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stop acting like a GF


we both know you just text me when you don't have anyone to talk to, yet you act like a GF, getting all mushy and even jealous at girls I talk to....


you're such an attention seeker, are you scared that you will lose your "fallback" for attention if you lose me?


wake up, woman, you never had me in the first place...


I'm tired of being an inbetween guy for you...


time for me to move on...


same old me

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Yup you are right he was a friend and yes I trusted him down to the very end. He had nothing before he met me. He was just practicing bdsm in the states. A member of a large and well known bdsm/lifestyle group in the US area but he never had a real sub. Just e few girls that he plays around with but never gets to be serious with him.


That’s until he met me a couple of years ago. I trusted him so much then that I actually gave away one of my prized Submissives to him… He commented na she’s marriage material and he asked if he could try courting her. I gave him my approval pero ilang beses syang binasted ng alaga ko.


There are no constants within bdsm and relationships are really complicated. I knew early on that my beloved fubu’s would be looking for real and lasting partners. Eventually I entrusted her to the only other person that I know almost skilled enough to take my place – him.


But now that he has what he has been searching for all this time but never found, I gave it to him in a silver platter. Now I am the enemy. The reason is pride… he will never get over the fact that I was able to attain what he cannot and that what he has right now was provided by me…

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Guest Riveria

My days and especially my nights are so empty without you! I look forward to waking up to the softness of your skin against mine, your hair gently brushing my cheek. I can feel you breathing as if you were a part of my own body. Looking at you as you dream, gently "waking" you to the soft caresses of my hands and your body yielding to me. I hope you come and see me soon. I can't stand another minute without you ….

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Guest biancaanne

I know that you understand why I reacted that way, and I am deeply grateful and blessed to have you in my life, baby. But, I have to constantly remind myself that I can't get used to this. You and I both know why...Oh, and that text message you sent the other day, and what we whispered to each other last night...

Edited by biancaanne
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to the overworked you,


I hate to see you all stressed out. Don't take anything that's going to put much pressure... especially if it's not worth it. You don't have to take that much projects. Tell me if there's anything I can do, and you don't have to worry that I might take your deadlines against you because I totally understand. You do give the much needed quality time anyway. Don't blame yourself too for sleeping in my arms instead of being in front of your lappie. You deserve that. I'm sorry too for not being able to resist. It's because you looked so peaceful and serene and I can't bear to cut it short. Now, at least, you're well rested. :) You can do everything way ahead of time. I know you can. Don't worry, I'll give you the king treatment once those projects are through. ;) Don't stress yourself out too just to please me or to ensure my safety. I already know how much I mean to you. That and the fact that I'm a big girl already (although not physically).


Take it easy, big guy. I want you happy with what you do.


Your "learning how to be supportive" wife.




yeah... I guess no babies yet up until 2012 is through. just to be sure.

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I fall silent because your words affect me.

I close my eyes because I don't want to unleash the tigress.

There are still a lot of things to uncover; too many challenges to face.

And even though you say you'll never leave, even my optimistic soul tells me to prepare for your departure.


Until then, I'll cherish every moment we spend together.

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Guest Riveria

the only regret i have, is that i don't have a lot of chances to know u more. i really hope that we have more time to spend with each other. even though u may not like me to be your gf, i could be your best friend =D

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Mr. Nice Smile,


It was one of the best weekend we ever shared so far.

We bonded well, we laughed together, we did things together.


