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will robie

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Posts posted by will robie

  1. I find it amusing that a lot of pundits are disrespecting the Raptors. When I saw the Finals predictions, not one of the experts picked the Raptors. They obviously forgot how the Spurs were dominating the Ws in Game 1 of the 2017 WCF until Pacheapshot stuck his foot under Kawhi's foot when Kawhi was taking a jump shot which resulted in a severe sprain.


    But going back to the Finals, the experts are looking at how the Ws without Durant handled the Rockets and the Blazers. The Bucks or the Sixers would have done the same to the Rockets or Blazers. The Raptors went through two difficult playoff series against a talent-heavy Sixers squad featuring Butler, Simmons and Embiid. After a lucky bounce in Game 7 that catapulted the Raptors to the ECF, the Raptors were facing a possible sweep but won four straight to eliminate the Bucks and the probable MVP. Kawhi Leonard is the best two-way player and one of the best shotmakers in the NBA. Leonard and Gasol were DPOY before. Danny Green was a second-team all defense selection before. Do not sleep on the Raptors. I am not a fan but I admire how they find ways to win, especially against the Bucks.

  2. Based on what fact?, what I've said is based on various documentaries by people INSIDE the league unlike you who likes spitting out "facts", I don't know if a part time baker or cook is what you'd call a "creme de la creme" *f#&king cringy term

    Based on what fact? The fact that only 150 players can play in the NBA and it goes without saying that only the creme de la creme can play in the NBA at that time. It is not my problem if you find that term cringy.


    Facts are the truth. You are relying on opinions of other people. Facts will always trump opinions.

  3. The master of unintentional comedy strikes again! Ang linaw naman siguro ng post ko. First off, there was no mention of comparing Ratiliff’s talent to Horford. The comparison was on their contract situations. Secondly, i-kumpara ba naman ang salary ng 2007 at 2019 - siempre mas malaki ang salaries ngayon! Third, that’s why I said to get to the proper context. You wanted to base a potential Davis trade on the previous KG trade. The KG trade included a high priced big man (Ratliff) to match salaries and cap relief purposes. Eh sino ba sa current Celtics ang may pinakamalapit na ganyang sitwasyon - si Horford. So sa scenario mo, eh di dapat may high priced player din na kasama sa future AD trade. I know there are complications with Horford, including having a higher current salary than Davis, and his contract options. That’s why in an earlier post, my suggestion is a combination of Baynes and Smart instead.


    Pasensiya na kung medyo Taglish ang post, sana mas maintindihan mo na


    Mukhang ikaw hindi nakakaintindi. Ratliff, a high-priced player? Hahaha! I almost fell of my seat laughing at this post. Ratliff was traded together with six players and to involve Horford in a trade, you'd have to have a swap with Davis and two salary fillers from NO for Horford and a starter from Boston to complete the trade.

    King of unintentional comedy? Projecting won't do you any good. You're clueless.

  4. LMAO, only 150 players were playing because there were only 10 teams, not a lot of people with money have faith in the league back then so there's only 10 teams and you're comparing the training of the 50's and 60's to today's training?!, I didn't say superstars, I said some players back then had side jobs, try watching some NBA history videos instead of stats

    Saying that not a lot of moneyed people having faith in the league back then is your opinion and does not really discredit what I said. The fact is only the creme de la creme of basketball players can get in the NBA back then.

  5. In the 2017 WCF, the Ws and the Spurs met. The Warriors were heavily favored to beat the living daylights out of the Spurs. In Game 1, Kawhi was lighting the Ws up and, in fact, the Spurs had a double-digit lead until Zaza Pacheapshot, este, Pachulia put his feet under Kawhi while Kawhi was shooting a jump shot which caused Kawhi to have a severe sprain which made him miss the entire series which was a sweep. My point is the Ws still have to prove they can stop Kawhi who almost singlehandedly carried the Raptors to the Finals. Kawhi is the best two-way player in the NBA barnone.


    Nurse will probably assign him to Curry. If Durant doesn't play, the burden will fall on Curry. If Kawhi shuts him down, the Raptors have a big chance of an upset.

  6. Most likely mapapaaway tayo. Well, ikaw for sure. :P


    But I'm serious, if we could police ourselves it'd help with the personnel shortage problem. If we all know that dash cam footage showing wrongdoing could lead to a fine, we all might follow our rules better.


    Flexitime sounds good, I know some schools implement this at least for drop-off schemes. Drivers of PUVs seem to get away with a lot of violations so, again, enforcement is a big chunk of the problem.


