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Oh just a quickie post before the flavor of this wonderful bordeaux I had last night bids a fond goodbye to my palate.


I've mostly stuck to Aussie wines simply because it was my first introduction to the world of wines.  Since then I have tried a whole slew but somehow I found myself going back to Aussie.  Am not all that adventurous perhaps as I believe in the maxim "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."  But last night I had the most wonderful introduction to a vintage bordeaux .... Château Ducru-Beaucaillou Saint Julien 1989.


Lush does not begin to describe it.  It had a beckoning and almost tempestuous character and I wasn't quite sure if seductive was proper to use to describe this red but I checked out some of the reviews and to my surprise this is exactly how this red is described!  Seductive to a point you just want to totally surrender ... tannin was quite strong but oh I have learned to love this mouth-puckering sensation lately, color was deep and dark which was reflective perhaps of the various black fruits you could taste.


The 89 vintage is meant to be kept till 2005 and sipped before 2006.  I have to say I was truly impressed not just with the wine but with my date who went out of his way to prepare an intoxicating evenining for me down to the last minute detail .... the seduction worked. :lol:




p.s. my date asked me to include this:  he loved the wine, good drop especially when drank off the skin. :lol:


a 1989 vintage .... WOW!!!! now i'm just wondering, are you sure you were describing the wine or your date? :wacko:


i have a HAPPY HANGOVER!!!!! *strikers

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a 1989 vintage .... WOW!!!! now i'm just wondering,  are you sure you were describing the wine or your date? :wacko:


i have a HAPPY HANGOVER!!!!! *strikers


Hehe ... both? :lol:


Senyorrrrr Masi, you have to agree with me that the wine experience must be relatable to a life experience --- it must be able to evoke emotions to crystallize the moment. Otherwise what good is this precious lush liquid if it is strictly consumed like a mouthwash. :lol:


Pray tell about your happy hangover. :P

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without the intent of "jumping the gun" on bods, we met last night and popped 2 bottles of spanish wines. the 1st one was a tampranillo (vintage and label, that i'll leave to bods. dont blame me, i just drink, talk and have a great time) and the other, a shiraz.


the tampranillo was simply, beyond words. first time ko e! so i didn't know what to expect nor was i expecting anything! it had a light purple red visual. the bouquet was fragrant and round, rich cherries. it was so captivating, that i wanted to taste it right away but held back for a minute as the bouquet was still evolving.


i took a sip and "bounced" it all over the palate. it was meaty but it was teasing me that i could not get a hold of the taste i was wanting to capture... fleeting yet elegant. as i said earlier, simply beyond words.


the second bottle was a shiraz (label and vintage, i don't remember, so what's new!). i was still in a state of "shock" that the shiraz was typical. i know i am not doing justice to it by simply passing it as typical. i will get another bottle and post my notes sometime soon.


btw, as for the eb, only bods and i showed up. but we were kept in awe by the Senoritas we had, a tampranillo and a shiraz.


i have a hangover and smile on my face. good thing i have my tall latte with an extra shot of espresso on hand to keep me in touch with reality.


have a good one.

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Hehe ... both? :lol:


Senyorrrrr Masi, you have to agree with me that the wine experience must be relatable to a life experience --- it must be able to evoke emotions to crystallize the moment.  Otherwise what good is this precious lush liquid if it is strictly consumed like a mouthwash. :lol:


Pray tell about your happy hangover. :P



simply put.... passion!!!!






last night was a blast!!! last time i drank where the bottle to person ratio was 1 was with a relative who took me out to a steak dinner, wine and cigars at Sam and Harry's in Washington, D.C. he was a timid and reserve man but after 1 bottle each, we were laughing and racing on I-95 with a blood alcohol level which could be tagged as "flammable"!!! :lol:

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Speaking of floored, my 2 girls from work were floored yesterday when they received a bottle each of Chateau Beychevelle Grand Vin 1993 Bordeaux from my very special constant date. The bottles came with a note saying, "Thanks for taking care of my smitten kitten, hope you enjoy this" or something to that effect (haven't memorized it verbatim :rolleyes: but gimme a few more days I can! :lol:). Obviously I had the grilling of my life from them and from a dozen more people as they decided to open their bottles at 5pm and shared it with the service teams we work with.


1993, I read, was not a very good year for the chateaus but those who sampled the drop were unanimous in saying that it was smoldering, earthy with "plummy" fruit and spice. Twas a good drop to sip while being asked to spill details about the sender. Good thing the only thing I spilled was some of that bordeaux on my white lycra top! :lol: Unfortunately no white wine, salt nor baking soda in sight so I wonder if those stains will ever come off. :unsure:

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Speaking of floored, my 2 girls from work were floored yesterday when they received a bottle each of Chateau Beychevelle Grand Vin 1993 Bordeaux from my very special constant date.  The bottles came with a note saying, "Thanks for taking care of my smitten kitten, hope you enjoy this" or something to that effect (haven't memorized it verbatim :rolleyes: but gimme a few more days I can! :lol:).  Obviously I had the grilling of my life from them and from a dozen more people as they decided to open their bottles at 5pm and shared it with the service teams we work with.


1993, I read, was not a very good year for the chateaus but those who sampled the drop were unanimous in saying that it was smoldering, earthy with "plummy" fruit and spice.  Twas a good drop to sip while being asked to spill details about the sender.  Good thing the only thing I spilled was some of that bordeaux on my white lycra top! :lol:  Unfortunately no white wine, salt nor baking soda in sight so I wonder if those stains will ever come off. :unsure:




WOW! for the 2nd time!!! a 1993 vintage... Sayang you spilled it !!! :rolleyes:

well, at least you can always buy a new white shirt! :upside: (fallout of the hangover and the espresso!!!!)

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OFF TOPIC POST: Sorry but I just have to post this as there is no other way to share it with you.



International symbol of marriage is Approved

New York-AP- On April 21, 2005, After 5 years of heated debate, the Commission of Human Rights approved the new International Symbol of Marriage:

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without the intent of "jumping the gun" on bods, we met last night and popped 2 bottles of spanish wines.  the 1st one was a tampranillo (vintage and label, that i'll leave to bods.  dont blame me, i just drink, talk and have a great time) and the other, a shiraz.



My apologies for not making it last night as I was caught up in another dinner meeting. I was actually able to slip away from it at around 10pm with the intention of passing by Barcino on the way home. Only to realize that my phone's battery was dead by that time and so had no way of checking with bods regarding your whereabouts.


Oh well. Maybe next time. . .

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My apologies for not making it last night as I was caught up in another dinner meeting.  I was actually able to slip away from it at around 10pm with the intention of passing by Barcino on the way home.  Only to realize that my phone's battery was dead by that time and so had no way of checking with bods regarding your whereabouts.


Oh well.  Maybe next time. . .



no prob with me... we'll have other opportunities. have a safe trip...

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Hola wine drinkers! Did any of you come over for the Spanish foodfest here in Cebu a week or so ago?


I'm not sure if pareng masi was aware of it...how was it?


I thought you were now in the Land of the Volcanoes :)

If you're here in Manila, give us a holler so we can have an impromptu WEB with you - magaling kami ni pareng masi sa mga biglaan hehehe....

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