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The Mail Box

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When the components are unclear you don’t resort to judging the results. You still end up guessing. Then you’re back to your circle of doubts. Not everything can be judged based on opposites all the time.


You do not take things at their face value, but neither can you judge them based on what they do not appear to be. That is assumption.






i want to delete the above, but what the heck, no one will care.

Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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Dearest Bobby.


I remembered keeping this somewhere in my journals, i was in Bayshore New york when i first met you and your father during Aunt Geraldine's dinner party. We had such a wonderful time together,we had long walks, your band playing jazz gigs at the local cabana place, Mum adored you and i had our photo taken somewhere in Coney Island... i always missed New York and i always miss you,dear dear Bobby...



Bayshore nights


The seaside presses its leg into mine;

sits too close beside me on the bench,

its stare direct and searching;

digs an elbow deep in my thigh;

hurts like the sun too strong in an eye.


Sea air is composed of hydrogen and desire;

smiles like sunrise crescent's opal clouds;

catches a nipple between a finger and a thumb;

argues with my skin for possession of sweat;

casts its net toward the other ocean of my womb;

attaches itself to my corners, and there spins webs;

handles me like dough and morning dreams;

calls my name against the wind, and I come.


Tides crawl beneath my arms like Summer;

skip like schoolgirls down the boardwalk of my back;

stick to my veins like butter - a persistent and gradual

process of building this rhythm in my blood;

find a place by my side in the receding dark

where they take me time, and time, and time.


Wind's arm across my buttocks - unrelenting -

measures my breathing, almost under control;

its humid salts upon my lips, tongue and teeth.

You rearrange the sand around me;

lick my ears with the hiss of your feet;

make me turn and open. Open fully to your kiss.



Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes one feel as you might when a drowning man holds unto you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic. Anais Nin

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My friends,


Thanks for being there for me at the times I need you most. I know we've only met and that we are just getting to know each other, but I have drawn strength from you during these very trying times.


I hope that you will not tire of me, of my rantings and ravings, of my need for affirmation, for someone to talk to, for someone to unload on.


When I get through this storm, and I know I will, I will be able to look back and say that I have met the greatest friends in the most unusual way.


I love you guys.



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To you,


Thank you for making my day special, for listening to me, for being with me, and for talking me through what would have been one of the most depressing days of my life.


I wish I had gotten to know you sooner, gotten to talk to you more, gotten to know you better. But, as you said, life is too short for regrets. So, I just hope that someday, I will have the chance to do all these things and more.


I will miss you... I will miss the "me" that you helped me discover, and who will know go back to anonymity until ...



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hey kiddo,


Nice to get a message from you. A good one too. I'm glad that finally she has come to your life. I am happy too that for the longest time you have finally realized that you can be happy with just one person in your heart. That is a major turning point, and to hear that you will be committing yourself to her is really great. I mean I've heard it from you before, but it was made due to a difficult situation. She's a good person, I'm sure she'll take care of you.


I wish I can be there to witness the moment. It is something I sure will hate missing. We'll see. But wouldn't it cause a little stir or trouble, me being there? Oh well, we're used to it before, I guess I can still deal with it now.


Take care, i'll be keeping in touch.

Edited by freakish
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Maria Lourdes,



you are still the one


but what can i do?


you found a new one


and the most confusing of it all is...


you are shutting me out.




am i not deserving of your friendship?


its unfair.


you left me hanging.


do i want this to end this way?


no, definitely.


but you are also blinded by your bitterness to me in which i do'nt know the reason.


well, so much for explanations.


everything is clear to me now.


i respect what you want in your life and i am not an impediment to that.


i pray that you found what you are looking for and be happy.


more happier and meaningful than what i have given you.




as for me, i'll try to find what is best for me.


even though everything is against the odds.


good luck and take care.




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Questions for you:


How did you know that you were the one I was referring to?


How did you know that this letter was for you?


How did you know this is me talking to you?


How could you know me well enough to know these things, when I haven't even scratched the surface when it comes to knowing you?


