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Posts posted by maldita_overload

  1. Yo,


    That's right, boy. All it takes to bring down the walls I put up, is an unexpected, totally out of the blue, status comment from you. Tsk tsk tsk- what a pity, huh? I mean, can anyone be more pathetic than that? We haven't spoken in months, and I've finally allowed myself the luxury of looking around; now it seems like I'm back to square one.


    I have to stop this. I'm killing myself. I should be posting this there, and not here- but know that I mean this: I'm letting you go baby. I'm really, really tired of waiting for you to come home. I can't live my life, holding my breath, waiting for you to return.


    I will always love you; that won't ever change- but I'm allowing myself to fall in love again. I'm allowing myself to live.


    Take care, sweetheart.




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