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Posts posted by RED2018

  1. Don't lose face because of Facebook

    BUSINESS MATTERS (BEYOND THE BOTTOM LINE) By Francis J. Kong (The Philippine Star) Updated December 19, 2009 12:00 AM



    I am in Facebook. Have been for a long time.

    I’ve got people inviting me to be their friends in Facebook everyday.

    The only problem is that my five thousand “friends” capacity is full. And so I opened a fan page so I can stay connected with others who want to connect with me too.

    Facebook is phenomenal. I was able to locate a long lost college buddy and through it I was able to locate some friends from my high school days.

    Talk about the phenomenon of social network marketing these days. Facebook will definitely qualify as one of the most successful avenues these days.

    Social media has become the latest networking technique, marketers know how to use it as their tool for the latest branding strategy and then of course job  seekers use social media today as a tool for their untiring job searches.

    People all over the world see what you post on your social media page and then there are the intelligent people who do stupid things with it, which I will explain in a moment. Some people are just doing their Facebook the entire day instead of doing their job. And then they wonder why their employment contract does not get renewed. Others do stranger things with it.

    I got an invitation from someone I shall leave unnamed. When I clicked on to her site I saw the picture of a pretty young girl raising up her middle finger and sticking her tongue out mimicking the antics of a rock star. I read some things she wrote and I know she’s smart. Her thoughts were very provocative. Some of the words used are unprintable.

    You know what makes her dumb? She doesn’t realize that one day she will be looking for a job. And some recruiter or HR assistant will check on her page and see the same picture, read her thoughts and gasp at the language she used. Social media will become her pitfall because social media are also fast becoming the latest way for people to find out job offers have been rescinded, to get  them reprimanded at work and even to get fired.

    Many people are still clueless. They come out with statements like:

    “I hate my job!”

    “My boss is a jerk.”

    “My boss is from hell.”

    “My job sucks!”

    “I hate my officemates.”

    “They never pay me enough.”

    “The moment I get a new job I will be leaving them for good!”

    People who come out with these statements on their Facebook do not realize that employers are now increasing their online presence, logging into the same site using it for their recruitment and branding strategies, so they are more  liable to catch these terrible comments.

    Want to get fired? Just put on comments like:

    “I hate my job!” “I want to tell my bosses how dumb they are and how meaningless this job is, then quit, and be happy!”

    “This job sucks worse than the economy!”

    Don’t get yourself fired because of Facebook.

    Don’t do dumb things when you are smart.

    Facebook is good and it has its own advantages. But you should not lose face because of Facebook. The Bible is still right after all isn’t it? Jesus says: “Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” And that is what you put on  Facebook.

  2. Best Covers/Revivals Worst Covers/Revivals

    1. All Along the Watchtower Jimi Hendrix 1. Behind Blue Eyes Limp Bizkit

    2. Respect Aretha Franklin 2. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds William Shatner

    3. Crossroads Cream 3. Feel Like Making Love Kid Rock

    4. With A Little Help From My Friends Joe Cocker 4. American Pie Madonna

    5. Mr. Tambourine Man The Byrds 5. Stairway To Heaven Dolly Parton

    6. Hound Dog Elvis Presley 6. September Gurls Bangles

    7. You Shook Me Led Zeppelin 7. Dock Of The Bay Michael Bolton

    8. Hallelujah Jeff Buckley 8. Sweet Child O' Mine Sheryl Crow

    9. Hurt Johnny Cash 9. My Generation Hillary Duff

    10. Statesboro Blues The Allman Brothers 10. Ilove rock and roll Britney Spears

  3. Fortunato 'Atoy' Co - Fortune Cookie


    Alvin Patrimonio - The Captain


    Nelson Asaytono - The Bull


    Philip Cezar- Tapal King; Mr. Stretch


    Willy Generalao- the General; Wily Willy


    Hector Calma- The Director

  4. Most vitamins sold are not food--they are synthetically processed petroleum and/or hydrogenated sugar extracts--even if they say “natural” on the label. They are not in the same chemical form or structural form as real vitamins are in foods; thus they are not natural for the human body. True natural food vitamins are superior to synthetic ones. Food vitamins are functionally superior to non-food vitamins as they tend to be preferentially absorbed and/or retained by the body. Isolated, non-food vitamins, even when not chemically different are only fractionated nutrients.


    The truth is that only foods, or supplements composed of 100% foods, can be counted on as not containing non-food vitamin analogues. Natural health advocates are supposed to build health on foods or nutrients contained in foods. That was the standard set for the profession in 1947—that standard—that commitment to real naturopathy should remain for natural health professionals today.


