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will robie

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Posts posted by will robie

  1. sinampal na sa mukha mo yun stat ... PDEA na mismo nanggaling 4.7m daw sa bilang nila ang users. the same PDEA na sinasabi mo na successful ang drug campaign. sabog ka na naman at lumulutang na naman yan utak mo. wait may utak ka nga ba?

    Did you even read the article that you are referring to? That was in 2017. There was no estimate given in 2018 for you and your wingman to say that the drug problem worsened. Huwag excited sa pagsupalpal sa akin, troll. Think because that's something you have a hard time doing. :lol:




    The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) now estimates that there are 4.7 million drug personalities in the country, the highest figure cited by the administration since launching the drug war last July.

    Take a look at the verb in bold. Estimate. Take note, estimate. Relative to this estimate, there was no comparison of estimates for 2017 vs 2018 given by Duterte for him to say that the drug problem has worsened. This is something you and your dumb troll wingman did not take into consideration since you're too excited debunking me which you can't and will never do. Carry on with being this section's resident dumbass. :lol:

  2. hahaha... if PET is still hearing the protest because then it means they have not decided if there was cheating or not ... if they already determined there was cheating then they would have come out with the decision ang BoBong Marcos should be the VP now. the last time I check the PET have not decided anything about said cheating. Most importantly Leni is stillthe sitting VP.


    so yeah keep on projecting ... kung ako sa iyo babawas-bawasan ko pagtira ng fetanyl nang hindi naapektohan yan pagiisip mo.


    indisputable evidence? sabi nino? sabi ng PET o sabi mo lang?


    again the last time i checked walang sinasabi ang PET na ganyan.

    I will rephrase what you said since you can't seem to compose a proper sentence because you are a dumbass. The PET is still hearing the protest because they have not decided if there was cheating or not. My retort is the PET is still hearing the protest because there is indisputable evidence in the form of wet ballots, burned ballots and whatever chemicals the cheaters put. So according to the resident dumbass, stating facts and being logical is projecting. Haha! :lol:


    Indisputable evidence because it is a fact and you're too dumb to even recognize that.

  3. FACT is at this point the PET has not decided if there was indeed cheating. Still a long way to go since the results of the recount in the three provinces would determine if the tribunal should continue checking ballots in the rest of the clustered precincts in the country. therefore it is apparent that you are the one clueless not me.

    The fact that there is an ongoing election protest and the PET is still hearing the protest means that there is cheating because if there wasn't, then the PET should have dismissed this electoral protest a long time ago. Go on projecting your cluelessness. :lol:

    alam mo kung nakakita ka na ng pasyente sa mental hospital, ang akala nila sila yun magagaling, matatalino at tama palagi kasi may sarili silang mundong kinalalagyan. pero sa totoo sila ang may sayad tulad mo.

    Project pa more :lol:


    Pahiya na naman as usual

  4. nope am not clueless ... i am just reiterating your stupidity based on what you’ve been claiming all along...na fake VP si Leni na walang batayan. so is that a fact or an opinion.

    Based on the indisputable evidence of wet ballot boxes from her home province and from Iloilo, she will be the only one who will benefit from this. There is no way ballot boxes can get wet naturally, only intentionally because ballot boxes are supposed to be kept in a safe storage place. Hence, Robredo is a fake vice president. You are not reiterating my stupidity, you are reiterating that you are this section's resident dumbass.

  5. stupidity at its best...this roach-brain tard thinks paramihan lang ng huli, ng operasyon ng napatay ang batayan ng matagumpay na kampanya ng problema sa droga.


    ang akin simple lang yan ... ang batayan ng matagumpay na kampanya eh nasusukat sa pagbaba ng bilang ng drug users. halimbawa may 1m na user nakahuli and/or nakapatay ng 100k na user at bumaba sa 900k na kang bilang then matagumpay yun. pero kung ang bilang ay tumaas pa despite yun mga ginawa nila eh paano naging matagumpay yun?


    Jopoc naman ... you are belaboring the obvious. di mo lang sinunog at tinosta...naabo pa! hahaha

    Do you have stats to back up what you said that the number of users increased or are you relying on Duterte's words? I bet you can't give stats to back up your conjecture. Why am I even asking this section's resident dumbass a question it can't answer?


    How is jopoc belaboring the obvious when he was just asking me a question? Hahaha! The next time you copy a word I am posting, make sure you know what it is. This post shows why you're this section's resident dumbass. Haha! :lol:


    As usual, you just got embarrassed again.

  6. Cs win at the Garden as Kyrie Irving makes a late-game layup as Cs edge Pacers. The Cs are officially in 4th. Both teams shot relatively well but I expect the Cs to raise their game to another level when they meet the same team in the playoffs.


    oo sunog na sunog ako...kasi sabi mo


    kay duterte mismo na nanggaling na lumala ang problema sa droga ...


    speaking of stat ayan ang stat sinampal na sa mukha mo na tumataas ang bilang ng mga drug users.


    effective nga dumbass interpretation

    The number one article is a survey. The number two article is a flawed comparison. The number three article is an estimate. The number four article is belaboring the original the article that was posted. You and your imbecile of a troll wingman putatively did not read the four articles. Those did not contradict the latest figures PDEA gave. You're badly burned because you can't give sensible replies except "sampal mo na sa mukha mo na tumataas ang mga bilang ng mga drug users" which is a baseless and absolutely stupid reply just because Duterte said it when Duterte sometimes says something he does not mean. Maria Ressa was arrested for violating the anti-dummy law. There should be an anti-dumbass law for trolls like you. :lol:

    Backed up with sources yan, ewan ko how he will try to squirm out of that one...

