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Build A Model Body!

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and on a side not,


Andrean, with all due respect to you, if you remember our talks, you remember that I told you you'll be better off not listening to SQ as I have yet to meet any of her proteges that really know thier stuff. Mr Callanta on the other hand, is quite good.


Besides, being an engineer is irrelevant to having knowledge in training, I'm a Filipino studies major by degree and a research analyst by profession, I guess you just haven't been able to update your training knowledge as of late....


As I always tell many people, training is so simple, people just tend to complicate it

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There really is a conflict of methodology here... the fitness world is sometimes worse than the arguments about the law due to the multitude of variables that have to be considered whether perceived or real... To shed a little bit more light on the argument, id like to share my thoughts..


Mr Ecclipseguy is out to rectify the old traditional habits that has left the fitness industry in the stone ages... funny thing is that the same new principles that he follows comes out of the stone ages as well since a lot of them are old fitness routines from olympic teams from the USSR or old time teachers such as Vince Girodina (did i get the spelling right?) Point of the matter is what Mr. Eclipseguy fails to recognize i believe is the psychological variables that also take part in fitness. Some people are just not psychologically built to take on the stress that strength training dishes out... Yes, it might be the best... yes it might be the most scientifical;ly sound thing to do... but at the end of the day if the client thinks that its too much work for the gains or if the client is not capable of taking on the physical and mental pain necessary for growth or if the client feels that he or she is already happy with what they have and just want to maintain, then no matter what scientific doodah you might have, no amount of convincing can convince the client...


Then ofcourse there are people like me who like to push the limit every single time i work out.. The reason i do this is for vanity and value for money... Holy crap guys, i pay a s@%t load of money to go to the gym and if i don't see any gains or if i don't even progress more than the average person, then its money lost. I like pain... I actually love it sometimes... Every year i have to do something stupid to put my life on the line... its just the type of person i am. I use the principles that are taught here by Mr. Ecclipseguy and Olympus because i feel that they fit my personality... I'd like to think that im not mayabang but some people think that you are whenever you seem like you're going above yer limit... but that is what progress IS ALL ABOUT... to constantly surpass your limits... every single time...


Lesson here really is that people should not be judgemental. Also its true that what works for one person may not work with another because of all the other variables that have to be taken into consideration. At the end of the day its about the gains and whether or not you're happy with yerself.. kung masaya ka na sa ginagawa mo, then share it with us so that kaming nmga hindi pa masaya can try it out and see if it works for us... live and let live guys...

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one thing i learned... its good to read or learn from people with experience, they are there to guide you out.... but i would have to agree that having the arnold scwwat-however-you-spell-his-name workout routine doesnt mean that ull be getting the same results as he is... learn to see how your workout would work for you...


just my 2 cents

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Insulting some1 who shares his experience in order to help others is called arrogance.


Acting like you know everything is arrogance.


Talking like you have all the answer is arrogance.

Whats the point of having a forum if I share something good then someone would insult me personally?


Calling me a genetic anomally? Its the same as calling our family a genetic anomally?

Insulting the recomended methodology of respected UP profs and bodybuildiers?

Im always open to contradiction, not insulting.



To be called a genetic anomaly is not calling you a freak or a weird-o.....it just means that you have uncommon genetic traits if your response is not typical. A guy who is 6'10" is also a genetic anomaly with respect to his height. I am blood type AB negative. That makes my blood type a genetic anomaly since it is so very rare.


In other words, CALM DOWN. I was not insulting you.


I speak in general terms with respect what I commonly see on a DAILY basis. To say that I know everything is absurd, and I've never stated such a claim. I learn something new each day on the gym floor...especially from working with young and old clients. Guys in their mid 20's to late 30's are too common and I learn little from coaching them.


You are correct in that you are 20 years old and have probably not trained under anyone with anything other than a rudimentary fitness education and experience. I am the way I am because I trained with some of the greatest strength athletes in the world and still do so today. Would you believe that I'm training a woman who ranks #5 in the world in the deadlift at a young age of 25, a man who ranks #9 in the world in deadlift at the age of 29, and work with another who ranks #3 in the world in bench press at age 28? All of these individuals are Filipino by birth and are the youngest lifters in their respective weight class.


I was not born with this knowledge, but I have paid my dues both in the gym for 16 years as well as have surround myself with exceptional people. It's called experience.


Hanging out with the AFPP (with Dr. Callanta being the only exception) and its chronies will not make you a guru. In our circles, it makes you a laughing stock if that's to what you cling. The AFPP is the left hand of ACE, which is a pathetic mail-order certification course to make you a "personal trainer". I do not recognize ACE or AFPP as legitimate fitness certification programs. As much as I don't like Slimmers World, they do not either, so at least in that respect, they and I agree.