    The most important thing for us to understand is that all real vitamins are complexes made up of dozens (sometimes hundreds) of different ingredients that work together to make you healthier. All these components have to be present for a vitamin to do its job, just like all the watch parts have to be present so you can tell what time it is. These combinations (the real vitamins) can only be found in foods and cannot be made in a laboratory.

  5. Takes away from quality time spent with significant others

    Always having to check your Facebook profile to see who has written on your wall, commented on your photos or commented on your status etc, takes away from time spent with friends and family. I also think that the popular use of Blackberry phones has also assisted in taking away from quality time with real people. For example, when we are out liming with friends at a restaurant having dinner and drinks, it is a natural thing nowadays for people to constantly check their Blackberries to see what is up on Facebook. I think this takes away from the conversations and distracts the person. Come on people, put away the phones. You can check it when you go to the bathroom or something!



    Well this is an obvious one. It is not limited to just Facebook but to all social networking websites. Beware that you may add someone you think is a friend but might turn out to be a stalker of some sort. Just be careful. Don't add people all willy nilly to your profile so that your tally for number of friends can be high.

  6. Smart Gilas off to a good start @ 2010 Jones Cup


    Gilas pounds young Taiwanese

    By Nelson Beltran (The Philippine Star) Updated July 15, 2010 12:00 AM



    HSINCHUANG CITY – Smart Gilas Team Pilipinas cranked up for the tough games ahead with an 83-52 whipping of the Taiwan University All Stars in the opener of the 32nd Williams Jones Cup International Basketball Tournament at the Hsinchuang Gymnasium here yesterday.


    Japeth Aguilar started the game with the first of his five jams and the Nationals easily outplayed their youthful local rivals for the rousing victory priming them up for an acid test against back-to-back Fiba-Asia champion Iran today.


    “It’s a nice win to begin our campaign in this tourney. We have new guys joining the team but we still played good basketball for most of the game. To me, it means we’re ready to compete,” said Smart Gilas coach Rajko Toroman.


    “We have problems with the calls and we need to adjust to it. We’re looking forward to our next games. We look forward to playing Iran tomorrow (today),” Toroman added.


    The Philippines beat Iran the last time they played here in 2007 but the Iranians have since gone on a roll, ruling the last two Asian jousts. Iran topped the Philippines in the 2007 Tokushima Fiba-Asia championship and repeated with a big win in last year’s Asian championship in Tianjin, China.


    Against the TU All-Stars, Smart Gilas naturalization candidate Marcus Douthit came through with a double-double game with 15 points and 14 rebounds as he braced up for his battle with the Iranian giants.


    “We got a good game that should get our confidence up,” said the 6-foot-10 Providence U product. “I’m not too happy with my performance as I could have played harder. I’ll try to come up with a lot more against Iran.”


    Taiwan U coach Liu Chun-Yeh said they lost to a team that played good, aggressive hustling defense.


    Smart Gilas put up a pressing defense most of the way, getting 19 steals which the Nationals translated to significant number of transition baskets.


    Also operating well on half-court offense, the Nationals took control from start to finish for a triumphant start in the tourney serving as part of their buildup for the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China this November.


    Starters Douthit, Aguilar, JV Casio, Chris Tiu and Chris Lutz gave the team early double-digit spreads which the team stretched to as big as 34, 78-44, towards the end.


    Toroman opted to sit out Douthit in the last seven minutes after the Nationals opened a 27-point bulge at 69-42 on a barrage of points from the outside by reserves RJ Jazul, Marcius Lassiter and Dylan Ababou.


    The Nationals played a well-balanced game with Douthit, Lassiter, Aguilar, Ababou, Jazul, Lutz and Mac Baracael all making at least seven points each.

  7. Social networking websites cannot replace your real friendships. You don't really communicate with people online as you communicate with real people whom you can see, hear and touch. However, if you think back and/or ponder, there have been times that real people were not available in your times of need, while online people were there outright or at your beck and call, and support you; and you did communicate with them.

    So, it's not everything wrong about Facebook. However, there are real and perceived perils of ‘Facebooking.’ This is not to discourage anyone in using Facebook, rather give you cautions and information on the ‘tricks’ and ‘trades’ FB can offer. Here are its negative impact:


    1) Facebook is addictive and time consuming

    Okay, so it's not like being addicted to alchol or smoking, but it is a modern addition that has reached the young and old alike all over the world. There are even websites that offer information on 'Facebook Addiction Disorder," all aimed at trying to help you find out if are you suffering from Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD), by asking questions such as: How often do you find that you stay on facebook longer than you intended? How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time on Facebook? How often do you check your email before something else that you need to do?

