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Posts posted by remoteworld

  1. For best pulutan..I always go to Marina Oysters Seafood Grill...if am in QC I go to their Timog cor Panay Branch..or SM Sky Garden branch...if in Pasig I go to Metrowalk area...if am in south area, I hang out at SM Mall of Asia and Roxas blvd. I a sucker for baked oysters or the tuna belly.....my friends like the tuna sisig...and if your so drunk na try the Marina Seafood Soup....!!Marina also have the best cooked pusit....hindi matigas and hilaw..just right

    hmm, sounds like you're either a longtime suki of Marina (of which i am one, i even have a discount card that will expire soon), or you are one of its promoters! hehehe


    marina offers ilonggo foods. whether or not they're pulutan depends on the drinker's palate. yes, the baked oysters are good but i have yet to taste their bulgan. my neighbor and i often frequent this place (as in twice a month) but there was a funny incident when the lady manager who gave my neighbor was absent. the discount card was pronounced invalid. isn't that unfair!

    it took about 2 hours (and another bucket of beer!) before the ruling went to our favor. but just the same, my embarrassed neighbor suggested we avoid the place. which we did. but a month is a long long time for perennial drunkards like us to remember any gripe so we're back to marina these days like nothing ever happened.


    by the way, marina's crispy pata is kinda pricey for us with that few bits of morsels. hope they'll put in more in the plate. cheers!

  2. Has anybody tried PIXIE'S SINUGBA?



    I say it is a healthier pulutan alternative than crispy pata, crispy ulo or liempo.



    while we are at the topic of 'healthy' pulutan, some guys order fruit bowls for their pulutan. i do it once in a while


    many manila ihaw-ihaw do it the wrong way: the sauce/paste they wipe on the foods while grilling are so greasy/oily it robs the real taste of inihaw. not to mention the cholesterol/grease you'll ingest


    i was in bacolod last weekend for nth masskara festival. as usual, i ended up eating and drinking at 'manokan plaza'. my personal spot there is nena's beth III for their sugbang manok paa (no grease at that, only a light wipe of their magic sarsa)




    their isaw was noticeably cut in half (lengthwise) before it was pierced by the stick, probably to show it was clean.

    the tender and tasty 'crackling pork' was bought at 'palmas del mar' resort.

  3. ...


    It was a lot cheaper buying large bags of fried peanuts and then putting them into little sandwhich bags, it helps avoid the whole oily pants issue. :flowers:

    hahaha. yeah, that's a good way to avoid the oily pants issue. really, you get wiser when you get older.

    but back then maybe we thought it was cool. crazy youth. we did the same peanut trick at thunderdome.

    those days it'll cost you 2 eggs to watch shows in thunderdome. so you limit yourself to ONE or TWO


  4. ...

    I used to go to Discovery along Aurora too back in the mid to late '80s, same tactic as you with the peanuts. :hypocritesmiley:



    if the waiter is confused why our plate is always full, our maid at home is equally confused why my pockets are always oily in the morning :)


    back then, bringing a pulutan (or ordering one) is beyond my means. as a matter of fact, it's rare if someone will bring a pulutan to a club

  5. Most bars serve this bar chow are salty to increase the thirst level of the drinker, thus causing the patron to drink more. Likewise, it is oily to help the patron absorb less alcohol as the oil coats the stomach lining preventing the absorption of alcohol, thus again causing the patron to drink more. Aside from peanuts, other traditional bar chow such as salted fried pretzels and french fries also do the same trick. This technique is done in the US and in Europe.

    thanks for sharing that tidbit, sir smilingbandit. i thought fried peanuts and chicharon are favorite pulutans of heavy drinkers because the greased intestines make one easy to vomit after hitting a certain limit. vomitting is one way of avoiding heavy hangover in the morning. no wonder a lot of drinkers force themselves to vomit after a heavy inuman. well, to each his own, but it's my habit too!


    now a little story about peanuts: back in my college days, me and my friend buy several packs of fried peanuts and put them in our pockets (still hot at that!) before entering discovery (sta. mesa). the bold shows start at 7pm so we sit at the front starting 5pm (it's opening time). by about 6:45 the dining area is about full, but lucky for us we're at the best seats in the house. serving fried peanuts with first drinks is s.o.p. and since there's nothing better to do while waiting for the show to start, we paw peanuts from the plate in successions. but to our waiter's disbelief, the plate is always full! magic, hehehe.


    now let me push the next question -- what makes a food a pulutan?

