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Posts posted by camiar

  1. On 11/21/2021 at 10:26 AM, JonKartero said:

    "Democracy" alone is a horrible way to record history. As Terry Goodkind once wrote, "Gang rape is democracy in action."


    And who is Terry Goodkind? 

    A writer of fantasies. Bad choice of reference.

    Equating heinous crime of gang rape to democracy? 

    Now I see where your perverse views are coming from.

  2. One political analyst said that Digong's blind item claim is a tactic to pre-empt opposition from using the same issue against BBM-SARA further down the line towards May 2022.

    Floating the issue now forces public discussion about it. The interest will eventually die down in the next 2 to 3 weeks. It then becomes a stale issue ( "Panis na yan!" ), which makes it ineffective if the opposition uses it later in the game.

  3. 4 minutes ago, JonKartero said:

    So nice of you to do such diligence on Mijares, but for the authors you consider "trustworthy" you didn't do the same.

    Why is it always the case that pro-Marcos sources are never placed under the same level of intense scrutiny?

    Back check all of the sources of Tiglao, Arillo, and Kapunan. See where that rabbit hole leads.

    Due diligence on Mijares? I did not.

    The post is not mine. It just popped up in my Facebook page. But it's worth re-posting, complete with references.

    Your idol Primitivo Mijares has been sufficiently demolished. This, alone, invalidates all your arguments. 

  4. Dear Bongbong,

    Sige lang, you can be sure of at least 40 million votes!

    Di na mangyayari uli and EDSA People Power. Natuto na ang mga tao. 

    Tingnan mo na lang, for several years already, palaging nilalangaw ang February 25 EDSA People Power day.

    Yellows are now irrelevant. They died to irrelevance and were buried during the 2019 midterm elections.

  5. On 11/15/2021 at 11:55 AM, JonKartero said:

    Primitivo Mijares, the author of "The Conjugal Dictatorship," was very much "there" as Marcos' PR guy. But sure, keep selling the Marcos propaganda.

