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The Mail Box

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Hey, Broduh.


It's your birthday today. You dropped by my place to get some things this morning. i prepared for you breakfast. but you only took some bread. you already had breakfast at home, you said.


you've got so much to complain about Moduh. but, bro, she's just that. you know getting a little old. although, yes, she's got more friends than i do. more gimmicks than i could ever have these days. but do give her a break. she's been with us, hand and foot, for some 30 years. and yes, she does need a break.


if she can't be there today to oversee the cooking, worry not a lot, Sistah is there. oh, yes, i forget. Moduh and I are the only individuals in our big family who can cook. but tell you what, i will try to get off work early, then maybe, i can help with your party.


sabi ko sa yo sa October fest kana lang magpainom. ayaw mo naman, kse jologs sa southmall at maraming squatters na naka-sando at tsinelas lang ang japorms. oh, well, that's just you, i know. but guess what, i do love you, bro.



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i think he is just that. and he has got you wrapped around his fingers. you allowed yourself to be led. he probably meant well, was sincere -- that moment. but he is that individual who doesn't stay in one place. and when he walks away, and turns his back, he will leave everything behind.


memories are a cheap commodity for him. he doesn't have that space in his consciousness for which to cradle the past. emotions? feelings? sure, he has them all right, but only for an ephemeral moment.


we breathe the same air. and walk the same earth.



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so sorry if i surprised you earlier...

it's just that i don't really understand why after almost

more than a month that i was illed, in and out of the hospital,

i suddenly became sentimental.

as i'm having my lunch today, i heard that david pomeranz's

song which you sang to me on our very first night as you're

rubbing my hair to sleep.

that song pretty well remind me of you.

so, here's to thank you for that wonderful memories we

had together.

wherever may i go, i'll never forget that colorful

chapter of my life.


thanks again and may you always be happy in everything you do...

you'll always be in the deep part of my heart, my jedi...!


sweet thang

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Dear Mum,


I remember the words you've said 20 odd years ago, something I shrugged aside though not forgotten. "One of these days you'll want to spend more time with us.." to that effect. If only I didn't feel that it was obliged it may have come sooner and perhaps less complicated but then there's a reason for everything isn't there? I am just thankful to you for playing a major part in the making of the man that writes to you today. I long for my roots as I seek to plant my own and this wouldn't have come about without your support the last three years for now I fly and soar. I just want to thank you and Dad for raising me well for it shows especially in the tribulations I face in achieving my dream. May you be honoured through me.




Your son, E

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My dearest one,


I'm slowly preparing myself to see you again. And this journey I take I also know will be the embrace of death


I'm so disheartened and broken. I've been up all night, just reading and reading about your condition. Accompanying this deep sadness in my heart is an anger. Why didn't the doctors see it earlier, why didn't you care enough? Why now? Why? Why? Why?


I don't want the doctors to tell you the truth about your condition, I don't want you to know what I know. Let me be the one, once more, to carry us. I want you to think you are going to get better, I want you to believe we are still going to have a lifetime to spend together -- that we are going to see our children grow up; that we are going to grow old together. I want you to be able to hope and to be happy. For your remaining days, I don't want you to be sad and worry about me & the kids after you are gone.


I've always told you this, I am the woman who would go through hell and back for you. And if I could, I would take your place at the snap of a finger. But since that is not how the cards are dealt, I will be the brave face you need now. I will be strong and I will smile everytime you look at me even if my heart is breaking ever so slowly.


Remember those lines from a song we both so love and has meant a lot to us? "I'll be your love, I'll be your friend. I'll be the summer breeze that never ends, for the rest of your days I'll be the road that takes you home." I'll be there with you darling, walking with you until the very end when you take your last few steps to go home to God.


How could you ever think I would leave you. Not now, not ever. Long before I placed a part of you upon my hand, I placed the whole of you in my heart. I love you now as I loved you then, as I will always love you in the days to come. You're the love of my life.



Edited by Lipstick
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as an affirmation...


The Promise...