  6. As a sort of a preview for my planned PULUTAN NIGHT, I brought some food from my favorite take out places and brought them over to HOMEBASE...... So basically I think I have around 4 kinds of food, at first it may seem few, but when placed in the bar, it does seem like a feast is about happen (if you look at it from a certain angle).  :thumbsupsmiley:







    Tuna Sashimi and Unagi Maki from Tokyu Japanese Resto




    Kani Sashimi from Tokyu Japanese Resto




    Pork Liempo from Conchings. (Not in the pics is the grilled Balunbalunan or chicken liver & gizzard)



    Also brought in some candy and chocolates just in case some angel may want to satisfy their sweet tooth.

    great combination! i think all those pulutans are 'compatible' with beer and soju. kainan na!

  7. Chicharon always make excellent pulutan and a lot of angels seem to be attracted to them like bees to honey. My current favorite is from LAPIDS, which I currently buy from S&R in Munoz, the present drawback is the trouble of braving the rush hour traffic in that area just to make a U-turn.


    Landmark in Tri-Noma also has a LAPIDS kiosk ......



    sir asmodeous, your idea of a Pulutan Night is a fantastic idea. but knowing there's a wide variety of pulutans to choose from, i won't be surprised if it's buffet style at the bar or there'll be a Pulutan Night Part 2 (or even Pulutan Night Part 3) to follow it!

    bringing in 6 or more different dishes in one night is a tall order unless they came from places near each other.

    i'll bring in my favorite chicharon if that's ok with you

  8. there are many lapids imitation out there. the original is still the best in tems of quality and taste. The original comes with the description "freshly popped" chicharon. i think the main store is along that street after white plains going to katipunan, theres one along slex near corner zobel and one along shaw blvd near kalentong

    there's another kind of chicharon: the one being served at sd that's different from lapid's. clubs usually serve bituka (more of the large intestine, the small intestine is tougher to bite). the bituka chicharon of tropical hut (sct. borromeo) is steeped in msg/salt/oil mixture that makes you wanna puke.


    if you want a good-tasting (at least to my palate) bituka chicharon you have to travel all the way to pioneer center at pasig (pioneer street, of course). inside the supermarket is a kiosk selling bituka chicharon that tastes 'just right'. maybe some of you can suggest somewhere nearer


    if the qc guys will allow me again to gatecrash in their next party, i'll make sure to bring half a kilo of it. needless to say, it goes better with beer :)

  9. yes they do have squid but only the fresh ones that you dip in soy sauce and kalamansi

    it's possible those korean squid (bangketa version) will be a big hit to the girls since they're familiar with its taste. but since they rush to their evening work after waking up and bathing, they don't have the time to look for this pulutan. but that's just a pet theory, it's possible most of these chicks don't eat squid at all! hehehe


    my observation is that many pulutans (like pritong galunggong) are dipped in soy sauce or patis before being eaten and followed by beer. all this talk about pulutan in soy sauce and kalamansi makes my mouth water :P .

  10. there's this ihaw-ihaw place in tomas morato beside pho-hoa which has good bbqs. its a cheap pub kind of place where you can see the grilling just in front. they have pork and chicken bbq, pork ears, pork liver, chicken gizzard and butt and many other grilled stuff. price per stick is around 15 to 20 pesos depending on the kind.

    do they have that fried squid that's soft and tasty, same as the one you'll see being sold at streets? they say those soft squids are from korea

  11. same here, parati kong natatapon ung fon ko kasi nag ha-hang...

    but the feature are good, pag marunong ka nga lang ng apps.

    madali lang din makasagap ng connection

    a lot of friends sold their 5800 a days after buying. it seems all of those defective units were from arab countries. i remember someone who came from dubai trying to sell me a brand new 5800 (sealed at that!) for only 7k bucks

  12. i'm not a pork bar-b-que fan but i can't resist the pork bar-b-que of dannylicious in project 4, on rajah matanda st., just off camp aguinaldo. the pork bar-b-que there is very tender and taste subtly like 1st class tocino without the sweetener and artificial coloring.

    i like 'tender' barbeque especially if it's tender to my false teeth. hehehe


    tender but not with too many fats in it, though i must admit the fats make anything rather tastier.