    I post below an excerpt from a post on Facebook from certain Ms. Thea Tan on Nov. 15, 2021 about PRIMITIVO MIJARES:
    Marcos critics often cite Primitivo Mijares’ book, The Conjugal Dictatorship, and take this book as ABSOLUTE TRUTH about martial law.
    Many of those who cite this book didn’t even read it, nor did they bother to research Mijares’ reputation as a known paid propagandist before and during martial law.
    “Mission able confirm Primitivo Mijares, former Chairman, Media Advisory Council (abolished November 1974) and well-known Philippine columnist and Marcos apologist has, in fact, abandoned the New Society.
    "Mijares' moved not surprising to Manila community which recognizes him as a complete opportunist who recently was feeling the hot breath of martial law regime for certain recent extra-curricular activities. Allegedly, Mijares gambled away 50,000 dollars of GOP funds during a 1974 Las Vegas visit, misappropriated for personal use 7,000 dollars of the First Lady's (Imelda) personal funds, and attempted to rape a well-connected Philippine Foreign Service secretary while in New York for the Trade Center opening, all of which accumulated to make the prospect of a return to Philippines decreasingly attractive."
    Wikileaks also revealed that Mijares received “financial inducements” from Marcos’ political enemies, the Lopezes. [1]
    🌿 Quoting RUBEN DIARIO, in this 1974 article, Managing the media Filipino style:
    “The worst of these newspapermen were those who covered the House of Representatives, whose over-100 headline-hungry members were easy pickings for newsmen extortionists. The dean of these Congressional reporters was Mr. Mijares himself (who bragged before martial law that he was worth P3 million), who, upon his appointment as MAC chairman, promptly surrounded himself with his cronies from the Congressional Press Club.
    "Mr. Mijares himself is a most interesting case study in media opportunism.” [2]
    🌿 STEVE PSINAKIS, an anti-Marcos critic married into the Lopez family that owns ABS-CBN, wrote in his memoir:
    “The US justice department’s investigation revealed that after his February 1975 defection, Mijares did, in fact, extort money from Marcos by feeding him imaginary information for which Marcos was ignorant enough to pay considerable sums. While Mijares was still receiving money from Marcos, he was at the same time lambasting Marcos in the US press, causing the Marcos regime irreparable damage.” [3]
    🌿 According to STERLING SEAGRAVE, in his book, The Marcos Dynasty:
    “Ferdinand first tried to discredit Mijares by circulating that he had absconded with government funds, that he was paid $150,000 by the Lopezes to join the anti-Marcos exiles, and that he was staying in the United States because of a liaison with a Filipina exile. (Mijares had left his wife and family in Manila.)
    “Meanwhile, Mijares was playing both sides against the middle. After “defecting,” he was secretly accepting money from Ferdinand’s agents in exchange for information about the exiles. The FBI discovered later that Mijares had signed several vouchers for $20,000 and at least one of these signatures was authentic. The February 24, 1975 voucher bore the handwritten notation: “Sir; I received this. Tibo Mijares.”
    Wouldn't you question the credibility of this book knowing this was written by someone who was not scrupulous about who paid him for what, and who received money from the number one oligarch during Marcos' regime: the Lopezes?
    And why not ALSO read the following books from REAL journalists who were once communists, or had been arrested and jailed during martial law but “WOKE-UP” to being brainwashed by black propaganda?
    These journalists/authors are:
    ☘️ RIGOBERTO TIGLAO - Journalist and author of DEBUNKED and Colossal Deception
    Tiglao was arrested in July 1973, together with nearly all of the Communist Party’s Manila-Rizal Regional Committee, which he headed.
    He was incarcerated in five Marcos detention centers for about a year and half, together with his late wife, Raquel, from 1973 to 1974: the Philippine Constabulary’s (PC) 5th Constabulary Unit in Camp Crame; that of the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP) in Camp Aguinaldo; that of the National Intelligence Coordinating Authority in its headquarters at V. Luna Road in Quezon City (where it still is); as well as the Ipil Youth Rehabilitation Center and the maximum security Youth Rehabilitation Center, both in Fort Bonifacio — the latter two being the biggest during the martial law period.
    ☘️ CECILIO ARILLO - Journalist and author of Greed and Betrayal, Breakaway, and A Country Imperiled
    Arillo was jailed during the martial law regime for his stories on the irregularities in the sugar industry.
    Under the Aquino administration, he was again arrested on Dec. 9, 1987, by troops led by Brig. Gen. Ramon Montaño, and jailed without formal charges; after that, armed men broke into his offices and carted off his documents and other valuables; then in 1990, the Department of Justice, under Sen. Frank Drilon, charged him with rebellion. In 1992, unidentified men machine-gunned his house.
    In 1998, under the Ramos administration, the Justice Department, whose chief was Sen. Teofisto Guingona, implicated him in the 1986 kidnapping and double murder of labor leader Rolando Olalia and his driver, Leonor Alay-ay.
    The background to all these depredations, as Arillo saw it, were the stories he filed as Manila Times columnist and reporter about the corruption, human rights violations, “gross misgovernance, misgovernance, hatred, and vengeance” of the Marcos, Aquino, and Ramos regimes.
    ☘️ ROD KAPUNAN - Journalist and author of Reflections on Martial Law: Saving the Republic
    Kapunan used to be a high-ranking member of the CPP-NPA in the 60s and 70s and a known propagandist during martial law.
    When Marcos was "ousted", Kapunan decided to read all the writings about Marcos, books written by Marcos, studied all the agencies created during the Marcos regime, gathered so much data, and realized that what we hear from the media are all propaganda.
    Eventually, Kapunan wrote books "to set the record straight".
    And special mention the following authors:
    ☘️ JUAN PONCE ENRILE - Author of Juan Ponce Enrile, A Memoir
    Juan Ponce Enrile’s career spans six presidencies from Ferdinand Marcos to Benigno S. Aquino III, during which the Philippines metamorphosed from a free-wheeling republic into a brutal dictatorship that eventually gave way to a turbulent return to democratic rule.
    Sheer longevity, proximity to power and a forceful personality have made Enrile difficult to trivialize, much less ignore. Neither his friends nor his enemies have the power to exaggerate or misrepresent his gifts as well as his faults; they would have to reckon with the man’s personal point of view, here most eloquently told from where he stood and contributed his share to the nation’s narrative.
    ☘️ LEWIS GLEECK - Author of President Aquino: Sainthood Postponed (banned or out of print in the Philippines)
    Mr. Gleeck was a member of the Foreign Service of the United States, serving several times in Washington and in Canada, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Iceland, Norway and Pakistan before arriving in the Philippines, where he retired after six years (1962-1969) as Consul General of the American Embassy in Manila.
    He then joined the USAID to work on land reform and cooperatives and subsequently to serve for several years as consultant on base-community relations to the U.S. Navy at Subic Bay. He was a long-time editor of the AHC Bulletin and curator of the AHC library
    [1] Wikileaks - Declassified Cable - 1975 February 24 https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1975MANILA02351_b.html
    [2] Ruben Diario (1974) Managing the media Filipino style, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars https://www.tandfonline.com/.../14672715.1974.10413017
    [3] Steve Psinakis; A Country Not Even His Own
    [4] Sterling Seagrave; The Marcos Dynasty
    The bio of these journalists can be found in the preface or introduction of their respective books.
  6. On 11/15/2021 at 11:53 AM, JonKartero said:

