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Posts posted by maldita_overload

  1. Girl,


    I understand how stupid you must be feeling, right now; but remember what your friend said: it happens to the best of us. Every once and a while you'll get strung along, and taken for one helluva f#&kin' ride. Also, remember that sometimes, they don't mean to be assholes. That's not a very good excuse, and it's never acceptable; but you should start facing the fact that people won't always act and react the way you expect them to.


    You may feel used- and your pride must be hurting like a sonofabitch, but consider your take aways. At the very least, you should have learned to be more careful in opening yourself up to people. Never trust anyone, Sweetie, except yourself. In the end, it's only you. Never set yourself up for a heartache. Learn how to read the signs. Oftentimes, it's better to listen to your brain. Remember when things were just starting? Your brain was screaming no-motherf#&kin-way-hell-no! You went and dove in, anyways. Remember that your heart is foolish- it doesn't think; that's why it's the heart Babe. It only feels- and feelings aren't always real.


    Chalk this one up to experience.


    And Hun, shame on you if you let this happen to you again.




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