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oh please don't feel so bad....and don't blame yourself....ever.... i know how it feels...been there...but i know it's harder for you....i don't know what to say to console you....i..i guess i'll just say..i feel your pain....and i ...i am here for you...i really do <3 u ....you know that don't you?....


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"She Said, She Said"



She said "I know what it's like to be dead

I know what it is to be sad"

And she's making me feel like I've never been born


I said "Who put all those things in your hair

Things that make me feel that I'm mad

And you're making me feel like I've never been born"


She said "You don't understand what I said"

I said "No, no, no, you're wrong

When I was a boy everything was right

Everything was right"


I said "Even though you know what you know

I know that I'm ready to leave

'Cause you're making me feel like I've never been born"


She said "You don't understand what I said"

I said "No, no, no, you're wrong

When I was a boy everything was right

Everything was right"


I said "Even though you know what you know

I know that I'm ready to leave

'Cause you're making me feel like I've never been born."


She said "I know what it's like to be dead

I know what it is to be sad

I know what it's like to be dead..."

Edited by willow_boy
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Couldn't resist not sharing this with you...hope ms. iwalkalone wont mind...the preceeding lines capture how I feel about us...sigh...if only the timing was better...ahhh but to have crossed your path and met you is worth it...



the other half of your soul...you'll never feel complete until you're one with it.


A person with whom you have an immediate connection the moment you meet -- a connection so strong that you are drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before. As this connection develops over time, you experience a love so deep, strong and complex, that you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone prior. Your soulmate understands and connects with you in every way and on every level, which brings a sense of peace, calmness and happiness when you are around them. And when you are not around them, you are all that much more aware of the harshness of life, and how bonding with another person in this way is the most significant and satisfying thing you will experience in your lifetime.

Edited by batitsman
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julia and diego,


wit, intelligence, and an active mind are attributes the two of you share, and in your relationship there will be a focus on communicating, bantering, a lot of verbal give and take. both of you tend to be the dominant one in any discussion or debate, and you may find yourselves competing with each other in your discussions. this most likely will not be a major problem, but both of you would do well to step back and truly listen to one another. :hypocritesmiley:

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holidays again ... love hate feeling permeates the air .. love the gift, the giving the festiveness, ... hate the regifting, the pounds gained, the familiar family stress associated with the gatherings.... snow season again .. supposed to be a cold one ... f@ck yeah .. always cold in winter ... snow shoveling time again ... back breaker i tell you....


shoot how time flies ... almost the end of football season and my beloved eagles are floundering in wild card limbo ... if santas listening ... please make my team go to the playoffs .... a first round upset is all i want ... specially against dallas ... f@cking gayboys .....


i have a mind to stop giving gifts this year just to see how they react ... and i just got done with my xmas shopping too ... just give it to them new years or something ... maybe even regift them next year. damn cold in here .. whyd we have to settle in the mother freaking beast coast ... beastly cold ... beastly


saw the victoria's secret show the other day ... damn hot ... ill do all of em ... in one night with no rest and and and .. my thoughts are so derrrty oh yeah santa another thing .... i want the victoria's secret girls for xmas ... ill be a naughty boy so dont give me any gifts next xmas...


oh well ..... this sucks ... xmas sucks ... yet i still love it ... im such a f@cktard

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Ras Tanura, you fool, is not the name of a Lebanese town, nor of a Russian cocktail drink, nor of some senior Muslim cleric. Google it, boy. Understand why if Ras Tanura calls us up asking for technical assistance to overcome a major system failure, at 1 in the morning, we dance, boy, we all do the boogie, we wag our booties all out.


No matter what day or what time they may call us. Gets?

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A few more months wait...give this project to Pinas already.


I've cut down the 15 percent, lord knows how we substituted smarter design to lessen the steel. Almost impossible to ask of us, but yes, yet another burst of design inspiration by my team buddies provided that last 5 percent you demanded. Where I had gone modular, he went another step, and went symmetrical.


But that is the last card we have got, almost. Only one small ace left, one small contingency, which I will not tell you now.


