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Falling For A Therapist - Merged Thread

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I know I said that there would be no more updates...


but I just have to tell someone this...


in a wicked twist of fate, my gf, THE gf, suddenly said that she wants to take a break from us


now I don't believe in coincidences, and this is the biggest mind f#&k ever.


talk about getting more than you bargained for


did she give you dat "no it isnt you, its me" speech?

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well bro, IMHO...


if you can live without her, i do suggest you pick up the pieces and move on with your life...it's useless naman kung tutuloy mo yung feelings mo sa kanya knowing na di magiging kayo NGAYON, but fif you want to gamble with the future and just be there for her, pero that is a BIG IF...kasi di mo naman malalaman kung kayo talaga sa huli...


just be strong bro and think hard about your decisions...




Thanks bro, she was the one who help me picked up the pieces when I had an abstruse relationship with an ex-MPA recently (posted on this thread sometime June 2010).

Just an update, I'm planning to see her soon. Might as well control my feelings for her than throw away a cherished friendship!!!

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since you are too much of a schmuck you cannot do what you already know you are supposed to do, try the following:


1. next time you go to that MP, get another girl - preferably, one of her friends. You don't even have to say a thing. She will surely find out. That's a given. The advantage here is that you will get to know how she would handle it. There is still collateral damage but manageable compared to simply running away or telling her up close and personal. She will be reminded this is all supposed to be like a business transaction. But the thing is, she will realize this herself. Then be-friend the girl you took to get the updates. I'm sure you would want that being the cool-but-concerned-mr-nice-guy.


2. so that you will not be guessing if the girl is just playing you, do an MPA spy tactic. I always maintain an MPA spy in each of the MPs I frequent. The picking and development of the MPA spy is a delicate process. You would choose someone who is comfortable with you but you know wont fall in love with you. Usually this is a veteran MPA whose been there for quite a while (who will be there for quite a while also) and who definitely can be bribed (when you are nice sometimes it can be as cheap as a regular cp load). It's is an investment but the rewards and ROI are guaranteed. Imagine having someone from the inside who can give you all the information and the details you want. It's not fair game I know, but in this industry who plays fair ? In my MP homebase, I maintain two spy's and both of them do not know they are spying for me. It's my check and balance so I know if they are really telling the truth. I get updates on everything and anything I want - from her moods, what she tells about me, to the other regular guests, how many guests she had that night, if she is going out with some, right down to the color of the panties she is wearing. Best of all, I get updates on the newbies and returnees alike.


Once you establish the spies, then you can play your game better. You have backup and inside info. This is advance stage if you are truly serious to eliminate or at least mitigate the risk having this sh*t happen to you again. With spies, you will have better control.

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since you are too much of a schmuck you cannot do what you already know you are supposed to do, try the following:


1. next time you go to that MP, get another girl - preferably, one of her friends. You don't even have to say a thing. She will surely find out. That's a given. The advantage here is that you will get to know how she would handle it. There is still collateral damage but manageable compared to simply running away or telling her up close and personal. She will be reminded this is all supposed to be like a business transaction. But the thing is, she will realize this herself. Then be-friend the girl you took to get the updates. I'm sure you would want that being the cool-but-concerned-mr-nice-guy.


2. so that you will not be guessing if the girl is just playing you, do an MPA spy tactic. I always maintain an MPA spy in each of the MPs I frequent. The picking and development of the MPA spy is a delicate process. You would choose someone who is comfortable with you but you know wont fall in love with you. Usually this is a veteran MPA whose been there for quite a while (who will be there for quite a while also) and who definitely can be bribed (when you are nice sometimes it can be as cheap as a regular cp load). It's is an investment but the rewards and ROI are guaranteed. Imagine having someone from the inside who can give you all the information and the details you want. It's not fair game I know, but in this industry who plays fair ? In my MP homebase, I maintain two spy's and both of them do not know they are spying for me. It's my check and balance so I know if they are really telling the truth. I get updates on everything and anything I want - from her moods, what she tells about me, to the other regular guests, how many guests she had that night, if she is going out with some, right down to the color of the panties she is wearing. Best of all, I get updates on the newbies and returnees alike.


