas) on insurgents and alleged crime suspects. Somebody argued and asked me to produce mission orders because he said police will not execute orders without them (that naive punk).


    Well... a few months later here is what they say about verbal orders:



    Asked whether the President's verbal order was enough, Albayalde said the PNP also received a directive from the Department of the Interior and Local Government to heed Duterte's order.


    "In the PNP, especially us, even in the military there are several ways of giving directives and verbal directive is one, binding po yan,"


    There you have it, from the head of PNP himself.



    And you try to imply that shooting female NPA in the vagina is a "verbal directive" that the soldiers "have to" obey?


    Don't worry, our soldiers have more common sense than you.

  7. It seems as if only Isko is clearing the roads in his jurisdiction. To the 16 other MM mayors: “Hoy, sundin niyo yung directive ni Duterte!”


    The City of Marikina has been doing it for at least 10 years already. Initiated by Bayani Fernando.


    If you visit Marikina today, you'll appreciate how clean and orderly the city of Marikina is. Nakakatuwa.


    Marikina should be the model for cleanliness and orderliness of all the other cities nationwide.


    See this Youtube video: https://youtu.be/hR9HdSLb0wk


    I've been there a couple of weeks ago and I can vouch that everything shown is the video is true even today.

  8. 3.) Yes we do need to be noisy about it. Silence or murmured disagreement is tantamount to implied approval.


    Action, not noise.


    During the time of Pres. Ramos, whenever China erects markers in shoals and rock formations within our EEZ, the Phil Navy promptly blows it up. But they don't make any noise in media about it. The Chinese, and the Americans knew about it, though.


    They also drive away Chinese fishing poachers, arresting some of them. The reports of Chinese poachers who were arrested were treated as regular police issue.


    That's how we should do it. Walk quietly and carry the biggest stick that you can.

  9. What the Metro Manila city mayors need to do urgently is to stop residents from using the city streets as their personal parking space.


    City residents and business owners should be mandated to build a carport or acquire a legitimate parking space for each of their vehicle before they get clearance to operate a vehicle.


    And that should include all vehicles including tricycles and motorbikes.

  10. otherr MM Mayors should show how much improvement they can do for their city. Du30 has already shown that doing good in your local area can catapult you to the top and the voters will support you and continue to back you against critics.


    Ikso naunahan na sila. question can he maintain what he is doing? madami masasagasaan for sure


    Marami ding nasagasaan si Abby Binay during her previous term. Both her brother Jun-jun's and Kid Pena's political supporters.


    But she was able to maintain what she was doing. So much so that she won again. We, the majority of Makatizens, support her.


    I wish Isko success in transforming Manila to make it a premier city again.

  11. My point is, our government did not buy the ships during the period 2002 to 2010 not because we didn't want it, but because we do not have the money to buy it AT THAT TIME.


    The purchase has to be timed so we will have the money ready at the time we buy it. It's called fiscal management.


    We have to allocate ahead of time the money and the revenue source where to get that money, not just for the ships, but for the war-fighting capability upgrades and other equipment that will have to come with it.


    I am not nitpicking, but at the end of the day, even if we got the three ships at practically giveaway price, they are practically just unarmed floating hulls. We still have to buy the missing weapons, navigation, sensors, counter-measures and combat management systems for them to be of any practical use. That's hundreds of millions of dollars worth. We need to plan carefully where and how to get that kind of money.


    I know you never liked GMA, but but don't kid yourself that PN owed it all to Abnoy. If not for her economic policies and fiscal management, Abnoy would not have the money he would need for the Gregorio Del Pilar class ships and all the add-ons. The previous presidents, especially GMA, prepared that for him.


    At present these ships are glorified gunboats, as you said. They are not even fit to be called frigates, hence their new downgraded designation from "FF" (Frigate) to "PS" (Patrol Ships). But once we get the upgrades, plus with the the brand new Tarlac Class Strategic Sealift Vessels, the brand new Rizal Class semi-stealth frigates, land-based radars, anti-air and anti-ship defense missiles, we will soon have a credible external defense capability to protect our sovereignty.

