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Please give me strength to hold on to my heart. Never let it falter nor fall into any more temptions for the sake of my family. Take care of my hero, idol and boss...my dad. Bless my best friend, companion and most revered woman...my mom. Do the same with my bratty sister as well :).

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Dearest Lord,




yeah...I know....was absent yesterday.....just took some time off.... :blush:


well....i've been a true angel these past days....geez...not easy being one..... :rolleyes:


Kindly take care of me....and the mortals i take care of..... :blush:


Lest I become demanding again, and come up with my long list of requests....I better say thank you now...




Your one-of-a-kind angel :hypocritesmiley:

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Dear God, for a person like me who's paranoid to the core, especially when with the person I like... if this is a test im all to willing to take it. If I crash and burn so be it... My fate is all up to you and her. .. But if you will grant this follower of yours to me, I wish she could stay and rest with me for a while.. say about a hundred years or so....?

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Dear JC,


I don't need for her to see how important is she to me although I would like that...but what I really wish is for her heart not to be hurt anymore, to always have a reason to smile and to see herself as how I and a lot of people see her, a beautiful sexy intelligent person inside and out.

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My ever-understanding God,


as you can well see from where You sit, this angel's wings are soaking wet, and badly battered....from too much rain, i guess?.....uhhhm, do we have replacements for these? :rolleyes:


Just asking. Just miss talking to You, that's all...


See You when I see You, ayt?


Your most makulet angel :hypocritesmiley:

Edited by angel_by_day
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