Once you establish the spies, then you can play your game better. You have backup and inside info. This is advance stage if you are truly serious to eliminate or at least mitigate the risk having this sh*t happen to you again. With spies, you will have better control.


thanks man.


I have no use for it now, but thanks for looking out.


and lol @ spies, I'm sorry but dude you're taking this MP/MPA thing way too seriously.

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if you can't read an MP just by looking at them, then you're doing something wrong. Contrary to popular belief they are the most transparent women on the planet especially if you know what the signs are.


First, I may have said that I was unsure if she was playing me, but it's pretty evident that she's not. And that wasn't even the point of the original thread.


Second, I didn't mean to say that because they're women they're going to talk about girlie things. I just meant that they were going to talk, of course the gravity of the subject will vary greatly to say call center agents on their lunch hour. But the point is they will talk amongst themselves, MPA or not, they are women first and foremost and women find a sense of comfort in having shared conversations.


lastly, you're not anonymous if you go to events.


multiple screennames' old news son.


now you can't really be sure if there's more than one person behind Larry.

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I posted not a while back about falling for an MPA and a GRO...now at the same time,Before, I was in college and I was spending some else's money. Since I was younger, the MPA was spending money on me and I had a natural GF ( my classmate in college who eventually became a nurse immigrated to the USA),the GRO was kinadda older than me at that time, but was very understanding and supportive, however she got hooked with a foreigner and disappeared. now fast forward...I am older and spending my own money, with a family, yet instead I got hooked with an MPA and a GRO..The MPA i know is lying but I love to help her kid and parents. The GRO is way too young, when we are on a date at high end places, I look like the uncle or a sugar daddy. yet age is just a number according to her. something has to give way. I dunno.

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I posted not a while back about falling for an MPA and a GRO...now at the same time,Before, I was in college and I was spending some else's money. Since I was younger, the MPA was spending money on me and I had a natural GF ( my classmate in college who eventually became a nurse immigrated to the USA),the GRO was kinadda older than me at that time, but was very understanding and supportive, however she got hooked with a foreigner and disappeared. now fast forward...I am older and spending my own money, with a family, yet instead I got hooked with an MPA and a GRO..The MPA i know is lying but I love to help her kid and parents. The GRO is way too young, when we are on a date at high end places, I look like the uncle or a sugar daddy. yet age is just a number according to her. something has to give way. I dunno.


Nice story bro... :)

Its like dejavu on my part.

In any case, you have 2 choices with the MPA...either you drop her cold turkey or you continue to fool yourself!!! Sorry for being frank...

On your GRO friend. Man...forget about what others would say, life is too short, enjoy her while it last.

I did with my fair share of GROs/MPAs/PSPs. still do...just got hooked big time on one recently!!!:lol:

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if you can't read an MP just by looking at them, then you're doing something wrong. Contrary to popular belief they are the most transparent women on the planet especially if you know what the signs are.


Are they being transparent when they say "I've never done that before/you made me come/I love you"? :ninja:

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I posted not a while back about falling for an MPA and a GRO...now at the same time,Before, I was in college and I was spending some else's money. Since I was younger, the MPA was spending money on me and I had a natural GF ( my classmate in college who eventually became a nurse immigrated to the USA),the GRO was kinadda older than me at that time, but was very understanding and supportive, however she got hooked with a foreigner and disappeared. now fast forward...I am older and spending my own money, with a family, yet instead I got hooked with an MPA and a GRO..The MPA i know is lying but I love to help her kid and parents. The GRO is way too young, when we are on a date at high end places, I look like the uncle or a sugar daddy. yet age is just a number according to her. something has to give way. I dunno.



so what if you look like a sugar daddy? i kind of prefer it, sugar daddies imply men of power, success, money! f#&k the so-called social norms! people who would think of it as something negative, are merely jealous of you, don't let their insecurities bother you! anytime that people give unsolicited criticism on other peoples private life choices, it's a sign of their own insecurities.


i jokingly tell my girl that i'm her sugar daddy, she's a few years younger than me, and i enjoy the fact that i can take care of her ('coz all real men can take care of their women ), i enjoy the ego boost!


i look up to the Lucio Tans, the Eraps, the Revillas, men who are rich and powerful, with their harem of young and beautiful mistresses!


what is pathetic are men who have the audacity to have mistresses but are unable to take care of their women and love-children.

