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Posts posted by camiar

  1. It seems the yellow troll didn't even understand its post. The reply is off. Just way off. :lol:

    That's a sign of desperation.

    The troll is paid according to the number of trolling posts it makes, and the number of reactions it gets. It's in desperate need to increase its number of its paid posts. Siguro di na nababayaran sa regular office job nya.

    No work no pay work-from-home scheme is biting.

  2. bast admin? baka worst of the worst, lot of Filipino suffers because of covid.for me nakapasok covid satin sa kapabayaan, nakapaasok covid sa ibang probinsya dahil sa kapabayaan ulit, lumala covid sa metro manila dahil sa kapabayaan nila, nakakawa mga health workers, at halos lahat ng pinoy :(

    Sino ba ang nagpabaya?


    What is happening to our country is also happening to other countries.

    All C-19 affected countries are suffering. By this time almost all economies are going into recession. But it is not the fault of any country's government.

    Nobody knows exactly how to balance locking down the community for the sake of the people's health and safety vs. the need to open up the economy continue with their livelihood and survival.


    If you say you know the answers on how to solve this C-19 problem, you're a fvck1ng liar.

  3. Interesting PoVs from Camiar and Dungeonbaby, though I would like to ask a question that I hope you guys could answer.


    According to Camiar, there are "no" leftists in the USA, so what/how would you (individually) describe the "wilder" Democrats?

    People tend to misinterpret populist stance of US politicians as being communists/ leftists.


    Populists' political approach is to appeal to ordinary people who feel that they are being disregarded by the more powerful established elite groups.


    Both Republicans and Democrats in the US use populist rhetoric to gain votes from the poorer sector of American voters.


    It just so happen that the Dems have more voters who are in lower economic class, many of them racial minorities. That's why they're more vocal about populist concerns such as social security benefits, minimum wage, health insurance, etc...


    But that doesn't mean those who talk of populist concerns are communists. Have you heard of any mainstream Democrat politician advocating the State to takeover the private businesses and properties then distribute the benefits of production to the people? That's the real communist/socialist ideology which will not take hold in the US.


  4. Yeah... the Marcos supporters now are the ones that got bamboozled by Cambridge Analytica to rebrand their family name. And by golly it worked well~!

    Look who's talking.


    Were these young generation who voted for Imee and Bongbong the ones who got bamboozled or those butt-hurt yellowtards who voted for the infamous otso-direcho-sa-inidoro?


    Wake up!


    BTW, ilan sa mga ibinoto mo ang nanalo? Wala. Nganga ka ngayon. Di mo pa rin alam kung ano nangyari. Yan ang example ng bamboozled. Na-budol-budol. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    there is thing called pandemic preparedness.... and how did the government, duque and the congress fare on that?

    isnt duque, as the head of the DOH, be the one who remind the congress to allocate budget for that? and as SOH, should he be the one who should lead on the pandemic and health crisis preparedness of the country?



    at the moment the first covid case entered in the ph, how did duque react? he was against closing borders.

    it was only when there was increase of covid cases that the DOH advised on the closing of borders.

    it is duque's job to remind the government to be ready against a pandemic or any health crisis.

    Just as I thought.

    You have nothing against Duque.

    All you can ask are hypothetical and general questions.

    Command responsibility? That's a given.

    Not worth discussing.

    As I have said earlier, kung hanggang dyan ka lang, magpapalitan lang tayo ng mga tangang posts. Sawa na ko dyan.


    I'm looking for a specific credible case that shows Duque directly mismanaging a government action vs. covid-19 to warrant firing him.

    Honestly, I'm not aware if there's one. Without information showing otherwise, I support Du30's decision to retain him.

    Apparently, you have nothing on him, too, other than innuendos from yellow media. So quit pretending that you're in the know about the issues vs. Duque.




    ok... i guess you also cheered when roque shouted that "we" beat UP.




    What does Roque's cheering have anything to do with Duque? Why would I cheer about inconsequential matters?


    You can't find any arguments against Duque, so you're trying ad hominem on me?





    walang financial and logistical problems ang DOH, usual problem? eh, sino nga ba ang head ng DOH na hindi naayos yang "usual problem"? hindi ba siya ang nagrerequest ng budget at nag jujustify ng request?



    The DOH Secretary is supposed to make do with whatever budget Congress allocates to the department. How does insufficient budget become the fault of Duque?


    Besides, did he and Congress know in advance, before the 2020 budget allocations were made, that we're going to have a Covid-19 Pandemic?


