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Build A Model Body!

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any advice for a beginner like me? medyo payat ako ngayon eh. and im planning to start working out. parang kakahiya kasi eh.


Start training ASAP and keep eating.


I was only 120 lbs when I first started strength training...


Besides, no one would laugh at you when you trian. in fact, they'll be very helpful and motivating

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Whoever wants to TRAIN,..go 4 it! No 1 has the right to say " hey, ur sooo skinny, u cant train!" ,..or " ur sooo FAT and out of shape,..blah blah"


all it really needs is a LOT of MOTIVATION, Discipline and ofcourse, the PROPER Training. Marami kse mga bara-bara and sigue sigue lang kung mag work out eh.


Iwas injury ika nga,....


PEACE Dudezz :cool: :mtc:

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I have nothing against swimming and there are just some people who love to do a sport rather than strength train, which is a chor for them.. but the topic at hand is how to improve one's aesthetic features...


Which is exactly the point of my post - you can improve your aesthetic features by swimming, too. Many people may not want to do strength training so I am suggesting a possible alternative. Para kasing masyadong nililimit na gaganda lang katawan mo if you do strength training.

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Which is exactly the point of my post - you can improve your aesthetic features by swimming, too. Many people may not want to do strength training so I am suggesting a possible alternative. Para kasing masyadong nililimit na gaganda lang katawan mo if you do strength training.


It can but not as effecient as strength training....


Many people do not want to do strength traiing since they don't know how to do it properly. yet, if they knew how to do it, they would do it since they know it would give them the results they want

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Which is exactly the point of my post - you can improve your aesthetic features by swimming, too. Many people may not want to do strength training so I am suggesting a possible alternative. Para kasing masyadong nililimit na gaganda lang katawan mo if you do strength training.


We have 4 national level swimmers that we've begun training recently. Their bodies comes from their weight training....not their time in the pool. They will be the first to admit this....as will the National Coach who looked like he wanted to hug or kiss me after their times improved so much after the first 5 weeks alone.

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Correction.. people do not want to do strength training because they feel they do not have the aptitude for it... the rationale is that "what the hell for? I don't have dreams of being a power lifter or arnold schwarzenegger... It's just too much work..."


for a while i could not comprehend this... I could not come to terms with the fact that there are some people who are just happy with... patakbo takbo... minsan climb... tapos pa curls curls... and then okay na. I cannot stand this.. I cannot perceive how somebody can go to the gym with no concept of gains. No measurement of strength? no levels of improvement? it was very mind boggling for me... at first i though, yeah, the reason why they can't appreciate it is because they have not experienced it.. or, because they felt discouraged coz they had no way of measuring their gains... You know what my conclusion is? EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Different attitudes... Different goals... Different characters...

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Correction.. people do not want to do strength training because they feel they do not have the aptitude for it... the rationale is that "what the hell for? I don't have dreams of being a power lifter or arnold schwarzenegger... It's just too much work..."


for a while i could not comprehend this... I could not come to terms with the fact that there are some people who are just happy with... patakbo takbo... minsan climb... tapos pa curls curls... and then okay na. I cannot stand this.. I cannot perceive how somebody can go to the gym with no concept of gains. No measurement of strength? no levels of improvement? it was very mind boggling for me... at first i though, yeah, the reason why they can't appreciate it is because they have not experienced it.. or, because they felt discouraged coz they had no way of measuring their gains... You know what my conclusion is? EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Different attitudes... Different goals... Different characters...


yes.. but then again, when people let their misconceptions get the best of them, they end up being stubborn and hence, make no progress...


nyone who has been training for a certain time knows this that if one is misguided, he gets polarized by certain ideas until proven otherwise....




BTW, i think m doing my squats all wrong... my knees are getting painful already.


You may be bending forward and not bending at the waist... but then, its hard to judge if we can't see you do your squats

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if your skinny then you have 2 gain some weight get your ideal body weight dude then formulate your program from there.if your a begginer abuse it and make it as an advantage since begginers tends to develop or improved a lot faster than pros since your muscles is not use in working out so it will react more. my advice is get a mass building program.HIIT cardio training, and a good balance diet. visit this site www.bodybuilding.com they have tons of work out programs and tips. another advice is plan your program very carefully so you wont waste time bulding your ideal physique. my estimate is if you dont have that much body fat you can have a model body in just 2-4 mons but of course it may vary it will still depends on you and your approach. as for me ive manage to get my ideal physique for about 6-9 mons because i trial and error my way to what program works for me thats why im advicing you to PLAN YOUR PROGRAM so you wont waste time :cool: .

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beg to disagree madpoets... professionals can get more and faster results because they know their body well enough for them to do what works.. as compared to a beginner who will have a tendency to undertrain or over train cause they do not know what their body is telling them...

