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Mixed Martial Arts


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hey guys, UFC fan & general MMA afficionado as well..my favorites are the natural randy couture & chuck lindell..is it true chuck KO'd vitor belfort? & that chuck already beat randy?..huli kasi ko sa balita..astig tlga MMA gusto ko matuto..


what do you thinks is better? a striker who learns to grapple or a grappler who learns to strike? tnx dudes..MMA rules!!..


Randy was beaten by vitor when the latter's finger found its way into randy's eyes. It was a few seconds into the first round when the fight has to be stopped. It was a total let down. Even vitor was not happy with the way he won the fight and the light heavyweight belt.

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i forgot to give my MA profile :)


i've been training in Joey Perico's Jeet Kune Do for 3 years now (just recently got back so i could lose weight). i know a lot of people diss him (especially online), but i totally respect the guy. eventhough i do not agree with everything he says, i know very well that he is the reason why i am where i am now.


to those interested, his gym is located in v.cruz and is pretty cheap. 1K start up fee (inclusive of 2 t-shirts and jogging pants) and 100 php per session.


i can assure anyone that the environment is healthy there and it is a good place to learn martial arts (since students are free to talk in training).


however, the gym may not serve your needs if you are a:


1.) tournament fighter = we lack mats and training regimen for those kinda things. we discuss the concepts though (with me being the biggest promulgator of MMA, hehe).


2.) MA/Bruce Lee/JKD fanatic = there are politics involved in Master Joey's authenticity. i suggest you try those Dan Inosanto schools (i dont know of any.. sorry). i also suggest you stop being a fanatic :)


3.) violence inclined = the environment discourages ppl from hurting each other or sparring all out.


you are suited here if you are a:


a.) beginner = the training regimen develops your cardio and basic muscles but to the point of torturing you. there are no tournaments to prepare for in here, so you are free to train in the intensity you want. i suggest you train hard or not train at all :)


b.) Working = it is an excellent stress reliever and you are not required to complete exercises your body cannot handle. however, know that there is a thin line between laziness and your body giving up :) ... know the difference.


c.) an individual who likes the science behind the arts = yes, we talk here all the time. sometimes the talking gets too bad that it degerates into basic gossiping and life stories. i probably shouldnt have said that *lol*


d.) someone who hates crowded rooms = master joey doesnt advertise anymore... there's a maximun of like 8 students here and just yesterday, i was the only one who trained. this has happened twice within the month *lol*




end of advertising :)


i just want to ask, does he have a number i can contact?? what days/hours are training?? limited slots nowadays?? :unsure:

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First, keep writing. Its all interesting. That follows too for everyone else here. :)


Something to add to your contemplations... lets say that you started studying internal martial arts at age 40. At 60, two decades later... internal masters would STILL view you as a Beginner, a Novice at best. So why start "someday"?


But let me give you the best advice I know of it: Only the most serious of persons should even begin studying internal martial arts. The process & training involved takes YEARS to develop. Many who begin NEVER get anywhere far. And many quit too early. It is frustrating. It is boring. It is worth it.


Should you decide to begin this journey... remove all martial arts ideas that you have from your mind. Because whatever you think it is... isn't it. NOTHING EXTERNAL IS LIKE IT AT ALL. It isn't necessarily better... it's just different.


About "ZERO knowledge"... there is a cure for that : ASK


Finally, as Yoda so aptly put it... "There is no try. DO."






any suggestions where or who to go for internal arts training?? chen tai chi?? quigong?? names/numbers?? :unsure:

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