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Posts posted by camiar

  1. Maybe somebody was in denial that the true odd-even was truly implemented. Anyways, here's the full text of the regulation:


    http://www.mmda.gov.ph/images/pdf/regulation/MMDA_Reg_95-001.pdf (95 stands for 1995, remember that)


    And here's an excerpt from MMDA Reg. 96-04 (96... as in 1996.)



    The odd even scheme of the late 90's were experimental and focused on public utility vehicles. The coverage then was limited to rush hour periods of 7-9 AM and 5-7 pm. It can be hardly called implementation at all, unless you believe your favorite politicians.


    The real reduction scheme that is universally implemented by local governments even outside Metro Manila is the current one because it is accepted as more equitable, easier to understand and implement.


    But whatever reduction scheme they come up with will eventually fail because we are not addressing the root of the problem, which is lack of infrastructure and outmoded transportation system.

  2. ^^^ They did not bastardize the odd-even scheme. They simply did not implement it because it is unfair as you have explained.


    The 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-0 weekdays coding scheme is more acceptable as being equitable.


    Unfortunately in the past, car buyers can choose what number they want for their plates, which skewed the normal number distribution, as darksoulriver points out. You can no longer choose your car plate numbers nowadays. So, eventually, it will go back to normal distribution.


    The traffic nightmare we have are because of poor driver discipline, inefficient bus system, insufficient commuter train capacity, and insufficient alternative roads.


    What we should strive for is:


    1. Remove the obsolescent mode of public transport -- padjaks, tricycles, jeepneys (send them to the provinces)

    2. Strictly regulate the buses and taxis to force bus and taxi companies to modernize their units, make them comfortable, and adopt an efficient unit dispatching system

    3. Strictly regulate the abusive UV Express to stop them from overcrowding their units and follow strictly the original point-to-point scheme.

    4. Strictly implement road clearing campaign to rid side streets of illegally parked cars, to open up alternate routes.

    5. Add more trains, add more train lines

    6. Add more roads, expressways, beltways.

    7. Move the industrial and manufacturing plants away from the metropolitan areas.


    If we can do all these, we don't need the number coding schemes.

  3. Sumobra traffic when the small affordable cars flooded the metro. Majority now can easily avail the car even those without own parking space in their house. Bakit hindi ba bigyan ng Age limit yung mga car na nag tratravel along edsa? That way yung mga older car ay madisttribute sa mga provinces. Like if your car model is 10 years of age, dapat bawal na sa edsa. Di lang puro dagdag ng car, goverment should strategize how to effectively control the volume.

    I have a 21-year-old car, a Honda CRV. It is very well maintained and still running in tip-top shape.


    A private car can last more than 10 years, with proper maintenance. The lawmakers know this, so the proposal to limit the age of cars will have difficulty passing approval.

  4. Yes, but that is for countries with so high income (due to sustainable sources) and low birth rate and the government is making sure that even with the low population, there will be enough skilled, knowledgeable, and bright people.


    In our case, our population is booming and giving free education to all will not be sustainable. Also, due to the increasing population, there will be very high chance of having skilled, knowledgeable, and bright people. No need for the government to intervene. I’d rather put all my taxes to solving the traffic problem which results to tens-hundred million pesos of losses per day. Imagine the amount of wealth we can generate once this is solved. By then we can talk about increasing scholarships (not free education). Then once we become a first world country, then lets talk free education. We have so much urgent problems to solve, and this doesnt include free education.


    No argument there, except on your statement that government should not intervene. There are bright and deserving students who cannot afford secondary and higher education. For these select individuals, the government must intervene to give them a chance. Of course, government support is not free. They have to pay it back though service to the government and/or to the community.

  5. I am talking here of FQS-style rallies. The member of the LFS who study in state universities should be expelled since it is a communist front.

    The infamous First Quarter Storm was a violent mass movement that aimed to precipitate into a full blown leftist revolution to bring down the government. It was not a rally. I was a mass riot.


    The League of Filipino Students was indeed a communist front to recruit students into the armed revolutionary movement.


    But that's another point. The government has the ways and means to uncover these types of illegal activities and organizations, and respond accordingly.


    However, in the spirit of free thinking, student should enjoy the freedom to explore all ideas, concepts and thoughts.


    We should not limit them to "conventional wisdom".


    Remember during the middle ages, it was considered a criminal act - a blasphemy - to discuss the concept that the world is round, because it was contrary to the conventional wisdom that the world is flat and the sun, moon, and the entire universe revolve around it.

  6. Happiest countries (scandinavian countries in particular) in the world have education free at all levels. I hope we can do the same here.



    once we have amassed the same wealth and achieved self-sustainability, then its possible, before then, nothing should be free


    The concept of free education comes from the principle that the State must invest on the education of its citizens to develop an intelligent and progressive nation, thus assuring the survival and/or dominance of the State in the world community.


    If the state cannot afford to give free education to all citizens, it may opt to provide it to selected best and brightest individuals.

  7. Joining peaceful rallies to voice out what's on their mind is fine. What I meant was joining rallies because they are goaded by communists is wrong to the core and they should be expelled.

    If they are goaded by communists and they (the students) believe it is right, it's fine. They should be free to study, discuss, and voice out whatever ideas, theories, concepts.


    Joining rallies is also fine. It part of our freedom of speech and expression.


    BUT, joining the leftist or rightist armed struggle to overthrow the government is not part of freedom of expression. If they overstep that boundary, it becomes a crime against the state. They will not only be expelled, they can be lawfully arrested and thrown in jail or even be executed.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. Joining rallies is part of the freedom we should allow students to do as long as they do it on their own free will. It is part of learning to take a stand on what they believe is right.


