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Posts posted by KristinLavransdatr

  1. i've been told to be crazy. maybe i am. such sweet madness!


    no, i don't hate you because you're chinese. i've seen the worst among these slit-eyed creatures, you're a lot better in comparison.


    don't text me in the morning just to ask how the day has been treating me so far.


    i'm not that kind of woman. i hate texting. that's one important thing to know about me. lest you feel bad about my seeming disregard of your "how are you's".


    will call you when i need to talk, when i'm too tired even to close my eyes to sleep, when i feel wanting but couldn't. i will call. but don't call me.

  2. that subsidiary has been bleeding for years. and dying. it beats me why the stockholders won't let go of it. there had been a dozen brilliant and experienced people who tried to revive it. and failed.


    this morning, i found it shoved under my wings. why did i accept it?


    i've been ambitious to tell the president i could turn it around in five months. that this july it would leave the red to break even at least.


    i've seen its financials. terrible. i've seen its lines and boxes. bad. i've checked its data vault. nothing i've seen in the past matched the disarray.


    give me strength. to lead its people. to perform at their best. to drive its business so it would no longer be the laughingstock among other business units.


    bless my plan. i pray it works.



  3. Dear God:


    Thank you for all the great blessings you've mercifully given me. I say merciful because mercy, as you've preached, is only given to those who don't deserve it.


    Thank you for the great job, for the huge responsibilities that go with it, for all the help, for everyone who makes my life both easy and difficult.


    Thank you for the grace of wanting only simple things, of not longing so much for grand materialism.


    Thank you for making me happy with just playing with our dogs, with just looking at the innocent face of Tabebang.


    Thank you for making me happy just smelling the rain, making it on time for work, and coming home not tired at all.


    Thank you for Nancy for always bringing me my hot lemon tea in the morning, as i read the first batch of e-mails of the day.


    Thank you for Jerry for keeping my room clean and orderly in the morning despite me leaving a hurricane in it the previous day.


    Thank you for my boss for giving me this difficult job i love so much.


    Thank you for my sister for being the cute maldita that she is.


    Thank you for everyone in the family for giving me a home.


    And thank you for that man who is yet to come. I am sorry I am giving you a hard time with all the qualifications I require. But you know, there is no way I'd go for someone less.


    believing in deus ex machina,



  4. i know what it is.


    it is the first to be conquered and the last to be freed.


    it is the endless longing for something/someone you can never have.


    so you paint its picture, hoping for a replicate, believing it is also the real thing, praying one day it and its picture will be one and the same.


    desire is the first to be conquered and the last to be freed. on the other hand, and may i quote some creature: the only way to be freed from temptation is to succumb to it.


    i have always succumbed to temptation but never to desire. you ought to know the difference. you are brilliant. so says your copyright.

  5. what do you feel when women throw themselves at your feet? always at your beck and call?


    what do you feel when these women confess their willingness to be your doormat?


    what do you feel knowing you're their only good option?


    what do you feel? or do you feel at all?


    don't you feel that your dick is overused by women who had no other choice but you who chose to be their savior? their sure good lay? the man who will treat them as if they're the most desirable creature on earth?


    male prostitution, is that the free game now?


    what have desire and free use of flesh done to sensitivity? to self-respect? to decency?


    what has the world of work done to men who are supposed to be thinking individuals on one hand but a merciless piece of meat on the other?


    who asked for higher order of women to come and claim these gallant warriors from the muck of lowliness?


    no, thanks. and i hate to repeat O, but i agree with her saying that you can tell the kind of man one is based on the women he's with. and vice versa.

  6. i used to read de quiroz a lot. i even bought a palanca anthology where his short story is published. his was the first i read before the headline. but for the past two years, he no longer has me as a reader. he has become one problematic writer i refuse to deal with. he has become flat and predictable. you are who/what you read. man, i don't want that applied to me.


    now i don't have a favorite. i just read what i think has the most interesting piece title.

  7. 1. and why is it you never NEVER answer my texts ora mismo?


    2. but you answered now, didn't you?


    3. it's not what i think it's what i FEEL it's how you make me feel. how would you like it if it were done to you?


    4. so what happened to being fair? hindi mo kaya?


    5. u said you want a real relationship. are you asking me or just telling me? (Fag! men are so martianistic!)


    there. now i can delete these from my phone.


    (oh gawd! i hope he's not a member and could read this! :lol: )

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  8. how long has it been since the day i hurt you, called you inadequate, made you doubt yourself?


    no, don't come back for some more. i sure don't need to hurt you more, to offer hope of falsehood, to make you laugh only to make you cry, to take you to heights only to bring you down deep. flat on your face.


    let me apologize without you knowing it. let me feel sorry for myself for you.


    i told you i needed a real relationship. no, i'm not asking you. i am just telling you.


    but i need you now. i need discounts for our ad! damn! you have turned me into a user-friendly bitch. giving me everything i want, i need.


    to hell!


    but i'm going to call you this week. damn bottomline!