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yup you maybe right on that prespective since pros already have the experience and they already develop some muscles to burn fat more efficiently. but the thing is their muscles are already used to intensity programs so as time progress their development deteriorates or in some cases their development stops or hit their limits.this is one reason why some bodybuilders use steroids so that their body would develop over its limits.


as for the begginers their muscles are not use on intensity programs like weight training.thats why they react more even if we say they lift about 20lbs on bench press?the point is they tend to get more soreness than pros who constantly lift a 140lbs of weights. thats why im saying he should abuse the fact that his body is more reactive to this kind of training and carefully plan his programs and get as much knowledge as he could before starting so he wont waste time just like i did when i started training. i just keep on lifting not knowing that the program that im using doesnt work for me anymore. i wasted about 1-2 mons since i didnt realize that my body already compensates with my program and i stop improving my physique. thats when i learned that i have to change my program every 2-3 weeks. :thumbsupsmiley:

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well, to put things in a better perspective, its not always about the weight... for example, a beginner who can bench 200 pounds will probably do flat bench 200 pounds, 4 sets, then incline, then flys, etc etc etc...


a more advanced performer will do 200 pounds flat and will superset it with flyes... then superset the incline with decline, probably pyramid it to increase stress... or have shorter rest times to increase intensity... or he can put emphasis in concentric and eccentric moovement, etc etc etc... a more experienced body builder will pump himself up with less amount of time on the same weight...


true stress comes not only from the carrying of heavy weights but more importantly in the manner of how you lift and the intensity of how you do it...

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I was a "beginner" for almost 3years..


been to a lot of gym..the latest was Fitness First. I thought doin this and that will do. Copied a lot of magazine workouts.


Guys at eclipse gave me a turning point.


You must have a goal first before goin to the gym or else you will injure yourself or worst waste money and time.


Balik ako agad guys sa eclipse. Not finished with my personal affairs.


Phase 1 pa lang ang laki na ng improvement ko.

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thats what im saying getting more information is a good start if your planning on starting a workout program specially if your a begginer so you wont wasted time. as for me i got my ideas from that site and i still get some tips 2 improved more. good thing the information that they got work for me.from 180lbs im now 140 lbs in just 7 mons my abs are showing and i got more definition guess i just get lucky that the tips they gave work for me

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thats what im saying getting more information is a good start if your planning on starting a workout program specially if your a begginer so you wont wasted time. as for me i got my ideas from that site and i still get some tips 2 improved more. good thing the information that they got work for me.from 180lbs im now 140 lbs in just 7 mons my abs are showing and i got more definition guess i just get lucky that the tips they gave work for me


could be that or you could have good genetics... this is a big plus... there are some people who just react better than others... coupled with a good attitude and instincts to listen to your body... well, you know how these things end.. (hopefully in bed with a beautiful woman who will just use u for your sexy body...) how i wish... hehehehehehhehe

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ahehehe maybe... and yeah genetics plays a big factor in body building but of course if your not serious enough to go for this lifestyle then you will just wasted time and of course money.just like i did during my first 3 mons i just keep on doing flat and decline bench press because im having difficulty lifting in incline. i ended up looking like a boy who have a womens breast since my upper chest is not that develop.i realize that trial and error is not a good thing and i should first get some information before hitting weights less mistakes less time you wasted.





im wondering if there is a topic here that discuss about the do's and dont on working out or a topic on how to improved a lagging part of a body it would be very helpful specially to those who have this kinds of problems which i presumed is very common because i see a lot of lifters who have a big upperbody but have small thigh or calfs or in other words the jonny bravo body

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could be that or you could have good genetics... this is a big plus... there are some people who just react better than others... coupled with a good attitude and instincts to listen to your body... well, you know how these things end.. (hopefully in bed with a beautiful woman who will just use u for your sexy body...) how i wish... hehehehehehhehe



That was my life from May 2003 until October 2003. It didn't turn out anywhere nearly how I expected. I could show you a picture from a very famous magazine and you probably wouldn't believe me as to what she looks like, but all I can say is that it isn't always worth it...at the time, definitely, but in the long run, no way :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey gurus.

have just finished GVT and went back to 5x5. why is it that i cant lift the weight that i used to lift when i was doing the 5x5 before? when i ended the 5x5 and went to 3x3 before, i used to lift 215 lbs in my 5th set (bench press). that's the heaviest weight i ever lifted with the 5x5. now, i can only do 2 reps of 190 lbs in my 5th set. is this a temporary thing or do i have to repeat all the work i did before to reach 215 lbs again?


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hey gurus.

have just finished GVT and went back to 5x5. why is it that i cant lift the weight that i used to lift when i was doing the 5x5 before? when i ended the 5x5 and went to 3x3 before, i used to lift 215 lbs in my 5th set (bench press). that's the heaviest weight i ever lifted with the 5x5. now, i can only do 2 reps of 190 lbs in my 5th set. is this a temporary thing or do i have to repeat all the work i did before to reach 215 lbs again?




Most guys would be able to do 215x6x10 or more by the end of their GVT phase. I'd need to know your starting and ending bodyweight as well as see the dates of when you trained, the weights, etc. There are so many variables missing that I couldn't begin to tell you why you are seeing what you are seeing. In my case, simply getting severly sick cost me about 15-20% on all of my lifts in about a week that I just overcame recently.

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Most guys would be able to do 215x6x10 or more by the end of their GVT phase. I'd need to know your starting and ending bodyweight as well as see the dates of when you trained, the weights, etc. There are so many variables missing that I couldn't begin to tell you why you are seeing what you are seeing. In my case, simply getting severly sick cost me about 15-20% on all of my lifts in about a week that I just overcame recently.


uhmmmm.... i didn't take note of my bodyweight, and i just added around 15 lbs (to all the exercises) from the day that i started GVT to the end, but i reduced the rest time significantly. oh, and BTW, i did the 10x10 instead of the 6x10. you're right... there are lots of variables. i, even, might be doing a lot of things wrong. this is the disadvantage of not working out at eclipse :( well, thanks for the help anyway, EG.

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