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The Mail Box

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Sometimes, I'm just so lost in there. There's too much to do. . . too much to worry about. . . not enough time.


I always think, "what would YOU do?". The answer that always comes back is "the right thing".


I do what I think is right. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes, it just blows up in my face. If it does, I face you.


I hate the disappointment in your eyes. . . in your voice.


I really do try. I really want you to be proud of me. . . of the person that I am. . . the person I still hope to be.

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Guest the_eight_of_orbs


stop judging people. you are not God.


i wonder how you can judge quickly without knowing the person? as you don't know me at all.


just remember karma comes eventually. sooner or later, it does.



i could actually delete it. but im leaving it here for now.

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Guest the_eight_of_orbs

i can feel your confusion. that unbelievable struggle within. battles that you sometimes wish you didn't have to deal with. emotions that sometimes are so overwhelming it's drowning you.


i know, cuz i am in the same boat as you.


i understand. i sincerely do. i know where you are and you know where i will always be.


rest in knowing that i love you beyond time.

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Guest the_eight_of_orbs

Beauty And Madness

Fra Lippo Lippi


Over there, just beneath the moon


There's a man with a burden to keep


Now sleep will fall, washout, rags and


paperbags, homes and lives passing by


Who will see the beauty in your life,


and who will be there to hear you when you call.


Who will see the madness in your life,and who


will be there to catch you if you fall.


Dreams run wild, as lovers find their way


through the night. not a care in the world.


And over there, oh the twinkling of the lights


harbour lights. say goodnight one more time.


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For Mina


Imagine this. In your hand is a very precious creation, so fragile, so

valuable that if you keep on holding, it would either stay or fall apart.

But you loved this creature so much, so much that letting it go would be

like letting go of your life as well. So much that sometimes you wished it

would be there forever. So much that you tend to be selfish at times so as

you could make it stay for as long as you like.

Don't we all wish something "so good" could be forever? Don't we all hope

that happiness is there to stay?

There comes a time in our lives when we chance upon someone "so nice"and

"almost perfect" and we just find ourselves getting so intensely attracted

to that person (sometimes without even realizing it). This feeling soon

become a part of our everyday lives and eventually guzzles our thoughts and

actions to the extent that we tagged it as one of those "too good to be

true" thing.

The sad part there is when we begin to realize that, this particular person

feels totally nothing but friendship. A "thing" that would be forever a

"thing" nothing more, nothing less... just a thing! You're just a friend,

and that's the fact! Then in our desperate attempt to get closer (or at

least be noticed), our efforts are still futile and we end up sorry for


One person said, never ever let your heart run your life, as much as you

can, always be sensible and let your mind speak for itself. Try to listen

not merely on what your feelings are invoking on you as a person but more

importantly listen to reason as well.

Letting go of someone doesn't necessarily mean you have to stop loving,it

only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness without

expecting him to come back. Letting go is not just setting the other person

free (in the real sense of it), but it is also setting yourself free from

all animosity, revulsion, and resentment that was long kept in your

heart.You have to let go because the bitterness often puts away the

strengths and weakens the littlest hope, making our lives more miserable

than ever.Worst, presenting yourself as the "most affected one" sets the

nastiest impression of all time-whatta a loser!

The trick there is...always remember that if you lose someone today, it

means that someone better is coming tomorrow. If you lose love that doesn't

mean that you failed in love...right? Just regard it as another mismatch of

heaven! Well, you can cry of course, or whine or shout (growl even) if you

have to, but make sure that after those outbursts you have washed away the

hurt and the bitterness that the past has left with you (easy said than done

I know!).

We can all survive with just beautiful memories of the past but real peace

and happiness come only with open acceptance of what reality is today. You

really don't have to forget someone you love ('cause it's hard). What we

need to learn is how to accept the verdict of reality without being bitter

or sorry for what we have become. I think it's better that we give off that

dedication and love to someone more deserving. Hmmm..."Who could it be" is

the next interesting question to ponder.

Let go of yesterday and love will find its way back to you. And when it

does, pray hard that it may be the love that will stay and last a lifetime.

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Beauty And Madness

Fra Lippo Lippi


Over there, just beneath the moon


There's a man with a burden to keep


Now sleep will fall, washout, rags and


paperbags, homes and lives passing by


Who will see the beauty in your life,


and who will be there to hear you when you call.


