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Posts posted by maldita_overload

  1. An Open Letter to the Men Who Broke My Heart; and the Persons Whose Hearts I Broke:



    I now know why it did not work out. It was not because of the forgotten birthdays, or the missed anniversaries. It was not because we refused to make the time, and exert the necessary efforts to make it work. It was not because we held back, when we should have given it everything we had. It was not because of the unanswered phone calls, and text messages, and emails. It was not because we lied, cheated on, and deliberately hurt each other. It was not the games we played. It was not the late nights out with our friends, when we could have been with each other instead. It was not the shouting matches that led to weeks of not talking. It was not our refusal to accept each other, and our hell-bent resolve to change each other. It was not the dinners left cold, because we forgot to say that we weren’t coming home to eat. It was not the finger-pointing, and blame-throwing for everything that went wrong. It was not our differences, and the lack of wanting to compromise. It was not the carefully planned dates that never happened. It was not any of life’s little complications.



    It was us.



    I am not saying that we were never meant to be. We were. At that point when love was felt, it was real, it was meant to be. We were just not meant to be together forever. We were destined to meet, to teach each other lessons. These lessons should better prepare us, not for the coming of our one true love; but prepare us to accept the happiness that only we can bring ourselves.



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