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South China/West Philippine Sea

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The mainland Chinese in the country is able to corrupt public officials and are in fact gaining a monopoly in the exploitation of our Natural Resources.


During the aftermath of typhoon Yolanda, the NPA was roaming in armed groups to confiscate vital supplies like water from the hard hit residents. Some of the commercial areas which were intact after the calamity were also looted. For two days, lawlessness spread while the national government and media failed to report what is happening. A TV program with first-hand narration by an EYEWITNESS declared that many lives were lost due to dehydration and the fact that the survivors had no food while EXPOSED to windy and wet conditions of the storm. Instead of helping save lives, the NPA struck the towns isolated by debris and lack of communications resulting to the death of unarmed survivors and scores of dying women and children in the streets deprived of food, water, dry clothes and shelter.


According to a controversial account of victims, it was only AFTER the US military was notified and asked to help that the national government made public appearance of concerned action. An announcement and OFFICIAL REPORT to the presidential team by the DPWH stated the resumption of normal road traffic to the affected zones. The longest bridge in the country, San Juanico was cleared as officially passable. The nationwide announcement encouraged people from other places to travel to the affected areas to check on friends, relatives or property.


However in a few short hours, the Agriculture Secretary over ride the previous clearance of safe passage via San Juanico. He warned that aid to the area is not advisable since there was a THREAT to life and an absolute chance of getting killed. This announcement disturbed the media staff who cannot believe what was happening. Many were preparing for transfer of vital relief goods say their efforts are undermined by the travel advisory.


The next day, media reported that the bridge has been blocked by at least 100 ABANDONED vehicles. They cannot explain what happened to the people who have been encouraged to use the bridge because it was officially cleared as passable. Slowly within a few days, unidentified bodies floating on the area were found. While officials in government were publicly condemning the presence of US military and were moving to treat them as outlaws, a Chinese medical ship set off to the calamity area. At least a week passed before this supposed Chinese medical mission reported the retrieval of at least 100 typhoon victims in waters close to San Juanico bridge.


All these facts are recorded. Some of the eyewitness accounts were even made into a video that was televised nationwide.


The question now is why did the administration know about the problem of NPAs massacre of civilians? The mere fact that they warned media of getting killed is enough proof that they know about the MURDERS. Moreover, why was the US Military presence a MAJOR threat to the area while the Chinese vessel had safe passage? The Chinese vessel was supposed to be a medical mission to help save lives but instead it was used to retrieve bodies of dead or missing which they AUTOMATICALLY claimed to be VICTIMS of the typhoon rather than MURDERED by the NPA. How can they play forensics team in the guise of medical relief for typhoon victims? Was the Chinese vessel there exactly to cover up the murders of these civilians? Moreover the top military official who estimated the number of victims approaching 5000 was made to resign while the NBI team suspended their tagging activity during the new year holidays as mass graves were formally televised to be temporary until the break is over.


Such scene is a repeat of what happened in Cagayan de Oro where the Chinese Ambassador personally supervised the retrieval of bodies. The cause of death in Cagayan de Oro was illegal logging where several huge logging tractors ploughed into whole barrios instantly killing hundreds if not thousands. Media reported 2 missing local policemen who reported for work AFTER the typhoon and on sunny conditions - later to be pronounced dead and OFFICIALLY among the victims of the typhoon. The huge tractors had DENR stickers and permits despite the total log ban in effect. They remain underwater as proof of the cause of deaths of many who were hurriedly put in mass graves without autopsy as to the cause of deaths.


Filipinos are living their own version of the Holocaust and are systematically being eliminated and buried in mass graves by their own government.

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Maybe but when you come down to it, the US will lose face if RP decides to invoke the MDT and the US won't honor it.

Not only will the US lose face if doesn't honor the MDT which the Philippines invoked. Its other partners not only in Asia but in Europe as well may cease trusting their American ally which may have severe repercussions for the United States. Treaties aren't something to be treated lightly. They're meant to be honored and followed.


America may lose more than she bargained for if ever she doesn't honor her international commitments. Nobody will ever trust the United States again.


Besides, America is a country that seems to be always looking to pick a fight. Their nation has been involved in war since it was founded. Wars were fought in the 18th 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The worst war was the War among the States (the American Civil War).


