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What Type Guy Do You Prefer

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Lol. Bottom line is, to put it mildly, cut the cr*p and just tell the person what you REALLY want. Many girls weren't born yesterday and would appreciate respect through honesty. :)


Where's the fun in that? I know most girls like mysterious men, especially if they can't read his mind.. it turns them on. It's all about mind games honey.. B)

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  • 1 month later...

i used to think that i can be flexible with standards. I've always been a proponent of grays.....at least in some aspects. You simply cannot box people it, and label things black and white all the time.


but dating all sorts of guys....it made me think......maybe i'm strict with my standards after all :P


does my stand come with my profession? does it come with age? does it come with culture and upbringing and all sorts of vague factors that you blame, yet cant even elaborate?


i'm not sure.


but yes. guys with good credentials matter. guys who are financially independent, who have brains that are actually put to use, and who do make sense without putting on pretenses, without the need to put their best Bally-clad feet forward.


does money count? it does to me. Not because i need someone who would spend for me. I can very well splurge on my own, thank you. I never had problems with bill-splitting during dates. I never had qualms about buying expensive stuff for previous ex-special someones.

Call me prejudiced and biased....but i'd rather not go out with someone who could barely afford to take me to a good dinner. I do eat street food, of course, but taking me to a mall's food court would not necessarily......make a good impression, if i may say so.


do cars count? i used to say no. i've been with someone who got me commuting from one place to the next. Let's just say it's something i'd rather not do again. I can take the MRT with a date, but i'd rather take the rides for fun. Making me do it out of sheer necessity is...well.....another thing.


Perhaps i have rightly (or wrongly) associated status with maturity and sense and wit. It will all depend on who's talking....and i speak for no one but myself. We all can argue that a person's ability to converse, to connect with, or relate to the opposite sex has nothing to do at all with his educational attainments and business interests and all. Heck, the CNN hero was simply contented pushing carts and catering to the poorest of the poor.

There are no studies that show that richer or more successful guys could love more, could make better partners, and would stay loyal all the time.


But knowing have far i've gone, and how farther i can go, then all the aforementioned would have to be factored in, whether i deny it or not, whether i admit it or not.





Edited by angel_by_day
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^^^ another great post angel_by_day!


i like a guy who's makuwento with a lot of sense of humor since i'm pretty quiet myself. i like to listen and laugh. i prefer that he likes the things i like - music, alcohol, clothes, shoes, etc (not necessarily the exact same stuff but as long as the taste level is there). i like a guy who completely spoils me bcos i'm used to that but it doesn't mean it's the only thing that i look for. i just like the fact that he probably earns more than me bcos that way i don't have to feel bad about my spending habits. it's nice to have a guy who's financially independent, not bcos i am not, but bcos it's nice to know that you know he works hard (or probably just fortunate. period). i like a guy who's career-driven yet knows how to have a good time at the same. mine's pretty simple - smart or with some kick-ass sense of humor, some style and a lot of fashion sense & his wallet is probably as thick as mine. he doesn't have to be extremely good-looking (definitely a bonus if he is) but as long as you can tolerate waking up beside him or something, it's fine.

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the same post breezed thru my mind after a mediocre date, a so-so night. but maybe, it was likewise a byproduct of everything that has happened in the past. A past which taught me a lot, and taught me well, albeit dark.



on topic: he should be God-fearing, foremost. Regardless of religion. I've seen a lot of mixed marriages. I am a product of one....and I guess I am in a right position to say that love knows no religious boundaries :rolleyes:

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i used to think that i can be flexible with standards. I've always been a proponent of grays.....at least in some aspects. You simply cannot box people it, and label things black and white all the time.


but dating all sorts of guys....it made me think......maybe i'm strict with my standards after all :P


does it come with profession? does it come with age? does it come with culture and upbringing and all sorts of vague factors that you blame, yet cant even elaborate?


i'm not sure.


but yes. guys with good credentials matter. guys who are financially independent, who have brains that are actually put to use, and who do make sense without putting on pretenses, without the need to put their best Bally-clad feet forward.


does money count? it does to me. Not because i need someone who would spend for me. I can very well splurge on my own, thank you. I never had problems with bill-splitting during dates. I never had qualms about buying expensive stuff for previous ex-special someones.

Call me prejudiced and biased....but i'd rather not go out with someone who could barely afford to take me to a good dinner. I do eat street food, of course, but taking me to a mall's food court would not necessarily......make a good impression, if i may say so.


do cars count? i used to say no. i've been with someone who got me commuting from one place to the next. Let's just say it's something i'd rather not do again. I can take the MRT with a date, but i'd rather take the rides for fun. Making me do it out of sheer necessity is...well.....another thing.


Perhaps i have rightly (or wrongly) associated status with maturity and sense and wit. It will all depend on who's talking....and i speak for no one but myself. We all can argue that a person's ability to converse, to connect with, or relate to the opposite sex has nothing to do at all with his educational attainments and business interests and all. Heck, the CNN hero was simply contented pushing carts and catering to the poorest of the poor.

There are no studies that show that richer or more successful guys could love more, could make better partners, and would stay loyal all the time.


But knowing have far i've gone, and how farther i can go, then all the aforementioned would have to be factored in, whether i deny it or not, whether i admit it or not.






Impressive. Candid. Introspective.

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In my opinion, i think the girls usually go for tall, handsome, badass guys w/ a 6 pack. money and brains is just a bonus. again, that's just my opinion.


well....that's the way it goes. we couldn't fault anyone for that. it's something that comes naturally to most (but not to all, obviously)....something akin to reflex.


same way with guys. many would claim that brains weigh more than beauty. But they'd take the pretty girl, in all likelihood, if they were made to decide in an instant.


on topic: ironically, i've never been attracted to colleagues. perhaps because they rarely impress me. or perhaps boredom sets in too quickly, quicker before my interest gets piqued.

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minsan kase, we tend to raise our eyebrows when someone sets standards too high.

we tend to retaliate -- bakit, ganun ka ba kaganda? kagwapo?


i've realized that regardless of how you look, regardless of how others may perceive you to be.....as long as your reasons for having such standards are grounded and sane and logical enough, then you have all the right to set them to whatever level you think is most appropriate.


If you think you can give more, you can give that much, and you are worth that much.....why settle for mediocrity?

In my case, singleblessedness (God knows since when), peer pressure, parental pressure, biological pressure....they will never be reasons good enough for me to settle with just whoever I get to meet. :rolleyes:

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mas prefer ko yung mga clean looks, matangkad, maputi and tama lang yung pangangatawan..gusto ko rin yung mukhang mabango at amoy mabango palagi... gusto ko parang boy next door lang



lang? haha the cursed of being "clean looks, matangkad, maputi and tama lang yung pangangatawan..gusto ko rin yung mukhang mabango at amoy mabango palagi... gusto ko parang boy next door lang" s that you will end tearing your heart out... peace on earth... good will to man... :flowers:

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