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I posted not a while back about falling for an MPA and a GRO...now at the same time,Before, I was in college and I was spending some else's money. Since I was younger, the MPA was spending money on me and I had a natural GF ( my classmate in college who eventually became a nurse immigrated to the USA),the GRO was kinadda older than me at that time, but was very understanding and supportive, however she got hooked with a foreigner and disappeared. now fast forward...I am older and spending my own money, with a family, yet instead I got hooked with an MPA and a GRO..The MPA i know is lying but I love to help her kid and parents. The GRO is way too young, when we are on a date at high end places, I look like the uncle or a sugar daddy. yet age is just a number according to her. something has to give way. I dunno.


Yeah, something's gotta give alright. We know it's going to end sooner or later but just cannot seem to get ourselves unhooked, in spite the risks involved. I guess we perceive the physical and emotional speed ball to rank higher than the risks involved so we continue. In this situation, addiction and foolishness win over sanity and good judgment.


Why do GM's, who find themselves in this situation, continue til very end instead of quit while they can ? The short and simple answer is because they can. Subsconscious perpetuation of the ego ? All other reasons - relationship with GF/spouse is turning sour/not working out/lacking something - are mere rationalizations. What contributes to this addictive behavior is when a certain financial freedom is attained. When there is excess money to burn.



when i was in pinas i go to MPs for easy release .. no emotional bullisht involved .. i go in i get release .. then i go home.. so why try to make a love connection with the girls?


I envy this type of GMs - those who can play and continue to play without that emotional bullshit. I have a friend who does a mini-mini-myni-mo thing looking inside the showroom but couldn't remember the name or number of the MPA after the deed. ( He says he can recall what she smells though. )


I think MPA's who are the GFE types are the most dangerous. It's easy to get lost in the illusion. I once had a regular who did a freakin mindf*ck on me. While she was on top, face close to mine, eye to eye - tears started flowing continously. No sighs or sobs, just tears. Then she said, 'Hindi ko naman talaga ginusto itong trabaho na to. Sana naging mas mabuting babae ako para sa yo." And the tears just continue to flow. Holy MOG! How do you find the strength to fight that ? Like a black hole, it sucks you in. You are aware but nevertheless give in.

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I do realize the pros and cons of this type of adventure. and life itself is an adventure in itself. with the honorable gents..MRBIGTIME, ANAKNG TOOTTOOT, REARDEN, collectively have grains of truth in it. finance apparently is controlled in order to afford relationships like what I have. The home front is relatively calm with no problems major enough to cause civil disruptions. However, to be candid My emotions fluctuates from MPA to GRO . An Just 3 days ago I definitely broke up with the MPA only because it was getting out of hand in terms of financial commitments to her family members. Also, I have decided to concentrate on the GRO who works diligently to go to college.


In the end my point in all these is this, as long as everybody is happy, nobody is getting hurt and everybody goes on progressively with their lives........let's get on with it...as the gents her would say life is too short to procrastinate and regret.....MABUHAY


so what if you look like a sugar daddy? i kind of prefer it, sugar daddies imply men of power, success, money! f#&k the so-called social norms! people who would think of it as something negative, are merely jealous of you, don't let their insecurities bother you! anytime that people give unsolicited criticism on other peoples private life choices, it's a sign of their own insecurities.


i jokingly tell my girl that i'm her sugar daddy, she's a few years younger than me, and i enjoy the fact that i can take care of her ('coz all real men can take care of their women ), i enjoy the ego boost!


i look up to the Lucio Tans, the Eraps, the Revillas, men who are rich and powerful, with their harem of young and beautiful mistresses!


what is pathetic are men who have the audacity to have mistresses but are unable to take care of their women and love-children.