    Because unlike you, I will not pretend to have firsthand knowledge of every detail of Martial Law operations conducted by the PC and the Army under Marcos' instruction.

    Witness testimony is faulty, and can only be as good as the rest of the evidence available to support it.

    You put too much faith in your own "personal" knowledge, when in reality you never witnessed any of the things you talk about directly and in person. You also relied on media and third-party accounts to *confirm* what you think you knew.

    Answer:  Nobody can claim to know firsthand every detail of Martial Law operations, by the Philippine Constabulary and the Military. But I would probably have heard more stories from soldiers and military officers about what was going on during Martial Law. I was an Army brat. I lived in a military camp during my younger days. I was also exposed to the perspective of the leftists. I studied in at the time UP when leftist activism was rampant, and I have close relatives who were in high echelons of the NPA.  I know the stories of both sides, from people who lived through it, while you only read them from books written by "foreign" writers or oligarch-commissioned "historians".


    Oral history =/= kuwentong barbero. Even accounts of history passed down orally are done so by strict tradition among practitioners among our IPs.

    Is this really the best the pro-Marcos can do? Pumulot ng kung anu-anong idea para lang ma-justify yung mga paniniwala nila na wala naman talagang basehan?

    According to you. Look up "confirmation bias" on Google.

    I read books. I'm apparently more old-school than you that way.

    Oral history is a field of study and a method of gathering, preserving and interpreting the voices and memories of people, communities, and participants in past events. Oral history is both the oldest type of historical inquiry, predating the written word, and one of the most modern, initiated with tape recorders in the 1940s and now using 21st-century digital technologies.

    Answer: Yeah, that's all you can claim. You read them from "books" of "historians" commissioned by the victors of the regime change (i.e oligarchs and a certain foreign power). However, oral history is more credible than books written by an individual writers who can twist the presentation of facts to suit their bias or to suit the narrative of their sponsors.

    What is oral history?: Oral history is a field of study and a method of gathering, preserving and interpreting the voices and memories of people, communities, and participants in past events. Oral history is both the oldest type of historical inquiry, predating the written word, and one of the most modern, ... using 21st-century digital technologies.

    I shared books written by foreign authors, and you still refuse to acknowledge their credibility, kasi "dilawan." I posted a video where Imee Marcos flat out denies the "Tallano gold" myth, it gets downplayed and the goalposts are moved.

    I could post every informative excerpt from TV shows and documentaries available on the Internet, and you would still dismiss them as "oligarch-controlled" and "dilawan," despite being *foreign* sources.

    Answer: I can't help noticing your seeming obsession to the idea that if our history account is written by a foreigner, it's more credible to you!



  7. 3 hours ago, JonKartero said:

    Primitivo Mijares, the author of "The Conjugal Dictatorship," was very much "there" as Marcos' PR guy. But sure, keep selling the Marcos propaganda.

    But Mijares story is clear propaganda used by the Yellows and Oligarchs. While the version of history I subscribe to is based on my own personal knowledge of what happened during those times, as well as narrations from people who were there, too. Where is Marcos propaganda in my version?


  8. 6 hours ago, JonKartero said:

    I lived during Martial Law too. Joke's on you.

    Then use your experience and deep personal knowledge. Why do you need some jaded historian to tell you what to believe?

    Enrile has flip flopped more times than Big Show has turned heel/face.

    Whatever way you spin it, you can't deny that Enrile's narrative has always been consistent. And if you really lived through Matial Law, you are a witness that they're true.

    You have zero factual basis for what you are saying, which at least makes you consistent.

