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will robie

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Posts posted by will robie

  1. oh will will will...it was never my problem to begin with. ikaw ang sumalungat ng walang basehan therefore your argument is all bullshit.

    if you cant substantiate your counter claim then there is no argument to begin with.

    yan ang problema sa boka boka lang tangengot naman pala

    Haha! Lame comeback after lame comeback from the troll who shot itself in the foot. Hahaha!


    This troll challenged my post by agreeing with Duterte that the drug problem worsened. When asked to back up its claim by providing a comparison of drug stats in 2017 and 2018, it said it does not care about the comparison and by saying that, it shot itself in the foot as it made its argument that the drug problem worsened absolutely stupid and baseless. Haha!

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  2. nope i didnt argue that the drug problem worsened ... the fact is the president said it did and you argued otherwise. the president laid down his basis ... so what is yours? wala talaga ano ... boka boka lang...tangengot lang

    You agreed with it and you challenged my post that the drug problem has worsened, hence, it became your argument. Haha! I didn't know you lie to yourself. Haha! Cornered na cornered ka na, troll. Hahaha! :lol:

  3. yup i dont care ... i am more interested in what you can show me to back your words. waley... so yeah tunaw na tunaw ako sa kahihiyan lol

    Haha! The fact of the matter is that you argued that the the drug problem worsened and when asked for the comparison of 2017 and 2018 drug stats, you could not give any. What's worse is that you said you don't care about the drug statistics for 2017 and 2018 which rendered your argument stupid and baseless. Hahahaha! You got burned and it was self inflicted.

  4. hahaha...my argument is baseless? yeah right tell that to you dumbass dutae. tell him that you are a dumbass just like him as well

    The default ad hominem retort of the desperate resident dumbass which just got cornered. Haha! Natutunaw ka na ba sa hiya? You just got thoroughly discredited and embarrassed and I didn't even try. You shot yourself in the foot when you said you didn't care about the comparison of the drug statistics for 2017 and 2018. Haha! :lol:

  5. Wag ka mamilosopo ... whether pdea o sa kanya naggaling. Ang point is sangay ng gobyerno ang pdea at sinangayunan niya yan numero na yan. In fact sinibak niya yun chair ng DDB for coming out with a different figure. Ayaw na ayaw ni dutae na kinokontra siya.


    Sige hanap ka uli ng ibang palusot

    Again, the stats you are giving is irrelevant because your argument is that the drug problem worsened. The point is you claimed that the drug problem worsened. However, if you don't care about the comparison of the drug stats for 2017 and 2018, it just means your argument is baseless and absolutely stupid. Stop embarrassing yourself. Haha! :lol:

  6. wala akong paki sa comparrison na hinihingi mo...ang akin yun 4.7m na sinabi ni dutae kung bakit ko pinaniniwalaan. ikaw ang di naniniwala sa sinabi niya so ikaw ang maglabas ng numero mo. ilan ba ang actual na bilang ng mga drug users at ano ang basehan mo?

    in fact ang posisyon mo eh bumaba ang bilang kasi effective ang naging kampanya ng PDEA ... so obligasyon mo ang ilabas ang 2018 figures para patunayan ang sinasabi mo. wag kang puros boka boka at tamad.

    dalawa lang naman ang kahihinatnan ng usapan na ito ... its either ikaw lang naman o si dutae ang magmukang gago at katawa-tawa. lol

    Was Duterte really the one who said the 4.7 million figure? You are getting confused. So you dont care about the comparison of drug statistics in 2017 and 2018. If that is the case, you just shot yourself in the foot because you have no basis for your argument that the drug problem worsened. Haha! Carry on in being this sections resident dumbass. :lol:
  7. pakita mo nga na yun mga sinasabing ebidensiya na pinapakita ng kampo ng atat maging VP eh “indisputable evidences” ayon sa PET. kung wala eh alam na natin na hindi factual yan kundi opinion mo lang kasi we all know only PET can rule and decide whether said evidences eh katanggap-tanggap at siyang magpapatibay sa kaso niya.