... i offer my arms to catch you when you fall,

to keep you warm whenever you're cold,


... i offer my ears to listen to whatever troubles you,


...i offer an earnest shoulder for you to cry on,


...i offer my mind and its thoughts for whatever you may have use of it for,


...i offer my heart, to feel whatever pains you,


...i offer loyalty, in exchange for your honesty,


...i offer friendship or whatever that evolves along the way.



(should've been posted October 22 but...)

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It took a while for me to write this, primarily because it was just too painful to do so. Besides, the cold and detached professionalism of my trade, and the ambiguity demanded by my art, limited my options. But here it is, in the hope that my friends here will forgive this indulgence.


Dad, you were our rock.


You were a doctor and a lawyer. How many people in this world can say that of themselves? Still, you also became a businessman, so that money would not be your prime consideration when attending to the medical needs of people, especially those who couldn’t afford to pay you. You were married to my mother for nearly 50 years. Through all the affairs and arguments, you stayed together.


For us, you had the answers. While you were there, we felt secure. How can I forget how you practically scolded me and demanded to know who gave me that bloodied lip when I was just eight years old? Or how you attended to my brother when he was assaulted at a restaurant some two decades ago?


We grew up and we grew old. Still, you remained our rock.


Dad, the sight of you lying on the bedroom floor, your eyes open yet blank, still haunts me. Everyone was trying so hard just to keep you breathing. My mother cried, asking and screaming between sobs where the ambulance was.


From one emergency room to another, from one ICU to another, it went on for 16 days. In the end, you left us anyway.


I knew you would be leaving us when, in the middle of the night, I cried. I just cried. That same day you died. And, on that 17th day, I saw our rock lying lifeless on that hospital bed. I hugged you one last time. That same day, I had the ugly duty of seeing you being prepared for viewing. My rock was gone.


Of course, you made mistakes, some big ones actually. Through all that, however, you remained our strength. We all looked up to you. And, in your work as a doctor, you helped so many people, all so often rendering services for free.


Now you’re gone. We take comfort in the thought that you’re at peace. We, on the other hand, have to move on.


“Good night sweet prince: And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!.”


We love you, Dad. I love you. We shall meet again someday.

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for you...





1. Pray

2. Go to bed on time.

3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.

4. Say No, to projects that won't fit into your time

schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.

5. Delegate tasks to capable others.

6. Simplify and unclutter your life.

7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough,

two are often too many.)

8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to


9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and

difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard

things all together.

10. Take one day at a time.

11. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is

a concern, find out what God would have you to do and

let go of the anxiety. If you can't do anything about

a situation, forget it.

12. Live with in your budget; don't use credit cards

for ordinary purchases.

13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an

extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps,


14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of

advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.

15. Do something for the Child in You everyday.

16. Carry a book of scriptures with you to read while

waiting in line.

17. Get enough exercise.

18. Eat right.

19. Get organized so everything has its place.

20. Listen to a tape while driving that can help

improve your quality of life.

21. Write thoughts and inspirations down.

22. Every day, find time to be alone.

23. Having problems? Talk to GOD on the spot. Try to

nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's

time to go to bed to pray.

24. Make friends with Godly people.

25. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand.

26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair

and hope is often good "Thank you, Lord!"

27. Laugh.

28. Laugh some more!

29. Take your work seriously, but yourself not at all.

30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are

doing the best they can).

31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it

the most).

32. Sit on your ego.

33. Talk less; listen more.

34. Slow down.

35. Remind yourself that you are not the general

manager of the universe.

36. Every night before bed, think of one thing you're

grateful for that you've never been grateful for




"If GOD is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans

8:31) (When GOD is for us, it doesn't matter who is

against us.)


Decide if you want to share it your friends.


Take care...


Edited by roxysnonie
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To you,




I just wanted you to know I'm as happy as I ever been

I learned not to look back and say remember when


It took me a while just to get over you

I just couldn't’t forget all the pain you had put me through


I put away all the pictures and locked the memories away

I burned all the love letters, for tomorrow is a brand new day


Im letting go everything, and looking for something new

I am such a better person now that im not with you


So please don’t bother me, I don’t want you to call

I don’t want to hear your voice; I don’t want you at all


I just wanted to thank you, because you helped me come to realize

That a relationship is just not worth it if it’s only a bunch of lies


So goodbye to the one who once had my heart

I am taking it back now, so you won’t tear it apart.