Since the collapse of the former Soviet Union, there hasn't been any other military super power to challenge the USA....until now. But times have changed. As Larry mentioned in another thread about warfare in the future with the use of malware, Trojans, viruses, etc. maybe the Americans want to infect Chinese industries and its capability to mass produce weapons for war. They've done it to Iran's nuclear facility.


Perhaps America would like to go toe to toe against China, a country with military might but not much experience in warfare. Compared to the Americans whose history is steeped in bloody wars, China's blood letting came about because of purges by the communists under Mao tse Tung. The Chinese virtually have no hands-on experience in war-fare. The United States, Japan, Vietnam and even the Philippines have.


The Chinese know this and are trying to weigh their options carefully. But when all is said and done, China doesn't want to go to war with America and her allies.


All they want is to claim the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea because vast oil and gas reserves lie deep under the ground which the Chinese need desperately to sustain their overheating economy. It's all about setting its eyes on the resources it needs and going all out to claim their stake, even threatening nations that dare get in the way.


I don't know if the Chinese have determined exactly which part of the South China Sea holds the most amount of oil and natural gas. So since it's not sure, it might as well claim the entire area as belonging to them. And in their attempt to enforce this claim, they send out warships which intimidate the navies of other countries.


The moment China does something that will seriously put American interests in danger is the day the Americans will confront the Chinese militarily. That day hasn't happened yet. Not for a very long time to come in my opinion.





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In a numbers game where the Chinese vastly outnumber the Americans, it might be good to use this analogy: You have 500 young boys taking up ROTC. So far all they do is march up and down the field for 2 years now.


They may be allotted one M16 assault rifle each but have hardly had a chance to use it during ROCT because of budget restraints.


Anyway the school where the cadets are training are attacked by 50 heavily armed men composed of former marines, army grunts and members of the Special Weapons and Tactics. These 50 heavily armed men have had actual battle training, know how to k*ll in the blink of an eye, They are battle hardened troops but there's just 50 of them.


You think the 500 inexperienced cadets, though they may be armed, would stand a chance against these battle hardened troops even if they're in the minority? I'll put my bet on the success of the 50 experienced military force who know what they're doing while the kids don't.


So the Chinese may have the numbers but they're totally inexperienced since they've never been to war before. The Americans are fewer but are battle hardened soldiers who've fought various campaigns on different fronts over so many years and have perfected their weapons systems. And they have all the high tech weapons where they can take out Chinese port with drones or even more sophisticated aircraft. The only weapon that the Americans are afratid of would probably by nuclear weapons of China.




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1389799316[/url]' post='9086140']

emphasis mine:




in other words, by your own reckoning, self-interest was not likely the only motivation to provide aid.


losing face was not likely to be the primary motivator. i say that in light of the sheer volume, and the type of aid we received from the US, at a time when that country is economically vulnerable. how much does it cost to bring a carrier and all that equipment over? how much does it cost to bring all that manpower over - including fuel, personnel cost? what kind of aid was received? what millions did the private sector send? if it was just worried about losing face, the US could have easily scaled down its efforts and still been deemed a decent nation. but that's not the point.


the point was to establish how certain you were that self-interest is always the first concern. and to point out... that if the main motivation during the Yolanda relief efforts was the desire to help, and we got that much aid, then a self-serving interest (pick one among the many that have been outlined on this thread such as access to the energy-rich spratlys) would logically lead to the MDT definitely being honored (with a physical presence).




Either you or i can be certain about what really transpired during the decision making process regarding the aid sent. Was self interest never really a factore? This cannot be answered with certainty unless you are there and was part of the decision makers. What you are saying is your opinion, same as mine based on how we view things and our personal beliefs.

None the less as i pointed out, it is but human to always look after ones interest first. Otherwise, why do we set a limit to the aid we give and not just give totally what we have. Self interest may not necessarily be what they will gain from it but also what they need to protect. iMHO ... Generally speaking It may or may not be the primary factor but will always be a factor. It is but human to look after our interest in any decision we make.


Finally, i cannot quite equate a direct corelation on the act of giving humanitarian aid to the victims of yolanda as against say giving aid as per the MDT. The latter is not as simple as the first. I don't see China reacting negatively to the aid the US gave to the yolanda victims as against the US providing aid to the Philippines in relation to the issue on this thread. You never will consider providing aid might escalate to a war between the US and China when aid was given to the victims of Yolanda dont you?

