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Build A Model Body!

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Sir Fynx


Recomend ko 30 min na regular walk up to sprinting sa threamill. mga 5 min warm up (slow walk) 5 min cool down (slow walk. In the middle consistent speed na sprinting or fast walk.


Ako kasi 1hour and twenty minutes sa treadmill. :)



Naku 1 hour and 20, hindi abot sa time ko... pag sunday ko lang pwede gawin yan... pero i'll try... :cool:

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doing lotza cardio,....even just for short periods of time,..as long as intense,.....partnered with weight training,..amn sure , we'll all gte the body we want. I heard before that it's not how long we train and work out,..but how intense the work out it,..and ofcourse,..should be done properly..... :cool:


Keep it up fellow gym rats! :mtc:


As long as your weight training includes heavy basic movements, you're absolutely right :cool:

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Naku 1 hour and 20, hindi abot sa time ko... pag sunday ko lang pwede gawin yan... pero i'll try...  :cool:


Again, you don't need lengthy cardio to get results, what you should look for is that it keeps your metabolism high even long after yur workout. Long workouts burn a lot of calories but don't have the long after effect. Interval training has been proven to be the most optimal method for fatloss

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Yup, long cardio are advisable sa mga models na kelangang maintain ang figure nila.


Kelangan yung 6 times a day na small meals. Ang laking bagay sa kin non.


Dati I eat 8 slices of bread, pero twice a day ang nangyari tumataba ako.


Ngayon same bread, 10 slices pa nga pero every 2hours ang kain ko, my abs pa ren me....



What is this? models actually need to have a high EPOC rate rather htan just the during effect. Intervals are in fact relevant for models since this will keep thier metabolism high for a long period of time which means they don't have to starve themselves just to stay slim

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Partial squats are never good.


They neglect the hips and hamstrings.


When an athlete stops above parallel


His knee joints are forced to halt the


Downward momentum.


But once the athlete goes below parallel


that stress is transferred to the more


Powerful groups in the hips, hamstrings,


And adductors.


Full squats keep all these muscle groups


Proportionately strong.


Bill Starr


Strength Coach


John Hopkins University


Sept. 1997

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Yup, long cardio are advisable sa mga models na kelangang maintain ang figure nila.


Kelangan yung 6 times a day na small meals. Ang laking bagay sa kin non.


Dati I eat 8 slices of bread, pero twice a day ang nangyari tumataba ako.


Ngayon same bread, 10 slices pa nga pero every 2hours ang kain ko, my abs pa ren me....


This is incorrect....and why so many local models look pathetic, aka "skinny fat girls" = thin but 30% bodyfat. Strength training, short bursts of cardio, and small frequent meals are the key to being toned/strong and lean.


This applies equally for the guys. I've never in my life seen a distance runner who could pose for Bench.

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Am sorry, but short bursts of cardio does not work for me. I do need long cardio but low intensity. I still do my resistance training.


According sa pinching test done to me, I have about 10-15% body fat.


If you dont believe me, look at my pics.


Wat works on you does not mean it would work on me, vice versa. Im simply sharing wat am doing. Im not telling them to do it and they would get the same result.





Again, I train hundreds of people, so if what works on them doesn't work on you, then you must be either a genetic anomaly, or you are doing something wrong.


You are not 10-15%....get someone competent to do a skin-fold test on you. You'd be lucky to be 8%. I'd guess 7%. Water retention is why some trainers might think you are 10-15%.


If you do loooooong cardio, you'll be stuck benching and squatting the same weights forever and at the same lean body mass. That might be fine for you, but it's totally unacceptable to my clients, many who are current or aspiring models. If we didn't adapt accordingly, we'd go out of business.

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and on a side not,


Andrean, with all due respect to you, if you remember our talks, you remember that I told you you'll be better off not listening to SQ as I have yet to meet any of her proteges that really know thier stuff. Mr Callanta on the other hand, is quite good.


Besides, being an engineer is irrelevant to having knowledge in training, I'm a Filipino studies major by degree and a research analyst by profession, I guess you just haven't been able to update your training knowledge as of late....


As I always tell many people, training is so simple, people just tend to complicate it

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There really is a conflict of methodology here... the fitness world is sometimes worse than the arguments about the law due to the multitude of variables that have to be considered whether perceived or real... To shed a little bit more light on the argument, id like to share my thoughts..


Mr Ecclipseguy is out to rectify the old traditional habits that has left the fitness industry in the stone ages... funny thing is that the same new principles that he follows comes out of the stone ages as well since a lot of them are old fitness routines from olympic teams from the USSR or old time teachers such as Vince Girodina (did i get the spelling right?) Point of the matter is what Mr. Eclipseguy fails to recognize i believe is the psychological variables that also take part in fitness. Some people are just not psychologically built to take on the stress that strength training dishes out... Yes, it might be the best... yes it might be the most scientifical;ly sound thing to do... but at the end of the day if the client thinks that its too much work for the gains or if the client is not capable of taking on the physical and mental pain necessary for growth or if the client feels that he or she is already happy with what they have and just want to maintain, then no matter what scientific doodah you might have, no amount of convincing can convince the client...


Then ofcourse there are people like me who like to push the limit every single time i work out.. The reason i do this is for vanity and value for money... Holy crap guys, i pay a s@%t load of money to go to the gym and if i don't see any gains or if i don't even progress more than the average person, then its money lost. I like pain... I actually love it sometimes... Every year i have to do something stupid to put my life on the line... its just the type of person i am. I use the principles that are taught here by Mr. Ecclipseguy and Olympus because i feel that they fit my personality... I'd like to think that im not mayabang but some people think that you are whenever you seem like you're going above yer limit... but that is what progress IS ALL ABOUT... to constantly surpass your limits... every single time...


Lesson here really is that people should not be judgemental. Also its true that what works for one person may not work with another because of all the other variables that have to be taken into consideration. At the end of the day its about the gains and whether or not you're happy with yerself.. kung masaya ka na sa ginagawa mo, then share it with us so that kaming nmga hindi pa masaya can try it out and see if it works for us... live and let live guys...

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one thing i learned... its good to read or learn from people with experience, they are there to guide you out.... but i would have to agree that having the arnold scwwat-however-you-spell-his-name workout routine doesnt mean that ull be getting the same results as he is... learn to see how your workout would work for you...


just my 2 cents

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