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This is how i feel now ....


Shall Not Breathe Again..

by ThundersRose


Drown out the screams full of sorrow,

Make me suffer, let me live for tomorrow.

Never have you let me have my way,

You've never given me my last day.


Stare at the girl in my reflection,

So far from any kind of perfection.

Her eyes brimming with tears of pain,

So much poison seeped from each vein.


Eyes closed tight, her hands are tied,

Nowhere left for this angel to hide.

Another black feather falls from her wings,

Tears fall down slow as she silently sings.


"Broken tears left my each eye,

Prayers sent above to the sky.

I wish to be held in Father's arms,

I fell for each of Satan's charms"


With each teardrop upon the floor,

Each breath becomes such a chore.

Breathing in deep toxic air,

Grasping for a hand that isn't there.


In the eyes of the reflected child,

Lies an amount of pain so wild.

Screaming and lashing out to be released,

Please free me from my inner beast.


A China face with deep broken wires,

Hides a broken life the devil's desire.

Scream abuse at the depression in you,

I am done with life, if only you knew.


Rope binding her bleeding young wrists,

Whoever knew this angel would come to this?

Jet black feathers upon the cold floor,

She could not take this pain any more.


Head bowed down between her two knees,

You never saved me, didn't hear my pleas.

Surrounded now by all of her pain,

This broken angel shall not breathe again..

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dear july,


i think about you all the time. its been a year and a half. it was a mistake to do what we did. im truly sorry. i'll never forget you. im sure you know whats happening in my life. maybe one of these days i'll visit you.




Edited by poknat
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Welcome To My Life

Simple Plan


Do you ever feel like breaking down?

Do you ever feel out of place?

Like somehow you just don’t belong

And no one understands you


Do you ever wanna run away?

Do you lock yourself in your room?

With the radio on turned up so loud

That no one hears you screaming


No you don’t know what it’s like

When nothing feels alright

You don’t know what it’s like to be like me


To be hurt

To feel lost

To be left out in the dark

To be kicked

When you’re down

To feel like you’ve been pushed around

To be on the edge of breaking down

When no one’s there to save you

No you don’t know what it’s like


Welcome to my life


Do you wanna be somebody else?

Are you sick of feeling so left out?

Are you desperate to find something more

Before your life is over


Are you stuck inside a world you hate?

Are you sick of everyone around?

With the big fake smiles and stupid lies

But deep inside you’re bleeding


No you don’t know what it’s like

When nothing feels alright

You don’t know what it’s like to be like me


To be hurt

To feel lost

To be left out in the dark

To be kicked

When you’re down

To feel like you’ve been pushed around

To be on the edge of breaking down

When no one’s there to save you

No you don’t know what it’s like


Welcome to my life


No one ever lies straight to your face

And no one ever stabbed you in the back

You might think I’m happy

But I’m not gonna be ok


Everybody always gave you what you wanted

You never had to work it was always there

You don’t know what it’s like

What it’s like


To be hurt

To feel lost

To be left out in the dark

To be kicked

When you’re down

To feel like you’ve been pushed around

To be on the edge of breaking down

When no one’s there to save you

No you don’t know what it’s like


To be hurt

To feel lost

To be left out in the dark

To be kicked

When you’re down

To feel like you’ve been pushed around

To be on the edge of breaking down

When no one’s there to save you

No you don’t know what it’s like


Welcome to my life


Welcome to my life


Welcome to my life

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One more thing...


Stay for a while and read for one more time

Remember the moments we shared

We're more than friends then

We'll take on the world

We just don't care at all


I never wanted to believe that you could hold back

Good memories of friendship

And here I stand I'm still the same

I watched you change

You wont come back


I wonder what it's like to be like you

To never really care how bad it hurts

So go ahead and keep moving on

It's all about yourself you're never wrong

I hope you will not crash and burn this time


The day is gone

It's cold out

I walk away as you fade out of my life

I don't know why I'm reaching out demet!

And now I know you wont come back even as friends


I hope you'll not crash and burn this time

You think you're never wrong and you keep moving on

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