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you're still our baby. you must have grown so tall, but you're still our little baby.


we understand your need to see the world, to know what it is out there. we can tell you what they are, what they mean, what's beneath them, but of course, you wouldn't take it from us -- because you want to learn first hand. quite a few times you caught us mumbling i-told-you-so's. and you'd almost always cry. but instead of showing us the brave tears you'd go out into the night in your bike. returning only when the lights are out.


i must admit i never liked any of the girls you introduced as your girlfriend. either they don't have the bearing and refinement our little sister has, or they don't have the wittiness, i'd hope they possess. but heck, you're your own man.


please, don't go out alone into the night again.





Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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You will never get to read this which is the whole point of it I guess. I miss you. I miss you in a way I myself can't comprehend. And I know this can only be an embrace of imaginings. The kiss of death.


You are like him. And you will take away with you everything.

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dearest one,


i was staring out the window this afternoon...watching the rain. i have always loved the rain. i cherish the feeling of cleansing that it leaves behind. i also savor the quiet moments it affords me, when all i can do is sit and watch it pour.


as i watched the rain, i yearned for you. i wanted you beside me. holding my hand, keeping me safe and warm, watching the rain pour down with me, reassuring me that the sun will shine again...


as i felt the cold winds the rain brought along with it, i longed for your touch. i wanted to feel you, know you, smell you. i wanted to bask in your passion. i wanted you.


you probably know how much i long to be with you, i must have told you that often enough. yet today... i feel that longing magnified a thousandfold.


there is no place i would rather be... than with you.


- k

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i know i have been really tough on you guys lately. my goal is not my own, but ours.


please, understand that these things i do so you can be more than who you are right now.


i would have opted for a new group of people, but when i came in, you're already here, part and parcel of what i called a new assignment.


my ways are narrow. and you have no choice but to take them.


without apologies,






--dang! i never had so many slips as i had here. i must have been typing with my eyes closed.


now, i apologize.


- KL

Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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im a mess of doubts right now.

i dont think i should have... yet i did.


and now im all askew.

i said to myself (and you) that i can handle this.


and i thought i could.

i know i can but i need to regroup.


im not hurt or anything.

just ... thinking.


and thinking some more.

one part of me wants to throw caution to the wind...


another part of me wants me to ...





- k

Edited by Wyld
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you have always been acknowledged as the true writer in the group. how you used to impress me when you needed only to write a poem or a short story when you were short on cash. either you'd send your pieces as contributions to a magazine or join writing contests. and all the time your works would bring home cash...er...checks. and we were just college kids!




you are the first existentialist I know in person. really funny that you had nietzsche's picture in your wallet instead of your boyfriend's. and in your every speech, there would always be a quote from your god-less god. we were just relieved you maintained to be a theistic existentialist despite your love of frederich.




the girl who took the russian tongue seriously. how funny you were when you dragged us all to sign up for the russian class, hoping that eventually, we would be able to read anna karenina and first circle in their original medium. how ambitious you were! (the thing is, i never even got to finish reading half of either first circle or cancer ward, and they're in english!!)


and i wonder where you guys are now. somehow, i never got to apologize for being so average in your company. but must you know, i have gotten over rhett butler. if that at all is any consolation.

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To "The One,"


i don't know your name but you seem to have an identity.


she hasn't seen your face but i think you have sexy eyes.


we have no idea how tall you are, but i'm sure you walk with confidence, commanding attention with your presence.


we have no idea where you are right now, but i'm pretty sure, you're somewhere, not really taking your time to get to her, but must just have been caught by something - a job, or a lover you can't let go just yet.


but whatever, it is you're doing, "A" has been writing so many letters to you, meeting so many people hoping it is going to be you finally.


please, don't linger. show yourself up. rescue her from the sycophants in romeo's wardrobe.


come to her and hold her hands.


her friend,





Ohhh ... am SO touched, GF! ;-)


Yes ... CUM soon. ;-)

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dear ruthie...


hi my little princess? missed you papa? i sure hope so because i miss you so much. if only we could be together right now...


always remember that papa loves you and that you are the ONLY girl for me. you're the only woman in my life now... my one and only...


i WILL see you soon...