    The negatives associated with facebook addiction include: a lot of time spent online instead of doing other meaningful activities you might have planned; less time spent on actual verbal and social interaction via person to person contact; and time wasted on reading details about people's lives such as what they ate for lunch, how they are feeling at the moment, etc, instead of doing something perhaps far more rewarding like reading, dating, and the like.


    2) Procrastination

    How many times do you find yourself checking your facebook profile as soon as you get up on a morning before heading to work, then checking as soon as you reach in work to see what your friends may have already posted on their profiles for the morning, or maybe just going online for a second to look a photo of a friend and end up browsing more than 120 photos of what your friend has done over the weekend or on vacation? Let's admit it's fun, and where I come from it is dubbed 'MacoBook,' meaning that it is a website you go to just to find out other people's business. All this time spent on facebook can lead to you procrastinating from doing other tasks at hand such as your job tasks, studying for exams, calling your mom, doing valuable research, or worst of all, the household chores for housewives; That's an easy one to procrastinate from doing.


    3) Privacy issues

    (a) Hackers

    Facebook users are sometimes unaware of the dangers of the internet and issues such as hacking. Users feel obliged to share all the details of their lives down to where they are at, at a particular time. They give out details such as their location, phone numbers, and black berry pins etc. without thinking that somewhere one of the 'friends' you may have added, you don't actually know. Facebook users are at risk as hackers target the site and further noted that users were at risk from malicious hackers targeting the site, as thieves try to capitalize on the trust users place on the service. This can be potentially damaging based on what information you have stored on your 'About me page' or information shared with friends via private messages etc. You should try and refrain from sharing sensitive information such as bank account information and private passwords, your journals and escapades, etc.

    (B) Surveillance and data mining

    As part of a research project on Facebook privacy which was published in 2005, two MIT students were able to download over 70,000 Facebook profiles from four universities using and automated shell script. Furthermore, in May 2008 there was a case where the BBC technology program Click demonstrated that personal details of Facebook users and their friends could be stolen by submitting malicious applications.

    © Problems with completely deleting Facebook accounts

    There is also the issue of completely deleting your Facebook profile/account if you no longer want to be part of the social networking website. It is difficult to completely delete your user account. Previously, Facebook only allowed users to 'deactivate' their accounts which enabled their profile to no longer be visible. However, the problem with this is that any information the user had entered into the website and on their profile remained on the website's servers. However, as of February 2009, Facebook changed its account deletion policies which now allow users to contact the website to request that their accounts be permanently deleted.

    (d) Beacon

    Beacon is part of a marketing initiative that allows websites to publish a user's activities to their Facebook profile as Social Ads and promote products. However, Facebook was criticized for collecting more user information that initially stated would be done. This has now changed where you can select in your Privacy Settings not to share information with Beacon. However, I am not sure how many people are aware of this. I only discovered it after doing research for this article and then proceeded to fiddle around with my privacy settings and changed it so that my information is not shared.


    4) Can cause problems at work

    Many business places have prohibited the use of Facebook during working hours which is as a result of lack of productivity and a lot of time wasted online on non-work related stuff. Time is money and is of essence, after all! Employees have to be careful not to get caught constantly online updating their profile status, checking photos or chatting on Facebook chat, especially in this recession where people are getting fired.


    5) Can lead to Relationship problems

    Drama! That is all part of exposing your life on a social networking website. The pictures with friends who might be ex- boyfriends or girlfriends, messages from admirers, online flirting - it may all seem harmless to you but may have a different effect on your significant other. Several articles and interviews noted that for one particular girl, Facebook was destroying her relationship with her boyfriend which led to her having to delete her profile. The articles further noted that there were not the only one who has had to delete their profile or commit Facebook suicide as it is now being referred to.

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  8. Social networking is everywhere. It is common to find parents, children, coworkers and even the elderly on the networks across the social media world on sites such as Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. With social networks people across the world have access to tools and options that were previously non-existent. However, there are just as many new opportunities to connect as there are to get into potential danger. Social networking has opened up many new doorways for cyber-crime, and with all the people on social networks who are completely new to technology, it is more important than ever to make sure people are aware of the risks.


    Your ideas...

