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mama and lala,


since you guys left, i've stopped counting, whats the point! a lot has changed, and it'll never be like it once were, no matter how hard we tried, yes the bond is there but...


tomorrow ill be seeing you both, feeling the cold of marble instead of the warmth of flesh embrace, seeing names etched, instead of your beautiful faces...


walking back alone, instead of hand in hand.


till tomorrow...

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Didn't realize it has been 11 years since we became friends. you got married, bore a son, separated from your husband, fought for your life you almost lost. and i, despite the sad stanzas of your life (your life is a poem, not a prose), would go to lucban to visit.


in lucban, i met your friends who,too, became my friends. i met J--, dated him in Manila as he studied in that school along Taft. (No, the rumor was wrong, we never dated in L--)


it was funny how you connived with the rest into having him and me, gaoled in some place dark and spooky about 5 years ago. you see, nothing happened beyond what i could allow. and you know, oh how well, what my limitations are. and i was sorry to disappoint you and the gang. the alcohol didn't cooperate, because as you know, i never got drunk.


but last night, i met him again -- with his wife. no big deal. she's pretty. and so am i. did i see regret in his eyes? i didn't. because i didn't look -- for fear, i wouldn't see what i expect to see, feel, what i feared, i would.


but again, i'm happy. i'm going back home to my parents. on the fortnight.




it was this day when S started bothering you with his messages. begging for the time you couldn't give -- just yet.


if only you could read this as i write, i could have warned you of the hurts S would bring. forget about the bliss, which as you now know would pass.


i could have warned you not to mind him, not to waste your time.


but since you can only read back and not relive, i give you all of life's regrets.

Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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To you,


For your information ... I've aleady buried my bruised and pained heart ... mourn it and get over with it ... you are now free ... don't bother to give me answers for i know i will get none ... you don't have any commitment to me anymore .... I'm doing this in your behalf ... you betrayed me ... used me ... played with my feelings ... i shouldn't have let you in ... so foolish of me ... forget you ever know me ... please do so ... i'll move on .... goodbye.



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Dear P,


You have been my oasis in the desert, my solace, my source of strength. That is why I cannot turn my back on you at the time when you need me. I will be as you were to me, your oasis should you need one, your solace, and your source of strength.


Please try to understand me now, however, as your revelations came as such a shock to me. Please give me time to digest what I had just learned, and give me time to gather my thoughts.


I thank you for telling me everything as soon as you did, but I still am disappointed in the way you had handled things. I was open with you from the beginning, yet you chose to keep secrets from me. Secrets which would definitely affect our views and appreciation of things. Nevertheless, I thank you for revealing these to me sooner rather than later.


Just give me time, and I will get back to my old self, dear friend. I will once again be there for you. I just ask for time to get over my shock, to analyze my thoughts and feelings on the matter.


I trust that you will be willing to wait for me, while I undergo what I think is necessary for now. I don't think it will take very long, but should you be unwilling to wait, then there is nothing I can do.


I only ask that you take care of yourself, and deal with your issues as best as you can.





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say what you will, for i will turn the other cheek

for i know who is talkin and who is sufferin in silence

nor will i say anything or comment

for it will prove nothin, gain nothin


i am as what you make me

i am as what you knew me

you are as what you ask to be

you are as what you let me know


parole ce que vous , pour moi tournerai l'autre joue

pour moi sais qui est talkin et qui est sufferin dans lesilence

ni je disent n'importe quoi ou commentent

pour lui prouvera le nothin


je suis comme ce que vous me faites

je suis comme ce qui vous me connaissez

vous êtes comme ce que vous demandez pour être

vous êtes comme ce que vous me faites savoir


The Promise...


...pardon the french, m not trying to be a smart aleck(old hobby)

Edited by roxysnonie
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Guest LovingSouL

You walked into my Life, when my world was dark and cold,

you held out your arms, and my heart and soul you did hold.

You promised you would never leave, that you would always be there,

I never knew that I meant so much, that my heart was worth enough to care.


You showed me so many things, I started to dream of you every night,

you melted the coldness in my heart, with the warmth of your light.

I ended up falling for you, how could I not -

you're an Angel in disguise, and every touch from you makes my soul hot.


But then you told me it's not the same. for you only think of me as a friend,

I cannot understand this, the wrong messages you did send.

I never knew you bought your friend flowers, and touched them like a lover,

I never knew you held your friends' hand and caressed them under the covers.


I am so far, I cannot turn back now, you are My Best friend,

so what do I do now. I don't know much, except here I am again

in Love with another man who only wants to be my friend.


I'm not sure if this is wrong, then again I don't know what's right,

I will Love You Anyways, even if its a lonely fight.

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Dear You,


So where are we leading to?

I'm falling for you and im afraid things will change (bad things) if im gonna tell you. Maybe i should be content of what we have now.

Just be happy of the time we are together.


Just go with the flow...


I'm confused....




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My apologies to those wanting to be near their families, for having decided to get my own place.


My apologies to those hurting as they live away from their folks, for choosing an independent life.


My apologies to those lovers who need to spend a few hundreds to enjoy three hours of privacy, for having rendered my other room just a place for shoes and shoe boxes.