    Why do you need somebody else's "historical" writings to prove what you yourself has witnessed? I know wat i lived through. I know if the events narrated by somebody is credible or not. I can stand by what I know is true.

    If you can't, that's your problem. 

    That is literally not how history works. but please, go ahead and comfort yourself with your delusion of adequacy.

    Hahaha! Really?  Ever heard of oral history? If you don't, that's another item  for you to learn.

    You *assume* that the social media vlogs that you posted (all of which are Pro-Marcos propaganda, by the way) are "truthful and positive," and thus credible. You have also said that you are your own barometer for what is "truthful and positive," so that completes the circular logic.

    I have a lot of pro-Marcos vlogs that are factual, informative, and engaging. I'll post them here at every opportunity. Actually, it doesn't matter to me if you don't find them credible. I leave it to other readers of this forum to decide for themselves. 

    By all means, show them here then.

    Why would I? You're the one who should have samples of factual, informative. and engaging vlogs of your favorite your opposition camp. The challenge is on you!

    I wouldn't be surprised if you can't post one. I won't blame you. Most of their vlogs are black propaganda. The positive and factual ones are rare. 

    That the supposedly "credible" vlog you posted omitted relevant information as to the underlying nature of the motorcade - that it was not an organic, volunteer effort, and that it was organized and sponsored by no less than the local and provincial government of Ilocos Sur. Those are pretty important details to be leaving out, don't you agree?

    Hahaha! I don't need to prove that the BBM supporter's caravans and parades are volunteer efforts. You can find out for yourself by watching it. That's freedom of information. I freely give  the information to you. It's up to you to vet if it's true or not, just as everybody else in this forum should do.


  9. On 11/8/2021 at 1:55 PM, JonKartero said:

    youtube, tiktok, social media, all of them are platforms for denialist propaganda kasi walang editorial oversight, unlike news organizations or newspaper and book publishers. also relies on "shock" value, virality, and the appeal of "uy sikreto natin ito ah, tayo-tayo lang nakakaalam" to the uninitiated.

    This is  video will tell you the reason why people don't rely on mainstream media anymore.

    They turn to social media as alternative source of information that mainstream media is hiding from the people.


  10. 9 hours ago, JonKartero said:

    Anyway, back to the main topic: dead Marcos myths.

    Has there been any evidence ever presented that Marcos got rich from Tallano gold? Because Imee Marcos thinks it's an urban legend.


    The youtube item you posted shows how patient Imee Marcos was in answering impertinent questions of a wannabe journalist paid specifically to ask questions calculated to put her in bad light. 

    Imee answered them well. Intelligently and professionally. 

    I can imagine you fuming for nor seeing her get flustered by all these inane questions. 

  11. 12 hours ago, JonKartero said:

    Social media is just another Gutenberg press. The problem is when you put the personal experience cart before the information horse. Then it becomes information bias.

    I lived through the Martial Law period. My personal account of what happened then is more credible than anybody born after 1986. Juan Ponce Enrile is 95 years old. His personal account about ALL the presidents from President Aguinaldo to Duterte and about Martial Law is more credible than what CNN can dish out on the same subject. You personal experience cart before the information horse analogy is hilariously inane.

    Authorship credibility obviously matters. Otherwise you wouldn't keep repeating your "oligarch-controlled/dilawan" line. Yet I can always throw that back at you and say that your sources are just Marcos-paid-and-controlled propaganda. And without the credibility, integrity, and most importantly accountability of editorial oversight, your sources are even worse off.

    ABS-CBN is owned by the oligarch Lopezes. Inquirer is owned by the oligarch/yellowist Rufino-Prieto.  Everybody knows the editorial bias of these two examples of oligarch-controlled media. Nobody (yet) has control of social media content, and not the least Marcos. Social media, by its nature, do not and need not have editorial oversight. If you are mature enough to discern what is valid or not, you don't need to b dictated on by  useless editorial oversight. You can do your own vetting. You know what? that's what you call freedom of information.

    What you are describing is "observer bias." Not credibility. Also, they are free on the internet because their copyrights have expired, or the authors have permitted them to be shared for free on the digital platform.

    I stick to my argument. They are free because they are irrelevant and nobody reads them anymore. I will read any author's book if it's worth reading, even if I have to pay for it. I will not read irrelevant and worthless books even if they're free or even if you offer to pay me.

    Again, historians write the history. You haven't named a single historian who sides with you. Unless you mean to argue that Enrile is a "historian?"