Please recognize that the AFPP and ACE exist to sell NON-FUNCTIONAL MACHINES SUCH AS NAUTILUS. Non-functional machines, for those who don't know, are machines that do not produce functional bodily strength.


All I'm telling you is that you are young, have quite a bit of FORMAL schooling, but have VERY LITTLE education in the field of fitness, especially related to the topic at hand. When I was your age, I looked for people like myself who could teach me something. When they rebuked me, I took it as a learning experience. Even though I preach strength training, doing sets of 1-5 reps is suprisingly easy for 90% of the general population. It even allows elderly people to gain full mobility when they had otherwise given up. Long cardio is usually what causes injury and disability, while the longest-lived and healty individuals are those who do frequent physical training or labor.


But if you don't like the way I'm trying to teach you to open your eyes to knowledge through trial and error, all I can say to you about what I said earlier is (and is all too common here):


The truth hurts. If you can't handle the pressures of debate and make everything personal, why post at all?

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Gee, and I thought I could leave y'all alone without fighting amongst each other.


Dyou really want me to go ahead and close this thread? I sure dont want to because this is one of my daily reads...


Please do try to get along.




I didn't expect the guy to take it so personally. If I was him I'd use examples of my personal experiments to support my stance instead of getting mad.

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There really is a conflict of methodology here... the fitness world is sometimes worse than the arguments about the law due to the multitude of variables that have to be considered whether perceived or real... To shed a little bit more light on the argument, id like to share my thoughts..


Mr Ecclipseguy is out to rectify the old traditional habits that has left the fitness industry in the stone ages... funny thing is that the same new principles that he follows comes out of the stone ages as well since a lot of them are old fitness routines from olympic teams from the USSR or old time teachers such as Vince Girodina (did i get the spelling right?)  Point of the matter is what Mr. Eclipseguy fails to recognize i believe is the psychological variables that also take part in fitness.  Some people are just not psychologically built to take on the stress that strength training dishes out...  Yes, it might be the best... yes it might be the most scientifical;ly sound thing to do... but at the end of the day if the client thinks that its too much work for the gains or if the client is not capable of taking on the physical and mental pain necessary for growth or if the client feels that he or she is already happy with what they have and just want to maintain, then no matter what scientific doodah you might have, no amount of convincing can convince the client...


Then ofcourse there are people like me who like to push the limit every single time i work out.. The reason i do this is for vanity and value for money... Holy crap guys, i pay a s@%t load of money to go to the gym and if i don't see any gains or if i don't even progress more than the average person, then its money lost.  I like pain... I actually love it sometimes... Every year i have to do something stupid to put my life on the line... its just the type of person i am.  I use the principles that are taught here by Mr. Ecclipseguy and Olympus because i feel that they fit my personality...  I'd like to think that im not mayabang but some people think that you are whenever you seem like you're going above yer limit... but that is what progress IS ALL ABOUT... to constantly surpass your limits... every single time...


Lesson here really is that people should not be judgemental.  Also its true that what works for one person may not work with another because of all the other variables that have to be taken into consideration.  At the end of the day its about the gains and whether or not you're happy with yerself.. kung masaya ka na sa ginagawa mo, then share it with us so that kaming nmga hindi pa masaya can try it out and see if it works for us... live and let live guys...


Part of the psychological problem is perception. If I train a client using a power/strength progression and call it "fitness" he/she'll love it since it's easier than a standard "3 sets of 10" and the results are immediate. If I say the word "hardcore" at any time during his/her training, he/she will turn green as if he/she will vomit and start to tremble, even if their routine is far easier than what they were doing before and their results were very significant with the less/simplified effort.


All "hardcore" means is "serious training" or "results condusive training".


I'm lazy and I want my results with minimal effort. I love my workouts to be 15 total sets or less, with reps ranging between 36-75 total reps per workout. To end it up, I want my cardio (if any) to be 15 minutes or less. Again, I'm lazy...but I can still run a 5K if I need to do so. It's called work smarter, not harder. Any "fitness" person would say that I'm not working enough, yet my level of preparedness is so very high.


The reason is that most people are very over-trained. Get in, get out, and get on with your life....that is, unless you like to hang around and socialize :D . That's one of the reasons why, even though I probably could just sit on the beach in Boracay for the rest of my life if I wanted to do so, I chose to get highly involved in this industry.