  12. These ships are the weapons platforms. Binigay sila nang libre.


    But they are of no use to us without the weapons and integrated combat management system.


    Hindi yun libre.


    How much is the Air and Surface Search Radar? The Harpoon Anti-ship Missile System? The Phalanx CIWS? The Oto Melara 76 mm Cannon? The Mk38 25 mm Chain Guns? The Augusta-Westland Helicopter that comes with it? The Hull-mounted Sonar? The defensive counter-measure systems?


    The Harpoon missiles alone are US$ 1.2 Million a pop. You'll need 4 topside. How many reloads does it have to carry? 16? 32? Multiply that by 1.2 Million dollars. Bala pa lang yan. Di pa kasama ang Combat Management System.


    Between the three ships, Gregorio Del Pilar, Ramon Alcaraz, and Andres Bonifacio, we will probably spend at least a couple of hundred million dollars to give it credible warfighting capability.


    Then there's the continuous combat readiness training of the crew and officers, Fuel and Lubricants during regular operations, and regular maintenance and upkeep of the ships.


    We need money for all that.


    Wala talaga sa CAPEX budget ni President GMA, dahil nga tinamaan tayo ng Global Financial Crisis noong term nya. We needed all our available funds at that time to keep the economy from collapsing. Pero pinag-handaan nila yan. Kung hindi, hanggang ngayon empty hulls pa rin yang mga GDP-class frigates na yan.


    Yup. Pointed that out a couple of years ago in the AFP and PNP Thread about the late Sec. Angie's push for the GDP Class Patrol vessels when he was DOE Secretary na and not DND Secretary as these are the ones immediately available and affordable to us at that time with the range and capability to guard Malampaya. Unfortunately, the Midget did not push through with it... Busy sya pasayahin yung Flag Officers that time (wink wink wink) and not with the Capex of the AFP and PNP.


    It was Command and Conquer Red Alert and his minions who did the actual legwork for the PN to have the GDP Class vessels.


    Also, yes I agree with you that Presidents are required to implement the AFP Modernization Law but the truth is they can always delay it or put it down the priority list due to limited funding. Playstation on the other hand actually had the balls to implement most of it despite the limited funding. Compared, like I said to the Midget who instead on funding the AFP/PNP's Capex, just used the money to keep some select Flag Officers "Happy". :rolleyes:


    The official reason for the delay in implementing the AFP Modernization law during GMA's term was that the Philippines was in the midst of the two consecutive (2001-2003 and 2007-2008) Global Financial Crisis. We simply do not have the money to buy the Hamilton Cutters. But the GMA Administration has been making plans for it for implementation once we get through the storm.


    Mahirap ipunin ang pera para sa ganyan. Kaya nabili ni Abnoy yung mga barko dahil nai-allot na ang pagkukunan ng pera bago pa sya naging presidente.


    We should also give credit to Pres. Ramos who started the ball rolling.

  14. What you listed are implementation of the AFP Modernization Law. The succeeding Presidents are required to implement it.


    Yes, focus on external defense started when the modernization law was passed.


    It was during the term of President Ramos in 1995 when it was passed into law. Later revised in 2010. The revision included the acquisition of Naval assets to beef up the Navy in protecting the West Philippine Sea. The technical study and justification was done during GMA's term with the late Secretary of Defense, Gen. Angelo Reyes.


    1.) Anong dapat gawin? Pahalagahan yung ibang kaibigan natin na hindi nambu-bully satin sa EEZ natin para meron tayo counterbalance sa nambu-bully satin. Hindi yung yayakapin mo pa yung mismong nambu-bully satin. Kung tao lang yung Pilipinas para na syang meron Stockholm Syndrome eh.


    2.) Yes palakasin ang ating sarili na sinimulan ni Playstation at thankfully, ipinagpatuloy naman ni Mayor Finger the Longkatuts na tulog. Plus points sakin si Mayor dito.