THANKS bro, now you make me more audacious and confident!!!!


like all the doubting gents, I doubted myself, i thought to myself let's just play around be a player....this might be true when I was in college. the two separate GRO GF's I had was more of the dick thinking than the mind commiting to something. Life was more kind a when I see her was girlfriend moments and some dates and visit here and there sleep together sometimes and etc.,, yet the bonds were loose just for the good times. After the hiatus of having a family and career, comes the older version of MPA GRO relationship that at first could be one of these:


1. Weak personality

2. insecure

3. foolishness

4. macho-libido syndrome

5. money to burn

6. risk taking behavior

7. plain yabang

8. spouse problems

9. showing off

10. moral weakness


believe you me, I have gone through all the above and lots of MPA's and GRO's....NONE OF THESE FIT MY CATEGORY...... just plain love and understanding which is obviously none of the above choices. I enjoy what I do, I am not conscience stricken and will continue to enjoy the girls who would reciprocate my affection.


sorry I forgot.....spiritually bankrupt...

Edited by TheSmilingBandit
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@anakngtoottoot now that's a major mindf#&k. Reminds me of a MPA that I usually picked when I was back in PI. I had a regular because she's so freaking awesome that I usually had shaky knees when I leave the place. hehehe She is easy on the eyes as well and had a really tight bod. There was this instance though that freaked me out. She was on top and was pumping really slow and she was holding my face and was nose to nose. She then started saying stuff like (not exact words) "Kung hindi ako bayaran, kaya mo kaya ako mahalin? Mahal na kase kita." She then started to tear up and she just shoved her head sa neck ko and stared to sob while continuing to pump really slow na medyo grind na. That was just a libido buster that I ended up with blue balls. I just couldn't finish. hahaha I have always been pro in my dealings with her. I would not even shower with MPAs since for me that is a bit intimate. I just told her na she has no future with me and that I'm just a bum getting my release. After that I just decided to not always get her when I visit the place. Funny because some of her friends I guess refused to service me respeto na lang daw sa kaibigan. WTF. But she was awesome when she's horny. :wacko:

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If you want a Girlfriend = get a decent girl with an decent Job


If you want to have Fun = Go to an Mp and get an mpa


I guess kaya madali mainlove guys sa Mpa kasi wla nang ligawan na part , straight na agad , wla pang rejection kasi obligated sila na kausapin at i entertain k ( bayad ka na kasi ) , pero i see nothing wrong with that , importante naman ang bibigigay nilang pleasure cause it makes us guys enjoy our money :) so it all good

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dapat ganun lang not unless gus2 m sumakit ulo m sa pag aalaga ng mpa at psp..


ako i make it a point na gfe ma feel ng client ko kasi para di magkailangan at para di masyadong halata yun trabaho ko..and besides being a gfe to my clients makes me comfortable with them especially during loving loving na..although some prefers pse.

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can i ask some advise or option about this kasi...


i meet this girl na nagwowork sa massage parlor sa Quezon ave ng time na yon tapos we hang out few months all a sudden tinanong niya ako kung gusto daw siya igarahe nalang siya...so sagot ko di ko kaya pero kung gusto mo i'll help you na magbago pero sa inyo ka magstay don tutulungan kita start a small business para sa future niya at ng mga anak niya( husband nag-abroad daw di nauwi 4 yrs na yata), ito ang one of worst part ng problem nalaman ko may cervix cancer siya maaaring nakuha o palala dahil sa line ng work niya dati, she been confined sa ospital due to much discharge of blood galing sa ovary niya siguro almost 2 months siya don, di ako makapunta pero i send some financial help, start ng problem dumating sa point nalaman ng wife ko about kanya, sa family niya even sa relatives niya kung ano work niya at tungkol sa amin na at may communication pa kami dahil don. ang worst part lahat ng financial at moral support galing sa family at relatives niya nawala na lahat... so meaning wala siya ibang aasahan iba maliban sa akin and some help from co-mpa's niya, she begging me ilabas daw ng ospital, ginawan ko ng paraan para ilabas don at ihanap ng boarding house to stay herein at province i dont realized na ang medication niya ay continues pa up to now which is medyo mabigat din... to cut story short di ko alm kung inlove ba ang tawag don or nagpakatanga lang... sa ganon na set-up kasi married din ako...even my friends and my wife ask me WHY? ang question na hanggang ngayon di alam kung bakit patuloy parin ako it's LOVE ba talaga or AWA kasi alam ko wala ibang malalapitan or will help...

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