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The One,


I pray for strength and guidance so that I will still be here when you're near my path.


Hoping to say the line:


"God bless the broken road that led me straight to you"


Was sung by Carrie on the finals of American Idol.


May the pain, loss, tears and lonliness be worth my long wait for you.


Am growing weary ... wish you could hold me in your arms and kiss away my troubles.


Be well and safe ... as you make you way to me. Soon?



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J brought it to my attention earlier. that it seemed i was standoffish to you. i didn't deny it. i didn't pretend i was ok. i said that i was annoyed and irritated with you. that i don't think it's dumb of me to expect that you'd meet me halfway as your "friend". that i think i'm right to be upset that you blew me off the way you did.


and J couldn't help but agree. because you really are, honestly, a mess. a tall, lanky, funky-looking, confusing mess.


thing is, i don't think you mean what you say anymore. not that you ever did. i don't know if your refusal to be my "friend" is because you still love me... or if it's because you're just emotionally stunted.


i think i'm going to go with the latter.

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ch, i wish we hadn't had sex so early on, then maybe you wouldn't be acting like you're so f**king busy with your life and sending me the occasional text message reassuring me that you really love me because i'm this great friend and that you want to see me soon. you've been wanting to see me soon for the past month. i wanna see you one more time just to see if i really miss you. then i can stop all this nonsense and move on. becaue the truth is, i don't need you. but i want you. and i can't tell you this because i made you believe that i was fine with the friends with benefits set-up. please text me anyway. reassure me anyway. -o-

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to you,


dont know if you've read it


dont know if the sign im waiting will ever come


right now I'm living in a limbo, a kaleidoscope of the saddest colors


I missed you,


I know you dont need me,


and I dont know why Im doing this


maybe I just dont want to think "what if"


though I also know, 'Im only human' aint gonna work


Im sorry




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para sayo pa din,


saw the signs today

though my heart grieves

I shall smile

knowing I did something

and I tried

there'll never be any what if's, could've and might've


I shall end that part of me

and start anew.



I wish you all the best.


g'bye friend

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for a so called friend...


when i offer a hand in friendship, it means i have offered my all. no walls, no pretenses, no subterfuge.


just plain, unadulterated me.


what is so appalling is the realization that inspite of my candor and transparency, it was so easy to be doubted, so easy to be thought of a cheat and so easy to be condemned and proven guilty... all without trial.


and yet... i tried to mend fences. i tried to restore bridges. i tried to make things all right again. so sue me. that is me as a friend.


but when that same friendship is slapped back to my face again, with yet more suspicions and yet more doubts and yet more untruths... then i say... enough. i say i have had it. and i move on.


most of the time, i am able to come back. most of the time, i am able to be a friend again.


but not when after calling me the worst sort of person on earth, that same person tries to make as if nothing happened. tries to act all peachy keen and converse with me as if not a wrinkle has been pressed onto the fabric of friendship.


worse.... if that same person persists and insists...without consideration of time difference and hours of rest and sleep... hysteria has never worked with me...


you say you tried. perhaps you did.


but this i ask you ... did you even stop to think if you were doing the right things.


didnt you even stop to remember that -- when mad i am best left alone ... that i come to my senses after a while ... on my own.


no you didnt. and i guess... that tells me just how little you knew me as a person.


all the events of these past months have shown me how little you knew me as a friend.


and that makes me wonder. were you ever .... a friend?


i guess i will never know.



Edited by Wyld
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People say you are bad.

They say you are a risk.

I say... I see beneath the surface and I want the man that you are;

Underneath Your Clothes.


Underneath Your Clothes



You're a song

Written by the hands of God

Don't get me wrong 'cuz

This might sound to you a bit odd

But you own the place

Where all my thoughts go hiding

And right under your clothes

Is where I find them


Underneath your clothes

There's an endless story

There's the man I chose

There's my territory

And all the things I deserve

For being such a good girl honey


Because of you I forgot the smart ways to lie

Because of you I'm running out of reasons to cry

When my friends are gone

When my parties over

We will still belong to each other


Underneath your clothes

There's an endless story

There's the man I chose

There's my territory

And all the things I deserve

For being such a good girl honey


Underneath your clothes

There's an endless story

There's the man I chose

There's my territory

And all the things I deserve

For being such a good girl honey


I love you more than all that's on the planet

Movin' talkin' walkin' breathing

You know it's true

Oh baby it's so funny

You almost don't believe it

As every voice is hanging from the silence

Lamps are hanging from the ceiling

Like a lady tied to her manners

I'm tied up to this feeling


Underneath your clothes

There's an endless story

There's the man I chose

There's my territory

And all the things I deserve

For being such a good girl honey


Underneath your clothes

There's the man I chose

There's my territory

And all the things I deserve

For being such a good girl honey

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It’s been uhm, 7mos, since I left my shoe in RP for everyone to see, since you [1st] laughed at me, since we made Mini Stop as our official tambayan, since we learned that Alexander is the great faggot, since I experienced the best date [ever], since we first met.