  9. 141795121928:


    69121595 6920, 101314 162 41798 51714 165171 6171 12 1432319518-61234 219169 231713 20171324 01314 130 12 21317514 1721 23121851251922191423. 717133 951431998 1214 1469 2212192101723 20617169 229.


    176, 0291289, 1819159 138 817229 1817174 814132121 1417 39124.


    951713186 1721 717133 2294191720319147 1254 03127, 1220209014 71713 1239 1759.


    21135, 31918614?


    (231713 1239 0121469141920 1921 231713 192222191412149 146198.)

  10. i let go of you the first time. i quit on you the second time.


    sayang hindi ko nakaya. ayaw kong kayanin. baka hindi mo maintindihan.


    sabagay, wala na ring pag-asa. mahal mo na siya. kinalimutan mo na ako. noon pa. bago pa man nagbago ang isip ko na ituloy na lang. bago mo napag-isipan, bigyan ng pangalawang pagkakataon na suriin kung pwede na. kung pwede na rin. o napag-isipang bahala na.


    medyo nanghihinayang. naiinis sa katangahan. masyadong naging mapagmataas. mapagkubli. ayaw umamin na malungkot din. na hindi ganun kalakas. katapang.


    ngayon. hanggang basa na lang. hanggang sulat sa pader na hindi mo naman nadaraanan. ayaw daanan.

  11. i quit smoking more than a year ago but there had been a lot of failures before and after that. but now, i can drink beer, gin or vodca without it, go to bars or coffeeshops without having the urge for it.


    about a couple of months ago, i bought a pack of cigarettes. i lit and smoked one and got totally dizzy to the point of throwing up. i threw the whole pack into the trash can.


    i'd been a smoker for almost six years.

  12. How many graduates implement this?  I have had classes about being selfless but the rich don't do this.


    that's why i decided not to take up mba. instead i took up MA in literature and MFA in creative writing. the arts make one more emphatic, i think.


    i know some people who had finished their MBA (some even at AIM and ivy league schools) but couldn't make black their bottomline.


    still, mba is mba. a good venue to learn from others.

  13. horeynj,


    i hope you read this:


    about two weeks ago, you met up for the first time with another member here, went to dinner with her and when the time for the bill to be paid, you just stared at it and never bothered to share the expense. damn! it wasn't jollibee. it was friday's.


    how could you have stood it, you pachedermic freeloader?


    if you're penniless, don't go out even for meet-ups. what were you thinking? that friday's is a carinderia where you get a full meal for 30 pesos?


    and after she had paid for your dinner, you acted as if it was she who should be thankful.


    you have no idea how insulted she was. how badly she took it.


    horeynj, i hope you never experience orgasm again, this lifetime, the next and the next.


    and if i meet you, i swear i would slap you tomato red on the face and kick your crotch until your balls beg for emasculation.

  14. i was the best student in filipino back in grade school. i'd been bad in classroom english, grade school to high school. i guess i didn't learn english. rather i acquired it. i read somewhere that language acquisition is a lot better than language learning (in the classroom.)

  15. i see you already got your room closed. you shouldn't have allowed others to get to you. we all each have varmints attacking us, sucking dry our blood, and making use of our existence to extend their lives which are running towards extinction.


    those kinds who failed to see your worth, the beauty that lies within you, shouldn't have been the reason for you to say enough.

  16. it was my fault that your eb with her was the shortest she had ever attended. and i don't apologize.


    we were together before you came in. i left when you texted her that you were at the counter to get "your" coffee. horrors!


    i looked around for you to see the face of a man who could do a stupid thing like that. and i saw you before i left. once outside, i called her up and told her what you looked like. i didn't say you were ugly. i just said you were chubby, short and dark.


    but the thing is, man, do you know how to treat women right? you knew she was already at the place. and you were a few minutes late. was it too much to approach her first before you get your coffee since she was on time and you weren't? couldn't you have the manner to ask her if she wanted anything? in the first place, you did ask her out, didn't you?


    tsk tsk tsk

  17. no, i can't do what you ask me to do. the more i get to know you, the more i'm disappointed.


    i thought you were one of those men of the higher order (not priests, silly) but apparenly you're just one of those average guys aiming for above-average women.


    you consider me average?but hey! when was the last time you really looked at yourself in the mirror? the last time you listened to yourself talk? next time you do, listen to the voices in your head, they may just be telling more truths than what you have been selectively listening to in the past.


    you're not that majestic, get down that high chair. (high chairs are for kids, remember?) you're not above any other, don't be ridiculous! stop your hypocrisy.


    if you feel this sounds like a letter to you, then you're damn right, it is for you.

  18. what man counts the years of friendship to a friend who doesn't care about days of togetherness?


    what man pours his heart out talking about his fears, his doubts, his shortcomings to a woman who only thinks of herself?


    what man curses himself, blaming nothing but his wrong decisions while this woman stares blank on his face wondering why he's telling her all these?


    what man has the heart for a woman who forgets about her own?


    just you.

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