If people get hurt by what I say, then I extend to them my white flag since it's not meant to be personal. To be rebuked is part of life. I'll gladly take a rebuke if I can learn and improve from it. Olympus knows this as I exchange jabs with the Men's Health CSCS (and a member of our staff) on a regular basis B)

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[quote name=Eclipseguy' date='Jun 19 2006, 02:23 PM


If people get hurt by what I say, then I extend to them my white flag since it's not meant to be personal. To be rebuked is part of life. I'll gladly take a rebuke if I can learn and improve from it. Olympus knows this as I exchange jabs with the Men's Health CSCS (and a member of our staff) on a regular basis B)



Thank you Eclipseguy... :) Words from a gentleman indeed.


I hope we can put this behind now?




I went back to the gym today after a hiatus of a couple of weeks. Simply put, sweat is good! :boo:


Im hyped up! :thumbsupsmiley:

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Ei Eclipseguy.


Bro, I'm all for working smarter... but you have to understand that what you're trying to do is a paradigm shift in fitness ideologies. Yes you yourself is a testament to your practice. Yes I agree that your concepts are scientifically sound. and yes you may have trained a lot of would be models and fitness athletes with a greater degree of success than a lot of the other old time trainers etc... But change is something that has to come with growing pains... Perception is key and if you're out to try to change that then you're in for a s@%t load of trouble..


Based on your posts, i think you're quite prepared though so I think it will be an interesting read if you could keep us posted on this... I guess what im asking you here is for you to be patient with us and be sensitive with your wordings...


hehehehehehehhehe... i know what you might be thinking... bunch of pansies we are... a bit, but thats really the price that we have to pay for having a forum...


I completely applaude you for efforts though and if your gym were closer, i would love to go and work out there instead... oh well, world aint perfect...

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Why would I believe someone who keeps on criticizing other people recklessly????


How could you call your self a professional if you cant act like one????


With all due respect, Id would want to be the laughing stock of the industry rather than be acquainted with someone like you.


Mas maganda na ako yung sinisiraan kesa ako yung naninira. Let the people be the judge.

You know what, the reason why Dnk Gym lost its old members is because they hired a manager who talks like you. The only reason they are not closing is because they have Korean customers who does not understand what the manager says.


andrean enough already please?


I believe an apology was already given out.


Can we please put this behind us?


Or are you gunning for thread closure?

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andrean enough already please?


I believe an apology was already given out.


Can we please put this behind us?


Or are you gunning for thread closure?


anyway... we have to recognize here that andrean is hurt? doesn't he have the right to express how he feels? i believe that it's not his intention to start a fight or something like that... closing the thread for grounds like this is too shallow...i think, with all due respect, ms. wyld. i guess that it is a need for us to hear each other out and give ourselves reasonable limits to express ourselves and i think for this case, andrean hasn't gone overboard... and i would like to commend mr eclipse guy to express his side... such a noble thing to do...


peace... :thumbsupsmiley:


addition to previous post:


PS (added a few minutes later) ... kungsbagay... after giving a thought.. ms wyld got a point , we cld use our PM functions if we want to share our grudges against each other... so i suggest na lang sa atin that if we want to say something personal to a person... gamitin na lang natin yung PM functions na 'tin...

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i think, with all due respect, ms. wyld. i guess that it is a need for us to hear each other out and give ourselves reasonable limits to express ourselves and i think for this case, andrean hasn't gone overboard... and i would like to commend mr eclipse guy to express his side... such a noble thing to do...


PS (added a few minutes later) ... kungsbagay... after giving a thought.. ms wyld got a point , we cld use our PM functions if we want to share our grudges against each other... so i suggest na lang sa atin that if we want to say something personal to a person... gamitin na lang natin yung PM functions na 'tin...


Thing is, if I let one person air his side, and the other person air his... it wont ever end.


Thats what were here for (Mods)... to nip arguments in the bud while we can.. and hopefully maintain peace in the threads.


I hope you dont mind that I did what I did. :)


Now.. can we move on please?



Edited by Wyld
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so moving on..... :boo:


Anong workout regimen mo pag gusto mo maging Versace Runaway model.....di naman sila muscular...most of the time superslim pero malacuts ang kanilang katawan lalo na dun sa pelvic area yung v bone nila napakaprominent.....tapos yung iba malaugat sa tiyan at sa forearms


Anong dapat gawin para maging kasing katawan nila?

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Part of the problem of perception to who is doing something right and who is doing something is that they need to know the truth about the state of the industry. Just because a gym has 3-10 branches doesn't mean that they are making money. In fact, most of these gyms are losing money. In big business, it's normal to lose money (meaning paying more overhead than dues coming in) while establishing your name.