    i also stay away from barbeques that smell of kerosene for obvious reason

  13. Is the BBQ being sold at IBP really good ????? I've been wanting to bring some BBQ to my fave hangouts but couldn't find BBQ thats comparable with the ones that Sir HOPIA has been bringing.

    too bad my memory span of food tastes is quite short. it's been so long i've forgotten what sir hmp bbq's taste was like. that makes comparing difficult. i suggest you buy a few sticks then judge it yourself. the place is a beerhouse so expect the food preparation to be 'masculine': no dainty floral carrots or garnishings on the side of plate, and the sauces are quite thick. nevertheless, those foods have to be tried and tasted. try the cook's special: tuna belly

  14. many exotic meats (including lamb) can be bought at hi-top supermarket (quezon ave.) meat section. i didn't happen to be the 'cooking' type, 'eating' type lang ako and for me it's easier to buy cooked foods. but some of my drinking buddies (a.k.a. neighbors) prefer to cook pulutans especially sisig -- now you have an idea how much i weigh!


    for those on tight budget, there's plenty of inexpensive pulutan at Ihaw-Balot Plaza (Sct. Borromeo St, back of Sly's): tuna belly, pusit, panga, bar-b-que, ... it used to be the watering hole of actors back in the 80's and 90's when Magnatech (film editing building infront of Ihaw-Balot) was still in business.

  15. ...

    If you know your angel is of the adventurous type (when it comes to food) .... one can always buy some fried froglegs or steamed eel with tausi in Ying Ying teahouse.

    in my experience, very few are adventurous. there's a beerhouse at the back of bdo timog whose menu include the ff:

    sawa, bayawak, cobra, usa, baboy ramo, etc. the waiter will ask you if you want it adobo or fried.



    best usa (deer meat) for me is still from apo duwaling's of timog (i forgot it's new name). i always love them tender

  16. the ktv clubs i frequent prohibits bringing in food much more pulutan type for your self ot even for your angels. buti sa pinupuntahan nyo payayag sila.

    pag oldtimer ka na sa favorite club mo, there's a big possibility you can convince the management to waive your food charge. times are hard, and it's harder to keep regular clients, many clubs (even strict ones like stardust) nowadays give in to small requests like that. you may not be aware of it, but your fm might be waiving that for his/her old clients.


    although most clubs have fried noodles in their menu, once in a while you'll see some clients bringing in their own. i did that in Obsession: i bought bihon from Conching's and the girls found it ok, although i heard that Obsession's pancit bihon is quite tasty too. chami of Lido (West Avenue) is also great to fill in your belly before drinking. come to think of it, it's also a great filler after drinking. hahaha


    TRIVIA: some people call any noodle pancit. be it pancit, lomi, bihon, even spaghetti.

  17. ...


    paminsan-minsan, espesyal na litson manok ng Country Chicken House

    kung malapit ako sa binondo before dark, i would always pass at Sincerity (Cavajal Street) and order

    their decades-famous fried chicken. the meat is so tender and it's been soaked to a secret mix before cooking.

    their menu items are probably cooked in the old Fookien way, or at least as i remember the tastes.

    (OT) their oyster cake is hardly a pulutan but i would recommend you to order it as well kung nandun ka na rin lang.


    again, what's delicious for me may turn out to be a no-no for the angel. ok lang, mas marami akong makakain. hehehe.


    anyway, if i'm not in the binondo vicinity pwede na rin ang in-house chicken ng club.

  18. Peborit ng mga chicks kumain/humigop ng noodles. Kaya naman kahit unusual, pinalulutuan ko ang chickas ko ng noodle sa loob ng club. Lucky Me beef lang me kiss na ako!


    paminsan-minsan, espesyal na litson manok ng Country Chicken House

    if it's for pulutan, soup is really unusual to go with any drink: beer with soup? tequila with soup? red wine with soup? mukhang lahat ng drinks hirap isabay ang soup kasi parehong inumin. ang soup ata parang pang-before or pang-after inuman. hehehe


    pero me point ka. kung saan ano ba ang hilig ng chicks mo eh ... di ibigay! :cool:

  19. While we are on the "birthday" subject ..... I also remember bringing in some servings of Lasagna on that particular night. I brought them at DON HENRICOS  (West Avenue) and they are currently my favorite lasagna which can be used for pulutan or as a before or after drinking treat.


