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To ____,


What a sad, sad turn of events. I suppose I was wrong to expect much of anything from you, but still, I can't help feeling dismayed at the choices you've made. I suppose we're all free to go to hell in our own ways, but you always led me to believe that you considered yourself above all that, in a sense, and that's what makes this bite so hard. I confess that I'm finding it surprisingly hard to deal. Stunning, don't you think?


Honestly, I'm not quite sure I want to know you anymore.


Still, it's not as if my opinion matters to you, as you have so heartily reminded me on the few occasions that we've spoken, so I suppose all that remains for me to do now is sigh, shrug, and wish you luck on the path that you've chosen.


Good luck, then.



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to the god of employment,



i am glad that you gave me a job. the pay is good, the place is great and the people are f#&king assholes. im looking forward for a challenge, it gets so boring in the end. plus the were all dicks here. why not send more women? could you transfer me elsewhere? i dont like it here anymore, i get paid for something im not enjoying. it's not fair to the company that i get paid for something that can be done by a monkey hanging upside down eating bananas.


your blasphemous ingrate follower,


Mr. Pompous

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when youth is gone

and the greys outnumber the blacks

when the present trend looks nauseating on you

and tiny webs appear on your once flawless skin


remember your words:

"i am beautiful and desirable

on your knees and i will talk to you"


then i will say to my friend,

it was good that we drank, and got stoned

just so you could survive the day

and get over her...

because there is nothing to gain

in loving and giving your life

to somebody so arrogant and self centered.

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You are absolutely not getting it at all. I have to admit it is my fault. It is what I would regard as a rare instance of me admitting I have made a sordid mistake this time... I should not have given you the idea that you can actually tread on it. You cannot.


I have been wondering for days where my miscalculation might have emmanated from. It certainly is not my lack of prowress in math for I have already proven that I can work through the numbers too, even if they squirm their damn digits away from my perceived mental incapability to distinguish an intiger from a variable. But with you, wow, I am dumbfounded at the glaring error I have committed. You are absolutely not getting it, not at all.


I wish I can spill it out ever so gently, as a reprimand will leave your face, and your dignity, sullen for days, even months, depending on the stability of your emotions.


Your persistence is commendable. I have high regards for it. If I were any other girl, I would congratulate you, kiss you even, and soar to cloud nine with the promise of an unquestionable firece loyalty. But get it, man, I am not your usual. Never the ordinary. Not close to the typical. Not at all close to any image you might have etched in your puny mind. But, well, my mistake. My ugly, dirty mistake.


I could even venture into analyzing this as a weakness on my part at the time when signals were sent. Your spheres, mister, is definitely not in conjunction with mine. My nebula will suck whatever air of life you have in yours. You will not survive. You cannot cope. You must see that. I cannot understand why you cannot.


Perhaps it is the simplicity of your thinking that messes the translation up.


Let me try again.....


Dearie, I cannot let myself catch me lowering my standards for anybody. Not you, most definitely.


That is the most gentle way I can put it. I am sorry I made the mistake. Even I do not know how to flush away the stinking s@%t. You have tresspassed and I cannot even hold you accountable. I opened the gate myself.


Damn that moment of incoherence. Damn that moment when I thought I can actually go down from where I am and try to feel the normalcy appreciated by others. Damn it, I have caused myself to fail and dragged you along with the lapse of judgement. It must not happen again.


For now, I will wait until such time you tire for I honestly think you will not reach that point where you will stop because you finally understand. And that, my dear, is why I simply can't.

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sikat ka na nga!

hanggang tanaw na lang talaga ako.

di bale, nakakatuwa naman na nag iwan ka pa ng text.

me natutunan ka sakin? art?

ha ha ha...lasing na nga ako nun.

sabi nga ng dati kong tao, nagtuturo lang ako pag lasing.


pagbutihin mo at sana guminhawa ka sa yong bagong kalagayan.


mag-ingat ka lang sa mga mapagsamantala at mapaglinlang.

Edited by simon b
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i almost fell off my seat when you mentioned the salary that you wanted: it's too low. is that how much you think you're worth?


don't worry though. i will still give what is fair, what is just, what is commensurate to your value.


doesn't matter that i'm hiring you as a favor to a friend. doesn't matter that you can't speak english well. doesn't matter that you cannot read body language. you are raw, but you will learn from me, dear cub. and my wish is someday you'll be an even mightier bear.