    Sources which did not controvert what the latest figures of PDEA indicated. No need to wiggle my way out of anything because I was never cornered. You and your dumb wingman are the ones who are cornered. I don't expect either of you to contradict what I posted convincingly because all you clowns ever do is reply with shallow and incongruous posts.

  8. yes its being questioned that is the fact ....


    questionable ...it only came from you. as far as the PET i dont think may sinabi silang questionable ang pagkapanalo ni Leni. sige show me

    Being questioned and questionable are two different things. Your comprehension problem is glaringly obvious now.


    They don't need to say it is questionable. The fact that there is an election protest with a lot of evidence of cheating makes her vice presidency questionable. You really have no idea what you are posting about. You really don't belong here. :lol:

  9. So what if there is an ongoing protest.


    Key word is Being questioned ... so what if the PET is doing iys duty. how sure are you that the protest will be ruled in mandaramBong's favor to brand her as "fake" if there is no factual basis at this point.



    Ano na naman tinira mo at naisip mo na dahil pinagaksayahan ng SC dinggin ang isang election protest eh automatic na papabor ang desisyon sa naghain ng reklamo kaya siyang basehan mo sa pagbansag ng "fake".

    There is an ongoing protest because there is a plethora of evidence that Robredo's camp cheated. Being questioned and questionable are two different things. Your comprehension problem is acting up again. :lol:


    How sure are you that Robredo will stay on as VP?


    It is obvious you have no idea what an election protest is, hence, another asinine reply. But then again, asinine replies from you have been the norm.

  10. kasi sabi mo? as if your opinion matters to me. keep on hallucinating tumira ka na naman ng fetanyl

    Nope, kasi obvious na pahiya at sunog ka. Another doltish post from the resident dumbass. Haha! You just got humiliated thoroughly since you can't really debunk what I said except say I have a dumbass interpretation and you can't even explain how it is a dumbass interpretation. Epal kasi ng epal, hindi pala alam yung qinoquote. Haha! I don't need to say "next time, understand my post" because you don't understand my posts every time. I get a kick out of embarrassing you. Aren't you tired of getting owned on multiple threads? :lol:

  11. Hahaha...

    Drug problem worsened

    Dumbass interpretation ... duterte does not mean what he says...he actually means he did a great job

    Laughable!!! Excuses excuses

    Burned? Kasi u claimed so ... yeah quite believable.

    I wionder how posting figures from a legit drug agency is laughable, The only one who is laughable is you. Nope, you got burned badly and your posts are all nonsensical. You cant debunk what PDEA said. Go on and demonstrate your being a resident dumbass and thread laughing stock. Sobrang pahiya ka na. Haha! :lol:
  12. So being questioned ...

    Any ruling so far for you to claim with certainty that she is "fake" VP and BBM is the "real" VP?

    Sige palusot pa more

    The fact that there is an ongoing protest means the legitimacy of Robredo is questionable at best. If the SC thought that the case is weak, they would not waste their time on it. To your simpleton mind, what I said is an excuse.
  13. Why? is there any other proclamation aside from what was stated earlier?

    Are you a clairvoyant to claim otherwise? Lol

    What does that makes you? An ardent hallucinating supporter of the mandaramBong VP wannabe?

    The fact of the matter is there is ongoing electoral protest which means your VP’s legitimacy is questionable at best. I don’t need to br a clairvoyant to know that Robredo’s legitimacy is questionable. Learn what a clairvoyant is before using the word.
  14. hahaha..hanap ka naman kakampi..

    Alam ko gimagawa mo yan. Alam ko din na crush mo ko kaya para kang aso na sunod ng sunod. Aso, huwag no sayangin pera na binibigay ng magulang mo pang internet shop. Magpadami ka muna ng post, totoy bobo. Sige, aso. Diyan ka na muna. :lol:
  15. hahaha, it doesn't matter if i got banned, life goes on..


    pakahumble ka muna bago magpakahambog puro ka kasi hangin kaya talunan team mo..para mawala atensyon nililihis mu sa pagkatalo ni Lebron..troll na troll

    Whatever you say, dumbass. Hahaha!
  16. Duterte sometimes says things that he does not mean like what he said that the drug situation has worsened. Kung ganun, bakit ito ang sabi ng PDEA which is backed up by stats?


    The troll who quoted me just got burned again. But then again, doesn't it always? :lol:


  17. such a dumb justification ...


    the mere fact he promise to curb the drug problem and admitted that it worsened then he FAILED!


    after his term if the drug problem continue to worsen it doesn’t mean he did great...its just that his successor did nothing or even worse.

    following your argument ... PNoy did a good job on the drug issue as our drug problem was better off then compared to now since Duterte admitted it goteven worse. lol

    You don't only have a comprehension problem, you also have a problem with logic. Just because he said it worsened does not mean his war on drugs failed. Haha!


    Say what? Aquino did a better job? Haha! What a joke. Back it up with stats. But I know you can't give any since your posts have always been about nonsense and stupidity. But then again, everyone is entitled to his opinion, no matter how asinine it is. Carry on in being this section's laughing stock and resident dumbass. :lol:



    Duterte’s war on drugs makes Aquino’s effort look like a non-campaign, with first-year achievements exceeding those for several years in the past government: 86,984 arrests, 152 drug dens closed, nine methamphetamine labs dismantled, 64,397 police operations conducted, on top of 1.3 million surrenderers and P82 billion worth of narcotics seizures reported.

    Source: Manila Times (Ricardo Saludo's column dated September 26, 2017)

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