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Random Thoughts Thread

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All this talk of what men/women want but won't tell you. We have mouths to speak, minds to think, and hearts to feel with. Why can't it be so easy?


Okay. Fine. I get it. The heart trembles in fear when it doesn't hear an echo of its own, beating in unison with another. And so the silence screams loudest.

Edited by Lord Superb
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Mistakes, ironically, are treasures you wouldn't bother to look for until you find them suddenly in your possession, and then you realize you just got richer. Think of it like a penny you didn't think was there until you needed it for something useful.

Edited by Lord Superb
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To talk about anything and everything under the sun...at midnight. :)

all unnoticed, until the sun starts to again peek through the clouds for good conversations have this innate quality that leads those who converse to forget time and those that are around them. making them feel and believe that they are the only ones alive at the moment. :)


small things. small happiness. yet, bliss.

Edited by Queen Darkeinjel
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One of the most commonly used phrase to convey impossibility is:

" Looking for a needle in a hay stack".

- but if you think out of the box you can say use a magnet to extract the needle.

Well, how about extreme and seemingly painful impossibility like:

" Looking for a hay sliver in needle stack".

- but then again you can engineer a solution and use water to float the hay sliver.


The take away here is that more often than not, perceived impossibilities actually lead to possibilities.

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