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Build A Model Body!

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yes... passion... pero ofcourse not to the point of damaging yer own body... there is a very fine line between passion and obsession.  marami talagang trains of thought so pick which one is best for you... Update lang... Im doing the 8 to ten set work out with maximum of 8 reps, increasing weight till i can do 2 quality reps without spot nalang... OW!!! Hurts like a mutherF$*%er... and sobrang hilo ka after.. (literal na nakakatanga...)  but you feel accomplished at the end of the work out... astig... not to failure though... and no forced reps... its pretty good... im thinking ill do 3 weeks of this then go back to my high rep high set short rest workout... palaki muna ng konti for 3 weeks then cutting phase na ulit... sarap kumain eh...


This is another thing that i do na i don't know if it has any significant thing... during christmas, when i know kakain ako ng marami, bubuhat ako ng heavy, mass sets... as in... grabe buhat... hehehehehe... my rationale is that since you can't avoid eating during all the festivities, you might as well put the food into good use... :D


Eh ive been ganado to eat so I shifted my work out to heavies again to take advantage of my increase in appetite... It was time to change my program anyways... after this cycle, ill go to cutting hpase for another 3 weeks maybe, then Ill post if there are any results or gains...


This much i can say though... the short rest intervals works wonders on muscle endurance... as in...


yo equus, your doing 8 to 10 sets with maximum of 8 reps per set. are you doing it to all of your muscles? how much time do you consume in doing this program in one muscle area only. just curious.

i'm going to comment later.

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for example today, I consumed 1 and a half hours for back and bicep... pull muscles... warmed up with stiff leg deadlifts... i also had a kilometer run warmup before workout and a kilometer run cooldown after... all in all, 2 hours in the gym kasama ligo...

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rest intervals vary from 20 to 40 seconds in between... i am very strict with the 8 sets 8 reps in the first workout of the muscle part, especially if its a compund muscle coz it can take a lot of load... Ive noticed kasi when i start doing the 15 reps, for example sa back, the load transfers to the bicep instead of concentrating on the back.. with less reps and more sets, isolation becomes more efficient and you get to beat up yer lats way before yer biceps give way...

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well, i thinks this works for you. 1 1/2 hours in the gym for just two muscles, that's 45 minutes each. but personally i don't recommend this type of program. i thought you want to gain weight first for the first 3 weeks and then want to build cuts for the next 3 weeks. if you understand my previous post regarding energy system, this should not be the program for gaining weight. 1/2 hour exercise for a particular muscle is enough since you want to gain weight. when you exceed this limit and even exercise for almost an hour for a particular muscle you are already using the proteins in your muscles as your source of energy. this is the reason why some people in the gym don't bulk up instead parang naging matigas yung muscles nila. i usually noticed this to beginners and sometimes long time gym goers na halos mag isang oras na doing certain exercises for just one muscle group. sabi nila parang di daw lumalaki yung chest nila at yung katawan nila parang naging bato bato. anyway, since this works for you i will not further comment on it.

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rest intervals vary from 20 to 40 seconds in between... i am very strict with the 8 sets 8 reps in the first workout of the muscle part, especially if its a compund muscle coz it can take a lot of load... Ive noticed kasi when i start doing the 15 reps, for example sa back, the load transfers to the bicep instead of concentrating on the back.. with less reps and more sets, isolation becomes more efficient and you get to beat up yer lats way before yer biceps give way...


Guys in our gym who are in phase 3 doa 10x10 or 6x10 and rest 3 mins... you rest less than a minute? talk about searching for pain

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well, i thinks this works for you.  1 1/2  hours in the gym for just two muscles, that's 45 minutes each.  but personally i don't recommend this type of program.  i thought you want to gain weight first for the first 3 weeks and then want to build cuts for the next 3 weeks.  if you understand my previous post regarding energy system, this should not be the program for gaining weight.  1/2 hour exercise for a particular muscle is enough since you want to gain weight.  when you exceed this limit and even exercise for almost an hour for a particular muscle you are already using the proteins in your muscles as your source of energy.  this is the reason why some people in the gym don't bulk up instead parang naging matigas yung muscles nila.  i usually noticed this to beginners and sometimes long time gym goers na halos mag isang oras na doing certain exercises for just one muscle group.  sabi nila parang di daw lumalaki yung chest nila at yung katawan nila parang naging bato bato.  anyway, since this works for you i will not further comment on it.


I assume you made these comments since prolonged workouts put your body in a catabolic state?

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well, i thinks this works for you.  1 1/2  hours in the gym for just two muscles, that's 45 minutes each.  but personally i don't recommend this type of program.  i thought you want to gain weight first for the first 3 weeks and then want to build cuts for the next 3 weeks.  if you understand my previous post regarding energy system, this should not be the program for gaining weight.  1/2 hour exercise for a particular muscle is enough since you want to gain weight.  when you exceed this limit and even exercise for almost an hour for a particular muscle you are already using the proteins in your muscles as your source of energy.  this is the reason why some people in the gym don't bulk up instead parang naging matigas yung muscles nila.  i usually noticed this to beginners and sometimes long time gym goers na halos mag isang oras na doing certain exercises for just one muscle group.  sabi nila parang di daw lumalaki yung chest nila at yung katawan nila parang naging bato bato.  anyway, since this works for you i will not further comment on it.


yun na nga sabi ko e, mali mali ang pinag gagawa nyang si Equus e.. ako ng 1 hour lang ako sa gym kasama na warmpup at cooldown sa stationary bike, lahat ng muscle group's from abs, lower, back, upper back, obliques, chest, legs, nadadaanan ko..