Edited by fatchubs
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In a numbers game where the Chinese vastly outnumber the Americans, it might be good to use this analogy: You have 500 young boys taking up ROTC. So far all they do is march up and down the field for 2 years now.


They may be allotted one M16 assault rifle each but have hardly had a chance to use it during ROCT because of budget restraints.


Anyway the school where the cadets are training are attacked by 50 heavily armed men composed of former marines, army grunts and members of the Special Weapons and Tactics. These 50 heavily armed men have had actual battle training, know how to k*ll in the blink of an eye, They are battle hardened troops but there's just 50 of them.


You think the 500 inexperienced cadets, though they may be armed, would stand a chance against these battle hardened troops even if they're in the minority? I'll put my bet on the success of the 50 experienced military force who know what they're doing while the kids don't.


So the Chinese may have the numbers but they're totally inexperienced since they've never been to war before. The Americans are fewer but are battle hardened soldiers who've fought various campaigns on different fronts over so many years and have perfected their weapons systems. And they have all the high tech weapons where they can take out Chinese port with drones or even more sophisticated aircraft. The only weapon that the Americans are afratid of would probably by nuclear weapons of China.


this is correct.


China has all the toys but they don't know how to use it.


AND you have to remember that China's military is largely a bureaucracy. The best soldiers don't always get command posts, positions are usually assigned based on the politics of the organization. So you'll have sons of such and such minister or general occupying command positions in the Chinese military. Contrast this with the American military where it's largely a meritocracy; you only move up if you can produce quantifiable results. Only the best and the brightest get command positions, anyone who gets up there by accident is automatically flushed out.


So you have, one side, a military that's more experienced and is led by capable commanders versus a large force manned by the greenest of all soldiers and led by incapable commanders.



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No argument there about that carrier or that the chinese military tech may not be at par with that of the US now. But remember, the chinese are already throwing their weight around in its asian maritime disputes even without new war toys. And notice that uncle sam's naval battlegroups are nowhere in sight. Doesn't really inspire confidence that the US and its justice league friends will throw down the next time china wants to build a hotel for its soldiers in the disputed islands.


The USS Reagan will soon replace the USS George Washington in its post in Yokosuka. It's one of the more capable carrier strike groups in the US, cited as the most combat efficient carrier four times. The US has said that it needs the most capable ships to be forward deployed as part of a rebalancing strategy, which includes moving the USS Theodore Roosevelt to the west coast from Norfolk, for quicker deployment across the Pacific. So they have one Carrier strike group ready to be anywhere in the south and east china sea in a matter of hours, plus one more carrier group ready to cross the Pacific at a moment's notice.


I take this as a sign that America is not taking China's moves lightly, pointing their biggest deterrents right at China. So yeah there's a big chance that the US will move against China should it come to that. As I said, any move by China is a serious threat to the current balance, and America will do all it can to contain it, whether it be in our interests or not.


Arguing the MDT is moot at this point, they will move not because of face or anything else, they will move because it will be a disaster for them not to.

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Is this command structure patterned after their forefathers? I mean the Ancient Chinese.


It very well could be, but I think it's more due to the fact that they're an army that doesn't get to fight. Meritocracies usually happens in organizations that are actually doing something, the group's activities provide the data that you need to qualify promotions, this dude did this, so he gets that and so on.


If you organization is idle, there's really nothing to gauge a person's actual contribution to the group and promote him based on that. Sure during idle times you can promote based on organizational skills or personality, but you're not basing decisions on your group's core competence, which is, in this case, actual combat. So you go for another way to promote.


or it could be that's the asian way, how many times have you seen "oh kunin mo na lang tong anak ni gan'to, magaling yun"?

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Correct. The last remaining superpower wouldn't want to be perceived as a wimp.

If the NPA was a superpower that is probably the case. The ANTI-FILIPINO armed rebellion is busy creating an image of brutal and inhuman movement consistent with the original models of socialism it wants to imitate.


In contrast the US military sent teen superstar Justin Beaver to give a free show to Filipino victims of calamity. They gave vital food and water supples and even indirectly exposed the administration for neglect forcing top officials to offer a free show of charity and concern.