    I don't need any academic or historian to side with me. I can decide for myself what is true based on what I've seen and learned. Does Enrile claim himself as a historian? He is a witness to History. He has more credibility than your oligarch-paid "history" writer. 

    About that video: Since you value social media as a medium for disseminating truth, and since you would agree that the pro-Marcos camp is more credible, then I suppose you find this social media post credible as well? Partida, first-hand account ito.

    Did I say pro-Marcos camp's social media posts are more credible? I was posting samples of social media vlogs that are used for truthful and positive messages. They are more credible than ABS-CBN or Inquirer news and commentaries. There are oppositions' social media posts that are truthful and positive, too. A lot of them. Are you saying they're not credible as well?  

    So, what does your post of Augusto Decena prove? I can show you the same from Leni's camp. But what would that accomplish?



  12. FORMER senator Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. topped the survey of The Manila Times on the 2022 presidential candidates.

    In the survey, conducted from October 26 to November 2, the respondents were asked, "If the elections were to be held today, whom will you vote for president?"

    68% replied they would vote for Marcos.



  13. The Manila Times polled 1,500 voters nationwide via phone and face-to-face survey — 500 respondents each coming from Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao.

    The mayor "won" by a landslide, getting 50.9 percent of the "votes."



    If Bong Go withdraws in favor of Sara, his 11.8% will likely go to Sara Duterte for a total of 61.8%.

    Dream-team ang BBM-Sara Tandem!

  14. 10 hours ago, JonKartero said:

    Funny no? Kapag sang-ayon sa world view, "factual, engaging, clear."

    Kapag taliwas, "oligarch-controlled," "biased Dilawan." Ewan.

    Oddly, no comment on the books available for free, online, na nilista ko. I guess reading is too much to ask?

    Ang sabi mo: social media is unreliable "kasi walang editorial oversight" unlike the mainstream media.

    Ang sabi ko: mainstream media like ABS-CBN and Inquirer are dilawan- and oligarch-controlled. The new phenomena is that they are now surpassed by social media in dissemination of message. 

    Yung books na sinabi mo has insignificant readership precisely because they are written by dilawans. Not credible, because readers find their narratives too one-sided. Remember the statement: The victors write the history. The books you listed are available for free because nobody reads them anymore.  

    BBM and other candidates who cannot get a fair share of unbiased coverage in oligarch-controlled mainstream media use social media thru  Blogs, Vlogs, Tiktok, etc... in factual and clear manner that people find engaging. So they continually rely on it for more information.

    Do you really need "editorial oversight" to post a vlog like this to make it credible? :



  15. 22 hours ago, JonKartero said:

    youtube, tiktok, social media, all of them are platforms for denialist propaganda kasi walang editorial oversight, unlike news organizations or newspaper and book publishers. also relies on "shock" value, virality, and the appeal of "uy sikreto natin ito ah, tayo-tayo lang nakakaalam" to the uninitiated.

    That is the narrative of the Dilawans because social media campaign is being used more effectively by the people sidelined by the oligarch-controlled "mainstream media". 

    The reality is that it offers more information than the edited versions of the controlled media.

    Tsismis ba ang mga katulad ng ganitong mga posts sa social media?:


  16. 18 hours ago, arsonist2010 said:

    wag magpaniwala sa youtube at tiktok.

    Wala nang naniniwala sa Inquirer, ABS-CBN, at mga olgarch-controlled mainstream media.

    Alam ng mga matatalinong netizens yan.

    BBM has taken his forum to the social media, providing factual, engaging, and clear message about his vision and platform of government.

    Who's afraid of tiktok?  Takot kayo sa ganito? -->:


  17. On 11/7/2021 at 1:13 AM, Vince3 said:

    They have actually addressed or mentioned the difficulty of attaining these ill gotten wealth from the very beginning. It has been documented in the proceedings way back from 1990s. One of the main difficulty is doing the investigation within multiple boundaries of various international laws.

    Isn't it not surprising that they do have that amount of money, the claimed P1.53 Trillion pesos from the blatant lifestyle that Imelda has been known to show-off. At the very least, you do agree that they may have this amount of money? This is just my honest personal view. It is more believable for me that the government are inept or having difficulties in taking this money. In contrast to, the Marcos' having all these wealth because they simply are rich to begin with?