My apologies to those who scrimp for food, for the 3-week old limp veggies and stone-frozen beef patties.


My apologies to those children who yell at their parents for independence, for the familial independence that i enjoy.


My apologies to those who do not have what i have, for now i've decided to give those things up and just live without.


My apologies to those who wish they could get out of their parents' overprotectiveness, for having chosen to go back to my parents' home.

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one night was wonderful,you made me forget everything, i woke up and find you beside me and we were just being silly talking and chatting and doing silly things, you were making sure that i feel safe and that i was having a great time... and i was acting up just being myself,myself,very important being myself, and as the sun rises little by little outside your condo window, you brushed your hand on my hair and told me i was wonderful and you were wonderful too, you made one night so anticingly magical, you were funny and weird and amazingly sexy,you were such a gracious host and you are one very funny companion to be with, i can't wait for other nights like these....you know you found me wanting for more....i miss you.....lets start living again....let my thoughts of wanting haunt you again...



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to C


may the flame of love you inspired in L

continue to burn

and the fire in your heart and spirit

continue to keep L warm

as we all learn a little from the short time we knew you

and as L and all those you left behind

come to terms with their loss

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I was mad at you for the wrong reasons. I didn't realize I made a mistake, and judged you right away because I was hurting.


But I'm glad we finally cleared things up. I'm glad we're finally together. I'm glad that I waited for our circles to come together again, because it's sweeter this time, and tender, and powerful.


The time I spent with you isn't enough. We know we want more. We know we'll have more. And I can't wait to go up the mountains with you.


I'm glad you're in my life now. Deny it if we must, but we were already more than friends the moment our first ended.





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Dear Friend,


You want more from him. We've agreed on that already. Last night.


However, this morning I've come to realize it's not good idea to force the issue. As you said, you can't get it out from him. And you won't.


I guess you have to talk to him and put a stop to the routine.


Lastly, I hope you get over the stage you're going through right now. There are so many like them who will disappoint you. Why do you think they're out there? Don't you think they're just as big a disappointment to themselves as they are to other people?


Take it easy. And remember: Men are only boys when they can only brag about their dicks. You gotta see some balls, girl. Funny, but true. <_<



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To the Roman God:


I'm glad we're back to normal again. Obviously you didn't take it to heart that I have been a bad host the last time you dropped by my place to visit. Your Martini is still unopened. (Wala pa rin akong corkscrew. Next time, dala ka na rin... :D )


You appear to be doing well. What with all the girls around you! Just be careful and be safe. Always.



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JAJA :grr:,


You’re one of those weird little goth-punk people that’s not supposed to have any hope whatsoever, yet you continually try to come here to pick up somebody. You gotta be out of your mind, what do you think is going to happen? You’re going to find somebody, all of a sudden everything is going to be happy… and the world is wonderful because you found love!.


Not gonna happen, because with you, the sky is dark, the world is black, your so selfish and everybody sucks… you hate everybody how could you even be here!


Your inane points of view reek of insecurity and your love is as thin as this plastic world.


F*** Y**.... :headsetsmiley:



Edited by ukyo_batusai
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everything in circles



Moving too fast too soon

Dreaming of somebody new

Someone for to hold

Praying the dream will come true

Hoping you will not crash and burn again


You see she's

Turning the key, unlocking the door

Embracing the roller coaster world

Stepping outside with body and soul

Taking whatever future holds


Turning the key, unlocking the door

Embracing the roller coaster world

You're taking the stride, you're just taken for a ride

You know we've all been hurt before

We've all been hurt before


See you're not alone, no

You're not alone

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that's why the term is "so-called" friends...


definitely not the real ones...!!!


they think i'm the worst person in the world...


i could even admit that...bitch!?...evil...!?...


it's okay...they will never hurt me anyway...!


they're correct though...you must back off a bit from me...








Edited by PeeJay_Ong
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that's why the term is "so-called" friends...


definitely not the real ones...!!!


they think i'm the worst person in the world...


i could even admit that...bitch!?...evil...!?...


it's okay...they will never hurt me anyway...!


they're correct though...you must back off a bit from me...


makati not far enuff?




hmmm, not really! i've met worse...in fact, you're not even close. also, please don't be so hard on yourself.




duh! :unsure:


not for these friends o' yours... ;)


Edited by roxysnonie
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I feel you everywhere darling ... like I always have but moreso now. On the ground I walk on, in the air everywhere enveloping me. I miss you so much that it hurts. I know you are watching me, you have been doing that since that morning. I can feel you so near. I just miss being able to hold your hand, feeling your arms around me, touching your handsome face, kissing your lips .... feeling your skin against mine.


I'm so in love with you ... and I know I will keep on falling in love each day with you until I see you again -- and then we both can fall in love with each other all over again and again and again. I love the love we share, I love the life we have. I love you.


But for now, go where you must go, don't worry about your girls --- I'll make sure they will all be alright. Do visit me when you can. But if you don't have to leave then stay by my side for as long as you want. I love you without any selfishness now --- and it is only in this moment that I realize just how much I love you. Even I never knew just how much before.


Let's go to bed now, it's been a long day for me here. Good night.



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