    3.) Ginagawa natin sa kasalukuyan yung sagot number 2 ko pero mas maganda sana kung ang ginagawa ng gobyerno natin eh yung Sagot Number 1 & 2 ko.

    As I said in my previous post, the our AFP modernization to support our defense plans started long before Abnoy's term.


    Abnoy did not start the strengthening of out external defense capability as you seem to suggest. It was started by the previous administrations and was put into law to make it mandatory for implementation by the succeeding presidents, starting with Abnoy.


    So far I think Du30 administration is doing a better job than Abnoy in implementing the AFP modernization law.

  16. Apparently HK used to contribute up to 27% of PROC’s GDP, during its peak, just before the handover. Thus, PROC in its quest to assure that HK remains productive, agreed to the one nation two systems till 2049 to make sure HK is able to maintain is way of life which so happens to be productive. More recently though, we can also witness PROC asserting its authority in HK again, arguably in subtle but bolder and bolder ways. Some commentators says, its because from that high of 27% contribution of HK, its now down to mere 3%. Its not that HK declined to the abyss but its just that more and more PROC cities have risen up - ie Chongqing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and others.


    I guess my point is, these very diverse cities with tens of millions of populations and with humongous GDP values can be smaller nations relative to entire PROC and they themselves may possibly end up competing with each other. Shihuangdi, did all he can to unite china because he recognized that being united gives them more strength - thereby making the surrounding nations weaker. I think the flip side is also true, that is if the central government is weakened, the CCP with it, then the surrounding nations can more easily rise up. My thought is more mid strength nations vs one super strong nation is more beneficial. Same principle with economics, that is why the goal of government really is to enlarge the middle class. Otherwise, one ends up with monopoly/duopoly/oligarchy as the case may be.


    Another example is what happened to USSR after the early 90’s. There are former USSR member states that went leaps and bounds because of the collapse.


    Well said.


    But after the hypothetical collapse of a CCP-controlled PROC, the rise of one strong Chinese state amid weaker states will take decades to stabilize. In the meantime, the chaos will destabilize the South East Asian Region.


    On the other hand, in this age of modern communication technology, the CCP can better govern, unite, and control the PROC than its past kings ad emperors did during the age of imperial China. In fact, the communication networking technology today is moving towards the capability to govern the entire world. There is a higher probability that China will rise to control at least half of the World (i.e One strong Asian continent amid lesser or weaker continents.)

  17. Kung takot po tayo sa giyera dahil wala nga tayong kakayanan at resources,tama nga sa Pres. Duterte, manahimik at tanggapin na lang natin ang ating kapalaran. Pero bakit sa Canada, handang makipag-giyera si Duterte? Ano bang mayroon ang China at sunod-sunuran ang ating gobyerno sa kanila na wala ang Canada at madaling mag-declare ng giyera sa kanila?


    Sa punto na wala tayong kakayanan, para na din nating sinabi na OK na lang na i-bully, itaboy tayo sa ating EEZ at diktahan tayo ng ibang bansa. Sabi nga Duterte, aanhin nga naman natin ang yamang dagat, kung wala namang mamayanang kakain (dahil naubos na giyera)? Pero, aanhin din naman natin ang magkaroon ng sariling kakilanlan at gobyerno, kung di din naman nating kayang ipagtanggol ang sarili natin?


    Both ways are bad to us... but I guess, worst come to worst, dying of fighting our sovereignty is still a noble way to die... rather than being alive without our own sovereignty...


    Kung hindi natin kayang ipagtanggol ang sarili nating territory at sovereignty, anong dapat gawin natin?


    Di ba dapat palakasin natin ang sarili? Para makayanan nating ipagtanggol ang sarili natin?


    Hindi ba natin ito ginagawa sa kasalukuyan?

  18. #1 do not sign a loan that does not guarantee the best interest of your country and will use your natural resources as collateral.


    This has not happened yet,


    I seriously doubt if it will ever happen.


    No self-respecting government will do this.