First I want to see all the other departments to do their cuts.


We break for Christmas - and I finish my school applics. Jan 3 2007, we go face to face again.


Give this project to Pinas. Not because I will make d-seat, but because this will make a difference. When has Pinas failed you in recovery and return of your capital? If it takes the local oil company crashing it's share price, as you demand, well then, we will crush them too.


Give us this project, this tool, we will finish that job.


When have we failed?



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thanks for everything... for staying with me and for making me feel good about myself... my ideas... and my beliefs... apart from Rai-chan you're prolly the only person who truly understands me and how both my heart and mind works... i never told you this because you'd prolly think it's corny (gah! it is)... haha... but yeah i gotta express it somewhere... and when the moment calls for it i'll prolly tell you... and i guess what im really trying to say is that it's nice to have you around... so please stay... for as long as you can ne??? hope we can watch anime together someday while munching on burritos... haha... and original flavor potato chips... (yes the unhealthy way is the way... XD)

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V -


I'll make it simple, don't worry. I have never failed in this thing you want me to engage you in.

Let's see who the "last man standing" will be. Your tactic doesn't work for me. You should know that by now.




Like the others, you'll realize you made a mistake and you'll keep begging. Though your egotistical, maggot-infested soul might not want to, you will be forced to because you are left with no choice. You will surrender to the dictates of what you cannot control. Surprisingly (for you), you shall fight with yourself. (You already are.) The struggle will be painfully bloody and merciless. But you brought it upon yourself with your own hands. I will save myself the trouble of going through the gory details. The scenario is all too familiar. I already know. I taste blood. Could it be yours? I'm sure it is. You are so much like the rest though you think you are a class of your own. Bullshit ego. Lose it, it renders you defenseless.


With absolute certainty, it will come and strike you down. I shall patiently wait. I can do that. Do not underestimate the power behind the powerful. You must have forgotten. I shall not even lift a finger. Just one twitch of a muscle. Effortless. And you'll succumb to failure you thought you'll never go through, at least not this soon.


I've seen the likes of you come and go. Goes to show I know my way around. But you should know that. Pity you if you don't. You will be slaughtered by your ignorance.




I will watch you from a distance. You shall cringe and I will grin in anticipation as I watch the ever familiar agony you will go through brought by a tempting lethal poison you didn't even realize you were having generous servings of.


You may think you're in command. You don't know that for sure. I have everything planned out since months ago. You see, I never initiate, I just wait. And though you think you are a step ahead of me, I already know the next move you'll make. I just am so good at pretending to be "clueless".


Its a game of strategy. Tactics upon tactics. You don't fool me. I am, as a matter of fact, having the time of my life.


I will laugh contentedly. Soon.


- C

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Matagal din kitang inantay. Medyo natagalan ka yata sa pagbalik. Pinapanood pa rin kita, at ganun pa rin naman ang aking nararamdaman. Isang masaklap na hatak sa kaibuturan ng damdamin na bagamat walang isip ay napapaisip tuloy.... Nanghihinayang pa rin ako sa kawalan.


Nagtataka rin ako kung bakit sa gitna ng kawalang kamalayan ay nagagawa kong makalikha ng pigura, ng imahe, kung ano ang tunay mong pagkatao. At gayun din, nakakaramdam ako ng unti-unting pagkamuhi sa sino mang nilalang na madalas mong pagbalingan ng pansin. Inggit.


Pero ganyan talaga ang buhay kapag hinayaan mong makunsumo ito ng pagnanasang ayaw mong tanggapin sa iba.


Kahibangan ang lahat ng ito. Kaya hanggang dito na lang, kahit na pa mananatili ka riyan, at ako, ganun din. Ganun e.

Edited by chiquezee
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Dear Tony,


You and your brother have so much in common. The way you laugh, the mannerisms, amazingly genetic. If not for the skin tone, I'd say you are twins. But I dare say I like you more. His slang tongue irritates me. Sometimes I feel like pulling it out and sucking it myself to rid him of the stateside sound he got used to from living there all his younger days.