Who will see the madness in your life,and who


will be there to catch you if you fall.

Dear ati..


song ko ito kay exi.. :cry:


ishwit lass


My Love,


in your confusion allow me to provide direction..

there is nothing love can not solve

do not deny me my purpose in life...


if you insist to remain bound,

i will let you.

I will say goodbye for today

for tomorrow is yet another day

and whatever emptiness yesterday left

May you seek the means to fill it..



Edited by swit_lass
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MY dearest,


It's been a long day. Our conversation today just endears you more to me. Ego's bruised, pride's shaken, fear's stirred, past's unveiled. Yet we survived. I just couldn't relax, I guess.I spent all this time trying to find words to comfort you, make sound advice next time we meet.But im not good in such things, so i guess i'll just tell you the how I lucky I am in having someone like you in my life. You know, someone to be with when everything get to be so much.


I don't know how to make you feel special. But everytime i see something nice, something really beautiful, i always think of sharing it with you. May it be a wonderful movie, an extra beautiful sunset, fireworks display or even rollercoaster rides. Perhaps I just want to feel the joy i felt. If only such a thing could be possible, I would share with you all the happiness in me. All the joy I have ever felt in my life.


Maybe then, you won't ever be sad or cry again.

I really really love you. I do pray that someday you'll be believe me too.


I've had crushes here and there. Though I had fallen in love once or twice. But NONE of them I realize now, were ever really serious.

I was starting to think that something was wrong with me, and then you came along and I realized that maybe GOD kept me away from all those girls because I was meant for you.


Some girls have caught my eye, but only YOU,caught my heart.

And then that day, i was never really the same. And not a day passes that I don't thank HIM for giving me the most beautiful, most wonderful woman i have ever met.


Whenever you have no one to turn to, when it can't get any worse, when you need a shoulder to lean on - Im here, I'll always be here. You may take me for granted, but the smile on your face, takes all my pain away.



Edited by alex_corvis
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Guest gorgeous_23

I know just how to whisper,

And i know just how to cry;

I know just where to find the answers;

And i know just how to lie.

I know just how to fake it,

And i know just how to scheme;

I know just when to face the truth,

And then i know just when to dream.

And i know just where to touch you,

And i know just what to prove;

I know when to pull you closer,

And i know when to let you loose.

And i know the night is fading,

And i know that time's gonna fly;

And i'm never gonna tell you everything

I've got to tell you,

But i know i've got to give it a try.

And i know the roads to riches,

And i know the ways to fame;

I know all the rules

And then i know how to break 'em

And i always know the name of the game.


But i don't know how to leave you,

And i'll never let you fall;

And i don't know how you do it,

Making love out of nothing at all


Every time i see you all the rays of the sun

Are streaming through the waves in your hair;

And every star in the sky is taking aim

At your eyes like a spotlight,

The beating of my heart is a drum, and it's lost

And it's looking for a rhythm like you.

You can take the darkness from the pit of the night

And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright.

I've got to follow it, 'cause everything i know, well it's nothing till i give it to you.


I can make the run or stumble,

I can make the final block;

And i can make every tackle, at the sound of the whistle,

I can make all the stadiums rock.

I can make tonight forever,

Or i can make it disappear by the dawn;

And i can make you every promise that has ever been made,

And i can make all your demons be gone.


But i'm never gonna make it without you,

Do you really want to see me crawl?

And i'm never gonna make it like you do,

Making love out of nothing at all.

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dear honey,


i've been praying the novena as i want you to get high marks in school. i want you to always be inspired. and if i am indeed, your inspiration in your two more years of law school, i'm honored. i will never leave you. but along the way, please do not stop your search for the right woman. you need to be with someone who wants marriage. someone who can be your wife. because i can't. i don't believe in marriage. i don't want a wedding. i don't want a ring on my finger.


take care always. i worry a lot about you. i hope you get enough sleep, and you don't drink too much. maybe after your exams you can visit your mom in batangas. you know she's always happy to see you. and don't forget to call her even to just ask how she is. be patient with her. even when she can be too much at times. and fussy, too.


i'm always here for you. your friend for life.


i love you.

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