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Computer Troubleshooting And Repair

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p4 256ram nd 128 vcard. wla nmn cya brontok eh. kc ung brontok ang alam ko n virus n kinakain ung memory ng comp... ndali n me b4 nun sobrang bagal ng pc ko gnmitan ko ng nod32 ntanggal. wat pb mga virus n kumakain ng memory?


marami kumakain ng memory and processing cycles. virus, malwares, and even trojans. the fact that they try to spread to other computers rapdily and exponentially adds to processing cycles and memory as well as replicating several times within your own comp. usually di lang isang copy nung program ang kailangan mo idelete from your comp pag na trace mo yung isang virus for deletion, marami. i do a combination of running antivirus/malware apps and manually running diagnostic apps and looking at processes and yung network monitors and logs. matrabaho magbura believe me. my inlaws comp was hit by a trojan. everytime theyd turn it on or run a trojan file that masked itself as a system file (duplicate folder kuno), itd replicate through all the other folder under its branches. isa-isa kung binura yun. i had to manually inspect 300 plus folders. plus delete the originating file. bwisit.


anyhoo pare your prob could be vir/mal/tro. although yung mem mo pare medyo bitin. 256? bumili ka na kahit 1gig. the card seems okay. hard disk is another problem. baka mamaya disk related. eliminate the software possibilities first. do maintenance. tapos pag di pa rin. try the virus route. pag di pa din. hardware.

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I have a problem..


recently i have downloaded a full length movie but media player only recognizes 24 secs of it... codec check with video inspector reveals that all necessary codecs have been installed... what seems to be the problem on why media player won't recognize the whole length of the movie??


i have downloaded vlc player and it seems to correct the situation. What seems to be the problem with media player???


My other problem is i want to convert the video into dvd format and nero vision won't recognize the whole length of the file. convertxtodvd has converted the video but with no sound .. what other options do i have to convert the video complete with sounds???


what other converter can you suggest....???


please help ..

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I have a problem..


recently i have downloaded a full length movie but media player only recognizes 24 secs of it... codec check with video inspector reveals that all necessary codecs have been installed... what seems to be the problem on why media player won't recognize the whole length of the movie??


i have downloaded vlc player and it seems to correct the situation. What seems to be the problem with media player???


My other problem is i want to convert the video into dvd format and nero vision won't recognize the whole length of the file. convertxtodvd has converted the video but with no sound .. what other options do i have to convert the video complete with sounds???


what other converter can you suggest....???


please help ..


media player have a lot of problem with third party codec so I suggest not to use the media player playing movies that are not supported media player..installing codec might work but it will still give you some trouble..


convertion to dvd depends on the recording of the file...if the file was from an analog device u should play it with ur dvd player on analog mode...playing it on digital mode will not give you any sound.. for the original recording is analog...

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MTC bros. Off topic ito, cant find the right topic forum. i would like to set up a microphone set/ sound system using the PC to capture audio/sound files and record of meeting, hearings and conference for a small group of people like 11 persons. pls PM me for details. thank you.

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