Am I that transparent? Am I that easy to predict?


How could you know me when I don't even know myself?



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i never thought it would end this way..

after all that we've been through

you assured me that it's still me that you long for..

and i believed in you..

and now that i've set you free

you go back to life that you once had

now tell me where's the love?

it's nothing but mere illusion

i don't need you explanation

it doesn't matter anyway

just for once stop lying

coz i won't buy that crap

we both know who she really is

and why she is here

so let me be..let me keep my silence

this is the last time that you'll hear from me








Edited by samantha jones
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Guest LovingSouL

2 d 1


Mahal pa rin kita pero hindi ako magpapakatanga.

Mahal kita, kaya kailangang kalimutan kita.

Pero higit sa lahat, mamahalin ko ang sarili ko muna.

Mahal kita. Goodbye na!

Kahit mahirap man para sa akin

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i hope you will understand me in time

and respect whatever decision i may come up with.

after all, it is my life that we are talking about here.

i have chosen this path because i am confident about it

and i have nver been more certain in my entire life.

the least you can do is be happy for me.

Edited by Mayella
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To 5-5 of mtc,


i love you still.. i thought i'm gonna love someone but u are still inside my heart.. i thought that i can make love with someone but still, u filled up my imagination.. i just can't let you go.. i'm trying to move on but deep inside, i'm in so much pain..



why can't you love me too, even a bit? :cry:


i love you dearly..

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I love you, but you are no longer in love with me. It pains me to see that everything just comes down to feelings for you, that commitment is something foreign and unfathomable, and that to you love is the same as being in love.


I realize now that I have to love myself too; for how can I expect someone to love me, if I do not love myself? So now I know, I will have to let you go, find yourself, find what you want in life. In the meantime, I will also find myself, find my happiness, find my meaning in life.


If you are the one for me, then our paths will cross again.



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Dear God,


The past year has been a very difficult one for me. It still is. And the pain is showing no signs of going away. First I have lost a son in a most traumatic way. We have not come any closer to recovering from the shock when You decided you had to take away my dad too. Almost half of what used to be my family is gone in a matter of months.


Every place I go reminds me of life when they were here. I dream about them often. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night searching in the darkness. Wishing I could be with them once again. And I cry with each time I remembrance knowing fully well that it might never be. They are gone forever.


Tell me there IS a heaven. Let me know that I would see my loved ones once again. For what would heaven be if the people I cared for so much won't be there with me? But what are the chances? The odds are stacked up against all of us making it there. You have created men and gave them free will only to make it very difficult, if not virtually impossible, for them to live up to Your expectations.


Do I doubt You? I don't know. All I know is the pain in my heart and the questions I've been lead to ask. A pain that stays with me from the moment I wake up in the morning until the time I get so tired at night and fall asleep. How can a loving Father bear to see his children go through so much pain? Free will? Then why do we have to ask You for anything if everything is up to us anyway? Are we really supposed to ask and hope to receive as the bible said so?


Then I shall ask You to give me the strength to carry this burden. For I am deep in pain and yet expected to be strong for what is left of my family. I ask You for faith. Faith that You are really here to take care of me and not just there waiting to punish me for my humanity. For hope. So my prayers to You may go well beyond just asking You not to take away whatever else I have. And love. That I can once again look up to You with more than just fear and pain in my heart.


Your son,



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avant que je vous aie laissé partir:


I am seldom asked the question “how did you know?” This, I think, is due to the fact that the people who surround me know the extent of what I can discern. I feel, so I speak. And when I do speak I do not mince my words.


If I am short of facts, I use intuition. But even the tiniest of facts present a mountain of discoveries. And I discovered quite a lot. Don’t ask. I won’t tell.


Dealing with you is like reading a book where the author has no monopoly of its interpretation. The author may say that my interpretation is wrong but that is not for him to say. Particularly so, when I’m reading it the Derrida way. And I just love deconstruction.





je sais juste.

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