    Just to name a few angels who have gone gaga over the said lasagna are the "Quick Toss" and angel BIANCA.

    that lasagna is another mystic food -- leave it at the table and it vanishes in minutes! from the moment it was served it took me 10 minutes to decide to get up and taste it at fm's table. well, there's hardly any left except 2 spoonfuls! i had no choice but let miles and bianca have the leftover (i was too bashful to scoop at the lasagna plate infront of ace). that don henrico's version is one lasagna i have yet to try.

  20. Speaking of pizzas ...... my current favorite pizza to bring to my hangout would have to be Brooklyns Pizza located along Tomas Morato (right beside Mocha Blends). They also have some great pasta dishes also. (many thanks to the master SINFUL and Sir LOMEX for suggesting this fine pizza place)


    Recently, I brought in three 18 inch pizzas to the CASTLE as part of my contribution to a birthday party. In no time, they were all consumed.

    hey, i remember those enormous pizzas! you must have brought 3 boxes of them: i thought there'll be a lot of leftovers.

  21. holy kettle corn. this is widely scattered in malls, you guys won't have problems finding a kiosk.

    i became a popcorn convert after a brief stay at hotness. popcorn with beer? not bad at all!

    after hotness i tried looking for popcorn stands the following night. whoa, there's not one in the vicinity of quezon avenue.

    the nearest one was in trinoma, where i found a holy kettle corn kiosk.


    just for the sake of change, it might be a good idea for other clubs to include popcorn in their menu. girls would love it.

    i love it. i will prefer that anytime to peanuts

  22. the first few times I brought in sushi to the CASTLE ..... some angels were like "ewwww !! anu yan? hilaw?" and they wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. After continuously bringing said food over a short period, some angels somehow developed a slight curiosity for it. Though some, up to this day would not want to eat raw fish. (the quick toss being one of them) ..... some have already taken a fancy for them and are actually requesting that I bring more.





    In the case of the bagoong rice ...... it was a risk bringing that in since I half-expected the angels to stay away from the more pungent smelling type of food like bagoong. (actually mabango naman yun luto eh) But in reality, many of the angels were so attracted to the unique taste that it became one of the most popular food I have ever brought in.

    it must be fun watching them becoming converts: gulping down the sashimi when a week ago they squirm at the sight of it. now some of them might even consider it status symbol they could finally eat raw fish! hehehe.


    what's disappointing is hearing some of them say "di masarap!" (this actually happened several times!) and i can't blame them for being frank, saying whatever first comes to their mind. i found it futile to force them to like it. oh well, best i could do is bring in a different dish on next visit


    strange but there are some old-fashioned angels preferring the cheap pizza (sold in unknown pizza stands) to those well-known pizza brands like pizza hut and yellow cab. i still have to see a gal not brushing off those black olives and garlic before taking a bite on her pizza!

  23. Conchings

    Along Quezon Avenue, fronting Club PEGASUS or just besides Club OBSSESSION. (but there are rumors that they will be transferring)



    I will have to thank Sir REMOTEWORLD for introducing me to the fine taste of their Grilled Native Chicken. Slightly tough to chew but the taste is far better than most commercial chickens. I remember the first time I tasted it ..... I practically ate the entire chicken myself. hehehehehehe

    Then there is my IDOL DUVINO to thank for letting me try the Grilled Pork Liempo...... Since then, I have been regularly buying those to bring to my favorite ktv hangout.


    I also usually buy their grilled chicken gizzard.

    compared to cebu lechon, many manila lechons (pingping's etc.) pale by comparison in taste. this is because of the aromatic leaves and foods they stuff before roasting. similarly, conching's native chicken is stuffed before they cook it. malasa. sometimes i stay away from tough foods like their native chicken. while still cutting the chicken portion into smaller chewable portions (for my false teeth), marami ng nakain ang mga katabi ko. lugi. hehehe. malasang malasa kasi.

    more power to conching's


    complaint: after going through pains to bring in some tasty pulutan, i notice some angels are not appreciative at all. some won't even touch what you thought was a delicious dish. me mga maarte sa pagkain, or pihikan or whatever we call them, it's a fact that we have different tastes. so it's my policy to bring in food that i like para kung ayaw niya, kahit paano busog ako. well, it happened a few times.

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