It's been 6mos since you changed your status (in friendster) from single to in a relationship, since you said I better change mine too (so I did). It's been that long since i said to myself, I’m not going to fall for you even though I allow myself to play your game.


It's been 5mos since I appreciated the beauty of the night, the lights of Malate, the sounds in Libis, the sensation when we dance, and the sweet taste of Strong Ice and Super Dry.


It's been 4mos since we made Liwa our "let's-talk-about-anything-everything-under-the-moonlight-and-infront-of-the-post-office" tambayan. Since then, I realized I cannot suppress this feeling any longer. (dang!)


It’s been 3mos since I cried because of the things you confessed... (sheesh, I am really a playboy's delight) and since then I said to myself I just have to accept who you really are.


It’s been 2mos since we escaped the busy buzz of the city and went to Puerto Galera... alone. It’s been that long since I experienced how it is to be in a paradise and to be taken care by you.


It’s been a month since I decided to leave all my fears behind me. i surrender. im putting my guard down. I’m letting it out. I love you.


From this day on, I am yours.

Yours forever.

Keep me.

And let me keep you.


Sorry if most of the time, I’m being doubtful. I love you, bibhe...


Keeping it here,


Edited by best_X_girlfriend
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I will not lie. I never liked you. But don't worry its not your fault. Some people just rub me the wrong way and you're one of them. You can't help that.


I know you like him a lot. I mean, you professed your love to him, did you not? And you know what? I think, at some point, he liked you too. In fact, in the race to bag him, you probably came the closest. But you just had to push him and well, in the process, pushed him away.


I had nothing to do with that whatsoever! That was all your doing, or undoing. Whatever! Its too late now, but I really tried to make you see that I am in no way a threat to you. I wasn't in the running for anything. Heck, I didn't sign up for the competition. So, it really irritates the crap out of me when I hear about your tantrums and your infantile accusations! Fine, you were threatened and feelings are often irrational. But really, did I ever come between you? Ever? Did I ever make you feel that I would come between you?


I would have said, "Ok, you win! You can have him, all wrapped up in tinsel and served on a silver platter." But I'm glad I didn't because, my dear girl, friends remain friends even when they have girlfriends or boyfriends. I will remain his friend and he will remain mine. So you see, I didn't have to say that, because you're out of his life now and look, I'm still here! :P



Edited by batibut
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sa u


ndi ko hinihiling ang mundo

ang malaman lang na tinanggap mo pag sorry ko

at napatawad mo ko

sapat na para mapalagay ako


I dont expect you to be sumthing you aint.


fr. me



ps. sorry, ndi kita nakilala, baka kasi ndi mo rin kasi ako nakilala

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...and if you think those obtuse remarks will get to me ....


you have just shown me yet again...that you never knew me.


and if you persist in claiming i never knew you -- so be it.


think what you want. see... i dont really care anymore.


i stopped caring after you accused me of carrying on with your ex...


and stopped caring even more after your hysterical voicemails of a few days back...


you showed no respect for me - not as a a friend, much less as a person.


such blatant lack of respect can never make a friendship, much less rebuild one.


and that's that.




chapter closed.




key thrown away.

Edited by Wyld
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14 December


5:00 am



My Heart,



I sent this letter across a thousand miles of longing, wirtten by the hand that never tires in exploring your every peak and valley and sealed by the lips where your heavenly pearls often play.


Last night, I could not sleep. As I stared at our soft paradise of a bed, I thought I heard you call my name. In vain, I answered the empty air. The thought of you, it was the thought of you my love that fueled the fire burning beneath me. Outside, clouds above drifted like my thoughts, forming images of naked souls entwined like mating snakes. Lest I get consumed by the wild delicious fire, I had to content myself with my hand and exploded the passion in my hardness before I slept.


Today, I woke up with my body burning with feverish desire and my rigidity saluting the morning sun. I rushed to the shower to ease the delightful pain. The cold water from the tub that we frequent together at different times of the day to calm our craving for each other gave no relief. It instead brought the tender sensation of your tongue feasting on every inch of me. And my body ached for yours some more. I immersed myself in the water for hours with my eyes closed. But even with eyes shut, I saw you, with your long hair like black silk thrown over your bare left shoulder barely concealing your firm well-shaped left breast, on your knees before me. What naughty moist caress your perfectly shaped mouth brought to me. The softness overcame the hardness.


The calm lasted but a moment and my torment intensified. Hurry back my love as loneliness and longing trouble my heart like stains on the sheets. Come home now and feed the hunger in my hands and let them reunite with your twin pink pearls. Come home now and quench my thirst for the sweet water that only flows from your fragrant spring. Then let the steep rock split the face of your heaven over and over and over again.


Without you, there is only longing, and my hands could only do so much. End my misery. Hurry home and make love to me.