Increasingly, Filipinos are realizing who the real enemies are. The signs are written on the wall as the week long event of the Black Nazarene attracted tens of millions of devotees - the numbers of volunteers that the NPA would want to corner in the event they take over a non-performing government patterned in the fashion of Nationalist China walking out of Beijing and handing power to their communist partners under the leadership of Mao.

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If the NPA was a superpower that is probably the case. The ANTI-FILIPINO armed rebellion is busy creating an image of brutal and inhuman movement consistent with the original models of socialism it wants to imitate.


In contrast the US military sent teen superstar Justin Beaver to give a free show to Filipino victims of calamity. They gave vital food and water supples and even indirectly exposed the administration for neglect forcing top officials to offer a free show of charity and concern.


Increasingly, Filipinos are realizing who the real enemies are. The signs are written on the wall as the week long event of the Black Nazarene attracted tens of millions of devotees - the numbers of volunteers that the NPA would want to corner in the event they take over a non-performing government patterned in the fashion of Nationalist China walking out of Beijing and handing power to their communist partners under the leadership of Mao.



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Yes, you are correct but, like I said, these guys are pushing the envelope as far as they can until the US tells them to quit it or face the consequences. Correct me if I'm wrong but, historically, Democrats have been doves while Republicans are, generally, hawks. I think China knows this that's why it seized the opportunity. The only Democrat I observed who seems to be leaning towards being a hawk is Hillary Clinton. I think if W was still the POTUS, he would have warned China. I mean in W''s time, the Chinese weren't really this aggressive in terms of seizing islands and dictating terms over those islands.


The chinese are apparently stronger economically and militarily now than they were during W's time so maybe it's more of the timing than the latter's policies that kept them relatively quiet. I agree that the chinese are pushing to see what they can get away with before the US threatens to bring out the stick. But my concern is they can get away with a whole lot where we are concerned as we have next to nothing to defend our interests in our dispute with them.


I suppose the question is, at what point will the US act and what will they do? Say for example, a huge deposit of oil is found in the area we are claiming and the chinese start building structures and sending people to secure/exploit it. The chinese have never listened to our bitching about how this should be settled by maritime law, doubt they'll listen to us then. Will the US then send its military and risk a shooting war, or will they just allow the chinese to benefit at our expense?

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The USS Reagan will soon replace the USS George Washington in its post in Yokosuka. It's one of the more capable carrier strike groups in the US, cited as the most combat efficient carrier four times. The US has said that it needs the most capable ships to be forward deployed as part of a rebalancing strategy, which includes moving the USS Theodore Roosevelt to the west coast from Norfolk, for quicker deployment across the Pacific. So they have one Carrier strike group ready to be anywhere in the south and east china sea in a matter of hours, plus one more carrier group ready to cross the Pacific at a moment's notice.


I take this as a sign that America is not taking China's moves lightly, pointing their biggest deterrents right at China. So yeah there's a big chance that the US will move against China should it come to that. As I said, any move by China is a serious threat to the current balance, and America will do all it can to contain it, whether it be in our interests or not.


Arguing the MDT is moot at this point, they will move not because of face or anything else, they will move because it will be a disaster for them not to.


Good to know that the US has its guns nearby if needed. But i hope that the US will act sooner rather than later should the chinese get it into their heads to take whatever they want from us and act even more aggressively.

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Will the US then send its military and risk a shooting war, or will they just allow the chinese to benefit at our expense?




it's in the best interests of the US to intervene.


1) they can't allow China to just move in by force and do what it wants. It sets a precedent and tips the balance towards the Chinese. They can't risk having a fast growing superpower like that move unchecked. It makes china stronger and bolder, as it weakens US influence in the region.


2) the promise of oil in that area will bring the Americans as it always had anywhere else in the world. It's better for them to have that oil controlled by a friendly (i.e. us) and sold back to them at a cheap price (or they could control it and sell it to us at a cheap price) than have a potential rival have control over that and use it to strengthen their own position. Again it will only serve China and weaken the US position.


Take note though, that US action doesn't automatically mean a shooting war. It can take the form of international pressure, or diplomatic sanctions, or just the threat of a carrier strike group a few miles away from your coastline (they can deploy two and can easily have at least 2 more at the ready). Just look at what they did at that ADIZ in the east china sea, china moves to stake a claim, the US says "f#&k you, I double dare you to back up that claim" and flies two planes unannounced and unchallenged.