  9. The Dean Says it Accurately:

    Do or die for Ginebra

    SPORTING CHANCE By Joaquin Henson (The Philippine Star) Updated July 14, 2010 12:00 AM


    The PBA season will come to an abrupt end for Barangay Ginebra if the Kings don’t win over Alaska in Game 3 of their best-of-five quarterfinals series at the Araneta Coliseum tonight.


    It’s been a topsy-turvy campaign for Ginebra with coach Joseph Uichico juggling holdovers, transferees and comebacking players in trying to find the chemistry that was once a hallmark of the storied franchise. So far, 21 players have seen action for Ginebra in the Fiesta Conference – a record high that Sta. Lucia Realty, with all its wheeling and dealing, couldn’t match.


    Even Junthy Valenzuela, long in cold storage with injury issues, was reactivated by Uichico for a game. Cyrus Baguio and Billy Mamaril were traded midway the double-round eliminations to welcome Willie Miller and Mike Cortez in an already congested backcourt. Rudy Hatfield came back after a three-year layoff as injuries kept Eric Menk and J. C. Intal out of the lineup for a combined 16 games. Uichico has also struggled in finding the perfect import for Ginebra, starting with Awvee Storey and testing Mildon Ambdres and Denham Brown before settling for Chris Daniels.


    Through it all, Uichico has managed to keep Ginebra’s head above water. The Kings wound up the eliminations with a 9-9 record despite losing their last three assignments and beat Rain Or Shine, 115-88, in a playoff to avoid dropping to the wildcards.


    Daniels, 28, led the charge in thrashing the Elasto Painters for the last outright quarterfinals slot. But since that win, Daniels has hardly been a force in Ginebra’s two losses to Alaska in the quarterfinals. He’s been badly outplayed by the Aces’ Diamon Simpson.


    Daniels can’t be considered an impact player in the mold of a Sammy Monroe or Gabe Freeman or Clif Brown. He won’t deliver eye-popping numbers. In fact, Daniels hasn’t even scored in the 20s in three games so far. If Daniels has the arsenal to explode, he’s got to show it tonight – or forever be chastised.


    In Game 2 of the Alaska series, Ginebra had difficulty executing because of adjustment problems. The stats showed it glaringly. Uichico tried to give as many of his players the chance to display their wares but nobody could deliver consistently under time pressure. Only one Ginebra player logged more than 27 minutes – Daniels – while five Aces played at least 27. Ginebra’s bench produced 35 points to Alaska’s six but in the playoffs, the starters make the difference, not the relievers.


    Alaska concentrated on high percentage shots, staying away from three-point distance where the Aces were only 2-of-8, while Ginebra shot 9-of-26 triples. As a result, Alaska had a higher field goal percentage, .435 to .405. The Kings’ inability to cover for each other in defense – another sign of lack of chemistry – was evident in giving Alaska 28 free throw attempts. Ginebra, in contrast, took only nine foul shots.


    JayJay Helterbrand, Mark Caguioa, Intal, Miller and Ronald Tubid never went to the stripe and were a combined 12-of-40 from the floor. Alaska’s cohesiveness was bolstered by its 24 assists to Ginebra’s 19 and 47 rebounds to the Kings’ 44.


    Despite the statistical discrepancies, Ginebra could’ve won it if only Sunday Salvacion hit a triple in the dying seconds. Alaska held on to win, 84-82.


    Dating back to the Philippine Cup, Alaska has now beaten Ginebra in eight of their last 10 encounters. The Aces blanked the Kings in the semifinals last conference.


    Uichico has four ex-Alaska players in the Ginebra cast – Miller, Cortez, Willie Wilson and John Ferriols. They know coach Tim Cone’s system by heart and could provide the key in disrupting Alaska’s precision execution in the halfcourt.


    The winner of the series moves on to face No. 1 Talk ‘N’ Text in the semifinals.

  10. Sabi mo pa! Talagang mas exciting manood ng collegiate basketball nowadays. Mas nasa puso nila. Ginebra? Hindi na nila sinusunod ang coach. Gusto nating bumalik ang bagsik ng Ginebra? Pido Jarencio is the answer! Kung hindi puwede na talaga si Big J!


    I also feel that a motivator coach (and someone players respect) such as Pido or Jawo, is what the doctor calls for the ailing Gin Kings. The talents are already there. Just give him a strategist assistant/s (someone who knows the technical and the board plays) and they will be okay and competitive. More often than not, the coach's intangibles (diskarte, angas, persuasion, sipag, malasakit, etc.)can do the difference.