It goes without saying that I enjoy both your companies. But I'm not into "tuhogs". Lucky parents you have, for producing two handsome fellows. The last thing I want is a family feud.


I have always been a discreet woman who prides herself for carrying every situation well. One is enough for me. You know you have an edge because for one, though the ties have been severed on his end, the band is still worn. You, on the other hand, are jewel-less.


I know I have been working with him longer, been through so much kaplastikan with him more. But knowing you gives a light, warm, but breezy feeling. I like the way your face lights up when I enter the room, how you'd go through the crowd to get to me and pat me on the shoulder to ask how things are, while proud older bro keeps his dignified cool and just nods my way as if possessed by Mr. Darcy himself. But his approach is so romantic and subtle, the stolen glances, the way he'd quitely inch his way to me when I am not surrounded by the multitude, drop a line nonchalantly, and then smile, and come closer... I find my woman instinct shaken.


Charm and class, your brother has more. But sincerity and coolness, you've got.


Ok, so here goes... I like you, that I'm sure. But for now, liking you is the best thing I can offer. I am too engrossed with so much affairs of the latitudes and lontitudes to be distracted, even momentarily, by serious, heavy stuff. For truly, these matters aren't to be taken lightly. I want to be able to focus on it when I finally get the time. For now, duty calls.




Edited by chiquezee
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Adele H.,


Five years after you left to meet Our Creator, I'm getting the point.


In life, you loved me. You told me that I was the husband you sought, the father of the children you'll bear & the life partner you would want to grow old with & die beside. I had no reason not to love you back at the time. You were what many aspire for; you echoed what my heart yearned for. I simply didn't want to because my heart was empty & spent, I just couldn't. It took a lot of courage to propose marriage thatit made me cry. As a gentleman, I didn't refuse the offer & begged to give me time to become worthy ... which was an honest response. You were too good for me atthe time & too much of anything -- even of good things -- is always bad.


Perhaps I also had a premonition: love forced to ripen yields bitter fruit. Now, there is wisdom in hindsight. Had I allowed you to sweep me off my feet, I'd be a mourning widower now. Had we kids then, the pain would have been much sharper, deeper,more lasting. I might have been misguidedly tempted to follow you & end up in the wrong place ... in Hell. Neither of us would've wanted that eternal separation.


I ventured into another relationship two years after your departure, tried to give to her the love you should have received, like you, she was ideal. For a couple of years, she & I tried. We didn't end up down the aisle but parted ways alive, well & as friends ... again so many reasons that were acceptable to her & me. What I never mentioned was that you were still on my mind, that there was guilt still in my heart & the painful reality that I didn't really love her ... I just tried to forget a past ... a possibility & my fear during our time together that I wanted to spare you from suffering.


Then briefly, I tried to drown that guilt in the pleasure we withheld from one another -- a delight we bridled so we may maintain the decorum expected of us by our families, communities & clients. There was bitterness in the end, from her because I refused to break the deal she & I had & bring the relationship to the next decent level that she wanted.


I now include in the many promises I've made & kept, a sheer fleshbound relationship won't happen to me again. My tuition of that lesson is the memory of a well-deserved slap on the face, bitter words that I didn't reciprocate & the affirmation of a lesson: we account for the things we do to ourselves, first & foremost, & then, inevitably, to others whose innocent lives we affected & influenced. I knew at the start she wasn't innocent & now she has to account for what she did with full knoweldge & full consent. Still, it hurt me to see another hurt herself & try to heap the blame on me.


Finally, I'm breaking through the illusion of that guilt. Then I realized it wasn't you punishing me but I punishing myself. People say it is too late to love when Death comes to separate two souls. I now can say with honesty to myself, not that I should have loved you back then but I do love you now. I realize the timelesness of love, its power to stretch back to what had come to pass, to echo across eternity & beyond the wall between the Living & the Dead.


It is an insight that, although coming from within me, you have helped by gently prying open my eyes.


Indeed, as our favorite mystic wrote ... It takes an instant to open one's eyes but seeing takes an entire lifetime.