China has to realize that we're no longer in the 1800s where unclaimed lands can be easily claimed without upsetting the global status quo.

Edited by Larry
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In contrast the US military sent teen superstar Justin Beaver to give a free show to Filipino victims of calamity. They gave vital food and water supples and even indirectly exposed the administration for neglect forcing top officials to offer a free show of charity and concern.



If you can't say no, then switch to sniffing a milder solvent.

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Why are you answering what should have been another's reply?


The Americans will never come to the rescue in a way that entrapped them just like in Vietnam. They know the real enemies are in control of this government and the NPA is still high on the priority list in the war on terror.


This site is dumbly propagating the ascent of China for years, then all of a sudden your groupie make believes they are pro Americans overnight? Don't you read your posts? Even if the site administrators whitewash that issue and remove incriminatory posts, the site cannot be removed from the WWW that operates 24/7 under a redundant system where the MTC server disks get cloned a hundred times in other places of the world network.

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Why are you answering what should have been another's reply?


The Americans will never come to the rescue in a way that entrapped them just like in Vietnam. They know the real enemies are in control of this government and the NPA is still high on the priority list in the war on terror.


This site is dumbly propagating the ascent of China for years, then all of a sudden your groupie make believes they are pro Americans overnight? Don't you read your posts? Even if the site administrators whitewash that issue and remove incriminatory posts, the site cannot be removed from the WWW that operates 24/7 under a redundant system where the MTC server disks get cloned a hundred times in other places of the world network.



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Maybe Larry realized a huge slip and posted a racial slur of a PICTURE LINK catastrophic to the pro American cause he want to project at MTC. You can't FAKE it 100% of the time I guess. Just think how the US President would react when the groupie pretending to be pro USA are publicly discriminating the skin color of majority of Filipinos.

Edited by hit05
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Maybe Larry realized a huge slip and posted a racial slur of a PICTURE LINK catastrophic to the pro American cause he want to project at MTC. You can't FAKE it 100% of the time I guess. Just think how the US President would react when the groupie pretending to be pro USA are publicly discriminating the skin color of majority of Filipinos.



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I agree with you that the Chinese are stronger economically and militarily than during W's time but that fact notwithstanding, the Chinese military would need a prayer to actually beat its US counterpart.


To answer your question and in my opinion, the US will intervene as a last resort should the Chinese push it further by sinking ships and shooting down planes in its self-proclaimed "no fly" zone. One international incident would be enough, in my opinion, to make the US deploy a super carrier in the area where the incident took place.


we all need to PRAY should china & the US engage each other directly because of the possibility of an escalation short of a nuclear exchange is not remote, that will be ARMAGEDDON


both side will be cautious to get embroiled in this conflict to avert the unthinkable the sight of a mushroom cloud rising over each others horizon


it will be china pitted against US allies (eg japan, taiwan, philippines) with the US relegated to logistical support


MDT is often misconstrued as fighting an allies war, realistically its simply coming to aid an ally in case of an attack. under this circumstances (looming doom) US versus china the best thing to meet US obligation is to aid an ally logistically at first


this premise is limited in case of an armed conflict with the disputed islands alone

Edited by dos8dos
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we all need to PRAY should china & the US engage each other directly because of the possibility of an escalation short of a nuclear exchange is not remote, that will be ARMAGEDDON


both side will be cautious to get embroiled in this conflict to avert the unthinkable the sight of a mushroom cloud rising over each others horizon


it will be china pitted against US allies (eg japan, taiwan, philippines) with the US relegated to logistical support


MDT is often misconstrued as fighting an allies war, realistically its simply coming to aid an ally in case of an attack. under this circumstances (looming doom) US versus china the best thing to meet US obligation is to aid an ally logistically at first


this premise is limited in case of an armed conflict with the disputed islands alone


a direct conflict between china and the US would draw lines in the sand


NATO automatically goes with the US

Syria, Iran, et. al. will go China, Russia probably will too

NoKor will go Chinese

Pakistan will go Chinese

India will go where Pakistan isn't


so yeah it might lead to a global conflict. Both China and the US (when they intervene) will have to maneouver this gingerly. Both countries know the consequences of going nuclear. But some of the allied countries might not care. Pakistan and India for instance, those two have just been chomping at the bit for a reason to launch. Something as big as this might be it.

