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Build A Model Body!

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well, i suppose 140 at 5'4" wouldn't be that much bulky for me... i'll give it a try, sir olympus.  i can always trim down if i dont like what i see at 140, right? :)


i agree with olympus that u'll still be lean at 140 at 5'4"...u may want to pack them muscles on ur upper and outer chest and also on the shoulders...fully-developed pecs and shoulders give you a more refined V-look, w/c is verified by empirical research as sexually appealing to the opposite sex...



exactly, jourdan! those are the people that i look up to! :)  i dont like to be like ronnie coleman, shawn ray, or kevin levrone.  actually, i would like to have a body like....

manny pacquiao. :)  i dont mind not having the bulky muscles, but i do like to have a body with less than 10% fat. :)


yeah. form AND function. being huge and then catching ur breath just after a 20-min run doesn't impress me.


plus in today's world where fashion blurs the distinction between men and women, it's a big plus to be mean yet totally lean. sleek and clean-looking.


it's not about size or pure strength these days...it's abt being totally fit and functional. even Mr. Olympia is catching up. it now focuses more on symmetry and cut than sheer bulk.

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cmon guys... i doubt any of us are at the level of mr. olympia anyways... I agree to regarding form over function... there was a time when i was rock climbing and doing weights... i learned that the more you do weights it is true that you lose a certain amount of flexibility not because you get more compact but all that bulk makes it naturally harder for your body to move... i could not cross over my arms when i had to get another to hold due to my hypertrophied pecs...

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bec. long cardio builds up stamina to allow you to lift more and therefore have the cuts u want. it's called endurance training...essentially echoing the same mantra of 10 x 10 method or the German Volume Training, w/c is an off-season training.


not to mention that fat-burning mechanisms kick in after a few mins on cardio...when extended in moderation to 45 mins to an hr, u'll lose the flabs faster than when doing short HIIT's, w/c are more geared towards strength conditioning.


also, long cardio strengthens ur core and improves ur over-all balance esp. if u'll do it outside the gym.  and these help a lot when trying to execute proper form during resistance training on free weights, w/c is essential to maintain bodily symmetry.


remember that there's a huge difference between looking like a model with a chiseled-look from a powerlifter with huge slabs of muscles.


i want the former. i hate the latter. so i do and preach long cardio.


Long cardio is nothing like a 10x10. I don't even see why they are compared since a 10x10 requires 60% of your one rep maximum. A 10x10 is indeed cardio intensive, but running, again, is not comparable.


I agree that you'll lose the "flabs" faster when doing short HIIT. What is wrong with strength conditioning? There is NO research in existance that correlates cardiovascular conditioning with increase in health and/or lifespan. None. If it exists, I'd like to be shown where...and heresay doesn't count. The cardio conspiracy has no ground to stand on as to why we should do it instead of strength training.


How exactly does long cardio improve your core over shorter strength training? Abdominals and other core muscles are FAST TWITCH muscles, proven in the lab and with MRI. Your statement is completely false. How does long cardio assist with core strength and symmetry? It doesn't. HIIT assists as does other conditioning, but cardio cannot and does not.


Since when do MOST powerlifters have huge slabs of muscle? I'm 5'10" and 175lbs when in my best shape...and always being texted by modeling agencies. I'm well built, but I'm not huge by any account.


I AM the result you just said that you want. And since you preach long cardio but are not a model...your preaching is baseless. I preach what you hate...and I am a model.


So you can hate the fact that I argued your points, but at the same time I'm trying to help you learn from my mistakes looong ago. Doing long cardio made me a stick-boy that NO agency would look twice at. One of my athletes, a model himself, is featured in the latest edition of MetroHim magazine in the Standing Military Press article. It features our real-world model training shoulder article.


Do check it out :thumbsupsmiley:

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and i have nothing against HIITs...i do them. but i will never ever recommend it to some fat ass with his > 30% body fat who has not been inside the gym all his life just to cut the flabs. it's totally unsafe.


this will always be for the advanced gym rats.


This is what incompetent trainers always say.


There is no such thing as an unsafe exercise....just imcompetent trainers who don't know how to teach it safely.

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althought, strength does play a bigger factor than ratio, if u ask me... I'd rather be strong than proportioned... but thats just me... and the type of strength im talking about is the strength needed to carry your body through anything... that is true strength... :D


there are days when i get bigorexic though... hehehehehehehhe...