    HOWEVER, together with that freedom is the responsibility that they must pass their course within the time allotted to them, otherwise, they are wasting their parents' or the government's money paid for their tuition. In which case, they should be expelled.

  9. It seems that one troll is mimicking my style of resting from this forum for a couple of months. But then again, baka wala ng funding kaya tahimik na. :lol:


    Wala nang funding.


    Dyan mapapatunayan na pera lang talaga ang motivation nya sa pagto-troll. Kung walang bayad, hindi magpo-post.


    Kaya ayun, tahimik lang sa lungga.

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    dinaig mo pa si cristy fermin sa tsismis.


    anyway, ano masasabi mo sa sinabi ni tatay digong mo na ninoy died at the "hands of marcos?"

    Eh di tsismis kung dyan ka masaya. Alam ko namang kay Cristy Fermin ka lang sampalataya.


    Mas paniniwalaan ko pa rin yung tsismis ng mga ex-military kesa sa kahit anong tsismis ni Cristy Fermin. Teka, may version ba si Cristy tungkol kay Marcos? Paki-share naman yung mga Cristy Fermin collection mo.



    Napag-usapan na rin namin yung sinabi ni Digong.


    Back-read ka na lang.

  11. hindi mo basta basta maipapasara yung lotto outlets kasi nagbayad ka ng franchise fee, nag-invest ka. private property yun na hindi pwedeng galawin ng gobyerno. kung may problema sa pcso at may sinasabi syang mga corrupt officials, pwede nyang tanggalin kasi empleyado ng Malacanang yung mga yun saka appointed sila ng Presidente.


    isa pa, napakadaming mawawalang ng trabaho at benepisyo sa pcso/lotto.

    The government's answer to this :


    The gaming franchise given to you by the government is a privilege to do business in it. It is not an absolute right. The government can take that privilege from you at its own discretion.

  12. Excepts from @HiddenTruthPH:




    "...Danding might [have] had Ninoy killed not because he hated Ninoy but because he believed the death of Ninoy will overthrow Marcos (by people power) and will catapult his cousin Cory to power and ensure continuity of their influence on national affairs..."


    "...the yellow family used propaganda on our people in 1986. Anger was their tool. They used Ninoy’s death to fuel the public’s rage. Didn’t you ever stop and think why they left Ninoy's face to look like a bloody pulp during his open casket funeral? They presented a hero? no, a "martyr."

    They had slogans, they had a color, and they had music. They had all these propaganda devices. The spin was so successful and they got the Filipino people to get rid of Marcos to further their own agendas. (oligarchy/monopoly. privatization of govt owned institutions and services)..."


    "...Raul Gonzalez, ... came upon a witness in Ninoy’s case when he was Sandiganbayan prosecutor during Cory’s term.

    Gonzalez reportedly went to President Cory to tell her about the witness’s willingness to testify on the condition that she and her three children would be protected by the state. The report said that before Cory would agree to the terms, the President asked Gonzalez who would the witness name as mastermind in the killing of her husband.

    When Gonzalez said that she would name Danding, Cory reportedly responded, “Impossible. It cannot be.” The President reportedly refused the witness’ request for protection. The witness eventually disappeared.

    In September 2004, in an interview with reporters, Gonzalez said the brains behind Ninoy’s assassination could have been unmasked had he been allowed to finish the prosecution of the case as Tanodbayan in 1986. Gonzalez was suspended as Tanodbayan by the Supreme Court in 1986 as he was preparing to present the witness in Ninoy’s case.

    In 2004, Gonzalez identified the witness as a girlfriend of a general who accompanied the latter to Carlston Hotel the day before Ninoy was assassinated.

    "When I was suspended, she (witness) refused to testify. She can testify because of what she knows," Gonzalez said..."

  13. When Ninoy was assassinated vast majority of Filipinos assumed it was Marcos.


    Years later, analysts say that Marcos would not want Ninoy dead under his watch. It would be too politically damaging to Marcos if any harm falls on Ninoy.


    There are stories circulating from Malacanang insiders that Marcos went into furious rage upon hearing the news of Ninoy's murder and was even described throwing an ashtray towards Imelda in a fit of anger, suggesting that Marcos thought his wife was behind Ninoy's death.


    Further analysis from political experts show that Imelda does not have enough power, resources, nor the stomach to have Ninoy killed. Even the prosecution under Cory Aquino's term cannot prove in court any link of Ninoy's assassins to either Marcos or Imelda.


    New theories emerge that it is the Cojuangco clan who will benefit most from Ninoy's death. They have the resources to do it and if they do so, they can divert the blame to Marcos.

  14. I get a kick out of hearing your crazy answers like you claiming to be in the know while everyone else is clueless.

    Not everyone else here is clueless. Ikaw lang.


    And you get a kick out of being pawned every time. What a masochist.


    Pero di mo pa rin kayang sagutin yung tanong: Nasaan yung palusot at imbento sa pinag-uusapan namin?

  15. ^^^ Its not that I cant believe that you know something, Its that I don't believe most of the things you say. Mahilig ka mag palusot and mahilig ka mag imbento. You have no credibility to me.


    Nasaan ang palusot at imbento sa pinag-uusapan namin?


    And what's the point in you joining the conversation? If I don't have credibility, why bother respond?


    All your posts on the issue shows your ignorance. Do you butt in because you desperately wanted to show us how clueless you are?

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