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Let me clarify a few things *****_**:


1. The reason why I have not been replying to your PMs is NOT because I'm afraid that "mabubuko ako" (whatever that means), but because I simply don't find you important enough to spend time communicating with. Unlike a lot of people in MTC, I actually have a life outside the internet. Your PMs rank just a little higher than gravel and sand in my priority list, as things stand.


2. I don't take too well to unwarranted familiarity, especially when the one who tries to be familiar with me has just recently attempted to destroy my relationship with the woman I love.


3. As far as I am concerned, you are still a deranged liar with a sinister agenda. As such, I don't believe in any of your sob stories and excuses. In fact, I don't even want to bother verifying the truth of the things you say. Dealing with you has been the most unproductive 1 week of my life. If only you were not trying to hurt people I care about, I would have absolutely nothing to do with you.


Having said these things, I want you to know that I don't really care about your personal reflections on this whole "almost-scandal" that YOU caused. You do not have my sympathy, and you are better off consulting a psychiatrist. Believe me, I've never met someone who needed to see one as badly as you do now.


At this time, I still don't think you realize the full extent of what you attempted to do. So far, everything you told me only dealt with YOUR pain.


You selfish S.O.B., what about HER pain?


If a twentysomething guy like you can be driven mad by an experience like this, just imagine the effect it has on your teenage victim.


I'm disgusted by your attempts at drama. You need to stop thinking about yourself, and start thinking about how you almost destroyed a young girl. The world does not revolve around you. The sooner you realize that, the better for all the teenage girls in your immediate vicinity.



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Talking to you last night ... definintely has made me feel you're a lost cause.


I try to be a friend but you have turned me away. Shame coz I know you dont have much of your own.


I only pray that w/ your mom watching over you ... somehow you will change your ways.


We can only do so much ... but if you remain closed minded or not take chances ... you will stay unemployed, with no friends and remain the way you are.


Good luck ... is all I can say to you.



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What is correct, is not always what is kind.


Doesn't matter if your mum or your girlfriend tells you otherwise. I speak as your brother, who has seen somewhat of the ways of many provinces, many countries, and many corporations, and not merely what is in the media or in popular print.


What is necessary for all, is not always what is good for all.


If some can afford to be always kind, it is because others carry the burden of doing the correct things. Every group and society within these mortal realms has its cops, and inevitably, its executioners who carry out what is necessary.


I speak as your brother. Draw your sword. Practice your moves. Challenges will come soon.


The girl? Lose her, for she is neither necessary, nor correct.


I speak, as your brother,


---Felix Villaflor IV

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There are many hidden Forces at work shaping this world, which are far older and more powerful than those that we see and hear about on the everyday. It is my firm belief that we men are naturally allied with the forces of Light, and that Light shall prevail! Therefore, we must persevere in our duties through the years and even through the generations.


It takes a special faith to trust that Light shall, indeed, prevail.


It takes a special courage to accept our duties, and persevere.



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To the love of my life, my son, my lil lobo...

When I woke up this morning and hear you sing "happy birthday" on my cellphone, I realized just how much I miss you. You're so sweet.


Thank you for making me cry again.

I love you so much. :heart:

Edited by Wolf
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this is hilarious. but i actually asked the famous joe d'mango for help. hahaha. i suppose it's one of the "perks" of the job... well anyway, i told him my dilemma. it was a tad infuriating afterwards because all he asked me after my long explanation was what did i want to do. i shrugged and said, well that's why i'm asking you. and he asked me again. and i basically just said the truth... that if i were to be really honest with myself, i don't mind waiting and putting up with all your s**t because i still love you.


you would think something like that would bring me relief. but why am i irritated instead?

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So we talked again for hours after Mia's "manghuhula" said that I should stay away from you. Its funny how you always talk to me about them. Of course I don't really mind. I like talking to you. I'm sorry if I don't take your concerns seriously. But dude, do you really think those things are problems? Well, I hope you find whatever it is that you're looking for, if it doesn't jump out and bite you in the ass, that is! :P


But what I really want to say is, f**k those people who talk about us. I can't believe they have nothing better to do!!!! I didn't mean it when I said that I don't want to be seen in public with you anymore. Its just really hard not to react that way when you say that we have also been the object of malicious gossip. Especially when I know for a fact that what they are saying are all lies! I'm happy that we're friends...ONLY friends! I consider myself very fortunate!


I guess my equilibrium's back... :cry:

Edited by batibut
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