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The Mail Box

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Dear M,


Your email the other day was a pleasant surprise, more so my call. Imagine after so many months of losing touch. The thing is it was just that and whichever way this friendship goes doesn't matter. It was a romantic fantasy, perhaps a whim on my part which I was capable of making real if only there was something to build on. You were aware of my feelings and I never hid them. Now the past is past and I'm a million miles from that moment. Such what if's are just a waste of my thoughts and time. What I'd like to know is what kind friend are we to each other? Regardless, it was a happy thought and a happy moment so there it says.





Edited by Z
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hi B! just wanna thank you for calling me. i am overwhelmed by the effort (and yes, by the expense!). two hours of overseas call isnt cheap. thanks for staying up late and waking up early just to compensate for the time diff.


thanks for brightening my day and calming down my nites. i can only wish things will move right.


take care, B!


- xtn

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i laid my cards, all of it, on the table

as you laid yours as well

now theres no more secrets, nor skeletons in the closet


you try and learn my world

as i try and understand yours

and with it, comes patience and understanding


we revolve in such an amazing place

packed with searchers, posers and yes friends

of which sometimes its hard to tell


fear for me not

for i have been to where they are going

i fear most, not for me, but for you


offers of good tidings, company, yes friendship too

set to weave and test

how strong and willful are you


i can only be there for you

at times, not all the times

so i pray do beware


hidden agendas, peoples mind games

all covered up

with sugar and spice, to look very nice


so this i say and pray,

the truth always has its way

in fact it has the final say.


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dear B,


yesterday was one of the happiest in a long time. i wasn't expecting it to turn out that way. it was just so amazing that things felt so right yet we both know it was so wrong as well.


after yesterday, things aren't the same for me anymore. i thought i'd be happy but it was short-lived. funny, but, deep inside, i knew it all along. sometimes, you just have to try it out yourself to learn the hard way. now, i end up hurting, so bad, in fact.


i don't know where this is headed and i'm scared as hell. i don't want to know.



Edited by mayella76
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Dearest Grandma,


I still can't believe you are gone. It's been almost 5 months and I still haven't quite grasped your death.


Everytime I visit your home, I see you, I feel your presence. Visiting that house gives me fond memories. I grew up there. But now, everytime I go there, the memories are different.


I am reminded of your death. Reminded of the wake, the tears, the agony, the pain. Reminded of a bittersweet family reunion.


It hasn't been the same since you were taken away from us. You have kept this family together and you have done a very good job. Now that you're gone, that task has been delegated to me. I am frightened that I won't do a good job. I need you to guide me. I need your help in keeping this family together, grandma. You have been always strong, brave, and feisty. Your blood runs through my veins, I need those traits to manifest now more than ever.


I love you grandma. I am so sorry I didn't say it more often. But I hope you get to read this. I miss you and I love you. We all do.


This family is your legacy and I will take care of it. :)




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We can never be... why? Because we are just friends, really good friends, and you don't want to ruin that... but you kissed me!


You said that it meant nothing and that you have too much respect for our friendship. Damn it! if you were just to give me one chance, I could show you that it could be amazing. I just want you to take a risk and see how good it would feel.


I know that things could never be the same again but that's what life is about... taking risks! I could make you so happy. There's more to life than just sitting around waiting for something to happen; life will then just pass us by.


I love you and if you have not seen that by now then you are blind. I used to think it was just your looks but then I realized it's the inside that makes my heart beat at this pace. You make my life worth living.


We can never be... why? Because we are just friends, really good friends, and youre committed to someone already.


You will be in my heart forever, even if it is just as friends.

Edited by Nene
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i see you're as confused as i am. i thought you'd give up on us so easily but then you surprised me a while ago with your honesty. this is definitely not going to be easy as i hoped it would be. i'm just sorry for all the mess i made.



Edited by mayella76
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totally unexpected. totally unprepared.

you caught me off guard yet again.


i had given you up. i decided you didnt want what we had.

i gave up on all unanswered questions.


i moved on.


and you came back.


my hands went clammy, my pulse raced.

i cried.


all the worries and hurts came back.

all the questions resurfaced.


why? what for? when?


you said you will answer them in time. you said you still wanted US.


why am i all unsettled?

why am i all askew?


is it because i still want us too?


i dont know.


i dont know anything. not at this time.


i only know im lost all over again.





Edited by WyldChik
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It feels like a thousand sandstorms pass through my throat whenever I don't talk with you - my whole being feels parched whenever I don't hear your voice....take care, sweetie....I've wrapped my love around you the whole day that I was thinking of you....



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Do not make the same mistakes your friend did.

I am no push over nor a softie to bend to your demands.


I am not a thing to command,

nor am I a delicate flower that will wilt away and die at the first sign of defeat


You will understand me.


Or the future we so long for will never come to be.



Edited by swit_lass
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