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I truly envy your job, my friend. The people you get to meet, the places you get to see, and the stories you get to write all fascinate me. You always remind me of one of my life's regrets. I could have been very good at it. But like a number of your peers, I could be dead too by now. In a way, I just have to settle on living that dream through you.


I'm glad you were able to turn a personal idea into one of your TV show's episodes a couple of months ago. Glad to be of help. I wish you always the best.

Edited by sklardrog
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3 Sept,


If we strip away all the add-ons and all the clutter added to the basic logistical architecture over the decades, we slowly realise there lies an underlying organic pattern. Take a close look at the aerial shot of the 180 hectare site - then mentally remove all the facilities slowly accreted in bits and pieces over the decades. Notice how the original logistics designer actually built the central core using a "modular" concept, way before that buzzword was invented? We, whose main task is, in layman's terms, to expand the logistics capacity by a factor of 3 but given only the remaining 20% vacant space, will best accomplish this feat by simple logical extrapolation of the outlines and endpoints of his original design, and not by stubbornly attempting to shoehorn a completely new and independently patterned design awkwardly onto the remaining spaces.


Not only does the "extrapolated design" concept suddenly achieve the necessary compaction, we are also able to retain so much of the old facilities, and demolish only the recent add-ons put on by less comprehending later generation engineers. And by doing so, we also cut down capital costs by about 35% - such dear thoughts to a die-hard Ilocano. The hundreds of millions of moolah we save, some we will spend on Class I equipment and designs so new and so fresh, on inlet diffusers and schopentoeters and such like not yet used anywhere else in the world - we will be the first to have these.


We will build something beautiful.


The mind of the original designer reaches out across four decades and seven years, and perhaps from beyond his grave, and briefly touches mine. I have a powerful urge to send for the original crumbly paper blueprints, and run my fingers on his own scrawled signature on the design block. And to seek what other masterpieces he had built.



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I hope youre still up for that coffee.

I know, it has been so long.

Frankly, i dont know how it will turn up,

and im not much of a talker.


And you intimidate me for some reason.

I know, you seem friendly and acomodating.

Its just that, i dont know.

What to talk about?

To many questions.

I guess im just anxious. Well,

ill send you a message once i am there.

Of if you read this,

send me one?



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There are times that I can't understand what it is you want of me.

(hot/cold-hot/cold,what's with the temperature change?

There are times that I can't understand what it is you need from me.

(a touch here and there, what's the matter?)

There are times that all I know is that you can be the sweetest man to me.

(hug-touch-touch even unneeded)

There are times that all I can feel is the pull that you have on me.

(the boyish smile, the face of a cherub)

Opposites do attract

(mars and venus)

Unfortunately the reverse is true as well


Same boat, aren't we?


Attracted to each other


But never meant to be together


Then the most that we can do is smile, admire and be admired from afar.



Edited by darkeinjel
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