    This is the post when you asked for evidence.
  8. Hay robbie...i dont have to show you anything. Sabi ng presidente lumala. Sabi ng pdea 4.7m. ikaw ang nagpapauso at sumasalungat sa kanila nasaan na numero mo? At ano ang source mo? Ano wala ka talagang mailabas ano ... boka boka lang


    As far as i know pinakita ko na rin yun paliwanag ng pdea kung bakit iba ang numero nila ng DDB.

    It's not that you don't have to show me. It's because you can't show me because you don't have the comparison of the drug statistics for 2017 and 2018. The 4.7 million was in 2017 and it is irrelevant since it's already 2019. Show me the comparison of 2017 and 2018 to back up your claim. Show it, otherwise, spare yourself the humiliation.

  9. MrDuterte, ano po napapala ng bayan pag inaasar o binabastos nyo mga nagkicriticize sa inyo at sa mga mali nyong sinasabi at ginagawa? Pati po mga die hard fanatics nyo di na din po kayo maipagtanggol, kaya puro pamimilosopo na lang ang sagot? Yun galit na galit mga suporters nyo sa Intsik na nag tapon ng drinks sa MRT police pero nun pinagtanggol nyo un Instsik, bow na lang po lahat mga tanga nyong tagasunod. Happy April Fools po Tatay Digong.

    I pity you. You are full of hate for Duterte. I can see that he takes pleasure in pissing off trolls like you. :lol:
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  10. Ayan ang figure 4.7m sabi ng pdea .... and according to you based on it is what? Paki bigay ang source na ginamit mo rin

    This post proves that you are too dumb to distunguish which thread to post on. But I will answer you. The crux of your argument is not about the he said- he said between PDEA and DDB but your claim that the drug problem worsened. You are veering away from your argument because you have nothong to show.
  11. hahaha... di mo alam? o nagtatangatangahan ka?

    again prove to me that what duterte said is not true....so ilan ba ang tutoong numero ng drug users sa ngayon. puro ka boka-boka wala ka naman ebidensiya. hahaha

    I asked you to show me the comparison of 2018 vs 2017 drug stats to back up your claim. Don’t veer away from the crux of your argument. You challenged my post. You prove it but i don’t expect a dolt like you to prove it since you have not proven anything to debunk any of my posts you challenged. I expect another boring and asinine ad hominem retort from the section’s resident dumbass.

    So, what does the president get or achieve in "pissing off his critics"?

    what good does it make to the country?

    Ask him.
  12. ang problema sa iyo pdea ang gagamitin mo pambara ... now that binara ka ng Pdea mismo you will discredit what Pdea said. hahaha palusot pa more.


    kung questionable ang pinagsasabi ng Pdea then paano natin paniniwalaan ang ipinost mong achievement ng pdea.


    hahaha... sige palusot pa more.

    How did PDEA make me shut up? The fact of the matter is you are too gullible to believe that what Duterte said is true without Duterte presenting statistics comparing 2017 and 2018. Again, it was an estimate and those are irrelevant statistics unless compared with 2018. This discussion is so arcane to you but then again, all discussions are really arcane to you, hence, you always get embarrassed. Don't dip your finger in an argument when you're not equipped to make your argument. But then again, you have always been ill-equipped when arguing against me.

  13. just as expected ... ur really to easy for me. next time bago ka makipagtalo siguraduhin mo kaya mong patunayan para hindi ka lang nababara kundi nagmumukhang talagang tanga. as far as i know you are the resident dumbass. you are just too humble to admit it. lol

    Yes, it is easy for you to fold against me which has always been the case. The only thing you can do when I explain thoroughly is retort with stupid ad hominems. But then again, that's the best that is the norm when you argue with me. Carry on in being this section's resident dumbass. Ano kamo? Too humble to admit it. Isn't it that when you're humble, you admit something? Haha! Like I said, you are a troll who can't express yourself well.

