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Posts posted by KristinLavransdatr

  1. bakit ang daming mahilig sumingit sa pila? nakapila ka na nga, may biglang susulpot pa sa harap mo at magpapabili sa sinusundan mo. yung taong sinusundan mo naman hindi nadaan sa tingin at pinagbigyan pa rin yung kakilala nya. may pinag aralan naman kayo sabi ng company ID nyo. sa call center pa nga kayo nagtatrabaho, di ba?


    don't they teach you good manners where you work?

  2. hay nako totoo grabe slex ngayon para kang dumadaan sa maze every week paiba iba ata ang lanes kaya nakakalito.. buti nalang malinaw pa din mata ko. pero ilang beses na din ako muntik maaksidente sa mga lintik na barriers yan meron kasing mga walang warning signs and reflectors eh..


    it is more of a loonnggg obstacle course to me. :thumbsdownsmiley: i have no problem with the heavy traffic it causes on peak hours because i leave home at six a.m. and reach the office in alabang 20 minutes later. i leave the office early at 4:30 pm, so no big deal. the problems are the changing lanes. so unpredictably, dangerously tricky. bad talaga! :angry: :grr:

  3. i tried sidney sheldon. and my eyes kept :rolleyes: all the time. how did that guy become famous writing the way he did? sheesh!


    my list for the long weekend:

    1. the hotel new hampshire (irving)

    2. the runaway jury (grisham)

    3. the testament (grisham)

    4. the learned women and the imaginary invalid (moliere)


    enough of the philosophical, stream-of-consciousness techniques for the time being.

  4. second nephy,


    you're a very beautiful baby. oriental eyes, patrician nose. dark, thick hair. long limbs. i hope you turn out to be a good man, loving all your women and all faithful to your would-be wife. and all fair in your dealings, uncaring for what money can buy, but mindful of how they're earned.


    welcome to this world. it is not an easy place to live, nor to die in. but if you have enough guts and conscience, you will survive.


    good luck!

  5. once a year, i take the lazy mode. forgetting work for two weeks. getting up late, turning in early. watching movies online. eating junk. cooking healthy. chatting with strangers. engaging bored officeworkers to intellectual chitchat over YM. leading on, turning down EBs. what a life! why go to the beach? the home is the best vacation destination.



  6. Cancer Ward

    First Circle


    both by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


    Some heavy reading, but well worth it. Took me several months to finish both.


    i have both books in my library for years. even gulag. promised myself to read them before the author dies. but the author is dead now.



  7. what's happening here? over the past two weeks i have read books not normally found in my reading list: angels and demons, the rule of four, the rainmaker and finally the pelican brief. just started reading foucault's pendulum, but the fine prints reminded me of the contracts mentioned in the rainmaker. i need a magnifying glass if i have to keep my eyesight beyond page 533 of eco's. i have another book lying on my bed: moliere - the misanthrope and other plays. i was half way reading the doctor in spite of himself, when it was getting interesting, and yes, comical - bless moliere; but the print's as fine as foucault's. boy! do they save on printing costs never mind that they get their readers blind? well, moliere is 386 years old now. he is too dead to care. i wonder if umberto is still alive.


    most women turn to chocolates and shopping, i turn to brown and grisham. never mind the authors of the rule of four. the latter had some moments, but not a cm. close to angels and demons. honestly. yeah, some of these novels found themselves to me via booksale. i don't mind. i'm sure someone somewhere out there has just finished reading book 7 of hp. and i envy the person who is about to discover nectar in a sieve and the good earth.




    you sent me sms thrice over a period of 4 weeks. i asked you who you were and didn't reply. you texted again and i asked you who you were. you didn't reply. the third time was the same routine. but you replied. i don't have your number in my phonebook, but i know your last 4 digits. don't i remember you? oh, i do! but you came in late for apologies. for now, i'd rather read page-turners than waste time on back-turners.

  8. God hears our prayers. He not only hears them, He listens to them. Not only our prayers, our long wish lists, but also our cries and our curses, our lies and disbeliefs, our complaints, and selfishness.


    If He "answers" our prayers, it is not because we are good and that we have faith. He does because He is merciful, good and just.


    I hope we stop thinking that we can cajole God into being Santa Claus by being good and doing good. God unconditionally provides us with what we need.


    Also, He is not a god of doing-unto-others. He is the God of turning-the-other-cheek.

  9. PAUL,


    who would have thought i'd fall for you? we didn't speak the same language. though we both speak english, our accents are a world apart. you liked kimchi. i preferred anything but kimchi.


    you were like a girl when you were in love. you'd walk miles to deny time of its power, to defy the present reality of where i was to where you stood. oh how you'd rather brave the unkown than wait for the uncertain. "of me not being there and you just waiting, dying til you see my face again." i have not heard a more beautiful poem than that. and you couldn't even compose a rhyme! and you didn't even know what a rhyme is!


    you might not have known the phrase, but oft times, i saw how i literally took your breath away. i needed only look at you and your face would break into a smile, the most beautiful i'd ever seen. i needed only touch your hand, and for a while i had your soul.


    i have not been loved that way since i have been loved by you, almost three years ago.


    where are you? is xiamen just a place in china or an eternity of neverland?




    did i actually write this here?


    anyway, paul, surely you know how your brothers and sisters invade our land, even our televisions.


    when will you come back with the throng? it's been six years.

