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South China/West Philippine Sea

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No, we were showing the Chinese that our guns didn't have bullets. And what better way to show that than to let them see through the barrel of the gun from up front? We're really peaceful and meek.


Not screaming at your enemy is not being peaceful and meek. Only stupid people equate the two.


Screaming at the Chinese won't get you anywhere. Screaming never worked. Heck, even psychologists now think that screaming doesn't work with kids.


Oh yeah, we're threatening the Chinese with war. Hahahahaha. Yeah, like that could work.


By the way, Chulalongkorn didn't become "the Great" by threatening the imperial armies of the English, French, and Portuguese with its vaunted Siamese army. He used his head. He bargained. He negotiated. What did he get? He saved Thailand from getting colonized.


Not bad for being peaceful and meek.

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Are we threatening war? I highly doubt that. Screaming? Yeah that won't help, too. But being with friends and singing 'kumbaya' helps.


I also don't think Americans can do anything if ever China calls our bluff (see my previous posts).


So what do you want?


Threatening war? No. Oh, so what's the deal about your prose about bullets? Ah, do you need bullets and guns for pillow fights? Oh, what did you imply about "we are peaceful..." Geesh, grow a spine. Take a stand. You're a wuss. If you say something, f#&king mean it. Don't be a sissy and back off when called out.


Screaming? No! But yeah...aren't you lamenting that we are "meek"??


Enough of the melodrama. Talk English. The problem that I have with people like you is that you talk in snippets and then you amuse yourself that you've made sense somehow.


Do you think Voltaire talk like anyone of you? Or Hobbes? Or Marx? Heck, even Hegel and Spinoza, who were f#&king cryptic, ain't as vague as you.


And yes, try learning Mandarin. Although I honestly don't think you'll learn it.

Edited by ThomasHobbes
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As I said... if China does invade, it's like going against a force of nature (and stop saying they will not because blah blah blah... the question is 'IF'... not 'WILL THEY'). You cannot really do anything about it.

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As I said... if China does invade, it's like going against a force of nature (and stop saying they will not because blah blah blah... the question is 'IF'... not 'WILL THEY'). You cannot really do anything about it.


Huh? WTF! Where did that come from? I re-read your post that I reacted to and I never saw anything abt 'IF' s@%t.


Changing the topic? Another sissy tactic? Anyway...


IF I was superman, I would kick the Chinese asses to kingdom come.


Yeah, that 'if' makes sense, ey? After all, its not a question of 'will I' be superman.


I thought this is the realm of thoughts...it seems this is turning into fantasy land hahahaha

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China has no right to our waters. Just because it's on an ancient map, doesn't mean it's their's. Because there was also a time in China that the islands have disappeared from their maps... they cannot claim that they had an unbroken chain of ownership over it.


But I am also cognizant of the fact that we cannot even defend it. We have too much going on inside our borders to effectively safeguard our territories outside the main islands.


You want to know why China will win? Because here we are fighting amongst each other about who has rightful ownership over the Spratly's. Meanwhile in China, all of them believes that it is their's by right. We are too divisive as a nation to win.

Edited by tk421
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makapili are traitors supporting an invading or an occupying army. Non belligerency just supporting their position in foreign affairs. With strict control of your independence. Like what franco did. Wise diplomacy without even being involved in world war 2. Just paying lip service to axis cause.


im glad to know you can discern between a traitor & a patriot

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^in every game of super powers there are victors and vanquished. Hell yeah. I like the oil and gas in our territory to remain in our land. But at stake are the majority of our countrymen. The wisest move in this power play. Be an audience. Let them bang their heads. After the dust has setled recover what is ours.


Last time we did that was in 1941. Didn't turn out good for us then...

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China has no right to our waters. Just because it's on an ancient map, doesn't mean it's their's. Because there was also a time in China that the islands have disappeared from their maps... they cannot claim that they had an unbroken chain of ownership over it.


So tell me, what gave UK, France, the Netherlands, etc the right to own islands in the Pacific? Those islands aren't on "their" waters.


The hidden assumption that you have is that UNCLOS is gospel truth and its the all-be-all reference to establish ownership. It's not. Otherwise, no other country could own territories so far away from their coastlines. The mere fact that those exceptions exist betray the absoluteness of those "territorial waters". True, it's one of those references. But you couldn't just discount others just because it doesn't favou you.


But I am also cognizant of the fact that we cannot even defend it. We have too much going on inside our borders to effectively safeguard our territories outside the main islands.


The fact that we couldn't defend them belies our claim of sovereignty over them. Sovereignty is not established by some arbitrary document. One of the universally accepted notion of sovereignty is the people's ability to establish control over a territory. If we couldn't do that, then it weakens our claim over them.


You want to know why China will win? Because here we are fighting amongst each other about who has rightful ownership over the Spratly's. Meanwhile in China, all of them believes that it is their's by right. We are too divisive as a nation to win.


Dream on dude. The Chinese will win not because everyone believes those islands are theirs. What a f#&king romanticist to even say that!!! The large majority of Chinese population couldn't care less about those islands. It's primarily the leadership of the Chinese communist party who wants those islands. And the reason why China is winning is that they have the resources to actually put their words into action. Feelings have less to do with that success that the fact that they have money to back up their plans. We don't so we suck.


So yeah, 90million of Filipinos holding a vigil in a united protest against the Chinese won't help. That sentimentalist BS is one that I truly loathe.


If I have my way, I'd purge our population of people who are f#&king romantics like you. We need pragmatic people. Enough of idealists and romantics!


Dude, i didn't ask when will they invade us, or why, or what will their reason be. Just stick to the question if you want to answer.


Do pigs fly?


That's the equivalent of your question. it's a stupid one.

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