Being with you makes me so happy :heart:

See you again tomorrow night and celebrate a very special day :rolleyes:



Your Sweet

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you 'feelingerang' lady


even though mas matanda ka sakin, feeling ko mas mature ako sayo

natawa ako sa payo mo sakin. all knowing effect. i wanna laugh. pero di pwede.

ayaw na kita patulan :P

i already know my place wayyyy before u ever knew about everything.

wag mo ikumpara sarili mo sakin. magkaiba tayo

masyadong magkaiba. ung mga dinaanan mo? dinaanan ko na

i already know how to play the game. kabisado ko na nga ata eh :lol:


kung alam mo lang ang sinasabi nila bout you.

kala mo mga kaibigan mo sila. pero sa totoo lang sila ang nag sasabi nang masasama bout you

cheap bitch :lol:

kung cheap ako. mas di hamak na mas cheap ka :lol:


LOSER :lol:





me ^_^

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uh, yeah... everything you know, you learned from me, so listen good when I tell you this... Take your time. Analyze. Do some critical thinking. What you're doing requires skill and experience. And for the love of Jupiter, the medial compartment is separate from the patellofemoral compartment! Don't try to bite the hand that fed you. It's just so funny. Try to beat me first, get your consecutive 100%'s, then we can entertain that thought. ;) I went through hell to get there... I don't want you guys to go through the same, but for you specifically, maybe you need to take that route. :D






old "friend",


you were the guys who made elementary school a living hell, remember? I was your quintessential nerd. You made fun of my glasses, and my metal mouth, and my height, and my curls. You teased me for wearing a bra as early as the fourth grade. you laughed at my nerdy fashion sense and ridiculed the "nerdy" contests I've joined and won and the causes I was up for and all those other "nerdy" achievements and stuff. Now, all of a sudden, you wanna get chummy with me and "reconnect"?


sorry. I'm busy. :D


the girl with no social life

Edited by BallBreaker
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(hehe, first time posting here... this will be interesting for me... lol)


Ehem, ehem....




You did mention that you posted here a night ago, and that you were curious as to my reaction to your post. The time that we've spent talking about our posts here have been really fun, but when I read your post here I was surprised. Deep inside your heart and soul, you really think that I'm still gonna leave you? The time we've been together, I've learned not to be upset at the onset, but I must say that I'm really shocked with what I read.


I've never been this happy for a very long time. For the past year or so, I've been searching for my soul, and the one woman that will give meaning to that soul of mine, and to say that I might have found what I've been looking for in you is not a crapshoot. I got to the point that I was hoping my one night stands would lead to something, and everytime I come home emptyhanded and still lonely. Then, you came along, and everything changed.


It's not so hard for me to say that I've opened my heart and my soul to you, because everytime we say sweet nothings to each other I feel warm inside, and everytime we fight a part of me dies because I don't want whatever it is we have to end just because of a misunderstanding. Everytime I say I love you I give my whole being with it, and everytime i've said I'm never gonna leave you I put everything at stake, and to see that deep inside you still don't have faith in me, well....


....I don't know what to feel. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to take this, and how to live with this supposed fact that's already implanted in your head. My mind tells me not to cry, my eternal optimism tells me that things will change for the better, but my soul is running around in circles. Confused, seeking for the truth, breaking down with the paranoia that I've gotten, and wondering like a madman. Yet, despite of all this, I still love you, and that gives me the strength to live my life thinking everything's gonna be okay.


And yes, I'm never gonna leave you. In this life or the next, I'll always be by your side. Even if it kills me.



Edited by SevenZeroFive
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The Big Boss,


now you know... it's not only us girls who gets to receive flowers thru delivery! Just returning the favor! :lol:


I can just imagine the look on your face! :lol:


Nice to know you no longer feel longing for something when this time of the year arrives. No need... you now don't have to spend the future ones alone. :)


The Small Boss aka the lousy :ninja:

Edited by BallBreaker
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Guest Riveria

Things have not been easy for you and me, we have proven our love for each other in many ways. We cried together we laugh together, we had share a loss that will always keeps us together, even if life decides to take us in different paths, we will always share the secret of our love. We will always smile in our heart to know that we were loved and cared for.

I will always love you no matter what happens, but today I felt that I needed to grieve the lost of not having you here. I miss you so much with and today I've decided to tell you that my biggest fear is not to have you around in my life.

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