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Posts posted by maldita_overload

  1. -I don't appreciate being told how to live my life. I feel like some people need to learn the difference between concern, and meddling

    -I will say what I want to say; and by God, I will mean it!

    -I can live with a lot of crap- but not being lied to

    -I am fiercely loyal- as a friend, more so as a lover

    -If you feel the need to know something about me, the best person to ask is: ME

    -I'm very nice- to the people I like. READ: If I'm mean to you, I'm not trying to be cute. It means I don't like you

    -I value my friends- DO NOT talk s@%t about them in front of me

    -I sometimes come across as strong; and most times I'm a bit too forward, but please don't forget that I may need a friendly hug every once and a while

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