    Yan ang iniisip ng maraming mga loyalista. Ang gawing Presidente si Bongbong para makuha na nila ang share nila sa so called Marcos' gold. Nakakatakot na nakakainis ang sususportahan ka dahil lang sa salapi.

    The so-called Loyalists that you're talking about are now in their old age. 70 years and above. Many of them have already passed away.


    The new voters who support the younger Marcoses, Bongbong and Imee, belong to the younger generation of Filipinos, many of whom were born after the fall of Marcos in 1987. You can hardly call them loyalists.


    These new generation of Marcos supporters are those who woke up to the realization that the Aquino dynastic family and the yellow oligarchs have been deceiving the Filipino nation for decades already.



    so, tell me, sino ang problema?

    o baka naman wala kang nakikitang problema?



    Hindi ako naghahanap kung sino ang problema.


    I admit, wala akong nakikitang problema sa policies ng DOH, but admittedly they have financial and logistical resource problems, usual problems yun.


    Ini-imply mo may nakikita kang problema kay Duque. Pero mukhang nagkukunwari ka lang na "in the know", pero wala ka rin talagang nalalaman.


    Puro kasi "eh di wow" lang ang kaya mong isulat. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I don't expect the US to protect us. I expect them to want to maintain good relations here and not want China to take over a nation it once counted as an ally. That's not saying I think they will go to war for us. But a strong America is good for keeping a bully at bay. People who say the Philippines will fight China off on her own are living in a fantasy land. They're already here, how long have I been saying on these threads that occupation is key? How long has China occupied our territories? Ten years? Are Filipinos fighting yet? Tinalo na nga tayo ng Vietnam, na maliit at dating kulelat, sa tapang e. And you want to bank on our people? lol good luck with that, we can't even stomach fighting obvious terrorism in Mindanao.



    But unlike you, a lot of Pinoys still expect the US to protect them.


    Fortunately, it seems that it had finally sunk in to the minds of our new generation of military leaders that US will only protect its own interest. To protect ourselves, we have to gain at least a minimum level of credible defense capability. We now have brand new warships and warplanes. It's still not enough to stop China in a shooting war but it's a hopeful start to a long journey towards being able to stand up for our own.


    The US will not go to war for us. They want us to go to a proxy war FOR THEM, purportedly for the defense of freedom in the Asia Pacific region, but actually it is to prevent their enemies from reaching the US West Coast.


    In WW 2, we fought to disrupt the Japanese timetable and successfully prevented them from crossing the Pacific Ocean to bring the war to American shores. What do we get in return? Nothing. They pulled McArthur out of the Philippines and abandoned us to the Japanese. President Quezon put our sentiments accurately in his words after hearing about the "Europe First" policy and that the US sent large amounts of supplies and planes to Europe instead of the Philippines: "...For thirty years I have worked and hoped for my people. Now they burn and die for a flag that could not protect them... Where are the planes this sinverquenza is boasting of? Que Demonio! - how typically American to writhe in anguish for the fate of a distant cousin while a daughter is being raped in the backroom!..."


    Today we are nothing to the US but a part of an island chain forming a defensive buffer zone between China and the American West coast. That fact doesn't go unnoticed by the Chinese, as well as by our own military leaders.


    China occupied territories in our EEZ. They did it because they could. And they know the Americans won't lift a finger to stop them. We only fired off diplomatic protest because that's the only course of action we can do.


    Vietnam, on a moralistic point of view, did well on their own in standing up to the Chinese on SCS conflict using unarmed Vietnamese "fishermen" to harass the Chinese vessels. I admire them for what they did. But just like us, they're not strong enough and they, too, failed to stop the Chinese encroachment.


    I don't know from where you're coming from denigrating the Filipino's will to fight. I can only guess it's borne of your ignorance. Get to know our soldiers. You'll be surprised.




    China toppling the US is not an inevitability. Pre-covid you'd be laughed off the stage arguing that.



    Pre-covid, I can already see the signs when analyzing the American and Chinese economic and military trends.


    Maybe I'd be laughed off the stage arguing that point. It doesn't mean I'm wrong. People used to think that the earth is flat and they burned people at the stake for saying otherwise.


    It doesn't mean, too, that I'm pro-China, which you seem to conclude.


    The America you complain of here is the left in general, the Democratic party in particular which has been showing its true colors again. This is the America that loves socialism, communism, and China but hates religion and their constitution.




    There is no "Leftist" America. If there were true leftists in the US, they are an insignificant minority.