Now I know it's never too late to say I love you & I know you know & do as well.


It's so good to be alive.

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please stop being hard on yourself. you've done so much already. i hope you'll learn to stop and smell the flowers.


there are people who unwittingly desire you, with pure intentions. why can't you see them through? ruminating thoughts wouldn't help you either. you're slowly killing yourself.


don't be so caught up with stereotypes. stop generalizing. stop overanalysing.

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Dearest someone,


Its been years since we called it quits. The first Christmases were kinda hard for both of us. I don't know if you think of me, my warmth embrace and my long kiss goodnight. I miss both of you, i miss her in between our embrace by the couch. That seemingly endless re-run of Peter Bailey's Wonderful still move us to tears. Its gonna be Christmas again, i know things are better and things are fine for both us. I miss you and your striptease. But hey Christmas morning is something to look forward to, perhaps its the only thing both of us is looking forward to just to be together. Our love i hope will be together again. I know we both wish the same thing.

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My dearest BP,



To see you again, to meet you again, to hug you again….is what my soul yearns for. Can you read this, my dearest love? Do you know how much my heart is aching for you? I feel like each and every moment of everyday I have to keep all these emotions bottled up deep inside of me ever since I left. It feels forever when really it has only been a week.


I stare out of the window and wonder….and I long to be with you….to hear your voice……to see your smile…..to feel your touch……to be wrapped in your arms…..to breathe a sigh of contentment once my head rests on your shoulder again….. You are my soul mate, my answered prayer.


I wish you could know how much I crave to be with you. I pray that I will have the rest of my life to care for you, to shower you with cuddles and kisses, to always let you know in simple things that I do for you everyday that ‘I Love You’. Each day I will give God all the glory for bringing you into my life because you are a precious, amazing gift from God.


My dearest love, I just want you to know that God has been guiding me everyday. I still have so much more to learn from Him. He gives me strength and wisdom each and every day, even in the times when I falter. He is there to lift me up and remind me that I need to prepare myself to be a virtuous woman for you.


Please never give up….because I (am/will be) here….waiting for you and you alone….no matter how long the wait…




Through it all, I have faith in God that in His Time, He will bring us together one day….and on that day…my soul will sing with unspeakable joy….knowing that we are finally going to embark on a journey together….a journey of trust and commitment, love and devotion, heartaches and pain, tenderness and passion, …a journey I am patiently waiting for……



I love you....forever and after...




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rainy monday

headache and hangover

killer deadlines ready to strike anytime


but its a good day

i see a familiar presence



hard to explain but reassuring, too

in the sense that beneath this seemingly soulless cyberworld

people are falling in love, sometimes out of it.

sometimes just hoping, or wishing


alive and love in the air...

wonderful, isn't it?

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At this very moment, I should be sound asleep. But guess what? You're in my head and I find myself wondering how and where you are now. It's been 23 years, dear J. With the road I've taken, I probably won't see you again. Made an attempt to track you down a few years ago out of curiosity but to no avail. I can no longer say I still love you for such words are no longer true. The feeling faded away many years ago. I just hope that you're well and happy right now and I will always wish you the best.


As a final note, I always had this song in my head whenever I thought of you back then. Farewell.


Goodbye Girl

by: David Gates


All your life you've waited for love to come and stay

And now that I have found you, you must not slip away

I know its hard believin' the words you've heard before

But darlin' you must trust them just once more...


'Cause baby goodbye doesn't mean forever

Let me tell you goodbye doesn't mean

We'll never be together again.

If you wake up and I'm not there, I won't be long away

'Cause the things you do my goodbye girl

Will bring me back to you.


I know you've been taken, afraid to hurt again

You fight the love you feel for me instead of givin' in

But I can wait forever, a-helpin you to see

That I was meant for you and you for me ...


So remember goodbye doesn't mean forever

Let me tell you goodbye doesn't mean

We'll never be together again.

Though we may be so far apart you still will have my heart

So forget your past my goodbye girl

'Cause now you're home at last.

Edited by willow_boy
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