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musta mga pre? tagal ko na di post dito.. namiss ko mga post nyo hahaha! busy ako sa work ngaun eh.. tapos eto may new girl pa ko sa buhay kaya mejo sa kanya muna attention ko... honeymoon stage kung baga.. missed one day of lifting weights because of her... thats not good! hehee! i might miss more because of her nagging... di ako maka-hindi eh. nyahaha!

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i do about 30 minutes per body part pareng dj... the other 30 minutes gets absorbed in CARDIO (THE BEST AND ONLY EXERCISE YOU WILL EVER NEED IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD FOR YOU TO HAVE A MODEL BODY...) which is about a 10 minute warmup and a 20 minute cardio/coldown in the end... tapos inom tubig... konting ab work out... tingin chicks... then bihis na.



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musta mga pre? tagal ko na di post dito.. namiss ko mga post nyo hahaha! busy ako sa work ngaun eh.. tapos eto may new girl pa ko sa buhay kaya mejo sa kanya muna attention ko... honeymoon stage kung baga..  missed one day of lifting weights because of her... thats not good! hehee! i might miss more because of her nagging... di ako maka-hindi eh. nyahaha!

mag ingat ka pare... some girls are devils disguised as angels

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Peeps share ko rin yung program ko... I asked our instructor sa gym to make me a program designed for losing weight...


i do this alternately every other day:

day 1


chest: bench press, dumb bell flye, inclined dumb bell press, inclined dumbell flye, atsaka yung parang extension hihiga ka then you carry ine dumbbell above your chest and slowly lower it beyond your head (sorry i forgot the name)

shoulders: military press, side dumbell raise and yun parang i-ra-raise mo yung barbell up to your chin (sorry I forgot the name again)

triceps: triceps kickback and pushdown


day 2:

back: lat pull down, seated rows, close-grip pull down

legs: leg press, leg curl, leg extension

biceps: barbell curl, dumb bell curl


abs: leg raise, three point ab crunches, and decline crunches

i do abs exercises every session


all of the exercises are 3 sets, 15 reps each... i do cardio on treadmill (25 min)


ang tanong ko lang is this program really designed for losing weight?


and also btw, i run around the block 45 min on days when i don't go to the gym

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yep. sounds like a basic program for weight loss... okay naman yang program mo. separated the push and pull muscles... however, you can also do the same for the legs...


I dunno if its just me, but i treat the legs as... legs... i dont isolate the push legs from the pull legs... i think this is one point that is usually overlooked kasi nga naman the legs do comprise of at least 50 percent of our musculature tapos madalas nababa bali wala... In any case, yung gna, people don't split the leg work out... i think ill try that to... i started na nga by integrating the eadlift into my pull work out... so during my pull days, i work out the glute, and hamstring as wel..


5 exercises for chest? hmmmmm... medyo madami... well, what i can really say that it is a typical program that a gym instructor who follows traditional thought will give you... the cardio is good.. as for your question regarding weight loss, traditionally yes, that is a program designed for weight loss...

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Peeps share ko rin yung program ko... I asked our instructor sa gym to make me a program designed for losing weight...


i do this alternately every other day:

day 1


chest: bench press, dumb bell flye, inclined dumb bell press, inclined dumbell flye, atsaka yung parang extension hihiga ka then you carry ine dumbbell above your chest and slowly lower it beyond your head (sorry i forgot the name)

shoulders: military press, side dumbell raise and yun parang i-ra-raise mo yung barbell up to your chin (sorry I forgot the name again)

triceps: triceps kickback and pushdown


day 2:

back: lat pull down, seated rows, close-grip pull down

legs: leg press, leg curl, leg extension

biceps: barbell curl, dumb bell curl


abs: leg raise, three point ab crunches, and decline crunches

i do abs exercises every session


all of the exercises are 3 sets, 15 reps each... i do cardio on treadmill (25 min)


ang tanong ko lang is this program really designed for losing weight?


and also btw, i run around the block 45 min on days when i don't go to the gym


IMHO, there are better programs out there. a basic 10x3 or an 8x8 using the basic compound exercises would be a better option. However, I still believe thet repetitive effort (RE in westside training jargon) should be monitore carefully. I believe that a program using undulating periodization or EDT (escalating density training) would be more beneficial. One of my clients is getting stronger and shedding the inches off using a basic program built around undulating periodization.

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yep. sounds like a basic program for weight loss... okay naman yang program mo.  separated the push and pull muscles... however, you can also do the same for the legs...