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Thank you for the visit. Seeing you always draws mixed emotions from me. I have never met anyone who can untangle the complexity I try to project in one unspoken gesture... one big bear hug. That's all I need to remind me that under the guise of mercurial fluidity, I am but ash.


I know I miss you. Seeing you proved that it goes beyond missing. I am so proud we ended as friends. I am glad that we can exchange intimate thoughts, still, without going through the archives of what was biting and sweet at the same time.


I don't think I will meet anybody who will compare. Somebody else will stand out on his own, of course, but you, you have encapsulated the very dream I will always keep tucked in my heart, in my mind, in my soul, that which will keep me afloat when the tides ruin the sandcastles...


With you I can be naturally crazy and brilliant without having to feel I am ruining or proving anything. I can drown you with my tears and you'll just wait til I am done, and not make me feel I am a wreck afterwards. I can laugh til my sides hurt and you will laugh along and not mind if I am without poise as I roll all over. I can pour on you all my angst about the mundane and the really heavy stuff and you will disagree and agree, and not make me feel you are demeaning my ideas or flattering me with ayes. You're the sweetest thing.


Yeah, our meeting always brings tears to both our eyes. So what. Its beautiful how bonded we will remain, regardless of how far apart we are, how separate our lives already are, how opposite our paths are now...


I will always love you, Fran. Forever.

Edited by chiquezee
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congratulations kasi ikakasal ka na.. sana lumigaya ka ng husto kahit na pinaasa mo ko ng isang taon tapos nung binalikan ka ng nangiwan sa yo kandarapa ka agad. tama ang kaibigan ko kunyari ka lang na mabait pero sira ka din. pero kahit galit ako sa yo ... walang biro gusto ko pa din na lumigaya ka kasi alam ko naman na liligaya ako kahit wala ka.

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Let me try to explain myself to you.


More often than not, I am a figment of an imagination. I am the unreachable aurora, a phenomenon to watch, but that which will yield nothing tangible when scrutinized. I have established that much, for sure. Yet, lately, I find myself taking form, bit by bit. It is inconceivable at the moment how you were able to do it, and I am wary of the consequences that being figured out brings.


I do not know anymore the type of masquerade I shall engage in to preserve the enigma. The last thing I want is to concede and surrender. Not yet.


I am perplexed that I find myself pondering on these matters that would normally just slide by and not touch my reason... Incredulous, this mess is.


Do forgive me if I am stupefied at times. It is not the lack of ability to grasp your profound monologues, nor is it the appreciation of the same, (although I have to admit you do impress me beyond the usual,) rather it is the paralyzing realization that I just might go with your flow, thus end up, well, unmasking myself unnecessarily. So I keep my horses bridled. Nevermind what you think. (Not because it does not matter, but it is the least of my concern for now for I am too busy trying to figure it out and trying to plan ahead on how to protect my territory to even start about how your beautiful mind concocts misconceptions about my composition.)


Such is this game, unfortunately. I always thought I have mastered it. Seen so much, heard too much. I pride myself in being ahead and seeing beneath intentions. It is worrisome that I apparently overlooked this particular scenario. I admit, I am a bit lost. I do not know what step to take next. It is nerve-wrecking to see myself this disturbed. I cannot take it lightly.


When I ponder on it, I find myself closing my eyes tight, taking a sharp breath in, and wanting to do a 180... I do not want to come out losing, not with this one. I fear I might, because for once, after a long, long time, I am in the middle of darkness... I cannot see.


(Rare breed like you do not come very often.)


If only for that, I admit defeat this early. Only for that. And not knowing the enemy, not being able to see through the fortress enough to strategize ahead, is already rendering me powerless. I have to rely on you, unfortunately. Such is the quandary I find myself in. I am not used to this.


I have to reveal this much, perhaps as a way of imploring for fair play...


I have reached that point where I have to explain myself to myself in order to regain control over the situation. It is not pleasant, but it is amusing.

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with dry eyes, steady hands

i tried so hard to understand

can you see this or wear it on your wrist

it's everything you wanted

the mark you always missed

can you see this or wear it on your wrist

it's everything you wanted

the mark you always missed

can you feel this cross me off your list

she's everything you wanted

the mark you always missed

Edited by iwalkalone
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Funny, i can't help myself but just laugh at the phone call i received from you, considering that you were the one shouting and i was the calm one during that exchange we had 2 months ago. it just proves how low your empathy level is despite your reputation as a people person. Regardless i will try to maintain the moral high ground.

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