    More than anything, though, an effective and clean mass transport system that'll make car owners forego the convenience of driving themselves everywhere is a leap forward. The P2P buses seem to be popular among people who would otherwise be in cars. Can't wait for the railway projects to get completed.

    Haha! Yup, if I am a traffic enforcer, I will probably berate imbeciles who break traffic rules and I will be ruthless. Walang pakiusap, ticket agad, to make the traffic offender learn his lesson. Aside from the MRT-7, I am looking forward to the completion of the Skyway. It will decongest the metropolis but there still has to be discipline. Undisciplined drivers are the root cause of heavy traffic.
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    Yeah. Recruit us. ;)

    Haha! Mapapaaway ka niyan, db. :P


    Anyway, there are ways to assuage traffic. First is the flexitime in which people go to the office at different times which would ease traffic since there wouldn't be a rush hour in theory. Second is disciplined bus drivers but hell will have to freeze over for this to happen. But then again, emergency powers for traffic can make these bus drivers disciplined.

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  8. That'd explain why people vote on loyalties versus platforms.


    If he were to chair a committee maybe he should at least have some idea how the government might fix the problem. It's not like the DOTr has been free of issues.


    Anyway, Tolentino did relaunch the Pasig River ferry system and he did stop oversize advertising beside roads; I'd say he has a vision in his head of how to approach this monster of a problem.



    Poe was a disappointment even though she did seem to be asking the right questions. Whatever happened to the case against Abaya, I wonder.

    Yes, I think he has a vision of how to approach the traffic problem. As for Poe, I have no idea why people would vote for someone who has not delivered on a key issue like traffic which makes our country lose billions daily. Abaya was indicted for graft by the Ombudsman.


    In my opinion, traffic flow has improved during Duterte's term, new road infrastructures notwithstanding.

  9. What is Tolentino's plan for Manila traffic, though?



    I wish there was a system whereby we could report erring drivers easily. Where I live, there are two intersections where everyone complies with traffic rules because enforcers are stationed there. A couple of blocks away from those intersections, people get away with illegal turns and speeding. If everyone could report a violation, having proof of said violation with dashcam footage, and receive a small incentive for this I bet drivers would fall in line.

    He said that he was once a chairman of the MMDA so he knows what rules to put in the emergency powers for traffic. We would just have to take his word for it. With regards to the system, the MMDA needs to recruit more personnel. The personnel on Edsa and other major thoroughfares just don't cut it.

  10. LMAO, you're really comparing destroying "great players" from 10 teams to having to face 28 or 29 other teams, stop comparing the 60's to today's NBA, people back then weren't even close to being athletic, players back then had side jobs of being a baker or mailman compared to having to commit 24/7 to training in the NBA

    Again, in the 50s and 60s, only 150 players can play in the NBA which means that the talent was concentrated, unlike now, where the talent is diluted. So tell me, who were the superstars who had side jobs?

  11. Sige, for argument's sake. Thank you for bringing up the Garnett trade because that seems like the equivalent scenario - with the Celtics indeed paying a steep price for KG. To get the proper context, who were the players given up by the Celtics?


    - Al Jefferson = young player, future star (closest Boston comp: Tatum)

    - Ryan Gomes = young player, effective part-time starter (closest Boston comp: Rozier? Brown?)

    - Theo Ratliff = veteran big with a huge expiring contract (closest Boston comp: Horford)

    - Seb Telfair = young player, bench contributor (closest Boston comp: any of the C's young bench guys)

    - Gerald Green = same as Telfair

    - 2 future 1sts


    So, if as you're saying, you're basing it on fact, then the price for AD, based on your KG comparison, would be Tatum, Horford, Brown (Rozier is an RFA, can't be traded outright), 2 Boston bench guys and 2 future picks. Definitely not your Tatum + salary fillers poo-poo platter.


    AD salary >>>>> Tatum + fillers' salaries is not an opinion, those are facts. It is nowhere close to matching per NBA trade rules. Disappointing that your Math isn't as good as your English

    Hahahaha! Seriously? First off, Ratliff is nowhere near the talent level of Horford. Secondly, the salary of Horford this year is more than two times the salary of Ratliff when Ratliff was traded. Third, it is pretty obvious you are clueless on the salaries of Horford and Davis. Horford, in fact, has a bigger salary than Davis for the 2019-20 season. New Orleans could trade Davis with a salary filler for Horford. However, Horford is not a franchise player. Davis is. Aside from the fact that Horford's last year is a player option which he can exercise if he will get used as trade bait. Horford is not a trade option because of the player option. The next time you say that my math is worse than my English, it wouldn't hurt to check your facts first. :lol:

    Throwing another red herring eh ... well, I'm not gonna engage that. I've made my point.