The problem here in the Philippines, however, is that gym memberships are not growing at the same rate as expansion, and it's pretty obvious which ones are facing this situation. When you have a gym in a mainstream mall and you only have 50 people working out from 5-10 on a Monday night, you are in serious trouble as a business when your rent ALONE is Php1,000,000 per month. Then you have electric at Php200,000, wages for support staff at Php100,000 per month, aerobics instructors at P100,000 (at least), taxes that eat up 12% via VAT and then corporate taxes and permits/fees that can eat up another 30% of your gross.


Bankruptcy anyone?


Even though I'm outrageous and people get angry with me sometimes, even if I didn't mean it in a personal way, most of the lurkers to threads like these become curious since they EXPECT people to be passionate about their trade. My job is to be outrageous, and for all of those who hate me, there are 10 more who pump their fist in the air in appreciation for someone who is taking on an industry that took their Php30,000 and gave them nothing in return. They were upset but didn't have enough experience and knowledge of the inner-workings of the industry to stand up and speak out. Remember when Samuel L. Jackson's character in Unbreakable kicked the customer out of his store for wanting to buy a cartoon cell for his baby son? We are no different when we see what we love very dearly bastardized by big business. And Olympus can attest to the fact that people at our gym are just very passionate about their results and training. In fact, most of our members do not even live near our gym. We have at least 6 who work at the ABS-CBN building (that houses Fitness First and Fitness Advantage) yet they drive all the way to Malate to be trained by us.


The point is that it's about time that people be held accountable for their actions and everyone should start looking for and expecting actual results instead of being patronized by a slick-talking salesman who has never worked out a day in his life.


To build a model body is to surround yourself with coaches and trainers who have spent the thousands of hours both training and researching what works. And again adrean48, I apologize for hurting your feelings. Again, you misunderstood my context. While you can't make an omlette without breaking some eggs, I'm not out to alienate the people who care. If you care this much to get this upset, at least you have the proper passion for achieving your goals.

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In fact, most of our members do not even live near our gym.  We have at least 6 who work at the ABS-CBN building (that houses Fitness First and Fitness Advantage) yet they drive all the way to Malate to be trained by us.

E bat nung pumunta ako sa Malate Branch ninyo dalawa lang ang tao. Isang lalaki at isang babae. Tatlong beses na ako dumaan duon. Mantakin mo, peak hours yun at weekdays pa nung pumunta ako. Sabi nung mama duon may soft opening na daw sa La Salle at may nagbubuhat na daw duon. Ako naman si Tanga pumunta ng La Salle. Abay pano ka makakapagbuhat duon e under construction pa kayo. Nasa 2nd floor ang gym pero yung info booth ninyo nasa lobby sa ground floor. Walang tumatao.


Bago mo sana pintasan ang ibang mga gym sana naman siguraduhin mong di ka sasablay. Napakaunethical ng ginagawa mo. Pinipintasan mo ang ibang gym. OK fine pero nung pinopromote mo naman ang gym nyo, biglang pumangit ang dating. Hindi lang isang beses mo ginagawa yan at hindi lang isang gym ang tinitira mo. Parang lumalabas hinahatak mo sila pababa para ikaw ang umangat. Yan ba ang paraan mo ng pagnenegosyo? Isa pa, napakacrowded ng gym nyo sa Malate. Hindi crowded kasi maraming tao ha. Crowded kasi ang liit liit na nga nung lugar pinuno nyo pa ng malalapad na treadmills. May weights section nga kayo, e mas malaki pa yung hardcore section dito sa binubuhatan ko sa may palengke. Adios!

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E bat nung pumunta ako sa Malate Branch ninyo dalawa lang ang tao. Isang lalaki at isang babae.  Tatlong beses na ako dumaan duon.  Mantakin mo, peak hours yun at weekdays pa nung pumunta ako.  Sabi nung mama duon may soft opening na daw sa La Salle at may nagbubuhat na daw duon.  Ako naman si Tanga pumunta ng La Salle.  Abay pano ka makakapagbuhat duon e under construction pa kayo.  Nasa 2nd floor ang gym pero yung info booth ninyo nasa lobby sa ground floor.  Walang tumatao.


Bago mo sana pintasan ang ibang mga gym sana naman siguraduhin mong di ka sasablay.  Napakaunethical ng ginagawa mo.  Pinipintasan mo ang ibang gym.  OK fine pero nung pinopromote mo naman ang gym nyo, biglang pumangit ang dating.  Hindi lang isang beses mo ginagawa yan at hindi lang isang gym ang tinitira mo.  Parang lumalabas hinahatak mo sila pababa para ikaw ang umangat.  Yan ba ang paraan mo ng pagnenegosyo?  Isa pa, napakacrowded ng gym nyo sa Malate.  Hindi crowded kasi maraming tao ha.  Crowded kasi ang liit liit na nga nung lugar pinuno nyo pa ng malalapad na treadmills. May weights section nga kayo, e mas malaki pa yung hardcore section dito sa binubuhatan ko sa may palengke.  Adios!