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a direct conflict between china and the US would draw lines in the sand


NATO automatically goes with the US

Syria, Iran, et. al. will go China, Russia probably will too

NoKor will go Chinese

Pakistan will go Chinese

India will go where Pakistan isn't


so yeah it might lead to a global conflict. Both China and the US (when they intervene) will have to maneouver this gingerly. Both countries know the consequences of going nuclear. But some of the allied countries might not care. Pakistan and India for instance, those two have just been chomping at the bit for a reason to launch. Something as big as this might be it.


And lest everyone forget, israel never lost public enemy no.1 in it's area. A dustup between the major powers would certainly get some of its enemies thinking that it would be an excellent time to settle old scores. Israel is VERY public about using nukes if things don't go their way.

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if this gets into an actual shooting war with China


it won't be limited to just the region, that's almost a guarantee.


the arabs will get wind of this, and china will look to cooperate with them, escalate things in the mediterranean and in Afghanistan.


Russia joins because Syria is in it, and a China beat down by the US is something they can't allow, that's too much power for any one nation, and the US would be right next door, annexing resources as close siberia. Politically they won't have a choice. Although probably at the start Russia will fight via proxy i.e. terrorist groups cold war style, but they will have to join in sometime. It would just be too much for putin to handle for America to theoretically own two of the biggest land masses in the world.


If it becomes a full on war between china and the US, this won't be a brushfire conflict like what we see in the middle east. The stakes are too high, and the participants too powerful for the rest of the world not to be engulfed.


The scary thing is it only takes one shot to escalate the situation into something that can't be stopped.

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And lest everyone forget, israel never lost public enemy no.1 in it's area. A dustup between the major powers would certainly get some of its enemies thinking that it would be an excellent time to settle old scores. Israel is VERY public about using nukes if things don't go their way.


it's crazy how goddamn close we are to a full blown nuclear conflict. in 1947 the doomsday clock was at 8 minutes to midnight, it went to an all time low of 17 minutes at the end of the cold war. Right now we're at 5 minutes.


and to think this BS should have stopped by the end of the cold war.

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I'm only counting on Nokor to join in the fray because the others are just too far. Russia? I'm still 50-50 regarding its participation with China and Nokor (Axis) unless it has a base on the Asian side. Let's confine this scenario to nearby countries. Of course, the ASEAN will side with the US. I'm not exactly sure if China has the guts to start a nuclear war but if this were just conventional warfare like in Iraq, China will be virtually surrounded by US Allies. These US Allies will provide logistics and bases where the US will launch attacks from multiple points. The US can strike from the Southwest (India), South and Souteast (ASEAN) and the Northeast (Japan and South Korea). This will be a nightmare for the Chinese because if the US decides to bomb them, the US has multiple attack points.


I bet that the second china declares war, nokor'll have at least five divisions over the dmz with more on the way. This is assuming they don't launch nukes as a first strike. If they immediately bring nukes into play, nothing is going to be left of the south to invade or defend.


The russians would play. That's for sure. But which side is a question mark. They're neighbors with china. It'll be tempting on their part to slice pieces of it for themselves especially if things don't go well for china in a conventional war. They'll definitely make a play for some of the former soviet republics nearby.


Doubt the US and their allies can launch attacks or troops from india as those guys and the pakis will probably be smacking each other around when the bell goes up. Makes more sense for them to use japan, taiwan and us as staging bases.

Edited by boibastos
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a direct conflict between china and the US would draw lines in the sand


NATO automatically goes with the US

Syria, Iran, et. al. will go China, Russia probably will too

NoKor will go Chinese

Pakistan will go Chinese

India will go where Pakistan isn't


so yeah it might lead to a global conflict. Both China and the US (when they intervene) will have to maneouver this gingerly. Both countries know the consequences of going nuclear. But some of the allied countries might not care. Pakistan and India for instance, those two have just been chomping at the bit for a reason to launch. Something as big as this might be it.


the risk of armageddon far outweighs the benefit of maintaining national pride of their (US) regional allies' with this island dispute together with the purported mineral deposits


dont go way ahead pitting china & USA, its far fetch, both power will play this new cold war SMARTLY

Edited by dos8dos
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