    The Democrats are not leftists; neither does it mean that Republicans are necessarily rightists. If there were true rightists, they too, are an insignificant minority.


    Branding the Dems as leftists, socialists, communists, etc... is just a political smear tactic of the Trump campaign team.


    It's called "Red Baiting".


    A fallacy.


    BTW, politically, I lean towards Republicans but I'm not a Trump fan.

  12. When I said "to our myopic view, USA is forever", I was not referring to you or me, but to the Pinoys in general. If you back read the other previous posts, you'd see a lot of them. Even among my friends and relatives in the States and Canada, a lot of them believe the same, to my dismay, the USA is forever.


    But i am not fawning on China when I say they will soon dislodge USA as the World's dominant power. I just see it as an inevitability. But it is not just because of China's effort to strengthen themselves, but more so because of the American society continuing in their downward spiral. America no longer respect the values they used to stand for. They pledge to "One Nation under God" in their Pledge of Allegiance, and yet today, they declared reading of the Bible and praying to God in schools and courts of justice unconstitutional.


    Abraham Lincoln say Freedom is the last best hope of earth. But why did they trample upon the freedom of the Iraqis on false claims that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction? Something which they failed to prove after Iraq was utterly destroyed. It turned out they were not as much after WMDs as the control of Middle East oil production. How many Latin American freedoms have they destroyed when CIA orchestrated regime changes of any Latin American government whose leader showed tendency to pursue self-determination for their country and follow policies independent of what America dictates?


    After we were handed our Independence in 1946, since when were we able to pursue an independent foreign policy? All our leaders who attempted to pursue policies of self-determination were destroyed politically to lose in election bids, or were politically and economically blackmailed by pro-US oligarchs to toe the line, or were deposed, and I suspect, one was even assassinated but was made to look like it was an accident. Isn't it that Freedom means you have the right to self determination? If so, the US is not helping us achieve that goal.

    Do you think US is a deterrent to Chinese encroachment? The Chinese already know that US will only push back if their own selfish interest is at stake. Don't count on the US to protect our sovereignty. We have no one to rely on except ourselves to fight for our own interests and for our freedom.

  13. I doubt you will outlast it, Camiar :D

    No, I won't.


    But the founders of USA had the foresight that the British Empire will not last forever and they, too, can rise as a superpower, to dislodge UK. And they did.


    The Chinese leadership's foresight sees the same inevitable decline of the USA, and they are making moves to prepare their country to dislodge the American dominance.


    And what to we do? Ever subservient to the mighty USA, we are only capable of preparing only as far as our own individual funerals (hence your witty remark :D). It's because to our myopic view, USA is forever.



    nag react lang, ako na ang pinagbibintangan na nagpost at affected masyado na agad.


    eh di wow!!!






    eh kung masaya ka na 3 months na hindi pa bumababa ang daily infection rate, eh di wala ngang dahilan para palitan si duque.

    Si Duque ba ang problema?


    Yun ang tinatanong ko.


    Baka naman may ibang dahilan.


    Pag sinabi mong si Du30 ang problema, wala tayong paguusapan. Mauuwi lang sa palitan ng tangang posts. Sawa na ko dyan.


    Pero kung talagang gusto mo ng discussion kung ano ang tunay na problema, game ako. Gusto ko talagang malaman kung meron ba talagang maling ginagawa si Duque.

  15. We will all die first. And all of your children and great great great great grandchildren will die first before it will happen. Then probably in the year 3025, the Philippines, your country, will be the strongest country in the world.

    The Roman Empire lasted 600 years.

    The British Empire lasted 400 years.

    The Spanish Empire lasted almost the same at 400 years -- they started earlier than the British and also declined earlier.

    The US started to become a world power in the late 19th century and catapulted to superpower status towards the end of WW2. It's been a superpower for less than 200 years, but is already showing cracks on its economy ans society. I doubt if they last another 100 years.



    Right in front, the Asian lady with a tattoo on her back is China.

    On the left, the lady full of concentration is Japan.

    Dressed at the top looking sideways is USA.

    Lying rather seductively is Russia.

    The little girl standing by the side is Taiwan.

    China "tripled" the Dong tiles (East Winds, this is a double up). This means that China has arisen with the circumstances (the winds); maybe that is the display of the "East Wind" missiles she possesses now. It looks like China is doing ok, but there is no clue about the other cards (tiles). Meanwhile she is up to no good under the table.

    USA, appearing confident, is looking at Taiwan with an expression; perhaps to read from the look of Taiwan or to send some message.