Can I ask you something? Have you ever been to other gyms? Everyone puts their treadmills side-by-side. Ours are so wide in the usage area that we've never had a complaint about their proximity to one-another. The people who have made comments such as these have never been a gym member before, based on our past experience. I don't know if you were or not, but this fits the profile of someone we've experienced. Since last week we've moved a bunch of cardio pieces over to EGI so the "crowding" at the main branch is not as it was last week.


Besides...last time I checked it's better to have too much equipment than not enough. :thumbsupsmiley:


Also, EGI was built based on surveys of students at LaSalle and CSB who go to gyms already. Also, we had to "soft open" because quite a few students wanted to use the weights, even if the lockers were not ready. As far as I'm concerned, I consider this to be going above and beyond our members' expectations if we let them use the facilities at that stage, even if we are technically not ready. This is the whole purpose of the context of "service".


Also, with respect to ethics for many, the truth hurts. Eclipse is no nonsense and we tell it like it is. Most people who want results expect to be told what to do, i.e. motivated. When I was a consumer before I was a director, I loved it when someone in my position spoke their mind and didn't pull any punches. I don't know anyone alive who wouldn't appreciate it if a CEO stuck their neck out, for better or for worse. I am not trying to win a popularity contest. I'm trying to demonstrate that if you care about this industry, you should do what it takes to get the word out, even if you piss off some people along the way.


The vast majority appreciate the effort, for better or worse. I have always challenged other gym managers to get out of their air-conditioned offices hidden in the back of the facility and get their hands "dirty" with the rest of us. Where are they? If they don't like what I'm saying, maybe they'd do something to fix their faults.


Believe it or not, Eclipse NEEDS Fitness First, Gold's, Slimmers World, etc. But we need them to fix their broken systems first.

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And for those who call me "unethical", I'll say this:


I am a lifetime member of Slimmers World. I cannot train there due to lack of proper equipment and their hours stink on the weekend.


I'm a platinum member of Golds, with 6 months left on my membership. As before, they lack proper (and inexpensive) equipment that was requested by many other members...like 2.5lb plates. They also made me very angry on many other occasions and they were the "last straw" before I got so upset that my investors and I formed Eclipse.


Finally I was a member of Fitness First. They overbilled me for many months and tried to refuse to give me a refund, even when I produced a termination letter in writing. I had to escalate it to the regional director to get it fixed. It has been over a month and they have still not refunded my credit card. I really didn't like Fitness First as a member. Everyone there used to ask me for training advice, yet would get mad at me when I said that they couldn't get significant results on FF equipment. I only worked out there because my girlfriend who lived in Acropolis talked me into moving to Eastwood and FF was the only gym at the time.


So for all those who say I'm being "unethical", walk in my shoes as a former VERY dissatisfied member of these 3 gyms. Again, it was their actions that got me so fired up and angry. I learned at a young age that if I see a problem and I do nothing to fix it, then I AM THE PROBLEM.


I intend to fix it so that others can avoid the frustration I've felt.

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Edited by Wyld
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Purely back to the topic at hand:


If you are trying to gain size and strength, you MUST eat 5-6 meals per day, striving to gain 1-2 lbs of weight per week. If you do not gain at least 1lb per week on average, you need to eat more. You cannot expect to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. While it’s possible, you should instead focus on getting as big and strong as possible. Remember that you don’t see models or actors who are well-built during the off-season when they tend to gain fat while trying to gain muscle. You only see them during their photo shoots after they’ve spent 6 months bulking then dieting/cutting to reveal six-pack abs and chiseled chest, shoulders, and legs. If your shirt or jeans aren’t getting tighter or the scale is not increasing, or especially you are not breaking personal records in the gym, you need to be eating more. When I began training I was the skinniest guy in the gym at 5’10" and 115lbs. I bulked up to as high as 210lbs until dieting down to my photoshoot-ready weight of about 175lbs with 6% bodyfat. This gives a measurement of 29" waist and 42" chest. My current off-season weight is about 185-190lbs. The point is that when I want to get bigger or stronger, I have learned that gaining a few extra pounds of fat is to be expected and helps keep you injury free.


Also, there's no such thing as a guy who can squat 315lbs who doesn't have a killer 8 pack when lean. Such an individual just doesn't exist. The added bonus, is that ladies love the quads and butt that comes from a guy who can squat 315. This, I can guarantee :hypocritesmiley:

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