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The Mail Box

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as i read the lines....the more i read...the harder it gets to breathe...there's tightening in my chest....as tears fell...i was crushed....i had to look away...i bit my lips ...hard...it almost bled....



i don't understand how you could...

how you could forget about the one...

the one who holds you dear...

the one who sheds her tears...

for you....for you....i deeply

care for you...

but it's something more...and you

you should've realized how

how that would k*ll me...now

i am lost and faithless...

crushed..trampled all over...

the only faith i had left was there...

there with you...but you couldn't see

you completely forgot all about me...

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Dear Love,


Who are YOU??


YOU come in different faces and still i don't recognize who you are...


YOU tell me to trust you, but your absence makes it painful...


YOU promise to make me happy but you gave me heartaches when i hold on...


YOU give me strength but you k*ll me gently...


Are you really blind not to see how much u make me suffer???


YOU say you can move mountains but why can't you make me smile??


YOU really are a mystrey, aren't YOU?? and I don't who you are..


I don't know if your good or bad...Coz you know when I try to feel you, YOU just hurt....

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Sweetie, they are *never* the people you think they are. When choosing between a rock and a hard place, which one should you choose? Neither, in my opinion, unless you're willing to put up with a ton of s**t. If you're okay with that, then why not?


Yes, I'm in a cynical mood today. I have my moments. Deal with it.


- M.

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Quote deleted. Inasmuch as this thread is for unsent letters and unexpressed emotion, we cant have people replying to each others posts here, now can we?


Just to stay on topic.


I think I know who you're referring to, sis. ;-)


The Mailbox is NO longer a place where one can discover interesting tidbits of fellow members.


If only THIS person would just keep to their own little space on MTC ... the Member Room section.


Before, KL and I enjoyed CUM-ing here. The posts USED to be refreshing, interesting or even, eye-openers for us.



Edited by Wyld
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you. why does every post in your fave thread be an event for you? you analyze. you dissect. you put meaning into innocuous phrases. people who happily say they believe in this or that are peppered with insults. and they don't post anymore...leaving us with only---you.


and you only post in one area, you one-dimensional sophist prick. ahh...probably because you can't. perhaps you think you have the logic of an immanuel kant, but you're not even good enough to touch a cunt. even the smelly ones, at that.


the best response to your arguments is in latin: non sequitur. dickhead.

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since you went ahead and put me in your ignore list, even if you were the one who PM'd me and even if you have read my sig, let me just post my reply to your PM.


your insults do not affect me much. it is the least of my problems considering what im going through right now. i just want to tell you that you have no right to judge me just because i snapped at you. i did explain that i was not in a good mood, and i also apologized.


i don't want this to go on further so thank you for blocking me from sending PMs to you.

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dear lonely one,


what made you think all i'm interested in is your body?

iha, i'm way past 27 when i can f#*k whoever, whatever, however, whenever i want.

ok, the whoever part is not true but it sounds good with the all the other evers.


i'm an ordinary guy who feeds his dog, gives tips to hardworking crews who does service, gets annoyed by reckless drivers(more so with abusive parents), pities the begging children. in short i have a heart, just like every pedro, juan and piolo.

so when i see a miserable person, i stop and ask if there's something i can do. of course, the bolo wielding miserables i leave to the tanods.


so my apologies for intruding.


i leave you in your miserable state.



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Things that make me smile:


Late night rendezvous

Laughter, lambingan, and choco mallows :wub:

Late night phone calls

Fallling asleep on the phone while listening to you singing off-key ^_^

Sleepy mornings after late night whatevers

Coffee, pie, updharmadown, chilitees, drip and a warm bed on a sleepy and rainy wednesday morning


Amazing how so many of those things have you in them. ^_^



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girls...cool lang kayo....live and let live...or...post and let post? :lol: :lol: ...wag na init ulo baby... :lol: :lol:

guys...wag masyado mag isep...the lady is in it just for the heck of it...it's her plain freaking obsession...don't get too uptight.....let her be...leave her to her misery....she say's we're always welcome but that doesn't mean we can rearrange her furnishings too ;)

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i am the captain of my soul, not a pirate from the carribean. astrology amuses me as you do porn stars in prada. better to throw notes to the wind, disagree over the wires, than altercate face to face in silence of supressed desires: to insult what can't be insulted, to question principles written upon that rock, or that building built on oil.

Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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dear santa,


it's been long since i've made a wish... i know i'm not a child anymore but i have always been and will always be a kid at heart..... :cry: i won't ask for toys this christmas....


i just wanna see him..... kaladkarin sana sya ng reindeers mo sa bahay namin... darn!!! desperate and foolish move this is...... funny.. yeah very funny....\


i wana be with him....... darn it!!!! miss ko na sya sobra....... taena..... after all that has happened and after such time that has passed mahal ko pa din sya....


i just wana see him and hug him...


pls santa... grant my request.. i have been nice naman :cry:




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C -


Thats how many days already? :) Some more and I'll be "detoxified" of you. But what keeps on lingering in my mind is your statement. When you asked when I'll be back, and I said we won't see each other then anyway, your response sent a warm gush from my head to my toes. Dang. You got me again, and I think you dont even have a clue that you're pressing the right buttons. That's not such a good thing for me.


And hey, I appreciate the effort of meeting with me even that late a time, and going through the lengths of picking me up though you hate the very gates where I work, and the ground we walk on.


I am sorry you felt disappointed and I am having second thoughts about being too honest. I think my confession about what happened two weeks ago affected you. You suddenly fell quiet, after the banter of disbelief...


But its been how many days already? Im trying and I think I just might succeed. Regardless of what may be in my mind at the moment. I think I just might make it to the other side, away from the cliff. And I know, somehow, you are trying to limit yourself too. You are about to take a step closer to the edge and you are trying to hold yourself back. I can sense it. And that's just fine.


- C

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Why did you do this to me?


I never asked for this.


Out of all the other guys out there, why me?


Why complicate my life?


I was just looking for a good time that's all


Now I can't rid myself of you




Your face


Your hair


The way you smile


The way we make love


I always think about you


So, answer me?


You owe me at least an answer to that


Why me?


I never asked for this


I hate you


But I really don't

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For my only Star:



Craig David


Always said I would know where to find love,

Always thought I'd be ready and strong enough,

But some times I just felt I could give up.

But you came and changed my whole world now,

I'm somewhere I've never been before.

Now I see, what love means.


It's so unbelievable,

And I don't want to let it go,

Something so beautiful,

Flowing down like a waterfall.

I feel like you've always been,

Forever a part of me.

And it's so unbelievable to finally be in love,

Somewhere I'd never thought I'd be.

In my heart, in my head, it's so clear now,

Hold my hand you've got nothing to fear now,

I was lost and you've rescued me some how-.

I'm alive, I'm in love you complete me,

And I've never been here before.

Now I see, what love means.


When I think of what I have, and this chance I nearly lost,

I cant help but break down, and cry.

Ohh yeah, break down and cry.


Now I see, what love means

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