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This is what incompetent trainers always say.


There is no such thing as an unsafe exercise....just imcompetent trainers who don't know how to teach it safely.



sorry, but i have to say that what you said is rather harsh... i know that trainers are suppose to be responsible enough to know what they teach but there are times when the client or the individual is not mentally, physically or psychologically equipped enough to handle what your teaching here... so a good trainer is not only one who knows the principles of exercise but more importantly one who knows how to match up the different training principles correspondingly with the client...

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sorry, but i have to say that what you said is rather harsh... i know that trainers are suppose to be responsible enough to know what they teach but there are times when the client or the individual is not mentally, physically or psychologically equipped enough to handle what your teaching here... so a good trainer is not only one who knows the principles of exercise but more importantly one who knows how to match up the different training principles correspondingly with the client...


Maybe so, but when people speak in such absolutes speaking about what is bad and what is good, they need to be prepared for the consequences. If feelings are hurt, then this means that they have no business giving advice using absolute tones. This is especially true if the individual, as he admitted, is STRIVING to accomplish something. Therefore he has not accomplished anything, yet still dishes out information like an experienced veteran. He universally condemned the most effective fat-loss principles without asking the veterans here if it indeed could be scaled down for a newbie. It can be done...easily.


A truely experienced veteran trainer knows that some people need to learn how to crawl before they walk. For example, I helped a lady who weighs 206lbs at 5'4" do HIIT today on a Cybex Arc Trainer. A Cybex Arc Trainer is the state-of-the-art version of the outdated elliptical/transport you'll find at Fitness First. Since she is 200 plus lbs, I had her do a low-impact cardio machine where her knees and tendons would be spared. I had her move at a moderate pace for 1 minute followed by a medium-high resistance at 90% of her all-out maximum for 30 seconds. We repeated the process for 15 minutes. She was exhausted but said it was very worthwhile.


Again, an experienced veteran trainer/athlete knows how to effectively tailor a program to each individual client/member. This is why I carry the title of "coach" for so many people.

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to add on the topic of coaches and energy system work...


many people do not realize that the aerobic energy system is used after 15 minutes of continuous work... ironically, this is also the same time cortisol builcs up and muscle is used for energy putting the body in a highly catabolic state.


about HIIT and scaling it down... one does not have to run to do HIIT. One may start by walking and walking fast. A good trainer can make seemingly dangerous and advanced principles and routines beginner friendly.

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At least we agree on form over function. That is why I recommend a lot of cross-training in terms of having the strength of a powerlifter, the flexibility and explosiveness of a weightlifter, the functional strength, coordination and balance of a gymnast... the list goes on and on


On a note, whatever I teach here is not to turn anyone into a Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cutler. Most people lack the genetics and the drugs to look like that.

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At least we agree on form over function. That is why I recommend a lot of cross-training in terms of having the strength of a powerlifter, the flexibility and explosiveness of a weightlifter, the functional strength, coordination and balance of a gymnast... the list goes on and on


On a note, whatever I teach here is not to turn anyone into a Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cutler. Most people lack the genetics and the drugs to look like that.


And lately, you've been looking sort of model-esque yourself. At 5'6 145lbs and lean, that's very much model build territory. Way to go Olympus! :cool:


Training a guy for the Mr. Olympia is within our abilities, but since 99% of our clients do not want to look like that (and neither do I), we do not focus on it. If a guy wants to look like that naturally, however, it's just a matter of eating more....much more while training. You are what you eat.

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And lately, you've been looking sort of model-esque yourself.  At 5'6 145lbs and lean, that's very much model build territory.  Way to go Olympus!  :cool:


Training a guy for the Mr. Olympia is within our abilities, but since 99% of our clients do not want to look like that (and neither do I), we do not focus on it.  If a guy wants to look like that naturally, however, it's just a matter of eating more....much more while training.  You are what you eat.


