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my dearest angel....


I wish you peace....or rather, well, I need not wish you that....I can hand it to you in the easiest way I can....it's up to your heart, though, if you will accept it....or ponder first on it....or whatever.....I have always given you the freedom to decide.....


Just a word dear: never wish anyone ill. Never speak words at the height of your emotions...at the height of anger, at the height of pain. Breathe in and out a thousand times, if you have to. Think a thousand times, if you have to.....before blurting any word, before venting out your feelings....simply because words can hurt people, as much as they can bless them....and as an angel, you have always been tasked to bless....am I right? or am I.....right? :rolleyes:


You may have judged my people in a the wrong manner, and I forgive you for that. You may have hurt them just the same. Be sorry for that, my angel. Too many blessings have been showered upon your humble being, including the special powers that I have bestowed upon your kind.....and likewise, much is expected of you...


I am just a step away. You need not pray, to reach me. No busy lines, no message sending failed. Take care of yourself while on earth.


Watching you,



Edited by angel_by_day
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Edited by Wyld
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I didn't even know you were there. Truth be told, I was looking for you through the crowd, in the midst of the blinding light and thunderous applauses, not hoping to find you, but wishing I'd get a glimpse of you anyway. When I caught sight of you, I felt a lightness that I recognized... a calm stillness enveloped me, drowning the cheers to a far-away-neptune-distance. I paused to relish my response to your presence, not even bothering to question, nor rationalize it. But in an instant, you were gone. And yet, no over-powering heaviness weighed me down. Like a flight of fancy, you came, and went. When I searched for you again, I didn't see you, and it was fine with me. All at once, I let you go.


It was a beautiful, peaceful five minutes. If I do not see you again, which is most likely, I will remember the heart-felt smile that I had, but I will rarely remember you. It was a gift of a moment, when I was shown a glimpse of what else is out there; that I have nothing to fear. That there were people like you who I can depend on when necessary.


A glimpse. Yes, that was what you were. I quick flash of what it meant to hope. Like day-visions given to prophets of old.


It came to my mind that someday soon, I'll have that somebody who will be there to share my victories. Somebody who would smile at me proudly. Somebody who I'd look at and feel at peace with. Somebody who will hush my chaos even for a while and sincerely take me for my worth.


That is the purpose of our crossing paths. In all these 18 months of back-breaking work, and interactions with you which I can count with my hands, I now see.


I am elated by your one-line commendation. Sincere. Not lip service. But tomorrow, I will forget about it. Life goes on. But in those simple five minutes, I felt the sun come out in the middle of 10 degrees chill.


I feel nothing for you, I know nothing about you, yet you embody the essence of my hope. You were instrumental to my awakening.


You are like a bridge between nowhere and there.


I now bid you adieu.


Thank you.

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Ok, maybe it is the armpit. And perhaps the chin. But you do know that between us, it goes way, way deeper. From the very beginning, and nine months hence. One day I will write you for real, and answer the question asked several months back.


It wasn't just during sushi. But that was a damn marvelous day. Remains perfect.


Make no mistake about it. Do not even doubt. Beyond words, beyond distance. I will prove to you that I do.

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G -


As far as the cricket is concerned, the whole auditorium is the universe. You, on the other hand, are aware that there is an entire bigger sphere out there. Do not lose focus, do not lose your standard, do not lose your purpose.


The loss of mystery will lead to the loss of majesty. Get a grip.


Map it out again.



- C

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I can't explain the feeling but Im happy when I met you ..it gave me another definition of men and their specie ...

You made me feel special and I hope you wouldn't change ...

I like the way you hold my hand, how you wrap your arms around my shoulder...

I love the tingling feeling whenever you kiss me though it was our first time to kiss...

I'm always looking forward to your messages during the day albeit short ...

If only I'm brave enough to tell you this ...



Edited by Leslie Garcia
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Guest mhaia



it's been 2 months of no communication and i stopped hoping..

hopefully u're happy whoever you're with right now. You're the best thing that happend to me, i'll move on but u always cross my mind :cry:

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Well, well, well..... so you found someone new now huh? Let me wager on the events that will take place in a couple of months: You'll get the feeling like you're being trapped, that you can't spread your wings and flutter to other thorns in the bushes. You'll start with the "I need some space routine" and while the simpleton is patiently giving you what you want, you're going around town, scanning the horizon for next "exciting" person to sweep you off your feet. Then you'd have burned another pitiful individual who made the mistake of looking into those deep, doefull eyes and get themselves bamboozled into a relationship based on one womans ego.... This sounds all so familiar. PERHAPS there's the off chance that you'd be "seriously" into him.... then, I'll let you feel how sickening it is to "almost" lose someone because of other peoples meddling. And all the while you will not be able to do a damn thing about it. And by then, you'd be a ruin of a person. I will make your world fold in on you, and this time around, there will be no prince charming to sweep you off your feet to safety. I'll see to it personally.