Your dearest,



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about today. your tardiness is just one of the reasons why i got pissed. i hope you can see my effort of seeing you and wanting to be with you even after a brain-draining-and-feet-killing job hunt. we dont see each other that often. ilang light years ang layo ng bahay nyo sa min. the least thing we could do is grab all the chances (especially when im in the urban) and make the most of our time.


sorry if i was too harsh on you and that i wasn't able to consider your condition.


being patient and understanding is just so difficult for me to practice and enhance. but i'd do anything for you, bibhe.



keep me,


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Main Entry: sar·casm

Pronunciation: 'sär-"ka-z&m

Function: noun

Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwar&s- to cut

1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain

2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm


... unfortunately ... it has never worked with me. never has. never will.




Main Entry: ig·nore

Pronunciation: ig-'nOr, -'nor

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): ig·nored; ig·nor·ing

Etymology: obsolete ignore to be ignorant of, from French ignorer, from Latin ignorare, from ignarus ignorant, unknown, from in- + gnoscere, noscere to know -- more at KNOW

1 : to refuse to take notice of

2 : to reject (a bill of indictment) as ungrounded

synonym see NEGLECT

- ig·nor·able /-'nOr-&-b&l, -'nor-/ adjective

- ig·nor·er noun


... is what you will be henceforth...

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wow!!! she must have been a major pain. haven't read anything this angry in a while. +)


Let me clarify a few things *****_**:


1.  The reason why I have not been replying to your PMs is NOT because I'm afraid that "mabubuko ako" (whatever that means), but because I simply don't find you important enough to spend time communicating with.  Unlike a lot of people in MTC, I actually have a life outside the internet.  Your PMs rank just a little higher than gravel and sand in my priority list, as things stand.


2.  I don't take too well to unwarranted familiarity, especially when the one who tries to be familiar with me has just recently attempted to destroy my relationship with the woman I love.


3.  As far as I am concerned, you are still a deranged liar with a sinister agenda.  As such, I don't believe in any of your sob stories and excuses.  In fact, I don't even want to bother verifying the truth of the things you say.  Dealing with you has been the most unproductive 1 week of my life.  If only you were not trying to hurt people I care about, I would have absolutely nothing to do with you.


Having said these things, I want you to know that I don't really care about your personal reflections on this whole "almost-scandal" that YOU caused.  You do not have my sympathy, and you are better off consulting a psychiatrist.  Believe me, I've never met someone who needed to see one as badly as you do now.


At this time, I still don't think you realize the full extent of what you attempted to do.  So far, everything you told me only dealt with YOUR pain. 


You selfish S.O.B., what about HER pain?


If a twentysomething guy like you can be driven mad by an experience like this, just imagine the effect it has on your teenage victim.


I'm disgusted by your attempts at drama.  You need to stop thinking about yourself, and start thinking about how you almost destroyed a young girl.  The world does not revolve around you.  The sooner you realize that, the better for all the teenage girls in your immediate vicinity.



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yearning. passion. you.


i write this tonight as i sit alone in the dark. in a room that will forever be colored by memories of you and the passion that we share....


i cannot find rest, my mind whirls and swirls in an endless daze of remembrance...


how does one find rest in a room that smells of you, a room that breathes you...


how do i rest my head against a pillow that once held your proud head, awash in passion, helpless and pleasing, sated and weary...


how do lay in a bed that once was witness to our frenzied embraces through long summer nights and even longer nights when the rain beat a steady tattoo that echoed the movements of our bodies...


how can i ever feel at ease with my body ... a body that once held yours in place, a body that is now bereft of the strength of yours, the feel of yours, the intrusion of you.


i want you, that much remains the same.


i yearn for you, that much is pretty constant.


i search for you, in the face of each man i stare at, in the lips of each man i kiss, in the arms of each man that i tangle with...


sadly, they are not you.


you... it is all about you.


and i am yours.


inevitably, irrevocably so.

Edited by Wyld
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I always believe that God plans for everything, and that in his right time He will lay his own predefined plan for each of us.


His plan for me is truly great; I know this feeling would end in no time, that the heartache and pain that I've felt zillion minutes ago would eventually be history…


In his own time…


Isn’t that nice?


And you know what…


I’m pretty sure that everything will be fine, for you’re here…with me... holding on…


Talk about heaven on earth.


Thanks to you. You make Gods plan very perfect!



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i’m sorry to have foiled your attempt to greatness.


a simple note for you: there are two important things you have to remember about a community:


1. it is a microcosm of the world.

2. in that microcosm are representatives of the learned ones and their opposites.


the learned ones are composed of the forgiving, the-hell-I-care-what-you-say-so-be-damned-to-sound-stupid-it’s-your-life-jerk individuals; and the unforgiving, what-the-four-letter-foul-word-did-you-say-you-moron-i’m-not-putting-up-with-that-stupidity buffs.


and because i can’t forgive you, forgive me.

Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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