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will robie

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Posts posted by will robie

  1. Naku talunan nanaman Celtics anu nanaman kaya excuse nito..#bet na # report

    This is coming from the troll who said that the Bucks will win it in 4. Furthermore, you said that you had 7 more teams. The last time I checked, you are a Spurs fan. Which is which? Your credibility is in tatters, troll. Masyado na bang pahiya, troll?


    You really don't care about the Celtics. You are just here to troll your crush, will robie. :lol:

  2. Excuses will Robie, bet na..Malayo ka masyado sa tanung na bet na..asus haha..pusta na no explanation bucks will win the series bet na..bet na ah..yes or ni lang eh..#report

    Point out to me the excuses that I posted, troll. This is another trolling post. :lol:

  3. The Cs lose Game 2 as the Bucks drop a 28-2 bomb in the third. It was a bad shooting night for the Cs as they had their looks in the third and fourth but they just could not buy a basket. Middleton was sizzling from rainbow territory so Tatum and Brown should do a better job on him in Game 3. That third-quarter blitz was the difference of this game. The Cs just could not buy a bucket in that stretch. Kyrie Irving was not his usual self as the Bucks bottled him up in the paint. The Bucks just played with more intensity in the third quarter.


    Alam ko yung troll na may crush sa akin atat na atat na magpost kaya lang bago pa lang yung troll account niya. Kita mo naman yung interest niya ako. :lol:


    Bucks will win the series..hindi ko kelangan ipaliwanag sayu dahil di ka marunong tumanggap ng paliwanag..

    nakikipagpustahan na nga ako sayu eh, di mu pa masagot ng maayos.. sinu kaya kahihiya sa atin dito?? baka dito ka lang talaga magaling pero sa normal sa totoo sabog ka rin..PUSTA na..BUCKS, pa rin yan..walang panalo ang Boston dyn..7 pa ang team ko na natitira sa ngayun kaya wala pa ring panama Boston mu..# report..

    Explanation? Where is your explanation? The fact of the matter is you don't know anything about basketball, dumbass. All you know is to troll. Bucks in four daw? Masyado ka bang napahiya? Hahaha! Walang panalo ang Boston pero tinambakan yung Bucks mo. Hahaha! Loser. :lol:

  5. next time it will be bucks in 6 nyahahaha seriously i'm not gonna be surprised if Cs will sweep the bucks. realistically though maybe Cs in 6. what's your take chief?

    iI stiill maintain my fearless forecast: Cs in 5. Trolling na lang ginagawa niyan, chief.
    • Like (+1) 1
  6. The Cs stamped their class against the Bucks by routing the Bucks by 22, 112-90. Kyrie and Al used the pick and pop to perfection in this game. Al also played excellent defense on Antetekounmpo including three blocks on Antetekounmpo.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. still bucks in 5..

    Bet it, kung di ka troll at dito ka lang magaling..dito lang ako sa Alabang sa tabi ng Cirque ililibre kita ng thera..wala nang daming argumento di bobo..Yes/no lang..walang report ky Mr Moderator..

    First, it was Bucks in 4. Now, it is Bucks in 5. You have a problem with credibility. It is now obvious you are just trolling this thread. Reporting to mod? Good suugestion.

    Yun oh! Daming alam ... idol!!


    Anyway, on topic, I pick the Bucks to win this series. They have the best player, the better coach (for this season, at least), the best defense, an improved supporting cast, and, homecourt advantage.

    The last time I checked, the team with the best defense in the regular season was Indiana whom Boston handled with aplomb. The team with the best defense in the playoffs is Boston.


    And we (at least those of us who've watched Endgame) all know what happened to Thanos and Hulk at the end.

    You can only refer to "Endgame" which I also watched. If you knew your Marvel comics, you'd know that Hulk will get clobbered by Thanos one on one. Basa basa ka muna ng Avengers at huwag puro "Endgame" lang ang reference mo.

  10. Report pa more..di ka tumatanggap pagkatalo haha..Bucks in Four..

    Bucks in four but you can't explain how the Bucks will win in four. Tell me, how can I accept something when it hasn't happened yet? Haha! Tama na pagpapahiya mo sa sarili mo, troll. Haha! :lol:

  11. The Warriors should have swept this series. If the Clips win Game 6 at home, it will be anybody's ball game in Game 7. Moreover, if the Ws win this series, the next in line are the Rockets who have been waiting for one whole year to get back at the Ws.

  12. Bucks in 5 or 6 if they win but Celtics in sweep or 5 if they win also.

    The thing is the Pacers are way better than the Pistons and the Pacers would have beaten the Pistons in 6 if they were matched up in this year's playoffs given the same scenario of Griffin missing the first two games. The Pacers had no all-star but they played hard and were well coached. I doubt if the Bucks would have swept the Pacers as Indiana is a hard-nosed squad who played hard. People say that the Pacers not having Oladipo was a big factor in the Celtics winning by a sweep. Oladipo is an all-star but he isn't a first-tier all-star like, say, a Stephen Curry, a Kevin Durant, a Kyrie Irving, Blake Griffin or a Kawhi Leonard. A healthy Blake Griffin would have extended the series to 6 games. Of course, the Bucks still win that series but they would have had a difficult time.

  13. Bucks in 4



    Bucks in four

    Welcome back, farren21. Explain how the Bucks would win in 4? May explanation ka ba or are you gonna troll this thread again?

    RIP, Hondo.

  14. Mga boss what do you think of the matchup of Celtics-Bucks. Will be putting my money on Boston since gusto ng mga kapustahan ko tumaya sa Bucks. Haha

    The Bucks have a great physical player in Ante. However, I don't think they have the depth to match up with the Celtics. Moreover, the Cs have a lot of bodies to throw at Ante: Ojeleye, Horford, Baynes, and Hayward. The Bucks were a juggernaut in the regular season but so were the 2014-2015 Hawks who got swept by Lechoke and the Cavs in the ECF. The point being is the regular season is not a basis to judge how the team will perform in the playoffs. Do you remember the 2006-2007 Mavericks? They were favored to win the championship that year after finishing 67-15 in the regular season. They lost to the Ws in the first round as Don Nelson, who once coached the Mavs, employed a small-ball offense that befuddled Dirk and the Mavs. The playoffs is about how well you can exploit mismatches and how you take advantage of your opponent's weaknesses.

  15. Cs are the first team to advance to the second round after sweeping the Pacers. The Celtics had 7 players in double figures led by GH's 20 points. Horford and Irving struggled to shoot the ball but the depth of the Celtics carried them through. The Cs will have a couple of days rest before facing the winner of the Bucks-Pistons face off.

  16. Modus yan, ang magkwento about family para kawaan mo sya at makarelate ka. KISA ka nyan. Knight in shining armor.

    If she tells sob stories about her family that is obviously to make you pity her, then beware of it. You'd know if it's an MO but if she tells stories about her family per se, that is not an MO.

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