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...some discoveries are meant to humble us. and so i was. humbled. yesterday, after reading what i did, i realized that i had placed my loyalties with the wrong person. hearing one side of the story is not enough basis for me to pick a side. i forgot the term benefit of the doubt, perhaps because my attention was engaged so thorougly then.


the ironic thing is ... the discovery came from ... no other way to put it ... the source of the lie. yup. it is true. often it is our very lips that get us caught. and i caught it. in a big way. now i understand. now i know.


an apology, albeit silent... goes out to you. im sorry for making a judgment call based on only one side of the story. now i know better. im taking no ones side... i dont need to. as they always say, actions speak louder than words.


as for you ... now i know what sort of person you really are. inspite of that, a note of thanks goes out to you ... because you yourself showed me who and what you really are.


this was a lesson learned for me; an exercise in humility; a realization thats long, long, long overdue.


so in the end, curiosity does not always k*ll the cat.



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Guest majadera


to my UL (Unrequited Love),



i lied.

i wasn't over you. i just wanted our friends to stop feeding me everyday information about what you did, who you went out with, who were you courting or whose knockers did you touch... it's just too painful. i needed a break, i needed to stay sane tho i enjoy every minute of my insanity but being insanely inlove is just unbearable.


i hide.

i was afraid to love you, i told you if i just knew i'd fall for you i would've ran, hid in the deep abyss just for cupid not to find me. but he did and led me to you. i'm sorry i gave you a cold "hello" last night and didn't talk to you much, i didn't want you to see how much i missed you, i didn't want you to touch me because you might feel how i longed for you, i didn't want you to see what's really inside me, that i'm in agony because i can't have you.


i tried.

believe me i tried. i tried to get you off my mind. i tried to get over you as quickly as i can. i couldn't.


i died.

my heart literally stopped when i got your sms. i'm sorry i didn't reply, i wanted to... but i was afraid i'd utter those words i know you wouldn't wanna hear from me again. to tell you the truth i never really wanted to see you again, i had doubts last night, but i needed to see you. did you know that you're my salvation from all these bullsh*t life has been feeding me? that just one glance from you would make my heart beat again? that one smile would make me human again...





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freedom is good....

it's better being lonely alone...than being lonely with someone around you all the time...


I love you...I need you...I thank you...


you're not mine....

but that's ok....

cus no matter how much i sometimes want to be loved...

or be held...

i know...i shouldn't and i can't be with anyone anymore...


these are just some things...i need to accept....

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so...kung jokard kita...once a month....should i really feel thankful?....just cus i love you?...though you don't?

what difference does that make? would that make me a good person before God's eyes? :unsure:



sabe ng ex ko...nung kala nya di nya ko mahal...may doubts daw sya na baka i just want him...becoz i need him...becoz i'm desperate...becoz no man in his right mind would ever take me......


i hated him for saying those things to me....

though...i think maybe he's right... :unsure:


but ofcourse he swallowed his own vomit...har har har!!!....til now...but i don't care if he chokes on 'em...i just don't feel anything for his sorry ass anymore.



but you...you remind me of how right I think he is....


you make me feel like i'm so fukin desperate...

gawd it's not lyk i'm askin for a wedding? :boo:

duh?! :huh:


i gotta think....think right...think clearly...

what's the fukin difference?

i want you+i like you + i love you + you've given me alot of things ( not much but ....they really meant alot to me :cry: ) = but you don't love me + you're still inlove with your ex + you make me feel so small+ you don't FUKING Desire MEEEH!!!!!????? +you make me feel so FUKING DESPERATE +++++++++++I am f#&king suffering!.....



hmmmmm.....what now?



i gotta do something about this....very soon....

but hey...let's have sex before your second and last share....

i owe you too much already....

after this...i don't think i should trouble you again....

but really...if you'd just rather 'help' me on the 15th...(like you you said...)

without seeing me....that's cool...i get it...i'm not complaining...

i should be thankful. God Bless You for Your Saintly Compassion...really. Thank you.


And don't you worry about me...i'll be fine...i promise :)

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Let's give our folks here some pat on the back

& something uplifting to read if ever they feel so down and low...


Whetever "cross" you have now,

just think & believed..

that "cross" woundn't be given to you

if you can't carry it :wink:


so smile..everything will be all right in time.




when people go..

when someone failed to achieved something

..something good can still arise from it




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To all the girls i've Loved before:

Normie, Nelia down Cavite way Your still in love

Mavi aka Yani from camarines norte daet "Bicol" The FORT

Bianca, Jercy tramo rd. paranaque, just my opinion

Marlyn Originally fro Leyte, now from Binondo The Point

Armilyn B. Ting da most expensive ever from "Z" land, via Baguio TABACHOY


now on to Sandra rice fields and fish ponds "T" for talk

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tama ka nga, nakaka-senti talaga yung movie

maybe we can visit our cute inaanak in syracuse soon while her mom studies those semiconductors and nanostructures

... and kidnap that adorable kid!

or even visit our dear friend in new mexico. siguro naman he'll be brave enough to face me by that time. :lol:


miss you guys so much too. :cry:

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GOD! I hate you!I hate you for leading me into so much temptations!!!! We could've had a perfect relationship! i was perhaps "the" most faithful partner you cud hv ever had!!! and I'm beautiful...you know that....

I hate you! I hate you sooooo fuking much!!!! I hattttte you!!!!!!!! I was was wrong...i thought you were the one who wud saved me! FUKKKKKK you!!!! GO TO HELLLLLLL!!!!

Edited by iwalkalone
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