    Russia may appear indifferent but it is far from that. One leg is on USA and one hand is passing card(s) to China. They are some discreet exchanges going on.

    Japan has all eyes on the cards, unaware of what others are doing.

    Taiwan wears a red abdominal vest, maybe implying she is the last successor of the Chinese culture. She holds a tray of fruits in one hand and a fruit knife in the other, looking quietly at China with resentment. But she has no option. She is not in the game (a little girl too young to play the game?).

    Dark clouds hang over the river outside the window implying tension over the straits separating Main Land China and Taiwan.

    The portrait on the wall is interesting, mustache of Sun Yet Sun, the bare head of Chiang Kai Set, the face of Mao Tze Tong...

    How the 4 ladies are dressed is also very interesting.

    China bares her top, with panties and a skirt.

    USA is almost fully dressed but bares her bottom.

    Russia is left with only panties.

    Japan naked.

    These perhaps reflect the status of each nation;

    The attire of USA appears to be most complete, probably because she is still the most powerful. Others are short of something here and there. Though USA is most presentable, she has nevertheless exposed her bottom (line). China and Russia look naked but keep their private parts covered.

    We assume this is a stripping game where the loser removes a piece of clothing.

    In this game, if China loses, she will be like Russia today... (broken up).

    If USA loses, she will also be like Russia...

    If Russia loses again, then she has nothing left...

    And Japan is already left with nothing....

    Russia may appear to have drawn an extra tile (by the rule of the game, she cannot complete the game i.e. cannot win) and is hanging on for nothing ... BUT she is actually exchanging tiles with China...

    The other person hanging on is Japan since she has no more "chips". She is out of the game if she loses.

    In conclusion:

    USA is pretending. She looks most glorious but faces great dangers. If she loses this game, she loses her dominating position.

    Russia has a leg each on a boat, most sly ... Her situation is a little like China after liberation (when the communist took over China), sometimes with the USSR and sometimes with USA. Due to her lack of self sufficiency, she has to yo-yo between two parties for survival and room of development.

    China has many tiles but they are not in view. Does that imply China keeps her strengths under wrap? And she is exchanging tiles with Russia under the table.

    USA can only guess from the expression of Taiwan what may be happening between China and Russia.

    Japan looks ignorant as she continues to focus on her cards.

    China’s hand (of tiles) is most unpredictable.

    Poor Japan ... there are so many things happening around her. She has no chance of a win and she is out the moment she loses.

    Taiwan keeps watch as a bystander. She sees all that transpired in the game and she understands. But she is not qualified to, nor capable of participating in the game. She has no right to speak. She is full of grievances and is utterly helpless. She can only be the maid, offering fruits to the winner(s).

    The winner should be a pick between China or USA , there is little doubt about this. Then again if you notice, they are playing Chinese Mahjong, not Western Poker.

    Playing with the rules of a Chinese game, what are the odds for USA?

    Taken from : www.wuliaoo.com/2008-beijing.html

  17. USA will always remain the strongest country in the world.



    Never underestimate the power of USA.


    Walang Forever.


    World Powers rise and fall.


    USA is still more powerful than any country in the world today, but it is showing signs of decay. Its government is getting more and more corrupt and ineffective, its society getting too dependent on luxury, easy life and privileged lifestyle, its economy getting too dependent on debts and production from other countries, and its military getting spread too thin across the globe.


    What happened to the rise and fall of the Roman Empire will happen to USA.


    What happened to the Great British Empire will happen to the USA.


    Be on the lookout for the emerging world powers: Brazil, Russia, India, and China

  18. The "wokes" love to criticize the Anti-Terrorism bill when there is nothing wrong with it. I challenge the moronic "wokes" to find what is unconstitutional in the Anti-Terrorism bill. I just bet they are criticizing it because it is the fad this week. :lol:

    The fads:

    #BlackLivesMatter -- nakikisali sila kasi may EJK daw dito. #DrugPushersLivesMatter?


    #JunkTerrorBill -- OK, fine, whatever.


    "Terror Bill", whatever it is, will be junked, but the Anti-terror Bill will pass into law.

  19. Duque should be replaced. proven corrupt since the days of former president GMA. lalong na-expose during this pandemic. Mas lumalabas pagiging negosyante kesa doctor.

    Could you give more details on why he should go?


    My impression, when the Senators made a resolution asking for his replacement, was that they just wanted to get back at Duque for allowing the news to leak out that the Senators demanded privileges to get priority covid testing from DOH.

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