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The Mail Box

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To the phone receptionist working at T___,


Hey sorry. I didnt know you were still on the other line

You see, I was only using my headset

And you messed up my transfers three times already

Then suddenly in front of me was a stalled truck eating one and a half of a road

When I said p_ta!, it was not for you dear :blush:


I hope you believe me when we meet next week..

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Guest bleeding_angel



there are a lot of things you don't know and yet i can't find the words to begin a long narration of confession. this is too much. this is way too much.


i still don't know how this will end. i'm running out of options here.

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sometimes i wonder if i should have said those horrible things. sometimes i wonder why i'm so angry. and maybe i do regret the things i've said. but you know as well as i do that right is right. and no matter how we twist things around. i'll still be right.


but if there's one thing i regret out of all of this, it's that i lost a friend. just when i thought i'd found a kindred spirit in this mad, mad world, the fates just had to screw it up. really.. what are the odds? the mathematics of it is just freakishly unimaginable.


in time, maybe i'll learn to forgive. to understand. to forget. but there's a lot to forgive and a lot to forget. and i hope in time, you might forgive my faults too. i am human after all.


in the meantime, keep your head up. keep going. just keep running. when you get tired, you'll realize that you've left the bad things behind.

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Im glad you texted ... thought you've already forgotten me ...I hope you are just fine and taking care of yourself..I really missed you... You might be thinking am just kidding when i said that ... Every words I say I mean it ... I'll just wait maybe someday you'll realize you have a special place in my heart ... Am happy just to be with you ...youve really made a difference...my heart is longing for someone like you ...but i know you won't be mine to keep .. I'll have to be content on seeing you on occassions ... I'll just keep on dreaming ...





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Our mutual friend asked if i was angry with you


And i said no


Then she asked if i wasn't angry,

why is there no communication between us for several months now


I answered, what would i do if i mailed you twice and never got an answer,

that if she were in my place wouldn't she presume you don't want to talk to me anymore


I said i only needed the courtesy of being informed

that you're not coming back even though you promised you would


That i would be angry at first, but would inevitably accept it


Finally she asked if it's OK with me if she sets up a dinner between you and me

during your homecoming in December


And i said that won't be a problem....


Is it really you realizing what we had before is worth saving,

or her realizing what we had before is worth saving?

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Maybe this... it'll be love and we'll find... maybe now we can be more than just friends...


Ehek! Corny! But then, with you I feel that I'm still, and will always be, the same awkward nerd back in HS. And you never changed, the closet overachiever. Always more than the pretty face, always the kindest soul.


How can you ever see me now for what I've become? Dare I hope that you might like what you see? And that you might actually take the time and the effort to get to know me?


Argh! I hate this! But I'm allowing myself this weakness because it's YOU. Only for you and one other person would I let myself be like this, feel like this. At least, one I find out what can and can't be... then finally, I can resolve this...




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I'm glad to see that your batch is still intact.

I tried my best to see you guys through your toughest year and you all survived.


I'm very happy that R is finally settling down, sad that she had to give up her training but we'll always be there to support her, right?


I'm quite sure that you'll be the kick-ass seniors that I pray you all would be.

Just shout if you need me. You all know I'll always be here for you guys (and that includes research and EBM thingies).


I miss all of you my dear babies. ^_^

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dear you,


i finally finished sorting the mess i brought with me.

amidst the many folders, magazine and newspaper clippings, i found a set of letters i wrote back then

for you.

on post its, cards, receipts, flyers and tissues

i never had the chance to give it to you. it might not be a good idea now.

they're with all that's precious to me: my grandmother's notes, my late father's ring, my mother's letters, my photos with my siblings and my letters to you- all treasured. all loved. then and now.


what is it that we always say? ahh

oh well...




come back. it seems you were gone even before you were here...

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Why can't I get over you?


I wanna move on with my life because I can't be like this forever.


It's crazy for me to think that we can still work things out.


I hate to think about you all the time. It makes me happy and depressed at the same time.


I want the pain to stop. I don't wanna shed more tears.


I should be happy here but I feel so empty and miserable.


Please tell me what to do...

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i guess, no matter how sorry i am, no matter how many sorrys i say....it will be futile.

i am not quite sure how to explain it....but maybe, things do happen for a reason.

you may hate me for this, and i have no choice but to accept your unkind words

but this i tell you....i have never, not in any single moment, been dishonest nor untrue

maybe this is the end result of things that had happened in the past, whether recent or not


i guess, again, no matter what i say, you will never understand...and i have only myself to blame for this...


saying sorry...is an understatement. :(



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