    #2 implement and protect UNCLOS awarded EEZ to the Philippines. That is the reason why prev admin released budget for multiple naval vessels before his terms end.


    This has been done and is continuing.


    The AFP modernization plan to enable us to defend our sovereignty took years of planning and research to complete.


    The law was formulated and passed during the Ramos and GMA administrations, to be implemented by the succeeding administrations.


    BS Aquino did not release the Naval modernization budget out of his infinite wisdom, but because he is mandated by law to do so.


    Same mandate for Duterte and future administrations.


    #3 if China doesn't follow we can always file international lawsuits just how the prev admin did it.


    We have been filing diplomatic protests. Hindi lang nga nababanggit sa news media.


    International lawsuits takes a long time to document, investigate, litigate, and resolve.


    China can build three artificial islands within the time it takes for us to resolve one case we file against one artificial island they built.


    China knows this that's why they did it. It's all calibrated for them to gain advantage without giving us any reason to invoke international retaliatory move, other than to file a protest.



    #4 if #3 did not work we have US defense treaty and Japanese allies. It doesn't have to cause war but we can always target China's global reputation. Our allies can always imposed economic sanctions, if China's global reputation goes bad their economy will crumble.

    Our Mutual Defense Treaty can only be activated if our Philippine Military were attacked by Chinese Military, or if any part of or territory were invaded by China. Also, the treaty doesn't necessarily apply if the Philippines were the one who starts the hostility against any country.


    Everything than happened recently in South China Sea has occurred in International disputed waters involving civilians or Coast Gurads, where the provisions of Mutual Defense Treaty is not applicable.


    Our allies have their own interest to consider. They will not necessarily impose sanctions against China on our behalf just because we are allies.

  19. Pinapayagan ng Pilipinas mangisda ang mga Chinese sa EEZ natin... tanong, papayagan din kaya tayo ng China na mangisda sa EEZ nila?... as a 'friend'?

    Can you post the exact statement saying that we allow the Chinese to fish in our EEZ?


    Or are you just stating an opinion?


    The UNCLOS has provisions allowing multiple claimants to fish in "Traditional Fishing Grounds"

  20. Kung nabaligtad po ang pangyayari at yung mga Pilipino na fisherman ang nakabangga then tinakbuhan yung mga Chinese sa gitna ng dagat?


    I'm against going drastic move by our government since the president is right, we don't have resources and capabilities to go war against China... but do we have with Canada? So, what's the difference between expressing our disappointment against China and Canada?



    I agree with you that if the situation were reversed and we were the one who did not give assistance, we would also bear the anger of the other side. Remember the Taiwanese fisherman who was shot and killed by Philippine Coastguard? It drew the ire of Taiwanese citizens. They sent Filipino OFWs back and banned employment of Filipinos to Taiwan.


    I also agree with you that we should not do anything drastic while the incident is still under investigation.


    There's no reason going to war for accidents like this.


    The difference between this incident and Canada's is that the Chinese were involved in an accident while Canada's has been going on unresolved for years.


    The Canadian issue has been festering for six years. It has been proven that it was Canada who illegally shipped trash , including hazardous hospital waste, to the Philippines.


    The Canadian government failed to make ant restitution despite numerous follow up from the Philippine government. To make matters worse, Trudeau embarrassed the Philippine government when he refused to deliver the Combat Utility Helicopters we ordered from Bell Canada, because we might use it against Filipino rebels! WTF??!!


    Du30's talk of war with Canada is just rhetoric just to make fun of the issue, as he himself admitted.


    The Chinese ramming issue, on the other hand, has the potential of going really serious. You don't make hot headed comments in situations like this. Du30 or any president knows this.

  21. Speak softly on issues concerning our defensive capabilities. But secretly build up and shore up our defense.


    On the maritime issue that happened within our EEZ, Duterte should demand that China cooperate in the investigations. Ano ba mahirap maintindihan diyan?

    China said they want to cooperate in the investigation.


    Why would you still want Du30 to demand cooperation? Just to make noise and make some gung-ho pinoys feel better about their macho image?

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