I dunno if its just me, but i treat the legs as... legs... i dont isolate the push legs from the pull legs... i think this is one point that is usually overlooked kasi nga naman the legs do comprise of at least 50 percent of our musculature tapos madalas nababa bali wala... In any case, yung gna, people don't split the leg work out... i think ill try that to... i started na nga by integrating the eadlift into my pull work out... so during my pull days, i work out the glute, and hamstring as wel..


5 exercises for chest? hmmmmm... medyo madami... well, what i can really say that it is a typical program that a gym instructor who follows traditional thought will give you... the cardio is good.. as for your question regarding weight loss, traditionally yes, that is a program designed for weight loss...

Yup, 5 exercises for the chest... marami nga... well im glad na ok naman pala yung program. but tanong ko lang ulit, for how long must I do this program? i read in menshealth na kelangan baguhin daw yung prgram every two months... but i know it is applicable to those who want to gain mass.. is it also applicable to those who wants to lose weight?

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for fatloss, some HIIT for 15 minutes has worked well for many guys in our gym. here' s a sample HIIT treadmill workout:


jog 2 minutes, run 30 seconds, jog 15 seconds, sprint 20 seconds, jog 5 seconds, sprint 30 secondss.. you get the drift... do this for about 15 minutes and you'll rev up your metabolism by up to 50% for the rest of the day...


There are many cardio workouts (short and intense, long and slow) To determine what is best for fatloss is look for the workout that makes you keep on burning calories long after the workout.


On a side note, I gues this is one reason why many people who have started doing boxing seem to lose a lot of weight, boxing's energy system requirement is very similar to that of HIIT

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IMHO, there are better programs out there. a basic 10x3 or an 8x8 using the basic compound exercises would be a better option. However, I still believe thet repetitive effort (RE in westside training jargon) should be monitore carefully. I believe that a program using undulating periodization or EDT (escalating density training) would be more beneficial. One of my clients is getting stronger and shedding the inches off using a basic program built around undulating periodization.

sir... i'm sorry but i don't get all what you wrote... if u wouldn't mind, paki explain... especially the technical terms... thnx... :cool:

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Yup, 5 exercises for the chest... marami nga... well im glad na ok naman pala yung program. but tanong ko lang ulit, for how long must I do this program? i read in menshealth na kelangan baguhin daw yung prgram every two months... but i know it  is applicable to those who want to gain mass.. is it also applicable to those who wants to lose weight?


Depends.. some workouts may benefit some as long as 4 months before you hit a plateau.. Common sense would dictate, if its not broken, don't fix it. I used to change workouts every 2 months, nowadays, as long as there are still results, I won't change programs. I started my last program early feb and carried it on til mid may.... worked well for me since I was able to deadlift 315 for 5 reps, squat 255 for 5 reps, do pullups with 57.5 lbs strapped to my waist, dynamic row 220 lbs for 3 reps, clean and jerk 147.5 lbs for 2 reps, all at a weight of 140 lbs and this was just before my tournament.. Modesty aside, if its working, stick with it :) good luck and keep training!

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Depends.. some workouts may benefit some as long as 4 months before you hit a plateau.. Common sense would dictate, if its not broken, don't fix it. I used to change workouts every 2 months, nowadays, as long as there are still results, I won't change programs. I started my last program early feb and carried it on til mid may.... worked well for me since I was able to deadlift 315 for 5 reps, squat 255 for 5 reps, do pullups with 57.5 lbs strapped to my waist, dynamic row 220 lbs for 3 reps, clean and jerk 147.5 lbs for 2 reps, all at a weight of 140 lbs and this was just before my tournament.. Modesty aside, if its working, stick with it :) good luck and keep training!

Yup, thanks... my program is still effective and surely i'll stick with it...

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sir... i'm sorry but i don't get all what you wrote... if u wouldn't mind, paki explain... especially the technical terms... thnx...  :cool:


do a google search on HIIT (high intensity interval training) and EDT (escalating density theory).. you can PM me with your email address and I can email you a sample workout using undulating periodization


EDT basically makes lifting more time boudn than set and rep bound... for example, you do squats for 5 minutes and your goal is to do more reps every workout or do the same amount of work in less time.

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do a google search on HIIT (high intensity interval training) and EDT (escalating density theory).. you can PM me with your email address and I can email you a sample workout using undulating periodization


EDT basically makes lifting more time boudn than set and rep bound... for example, you do squats for 5 minutes and your goal is to do more reps every workout or do the same amount of work in less time.

Oh okay...i know HIIT... i'll look for EDT ... tnx a lot. :cool:

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copy that... most important thing is always to be aware of the weight that yer lifting and the amount of reps that you can do... if you can notice that yer tolerance for these things is steadily increasing, then keep on doing it and keep on increasing yer limits... the moment na wala ka nang gains or nagiging retrogressive na yung work out mo, time to shift...


basic principle of working out is gaano ka efficient mo binubugbog yung muscles mo without doing ligament or cartilage damage through the correct form of working out... the better you damage, tapos give it time to rest, the better yer gains...

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