  11. 1. Men do not like women pretending they are chaste. Men believe that women should stay themselves and give up every attempt to seem better. Indeed, women these days are not restricted in entertaining themselves and can enjoy life to the utmost, just exactly the way that men do.


    2. Men hate it when their women criticize other females. This is a proven fact that women often treat other women as rivals. But remember that a woman will gain no popularity with men if she continuously criticizes other women’s dresses, shoes and handbags and also their compatibility with each other. Men actually do not care very much if their women wear fashionable dresses or not, have stylish coiffure or not.


    3. Women’s jealousy exasperates men. This is absolute nonsense that jealousy revives relationship. The jealousy lifestyle can break even the strongest relationship. Jealousy appears when someone in a couple does not trust his partner. Remember that trust is the basis of your relationship.


    4. Men also do not like to be treated as an emotional support. They get irritated when women always demand caresses and hugs, when women ask to call them special. Men do not like diffident women; they say it is even worse than self-confident and independent women.


    5. It is no good for women to employ the speech code in relations with men. When women employ the ‘What are you thinking about?’ speech code they thus hope to pump real feelings and emotions out of men. When a woman asks a man this sort of vague questions she expects to catch his unawares and learn what his real feelings toward her are.


    6. Some women want all the spare time of their men to be devoted to them only. This is some sort of interference with men’s private life. At the worst, women start asking relatives and close friends what their men did or are doing at this particular moment. They also ransack men’s pockets and desk drawers in search of some evidence. Women must not behave like proprietresses.


    7. This is incredible but women’s emotionality makes men absolutely mad. Unlike women, men are sure that broken nails or touching films are not a trouble at all. Males do not love their female partners burst into tears or fly into a rage on every trifle occasion


    8. It is universally known that men hate women’s never-ending shopping. Men generally believe that twenty four hours in a day are not enough for women to enjoy shopping, to have an opportunity to touch and try on everything they find. Men find it the most terrible ordeal when women insist that men must accompany them during shopping.


    9. Women’s talkativeness is also irritating, men say. Women’s brain easily conceives every minute detail while men do not like to listen to nonessential details.


    10. Women have a sure leverage to demonstrate their superiority over men. This is sex which is the most powerful weapon in the war between males and females. Women deprive their men of sex in an attempt to punish them. But the measure may in some cases have lamentable consequences for women.

  12. Marathon running or Triathlon – Tolerance for pain and a lack of desire for the average person to participate were major factors here. Remember how miserable it was running the mile in middle school gym class? It’s only that 26.2 times.


    Football – Reckless abandon and risk of injury are certainly high in this sport. Much depends on the position you play and wearing pads helps prevent some injuries, but you still have to be plenty tough out there.


    Hockey – I gave hockey similar scores to football, but it edges ahead for two reasons. First, you can do much more damage with a stick and puck than a football, and second, fighting is very common and surprisingly condoned.


    Rugby – It was difficult to put rugby at two. It is more of a 1b. Rugby is as physical as any sport and participants don’t wear pads, which definitely earns them some toughness points. Having completely no regard for your body or well being pretty much sums it up.


    Boxing or MMA – What really got boxing the top spot was the lack of career length. It’s common to see boxers leave the sport in their prime because it’s just too much. Boxing received high marks for all categories, and like these other sports, it can result in some serious long-term injuries

  13. You only have one chance to make a first impression, so it better be a good one. Dressing the right way for a first date is a chance to let your date know something about yourself, and a chance to show off a little by looking great.


    Step 1

    Find out in advance what the two of you will be doing. A stroll in the park calls for different clothes than a bicycle ride or a formal dinner.


    Step 2

    Choose clothes from the nicer end of your closet, but nothing extreme. You want to present an honest representation of yourself, convey some of your style, but hold off on any outrageous outfits until you've had a few dates.


    Step 3

    Aim for the middle ground of your wardrobe: something you'll look put-together in, but won't have to fidget with. If you don't wear suits or dresses regularly, you won't be comfortable in one on a date.


    Step 4

    Minimize jewelry. For women, slightly more is usually okay, but err on the side of simplicity when it comes to bedecking yourself and your clothing.


    Step 5

    Groom to impress after you're dressed. Check your nails, hair and breath. Always wear antiperspirant or deodorant.


    Step 6

    No matter how good your clothes look on hangers, or how much they cost, if you're not comfortable in them, they're not right for a first date. Dress in a way that's going to let you enjoy yourself.

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