  10. i was cleaning up my old yahoo account, deleting old emails, junking junks. but just when i was about to empty my bulk, i got the sudden impulse to check it out. dang! who cares about emails in the bulk?


    then i saw an e-mail from mtc telling me i got a pm from you. YOU! after 3 damn years!


    backread this thread and in most posts i made early in my online career, you are all over them. but you are a guy, you don't read signs. you don't engage in meanings behind meanings. aww! thank god, you're gorgeous!

  11. This letter will never be delivered to you if I were the one to do it, nor would it ever reach you if I were the one to e-mail it. Thus, I resort to coming back here if by chance you still go this way.


    I received the prayer you sent for my birthday. Thank you. It is one gesture I cannot ignore no matter how strong-headed and cold-hearted I care to be.


    I got the chance to know your "McDreamy" a bit. I realized you were both correct and incorrect about him.


    Be that as it may, I'm not ready to talk to you yet. I'm sorry.


    Decide what's best for you, but be easy on your decision making.



  12. d,


    i did something bad today. i made a curious experiment on someone who didn't know it was an experiement. you know -- the dress, the heels, the hair, the trying-to-be-dumb-but-couldn't attitude, the hem that moved up when i turned this way and that, the compliments, the attention...


    his talk of secret fantasies came alive to a captive me, because he thought i was naive and could be talked into sinning or into an afternoon delight. but it was orgasmic seeing him wanting it but couldn't have it. wouldn't dare talk about it. the eyes that dared him to say a word, the same eyes that warned him not. were mine.


    he seemed to have been too used to one type. but he should have prepared for something different. tsk!


    i'm sorry. i won't do it again.



  13. i met my gradeschool friends last night. there were 8 of us. two of the boys are married. one girl got her marriage annulled and is now living in with a new man. one we used to call "darna" is now called "naive." he has become quite successful and is now very gay. the two other guys are still single. one is a DI, another one is into aquatic business.


    we talked about the old days, as expected. also about love and life and work.


    we also talked about jerry who at the age of 19 was shot dead by criminals who up to this time have not been caught yet. my closest friend told the group that if jerry were alive today, i'd probably be married now - to him. well, maybe.


    i remember getting interviewed by radio reporters about his death. i remember how i lamented about the unfair treatment of his case. i remember hearing the interview over and over and over a day that would not end. but jerry is dead. and i'm still...yeah...single.


    then my friends asked me about you. how we met. what you do. and what i like about you. and they want to meet you. i said i will think about it.


    i didn't make colorful strories about you. just told them the basic stuff. for they sure will be disappointed. because they know the kind of man i want. you will shock them.


    but hey, what you said the other day was enough reason for me to forget and forgive that you're not into music, nor the arts, that you're not into deep conversations and contextual debates. simply you are from a different genre. an alternative to dali, szymborska and marx.

  14. to you and may i quote:


    "If you give me half a chance I'll prove this to you I will be patient, kind, faithful and true to a man who loves music, a man who loves art, respects the spirit world and thinks with his heart."


    i couldn't sleep last night and by some unknown circumstance, i remembered when once i knew what i wanted. when i said "this is the kind of life i can live long and without." a life with someone who makes art out of breathing. who weaves a masterpiece out of his silence. and a world out of just his being.


    then i asked She why not? and i go, then let me just think and dream of him. he, i cannot have. he who won't come back.


    i closed my eyes and my dream wasn't you. i guess, even in dreams...you're too good to be true.

  15. i'm happy for you. there's going to be one less lonely successful single woman in the world on monday! :cool:


    remember when we used to say: this guy is going to be "it."? that if he messes up like the men before him, it will be the end of trusting men ever again? but after the long wait, you've found "THE ONE"! and what a guy! why did we ever doubt the hands of fate? why, for one second, did we? he found you because you're one hell of a find! and he isn't stupid not to know it.


    but what woman would want a stupid guy? what woman would settle for an assh*le? certainly not you.


    we were right about waiting. but we were also right when we dumped losers, when we turned our backs away from immature hungry maniacs. we were right about sticking to our guns and biting the bullets when we had to.


    you're getting married, pretty woman. i congratulate you. i congratulate him.


    i won't say best wishes, but i'd say, enjoy the honeymoon. problems will come later but let what will fall to fall, allow what will happen to take its course. don't block it. allow it to happen. and when it is over, kiss him and say: NEXT! :boo: :cool:


    i will drink to your happiness. i will even bring my own wine. :flowers: :lol:

  16. AA,


    i'm sorry if i couldn't symphatize with you like i used to several years ago. i realized that's how far apart we have become. we met while i was still this silly college girl going crazy for you. you were my prayer, like the rest of the men i've come to worship. i was a doormat so early for you. remember?


    but now, you come to me with a broken dignity. asking that i return to the days when i'd do anything to defend you. but hey, M.E. is right. being just an employeee/talent, you will not understand decisions like his. you've always found it hard to follow a leader. you want your side to be that's always heard and considered. i like that in a person, you know? but then, i am disappointed in you. if you hate down to the gut to be bossed around, you should have done something to get out of the level where you are only asked to follow. but you haven't. you're stuck where you are. several years ago, i suggested that you go back to school but you were busy making money, too busy hugging the limelight. now, you have become a commoner, still fuming when asked to leave your comfort zone. now, you have been kicked out of it.


    i won't tell you "i told you so." but i will tell you, i hate your name now.



    QB of the U

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