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Posts posted by maldita_overload

  1. I can't change who I am, but maybe you can change me.... maybe I'm not even supposed to change... maybe I should change for you... maybe you can be the reason why I would want to change... maybe I'm reading too much into things... maybe I'm over-analyzing, again (I tend to do that)... maybe there's nothing... maybe there's something... maybe it's everything...maybe it's you... or maybe it's me... maybe I should just let it go...maybe I should hang on, and see where it takes me...



    maybe you're driving me crazy.

  2. Oie,


    I know I don't have any right to ask, but can you not scare me like that, again? It's stupid, right- me being scared that something might have happened to you? You're a big boy; and you can take care of yourself, but I can't help it. I worry. I shouldn't be be worrying about you. Hell, I should be worrying about me! At the rate I'm going, I'd be in too deep before I try to reign myself in- and I know that when I do try, it won't work.


    Ewan ko ba.







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