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will robie

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Posts posted by will robie

  1. eh ngayon nakailang taon na nakalipas. hindi naman sila umaabot ng finals. eh dapat mag isip isip ka. sa coach mo na dapat ibigay yung batikos. yung front office nila ginawa na yung kailangan nilang gawin. nakapag build ka na ng isang talented roster. nagawa nilang makuha sila hayward at kyrie mga superstar at all star

    Spoken like a true troll who does not see a good coach when it sees one. The Lakers had the Big Ho, Black Mamba and Steve Nash. What happened?

    nung natalo ang gagawin mong excuse sisihin yung star player mo? bakit hindi yung coach ang sisihin? yung coach na pinagmamalaki mong magaling sa kanyang opensa. pero na expose na nung nagkaroon ng star players at leaders sa team pero hindi man niya maimanage yung awayan sa loob ng team?

    Again, this is coming from a troll who does not know squat about Stevens' system. So tell me, what is the system of Brad Stevens? I want to know if you really know anything about the Cs.


    ako naman kasi binabalikan ko lang yung sinasabi mga sinasabi niya dati. lalo na nung mga panahon na umaabot ang celtics sa conference finals. sinasabi niya na magaling si brad stevens at mas magaling siya kay doc rivers.

    Yes, Brad Stevens is a better coach than Rivers. Stevens piloted a team without an injured Irving and Hayward to the ECF. Logically speaking, a team with a healthy Hayward and Irving would help the Cs advance to the Finals. Apparently, there were some chemistry issues when Irving got back, not to mention Hayward still recovering from his injured leg. This post is obviously aimed at discrediting me. At least, I gave my opinion and you are trying to discredit it after the fact that the Bucks beat the Cs.


    sir, hindi ako yang rooster. mali na naman hula mo. wag ka manghula kung hindi ka sure. itanong ko pa sa mods. baka mapahiya ka kung makita mong mali yung binabato mong akusasyon.

    Yada, yada, yada. You can deny all you want, troll. Sa presinto ka na magpaliwanag. :lol:


    Nagkalat na alternicks ng mga will robie haters. Trolls finding solace in each other. I know my posts affect you trolls but this hating is too obvious and I am loving it. :lol:

  4. This is one of the best series I've seen but the end was anti-climactic as it ended with a lucky-bounce shot by Leonard. It reminded be of that Ralph Sampson shot in the 1986 WCF but Sampson was just luckier.

  5. If it isn't for rooster69ph aka kupaloids. I pity you, troll. You deny all you want, kupaloids/rooster69ph. Try to change your style. It's too predictable. Just use your pathetic alternick, rooster69ph. From the political threads to the sports threads, you are like a lackey following your master. The last time I checked, I never said anything about a Fab Melo. Haha! Troll, you are confused. Another one of your pathetic alternicks just like rondo_freak, peithe, celts, liar. What's more pathetic is that you wasted time to make another alternick because rooster69ph has always been mortified by will robie on the political threads. Unlike you, I don't have to "like" my own posts using alternicks, simply because I don't have any alternicks. Haha! :lol:

  6. si James cutter/ will robie pa mismo nagsabi dati na mas magaling na coach si brad stevens kay doc rivers. mali mali sinabi mo. hindi magaling na coach si stevens kay doc. na expose itong stevens na to.


    hindi mananalo ng championship itong si stevens. sigurado ako papalitan siya si ainge pag hindi pa rin siya nag improve next year. mapapa-abot niya ang isang bata at talented team ng malayo pero hindi siya mananalo ng championship kasi kailangan mo ng superstar para magawa yon. ang problema sa kanya kahit magkaroon ng superstar sa team, hindi naman siya marunong sa conflict resolution. umiiwas pa. eh kung hindi marunong maghandle ng egos sa team ang isang coach wala rin magagawa ang pagiging magaling mo sa x's and o's at gameplanning.

    Madam Auring, is that you? :lol:


    You really got affected by my posts that you had to use an alternick because your original nick was humiliated by yours truly. All you can do, troll, is make a baseless opinion. The only reason you posted this is so you can make it seem I am wrong. Haha! You don't know squat about the Cs based on this stupid opinion of yours. Good luck in vitiating my posts but you can't, you just can't, hence, you used an alternick because you're too scared that your real nick will get humiliated again. :lol:

  7. chief, i've watched some of his highlights during his ncaa days. mukhang ok naman. yeng wants to invite him here and see in person what stuff he's made of. iba nga naman yung sa youtube lang. hope he is good as advertised.

    Hopefully, chief. Gilas needs all the help it could get in order to advance to the second round of the Worlds.

  8. It seems Kyrie is considering LAL to join King Lechoke. My take is being with Lechoke is his comfort zone. If he does bolt for LAL, I wouldn't mind. Cleveland's offense was iso-centric as it was the strong point of the Cavs who had one exceptional shotmaker in Kyrie and one bulldozing player who can drive and score on anyone at will one on one. Unfortunately, Brad's system is predicated on crisp ball movement. Kyrie didn't quite adapt to that system, hence, the debacle at Milwaukee.

  9. He's a US NCAA division 1 player. A regular starter like Danny S and Gabe during their collegiate days unlike Japeth, Kobe Paras, Troy Rike and among other Fil-AMS as well who languished in the bench during their time in the US collegiate scene. It remains to be seen though if he's an NBA prospect like Clarkson but who knows we really don't know.

    I see. I haven’t heard of him yet though.
  10. Oh my friend will robie alam my kahit 1 post a day lang ako may since talaga as in loser ka lang..

    Sa mga guys na nakikipagtalo sa Kenya canon talaga yan Estupido kasi legend may alam sa buhay..

