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Linux Anybody?

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i want to convert to Linux and all those open source software .


I have an MSACCESS database program and I want to move away from this too. What is the best front end software and back end dataabase that I can use (both free also) that runs best on Linux?


Any ideas masters? :D


im currently using FreeSpire and its really amazing. XP ang dating.

Edited by SonBorj
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use phpmyadmin for frontend and mysql for backend.


i'll add to my questions. please bear with me.


1. phpmyadmin is Web based right?

2. What's your take on OpenOffice Base as front-end then MySQL or Postgre as back-end?

3. Have you successfully installed MySQL Administrator on Freespire/Ubuntu? Or any distro

4. I'm having problems running wine. I tried it to install mirc631.exe and I turned on debugmode , it seems to stop . SHOULD I BOTHER INSTALLING USING WINE? or just plain CNR would do the trick?

5. What distro is good for database programs?

Edited by SonBorj
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i'll add to my questions. please bear with me.


1. phpmyadmin is Web based right?

2. What's your take on OpenOffice Base as front-end then MySQL or Postgre as back-end?

3. Have you successfully installed MySQL Administrator on Freespire/Ubuntu? Or any distro

4. I'm having problems running wine. I tried it to install mirc631.exe and I turned on debugmode , it seems to stop . SHOULD I BOTHER INSTALLING USING WINE? or just plain CNR would do the trick?

5. What distro is good for database programs?


1. yup. phpmyadmin is web based. though mysql enables you to do the querying via shell. phpmyadmin is your gui behind the console =)

2. mysql and postgres almost has a similar functionality as an rdbms for linux or unix but mysql is the usual tandem for PHP (which most likely would be your front-end)

3. well for me, i don't know much about freespire/et.al but been using php/mysql for web-based application for almost 5 years now. tried it in rh,fc,cent0s,freebsd and openbsd unix.

4. you were trying to install wine for what? just for the sake of connecting to an irc server? i suggest u use x-chat (if u want a gui based irc client) or bitchX (if you want a console based irc client). hopefully that would do fine.

5. for proprietary db's like oracle, usually it comes with a package. u can either use AIX unix by IBM or solaris by Sunmicro. for MySQL fedora core, centos would do. for unix-like os, try freebsd.. good for application servers. yahoo runs it. google has it =)



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guys tanong, meron bang gui addon para magmukhang MS XP and/or OSX ang ubuntu?


sabi nung mga users ko, mahirap daw kasi sanay sila sa M$, ay naku hirap mag migrate ng mga taong nasanay sa M$.


what is the status of freespire? di ba kinasuahan yan ng M$ kasi pirated daw?


yung wintuxu is a xp with linux look alike gui.


ano balita sa testing ng ubuntu 7.10?


ano bang wine compatible 3-D graphical application?

Edited by Ryuji_tanaka
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1. yup. phpmyadmin is web based. though mysql enables you to do the querying via shell. phpmyadmin is your gui behind the console =)

2. mysql and postgres almost has a similar functionality as an rdbms for linux or unix but mysql is the usual tandem for PHP (which most likely would be your front-end)

3. well for me, i don't know much about freespire/et.al but been using php/mysql for web-based application for almost 5 years now. tried it in rh,fc,cent0s,freebsd and openbsd unix.

4. you were trying to install wine for what? just for the sake of connecting to an irc server? i suggest u use x-chat (if u want a gui based irc client) or bitchX (if you want a console based irc client). hopefully that would do fine.

5. for proprietary db's like oracle, usually it comes with a package. u can either use AIX unix by IBM or solaris by Sunmicro. for MySQL fedora core, centos would do. for unix-like os, try freebsd.. good for application servers. yahoo runs it. google has it =)




gee thanks sir :)


regarding wine, i wanna try to run it if it can really install win32 programs out of the box. so far, i haven't installed anything using wine. all cnr.

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Has anyone installed/upgraded to Ubuntu 7.10? Successful installation ba?


Sinusubukan ko mag-install, pero sa download pa lang may problema na, at ayaw mag-install ng maayos. Maraming lumalabas na "problem installing file xxxxxxx, please report this problem" na pop-ups.



my upgrade was a success, i started the upgrade before leaving the office. the next day i was prompted to make some adjustments in my apt sources , i just followed the recommendation. and finally, the wizard asked if i want to delete some files/libraries that gutsy gibbon will not use or supported. I decided to leave the files inside my machine, just to play safe.

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