I'm actually 143.... I forgot to tell you that I was having a low energy workout since I was in by 12 and had to defer my workout till 2pm and my stomach acted up as well :9 talk about bad luck.. Oh well, I have a score to settle with squats :) :cool:

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well... people are very intimidated in hard training.. thinking its not for them.. but hard training is very relatice to the capacity of the individual... and yes, genetics does play a vital role in whether or not youll get a model body... i like overcoming genetics though... im genetically fat... :D but id like to believe otherwise... :D

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well... people are very intimidated in hard training.. thinking its not for them.. but hard training is very relatice to the capacity of the individual...  and yes, genetics does play a vital role in whether or not youll get a model body... i like overcoming genetics though... im genetically fat... :D  but id like to believe otherwise... :D


One lesson learned is you have to make a person "love" something that they'll do it no matter how hard it is. Its something you have to build on. The only people I push starting frm day 1 are the people who ask for it.

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well... people are very intimidated in hard training.. thinking its not for them.. but hard training is very relatice to the capacity of the individual...  and yes, genetics does play a vital role in whether or not youll get a model body... i like overcoming genetics though... im genetically fat... :D  but id like to believe otherwise... :D


Exactly..."hard" is a relative thing. It's also why most of my guys love 5 rep strength training but loathe every moment of a 10x10 or a 6x10. It's also why I teach women Olympic lifting, since it doesn't produce a localized pump. Women usually don't like a pump in their arms and legs....especially when looking in the mirror :P


But we are talking about building a model body, and if people don't want to do all that it takes...especially naturally, they shouldn't be reading this thread ;)

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okay... so i take it that running for an hour is bad? i mean if i wanted to run for an hour, will you guys tell me not to do it?


It will depend on your reason for doing so. If you'll run for an hour to "get ripped" I'll say skip it. If you're doing it to prepare to run from your girlfirend who saw you making out with a hot chick in embassy last wekend, by all means do so :P

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One lesson learned is you have to make a person "love" something that they'll do it no matter how hard it is. Its something you have to build on. The only people I push starting frm day 1 are the people who ask for it.



true true... one big mistake of people who love what they do is that more often than not they mistake other people to have the same feeling towards it... oh well... back to topic though, It would have been really nice if we can have someone who went the cardio way and another who went the HIIT way and see which one gets to have a model body first... now that would be interesting... :D

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Maybe once a week (at the most) for sh*ts and giggles, but anymore than that isn't necessary.  Even then, make sure you do it HIIT style.


well, if i were to do an hour cardio a week, id probably do it because i want to know if i can or not... The idea of being able to run long distances at any time whenever you feel like it is a good feeling...

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true true... one big mistake of people who love what they do is that more often than not they mistake other people to have the same feeling towards it... oh well... back to topic though, It would have been really nice if we can have someone who went the cardio way and another who went the HIIT way and see which one gets to have a model body first... now that would be interesting... :D


One good way is to have another trainer or coach who uses that school of thought use it on one of his students and then post before and after pics for us to see :)

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One lesson learned is you have to make a person "love" something that they'll do it no matter how hard it is. Its something you have to build on. The only people I push starting frm day 1 are the people who ask for it.


Exactly. And those who don't want to work...well I just leave them alone. I had a girl join last week who didn't want abs, tone, or anything else. Even the idea of any work at all on the treadmill gave her a look of fear. I just talked to her while maintaining eye contact...backing away...out of the room slowly....


There are some people who join the gym but do not feel pleasure from exercise. There's nothing we can do for them but leave them be, as you well know. If they want to hang around and pay dues, there's nothing wrong with that :lol:

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One good way is to have another trainer or coach who uses that school of thought use it on one of his students and then post before and after pics for us to see :)


I have mine in Total Woman magazine...complete with dated before and after :D


We'll have about 30 LaSalle before and afters on the Eclipse website within the next few weeks....and at least 4 have modeling offers or have recently signed with an agency. Josh, Gaston, Ja (well...an indecent proposal from one of my neighbors :lol: ), Alfred, A.R., and Max.


The rest of the guys just transformed themselves to beyond what they expected....all with a combination of strength and HIIT/Tabata conditioning. None of these guys had abs before...now they all have 6 packs worthy of Bruce Lee...as A.R. has been dubbed B)

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i tend to pick my students as well... i have a great work out routine... i usually let them pay 12 thousand pesos in advance for 6 weeks of training... if they miss even a single training sessiom, that cash is mine... but if they complete everything and they get results and they manage to lose a few pounds and stay on a healthy lifestyle, i give them all their money back... :D its a hobby of mine... :D

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