    Loser talk Celtics lalu na yun fanatic ma si will Robie..

    Hambug na nga duwag pa..ni hindi man lang nakipagpustahan..

    BTW CS are good, except Will Loser

    Haha! You still arent coherent, imbecile. You are officially the dumbest troll I ever came across. Kawawa ka naman, aso. Nauulol ka na sa crushh mong si will robie. I bet after this post pikon talo ka na naman pero matagal ka naman bago makapost. :lol:
  11. pagbigyan mo na chief tsk tsk tsk though of course i'm rooting for gilas to win :)

    Haha! Nawala na yung credibility ni Chot sa akin. Yup, we hope Gilas advances to the second round with Yeng. Hopefully, Clarkson can ride shotgun with Blatche, chief.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. well they had to step-up my friend...otherwise they'll surely be in the deep blue sea going fishing after game 7. medyo delikado sila sa nuggets kung di makakalaro si kd (if ever nuggets ang makalaban nila). will kd be able to play if ever Ws enter the nba finals? kd vs. giannis will be a great matchup.

    KD will be evaluated after a week so it's not yet sure if KD can really play in the WCF but if KD can't, the Splash Brothers will have to play like they did in pre-KD 2015 and 2016. KD vs. Ante will be an intriguing match up but I give the advantage to KD due to his outside shooting, chief. I think GSW is still favored if ever they go against the Bucks in the Finals.

  13. and cousins...2 less all stars. the heart of a champion.

    Curry had to play like an MVP in this game and he did exactly that. Klay also did his part. The Splash Brothers played like it was 2015 all over again. The stakes were high in this game. If the Ws lost this, I don't see how they can win a Game 7 even if it's in the Oracle.

  14. Have you experienced watching a group dance or a group of singers perform then there's that one dude who keeps messing up or singing out of tune and you try to enjoy the performance but that one dude kept ruining it for you.

    Because you said so? :lol:

    You're that dude, I try to enjoy the threads but you pompous prick kept showing up.

    You really are explicit in saying that you are affected by my posts. Go on and get tormented by my posts. :lol:

    I don't know if you're frustrated in your career in the real world that's why your posts reeks of arrogance to try to make up for your disappointments, if that's the case I feel sorry for you.

    I pity you, troll. You can only make baseless posts because you simply cannot post something essential to the thread.

    In short, Kung frustrated lawyer ka or matamlay career mo as a lawyer dun ka makipagdebate sa Luneta wag kang magpasikat dito

    So tell me, how am I making "pasikat"? I find it really pathetic and laughable when you quote my posts and when I counter, you get piqued. Haha!

  15. And last, I'm relieved that the Celtics are out that way I don't have to see your cringy takes on the games, "he did a splendid job", "He has finally woken from his stupor", STOP, you're a pretentious douche in a community website mainly targeted at spas and you're posting like you're a member of The New Yorker.

    In other words, you are affected by my posts. Haha! You can have negative opinions about me and I wouldn't give a rat's ass. You quoted my post, I reply to it then when I reply to it, you blow your top. Hahaha! Hilarious. :lol:

  16. Second, the Celtics lost, accept it like a man, di yung kung ano ano pinagdadakdak mo dito as if insider ka sa organization nila.

    So what if the Celtics lost? Am I supposed to say "ouch"? Accept it like a man? Why? Was I whining? If you've been reading the threads, I even congratulated the Bucks.


    This is proof that trolls really have no idea what they are talking about. You trolled my posts and when I reply, you get piqued. Haha! :lol:

  17. First off, I don't care if you report me, I know you have this habit of reporting when someone argues with you, that or you're an alternate account of a Mod, either way IDGAF.

    Did I report? Where is your evidence I reported? Haha! Too assuming, troll.


    LMAO these statements didn't age well

    Laker fan, I guess. Before commenting on my post, tell your Lakers to fix the dysfunction that they're in. Lue didn't even accept their offer. Tell your Lechokers to make the playoffs first before trolling my posts. :lol:


    It is fine if you do not want to flat out just state Ainge made a mistake with Kyrie and this season confirmed that.


    Cool. Have a happy off-season.

    My post had nothing to do with what Danny thought of Kyrie. If you think that I am in denial that Danny made a mistake, that is your opinion and I will say this. Your opinion is wrong.

  20. My understanding is you are in denial of an Ainge mistake.

    Well, your understanding is wrong. My original post that you quoted was an opinion based on a fact. It had nothing to do with what Danny thought about Irving when he traded for him. Moreover, my original post that you quoted was in retrospect.


    So what do you think Ainge got Kyrie for? Almost positive Ainge did not acquire Kyrie to be another Robin on a roster full of Robins. It should be "okay" for Ainge to be wrong once in a while, right?

    I don't know what Danny Ainge thought of Kyrie Irving. Millions of Celtic fans, me included, thought that Kyrie was the alpha that we needed at the beginning of the season. Apparently, he isn't. Read my original post that you quoted. What is your understanding of that post?


    Really? The roster by the time Kyrie arrived to Boston had a job opening for a Batman role and Kyrie was hired for that role.


    Maybe you could get away with that thinking, had AD already won a chip then Ainge would pair AD up with Kyrie; so that Kyrie would fall back to the second banana role. Just saying...


    You could be on to something though, but it might not be AD. WIth the mess going on Laker land, LeBron may end up to Boston and reunite with Kyrie. Now that would be epic -- the Boston Cavs!

    Understand my post. You asked for my opinion, I gave it. You should have just discredited my opinion and not asked me if you have your own opinion.


    Just because the Cs had an opening for a "Batman" role doesn't mean that Kyrie was a good fit. My fellow fans also thought so at the beginning of the season. Apparently, he isn't.

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