  14. sorry its not my job to do that...that is your claim then prove it.

    wala ka maipakita ... then end or argument. hindi bumebenta ang boka boka lang.


    I don't need to prove it, troll. It's in the papers. I never told you to prove anything. But then again, what can I expect from a troll who has a comprehension problem and who can't express itself well? As usual, pahiya ka na naman.

  15. wahaha...abong abo ka na dumbass.

    Wishful thinking, resident dumbass. :lol:

    nagpapauso ka na naman ... sige kapag tinanong ka ilan ang total polukation ng Pilipinas may absolute on the dot figure ka? hahaha


    Don't veer away from the crux of our argument. May stats ka ba comparing 2017 and 2018 or wala? Sagot, resident dumbass!

    sige how are you going to have an exact count of all the drug users ... kung masagot mo yan then i submit. otherwise...sige continue sa pagpapalusot. its really difficult to wiggle your way out of you own s@%t

    The DDB just answered it if you really read the article, resident dumbass. Haha! Halatang hindi nagbabasa. Pinost ko na nga. Haha! Carry on in being this section's resident dumbass. :lol:

  16. sige para matigil na kahibangan mo ... patunayan mo na lang. kung di mo magawa eh tapos na usapang walang katuturang ito na batay sa boka-boka mo lang.

    Patunayan na nandaya? Only Robredo lackeys like you would believe that there was no cheating. Again, wet ballots, burned ballots, ballots soaked in chemicals. BBM has nothing to gain by doing this because he is the one protesting so as much as possible he would want the ballots in pristine condition. Carry on in being this section's resident dumbass.

    pakita mo nga na yun mga sinasabing ebidensiya na pinapakita ng kampo ng atat maging VP eh “indisputable evidences” ayon sa PET. kung wala eh alam na natin na hindi factual yan kundi opinion mo lang kasi we all know only PET can rule and decide whether said evidences eh katanggap-tanggap at siyang magpapatibay sa kaso niya.

    You have an internet. Use it, troll. I won't spoonfeed stupid trolls. Huwag tamad. Maghanap ka.

  17. sa pagkakaalam ko may mga witness din ang kabilang kampo na magpapaliwanag kung bakit ganon ang kundisyon ng mga balota at may depensa rin sila kung bakit di sila ang dapat pagbintangang gumawa nun. therefore dun pa lang kitang-kita dinidispute yan bintang na yan ng kampo ni Leni. so matanong kita yan sinasabi mong indisputable evidences eh sa opinion mo o desisyon ng PET?


    Really? Witnesses? So anong sabi ng mga witnesses? Na sinadya yung pagbasa sa mga balota? :lol:

  18. unfortunately for you PDEA claims that the said figure has basis and can’t be considered as dubious....abong abo ka na ...hirit pa more! hahaha

    So stating that it is an estimate is being burned? Haha! Hindi naman masama mangarap, troll. The fact is the DDB said that to have a perfect absolute figure is to get a census.



    DDB chairman Benjamin Reyes said the discrepancies are valid because of different bases.

    “The only way to get a perfect absolute figure is to get a census. In the absence of which, estimates, like surveys and intelligence figures, are good enough baselines to set objectives,” he said.

    Of course, your retort to this would be the statement in bold but it is "good enough" , not perfect. So that is merely an estimate. However, the DDB has a lower figure. Before veering away from the argument, the crux of our argument was about Duterte's statement of the worsening drug problem. Where are the stats for 2018? Don't tell me to prove it because you were gullible to believe Duterte's statement. Duterte never showed a comparison of 2017 vs 2018 so your argument just went down the gutter. Huwag kang mangopya ng linya na sunog ako kasi ikaw lang itong nagsasabi na sunog ako when all you have is Duterte's unsubstantiated statement. Carry on in being this section's resident dumbass. :lol:


    I will attack you on the comparison estimates to back up your claim that the drug problem worsened which you will veer away from because you don't have the stats to back it up. I get the feeling you will concentrate on the 2017 estimate which is really irrelevant because that was almost two years ago unless you make a comparison. Game, troll.

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