    Red herring? I am not even trying to divert the topic. I am just asking your basis which you seem to not have. I already showed my basis which is Kevin Garnett got traded to the Cs for seven players. Your post is just an opinion. Mine has a fact to back up what I said. Like I said, Tatum is gonna be the centerpiece of a trade to the Pels for AD. The others will just be salary fillers.

  13. naku ngawa ka na naman ng ngawa...


    the fact is one sided yan gusto mo ...


    you want AD to come cheap...


    oo hindi ko nga alam siguro ang pinaguusapan ... ang pagiisip kasi realistically AD for Tatum asthe centerpiece plus mga patapon won’t work. eh mukhang fantasy basketball ang nasa utak mo o nba live 19. pasensiya na

    The last time I checked, Kevin Garnett was traded for 7 Celtics players. This is a fact. May nalalaman ka pang "the fact is one sided ang gusto mo". Hindi yan fact. Yan ay opinion ng walang alam sa usapan dito. So there is a basis for what I said, peithe aka rooster69ph aka rondo_freak aka liar aka celts. Wala ka talagang alam. Mapa sa political threads or dito, sablay na sablay ka, troll. :lol:


    Patapon? This is a warped opinion of someone who does not watch Celtics games. Define "patapon" before using it in a post because you obviously have no idea what you're posting about. :lol:

  14. oo nga naman pwede! Papasa at tatanggapin ng Pelicans yan naiisip mo...sa nba live 19 at kapag hindi tinanggap sa trade mode dun ka sa create roster option pumunta. isama mo na rin ang pagkuha doon kay KD para mabuo ang pangarap mong team.

    Sablay? Agree? You don't even know what is even being talked about. Nagagree ka lang kasi masyado ka nang napapahiya sa political threads. Gusto mo lang makabawi but you can't. You just can't. Haha! :lol:


    Boston's wise GM certainly knows that the NBA will not allow trading for a $25MM max contract star by offering a $7MM guy and a couple of lower salaried guys. That is a lowball offer - certainly not a steep price.

    He knows? You may wanna show your basis for this.

  16. The Raptors have won three straight with Kawhi on Ante. For the life of me, I don't know why Ante does not want to post up someone who is 5 inches shorter than him. At this point, it seems the Raptors had a more difficult time with the Sixers who pushed them to the limit in a Game 7 that could have gone either way.


    ADVINCULA’S ADVENTURES by Jose Alejandrino

    Joemel Advincula, the person who fabricated the Bikoy video slandering Duterte and his family, spilled the beans. He accused Antonio Trillanes and the LP of being behind Bikoy. It was a conspiracy to lift the image of the Otso Diretso, he said. The idea of the LP was to malign and oust Duterte and replace him with Leni Robredo. Naturally, Trillanes et al denied any involvement. Who would admit such a thing?

    Why did Advincula spill the beans? My guess is he was angry Trillanes didn’t pay him the 500,000 pesos he was promised.

    Trillanes has a record as a coup plotter, as a slanderer, as a con-man. That he scripted Bikoy does not surprise me. His modus operandi has always remained the same. He mastered the art of slander.

    What about the LP? What could be its motives?

    1. The Otso Diretso was sinking as I wrote in a posting. The LP became desperate and desperate people do desperate things. It simply got carried away. Was Leni Robredo involved? She may have had prior knowledge but whether she participated actively in the plot I doubt. She is too dumb for that. This is why the Opposition favor her replacing Duterte. The LP has always had a soft spot for dumbbells. Remember Noynoy?

    2. LP members are afraid of being investigated for tens of millions of pork barrel and other scams. The possibility of going to jail is ample motive to oust Duterte. As Aguinaldo would have said, “It’s Luna or me.”

    3. LP members have a record of destabilising Duterte’s government since he assumed office. The pattern is there for everyone to see. One more attempt hardly surprises me.

    FB post of Jose Alejandrino.


    I almost fell off my seat laughing at the number one motive. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  18. If the Celtics are going to seriously go after AD, they must be willing to outbid the Lakers and Knicks, among others. A package of Tatum and salary fillers will not cut it (and won't even pass trade rules). Reports have indicated that the Lakers may include the no. 4 pick in this year's draft to the group of young players they were offering at this year's trade deadline. The Knicks may also use the no. 3 pick, although their current roster doesn't have anyone as tasty as Tatum or the Lakers' young players.


    A package of Tatum, Smart, Baynes and a couple of their stashed future picks, I think, should be enough to entice Griffin and the Pels.

    So tell me, how can my suggestion not pass trade rules?

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