    Do you believe in their claim of having gold investments?. Again, there are various evidences that this is not true. There are no concrete evidence that these are true however. I can't even believe that people take Marcos' word for it. I have done my personal research on it and honestly, I could not find a reliable source to prove that this is true. I'll be more than willing to read it if you can share evidences of the Marcos' legitimate wealth.

    All the rich family are publicly known for why they are rich. They have their businesses etcetera. Then marcos' says they are rich because of gold investment? I may believe that they are rich but not Billions of dollars rich without any empire.

    First of all, I did not, and do not, agree they they have the money that they are allegedly stole from government funds.

    There is no evidence that they stole from the people's tax money nor from government assets.

    I agree that it is plausible that they have gold. Having insider access to military intelligence right after WW2 when he was appointed as one of the 11 prosecutors to handle the cases of those accused of collaboration with the Japanese, Marcos may have gotten some leads about Japanese gold loot. He doesn't have to be a treasure hunter himself. He can just be the buyer of any gold found by the hunters, who, needing money to continue their hunt, have to sell part of their finds at a fraction of their true  market value. Marcos could have taken advantage of that to buy gold cheaply. He also worked with Benguet Mining even before WW2, after graduating cum laude at UP Law and topping his BAR exams. This could have been a deliberate career path -- to be close to where the gold is. There were rumors that some of Marcos gold cache were from Benguet Mining. Note, Benguet Mining is a private company.

    Financial Analysts believe that Marcos expanded his investments through his circle of relatives, friends, and business associates, like Ongpin in mining, Eduardo Cojuangco in coconuts, Roberto S. Benedicto in sugar, Herminio Disini in tobacco and construction industry, and Antonio O. Floirendo in bananas, who in-turn have their corresponding lieutenants of professional executives managing the network of businesses. You will not find the identities of these corporations and whatever happened to them after the 1986 revolution. No, not from the oligarch-controlled Philippine mainstream media. Suffice it to say that the victors became the new owners of these huge network of corporations and investments without the Filipino people knowing about it --- and many of whom, up to now, still believe the propaganda that Marcos is still hiding it.

  18. Government war on drugs will continue. It is a matter of national security. Any government elected to office will carry this burden. I really don't care if people involved in drugs are killed in the process. 

    Drugs are used by foreign powers to keep our country weak. The CIA is into it. The Chinese military is into it as well. Both are using drug syndicates to flood our country with drugs. Even our own police hierarchy are infiltrated with drug syndicate protectors. And these police generals are in turn coddled by politicians who get their money from drug trade.

    A government saddled with the drug menace on top of its already heavy economic burden is easy to manipulate.

  19. 4 hours ago, bluepanther said:

    filipino born citizen

    marunong sumagot sa mga interview, hindi magalaw ang mga mata pag sumasagot at hindi din nag papa cute

    more than 40 years of age

    hindi naninira ng ibang tao, dahil lamang ayaw nyang manalo ang kalaban

    knows how to run a government (LGU)

    may plataporma - hindi gagamitin ang media para sabihin na ganito dapat ang gawin nyo ganire yan, he gave request not advice

    Eto naman ang comparison on how they articulate their advocacies:


  20. 5 hours ago, howardhardwell said:

    Was anyone here old enough to know what was going on during martial law era and young/in the streets enough to know what life is like for young people today under the covid lockdowns? How do they compare?

    I'm old enough. I was in high school when Martial Law was declared. 
    There were curfews but not a problem for us because I think it was 12 midnight to 4 am. As students, we have to be home right after school anyway to do our household chores then do our school homework. But overall no restrictions to our movements during daytime. 

    No cellphone, no internet, no Facebook, no computer games.

    We pass our time on sports (mostly playing basketball), reading books, playing James Taylor songs on guitar. Passing slam books among friends. Slam book is a notebook where you write your personal info, likes, dislikes, favorite whatever, dreams, etc... we pass them around to as many of our friends as possible. It's also a way to make new friends.  I use it to get to know girls, which I would have been to shy to approach if not for the slam book.

    There were no huge shopping malls to go to. But shopping centers like Farmer's Market in Cubao, Ayala Shopping Center in Makati. That's where we go to watch movies. 

    Most of the TVs are black and white. Our favorite noontime show was Twelve O'clock High with Ariel Ureta and Tina Revilla. In the evening there will be basketball games between Meralco, Toyota, Crispa, the top 3 favorite teams.


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